40 research outputs found

    First identification of Bartonella coopersplainsensis in wild rodents (Rattus norvegicus) in Greece

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    Η μελέτη αυτή ήταν μια πρώτη προσπάθεια για ανίχνευση της Bartonella sp. σε ιστούς (ήπαρ και καρδιά) πουπάρθηκαν από άγρια τρωκτικά {Rattus norvegicus) στην κεντρική Ελλάδα. Εξετάστηκαν δεκαοκτώ (18) δείγματα ήπατος και δεκαοκτώ (18) δείγματα καρδιάς, τα οποία προέρχονταν από είκοσι τρία (23) ζώα. Δυο (2) δείγματα ήπατος βρέθηκαν θετικάενώ όλα τα δείγματα καρδιάς ήταν αρνητικά για το γονίδιο 16S-23S intergenic spacer rDNA της Bartonella sp. Η αλληλουχίατων βάσεων του DNA των θετικών δειγμάτων και η σύγκριση με τα διαθέσιμα δεδομένα της GenBank με τη χρησιμοποίησητου προγράμματος BLAST, αποκάλυψε το ίδιο είδος Bartonella και στα δύο θετικά δείγματα με 100% ομοιότητα με τηναλληλουχία των βάσεων της Bartonella coopersplainsensis. This study was a preliminary attempt to detect Bartonella sp. in tissues (liver and heart) obtained from wild rodents {Rattus norvegicus) in central Greece. Eighteen (18) liver and eighteen (18) heart samples were examined, which were obtained from twenty three (23) animals. Two (2) liver samples were found positive, while the heart samples examined were found negative for Bartonella sp. 16S-23S intergenic spacer rDNA gene by PCR. Sequencing of the positive PCR products and comparison with those available in GenBank using the BLAST program revealed the same species of Bartonella in both positive samples with 100% sequence homology to Bartonella coopersplainsensis

    Pure cerebellar ataxia due to bi-allelic PRDX3 variants including recurring p.Asp202Asn

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    Bi-allelic variants in peroxiredoxin 3 (PRDX3) have only recently been associated with autosomal recessive spinocerebellar ataxia characterized by early onset slowly progressive cerebellar ataxia, variably associated with hyperkinetic and hypokinetic features, accompanied by cerebellar atrophy and occasional olivary and brainstem involvement. Herein, we describe a further simplex case carrying a reported PRDX3 variant as well as two additional cases with novel variants. We report the first Brazilian patient with SCAR32, replicating the pathogenic status of a known variant. All presented cases from the Brazilian and Indian populations expand the phenotypic spectrum of the disease by displaying prominent neuroradiological findings. SCAR32, although rare, should be included in the differential diagnosis of sporadic or recessive childhood and adolescent-onset pure and complex cerebellar ataxia

    Thermal disinfection of hotels, hospitals, and athletic venues hot water distribution systems contaminated by Legionella species

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    Legionella spp. ( >= 500 cfu liter(-1)) were detected in 92 of 497 water distribution systems (WDS) examined. Thermal disinfection was applied at 33 WDS. After the first and second application of the disinfection procedure, 15 (45.4%) and 3 (9%) positive for remedial actions WDS were found, respectively Legionella pneumophila was more resistant to thermal disinfection than Legionella non-pneumophila spp. (relative risk [RR] = 5.4, 95% confidence intervals [CI] = 1-35). WDS of hotels with oil heater were more easily disinfected than those with electrical or solar heater (RR = 0.4 95% CI = 0.2-0.8). Thermal disinfection seems not to be efficient enough to eliminate legionellae, unless repeatedly applied and in combination with extended heat flushing, and faucets chlorine disinfection

    Providencia stuartii infection in a dog with severe skin ulceration and cellulitis

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    The aim of this report is to present a case of severe skin ulceration and cellulitis in a seven year old mongrel dog following cystitis. The Providencia stuartii strain was the only isolate from skin lesions. This bacterium is a Gram-negative rod belonging to the family of Enterobacteriaceae. To the best of our knowledge, even though there are some reports in the literature concerning animal infections with Providencia species, there have been no cases of cellulitis in which this pathogen is involved. The Providencia stuartii strain was highly sensitive to amikacin, and the dog responded quickly to this antibiotic

    Impact of job satisfaction on Greek nurses' health-related quality of life

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    Background Employee job satisfaction and its relationship with health and quality of life has been an issue of major concern over the past decades. Nurses experience difficult working conditions that affect their job satisfaction, health, and quality of life. Methods A cross-sectional study was undertaken in three general hospitals and their respective health centers. Stratified random sampling by level of education was used, and 508 nurses and nursing assistants were included. A self-administered anonymous questionnaire, which included the Measure of Job Satisfaction, the 36-item Short Form Health Survey, as well as demographic details, education, and work conditions data, was used. Results Greek nurses were found to be dissatisfied with their job according to the total score of the job satisfaction scale, although personal satisfaction and satisfaction with support had had higher scores. Their general health was reported as average, because of physical and mental health problems, low vitality, low energy, and increased physical pain. Multivariate linear regression analysis revealed that males and those wishing to stay in the job had higher physical and mental health. Increased job satisfaction was related to increased physical and mental health. Conclusion Although Greek nurses are not satisfied with their work, those with high levels of job satisfaction had better health-related quality of life. The findings suggest that improvement of the work environment would contribute to a healthier and more satisfied nursing workforce. © 2015, Occupational Safety and Health Research Institute. Published by Elsevier. All rights reserved

    Determination of CD4+and CD8+T cells in the peripheral blood of dogs with leishmaniosis before and after prolonged allopurinol monotherapy

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    Canine leishmaniosis (CL) is a common systemic parasitic disease that is endemic in many Mediterranean countries including Greece The immune reaction to the parasite is critical to the outcome of the infection and the response to treatment Some studies have shown a reduction of circulating CD4+ T cells and of the CD4+/CD8+ ratio in dogs with CL and these changes normalised following treatment with meglumine antimoniate or amphotericin B Allopurinol is used as a monotherapy for the chronic treatment of CL The aim of the present study was to determine the circulating CD4+ and CD8+ T lymphocyte numbers and the CD4+/CD8+ ratio in 19 dogs diagnosed with CL before and after prolonged allopurinol monotherapy (18 months) A significant decrease in circulating CD4+ T cells was observed in dogs with CL before treatment Prolonged allopurinol monotherapy Improved the number of circulating CD4+ T cells but did not restore their number to within the normal range (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd All rights reserve