3 research outputs found
An谩lisis Del Comportamiento De Las Precipitaciones En Quevedo - Ecuador, Para La Planificaci贸n De Cultivos
The work was performed with the aim of knowing the rainfall of the city of Quevedo in Ecuador, to improve the calendars of short-cycle crops, since this information is commonly required by farmers in the area and agricultural professionals who work as technical advisers. Processing a series of recordings of rainfall of 35 years belonging to the Pichilingue Weather Station of the National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology located on the premises of the National Agricultural Research Institute, the methodology applied was focuses on the determination of statisticians as the average, Standard Deviation, Variance, coefficient of variation, skewness and kurtosis coefficient; then based on the average are determined wet and dry periods the frequency and the intensity with which they occur. That also was detected in this town from 1980 to 2014 there were 10 dry periods and nine wet periods, which are presented with a frequency of 3,8 and 3,6 years respectively. Based on the results, the wet season is defined between the months of December to May and the dry season from June to November. The foil available average rain accumulated determined for the wet and dry periods has the following values: 953,3 mm, 2924,2 mm and an average of 2216,3 mm. Short-cycle crops of the area should be planted since the month of December to be exploited all the rain of the wet season
Big Data Analytics: Un aporte en las soluciones empresariales
Con la evoluci贸n de la tecnolog铆a han surgido nuevos tipos de datos que no podr铆an ser tratados con tecnolog铆as habituales de manejo de informaci贸n, lo cual lleva a los gerentes empresariales a utilizar el Big Data o tambien conocidos como grandes volumenes de informaci贸n como herramienta que aseguren el tratamiento de los datos para las diferentes 谩reas de negocio. La investigaci贸n presentada tiene como objetivo identificar las funciones e importancia del BIG DATA ANALYTICS en las empresas como pieza elemental y estrat茅gica para adquirir el 茅xito del manejo de la informaci贸n. La indagaci贸n permiti贸 obtener la informaci贸n por medio de revisi贸n bibliogr谩fica, tratando aspectos como el almacenamiento masivo de datos en las empresas y tambi茅n la variedad de tecnolog铆as para el an谩lisis inteligente de la misma, teniendo en cuenta que con el estudio se logra dar a conocer que al emplear la tecnolog铆a de BIG DATA en las empresas, se permitir谩 innovar, facilitar y mejorar la gesti贸n de datos masivos internos y externos a una velocidad adecuada, brind谩ndoles la factibilidad y optimizaci贸n en la toma de decisiones, marketing, feedback y conexi贸n de clientes