3 research outputs found

    Diskusija apie feminizmą „Instagram“: kritinė diskurso analizė @LasIgualadas Kolumbijoje

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    The first organized feminist movement in Colombia demanded the right for women to vote in 1954 and, despite its progressist agendas and decades of work, it still tends to be distorted by traditional media representation. With social media, these activists can reach the audience directly, disseminate information, and dispute narratives. Hence, this study addresses the question: how are the discourses about feminism constructed on Instagram in Colombia? Based on netnography and critical discourse analysis, the paper analyzes the discussions on publications and comments on the most popular feminist Instagram account in Colombia, @LasIgualadas. The results indicate that the platform usage could help create a less stereotypical perspective on the movement while informing society on its agendas and raising awareness about rights violations. However, the debate on @LasIgualadas is still predominantly carried out by women (80.5%), and some topics, such as abortion and LGBTQI+ rights, are distorted or deviated from by some Instagram users’ comments.Pirmasis organizuotas feminisčių judėjimas Kolumbijoje 1954 m. pareikalavo moterų teisės balsuoti ir, nepaisant progresyvių programų ir dešimtmečius trukusio darbo, jis vis dar nėra tinkamai atspindimas tradicinėje žiniasklaidoje. Naudodamos socialines medijas, šios aktyvistės gali tiesiogiai pasiekti auditoriją, skleisti informaciją ir ginčyti esamus naratyvus. Šiame tyrime sprendžiamas klausimas: kaip instagrame konstruojami diskursai apie feminizmą Kolumbijoje? Remiantis tinklo etnografijos (netnography) ir kritine diskurso analize, straipsnyje analizuojamos diskusijos dėl publikacijų ir komentarų populiariausioje feministinėje instagramo paskyroje Kolumbijoje @LasIgualadas. Rezultatai rodo, kad platformos naudojimas gali padėti sukurti mažiau stereotipinį požiūrį į judėjimą, kartu informuojant visuomenę apie jo darbotvarkę ir didinant informuotumą apie moterų teisių pažeidimus. Tačiau @LasIgualadas diskusijose vis dar dominuoja moterys (80,5 proc.), o kai kurios temos, pavyzdžiui, abortai ir LGBTQI+ teisės, kai kurių instagramo vartotojų komentaruose iškraipomos arba nuo jų nukrypstama

    Fencing on Instagram:

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    Instagram has impacted how athletes present themselves and communicate with their audiences without the need for mass media mediators, such as journalists. Hence, this study explores the opportunities for professional fencers to develop self-presentation and communication strategies on the platform. The methodological approach is based on netnography and content analysis, evaluating the top 10 fencers accounts (FIE). The findings point out how these athletes build their brand by increasing fan engagement and interaction through sharing training videos, competition photos, and personal stories, while also collaborating with sponsors and brands to open up business opportunities and revenue streams

    Stories of Afghanistan Beyond the War: Visual Mobile Communication Via @everydayafg on Instagram

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    Afghanistan has been depicted in traditional Western media as a violent place due to wars and conflicts, but visual mobile social media, such as Instagram, may contribute to changing its depiction by diversifying the content and narratives. Hence, this paper analyses how Afghanistan is presented by collective photographers on @everydayafg, based on three aspects: what/who is visually depicted, what actions/issues are discussed, and what associations are made in the posts. Applying netnography and content analysis, we systematically sampled and coded the first monthly photo since the account creation (2014/2021, N = 76). Results demonstrate that @everydayafg deviates from representations of violence in at least three ways: 1) depicting Afghanistan with human agents; 2) covering more favourable and uplifting topics, as for tourist destinations; and 3) associating the country with a “place of living” and with its “cultural richness”. However, some narratives still raise significant issues, such as human rights and labour conditions in the region. Hence, Instagram is used to challenge prevalent perspectives in the media while generating awareness of relevant local problems