6 research outputs found

    New-normal market entry mode for pharmaceuticals: an Internet of Things (IoT) market entry framework stemming from COVID-19

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    Purpose: To determine new-normal uncertainty considerations stemming from the covid-19 pandemic to consider within transaction-cost analysis for pharmaceuticals. To propose new-normal market entry strategies to address the uncertainty as a result of covid-19’s implications and provide for lack of knowledge and information in an uncertain business environment by way of Internet of Things (IoT) ecosystem for pharmaceutical market entry. Methodology: In this paper, we focus on the uncertainty facet within transaction-cost analysis consideration and utilise a descriptive three-case study approach taking in Johnson and Johnson (J&J), GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) and Novartis to present an ADO (Antecedent-Decisions-Outcomes) understanding of their usual market entry approach, the approach undertaken during the pandemic and the outcomes thereafter facilitating new-normal uncertainty considerations to factor in. Further with this insight, we develop a conceptual framework addressing the transaction-cost analysis implications of uncertainties toward lack of knowledge and information for new-normal market entry approach and operating strategy for pharmaceuticals applicable due to IoT (Internet of Things). Findings: Uncertainty (external and internal) is different now in the new-normal business environment for pharmaceuticals and boils down to acute shortage of knowledge and information impact to make an appropriately informed decision. Therefore, considering the changed factors to consider, pharmaceuticals need to be able to undertake market entry with vaccines and medicines by way of IoT thereby enabling, the filling of the gap via real-time data access and sharing including enhancing predictive analysis for sustenance. Originality: It is the first study to our knowledge that throws light on transaction-cost analysis theory’s uncertainty facet for pharmaceuticals. It is also the first study that provides new-normal market entry strategy for pharmaceutical companies built on interoperability of real-time IoT

    Stressful eating indulgence by Generation Z: a cognitive conceptual framework of new age consumers’ obesity

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    Purpose: To delineate the phenomenon of stressful eating within generation Z due to the times they are living in. To extract propositions which elucidate phases of stressful eating within Zers. Methodology: Based on relevant literature on consumer obesity, theories of pure impulse buying and reasoned action, cognitive constructs eminent for reasoned conditioned behaviour is extracted. Followed by extraction of the reasoned conditioned behaviour and its cognitive constructs within Zers. Thereafter a conceptual framework is developed with propositions of stressful eating within Zers. Findings: Zers indulge in reasoned conditioned behaviour initially owing to their healthy understanding insights, and the activations of cognitive capacities within them due to the law of effect. The law of effect is cyclical after the first reasoned consumption among Zers, leading to obesity and constricting self-controlling behaviour. Originality Value: It is the first study that provides a deep understanding of the cognitive mechanism orienting generation Z’s stressful eating indulgence even though they have higher healthy lifestyle understandings

    Cognitive dissonance shaping consumer behaviour within Generation Z: a case of the Indian healthcare industry

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    This thesis integrates two cognitive dissonance concepts in a pre-decisional context: (i) Festinger’s, 1957’s initial understanding of cognitive elements as drivers arousing dissonance and dissonance becoming a motivator for behaviour; (ii) the premise of the action-based model of dissonance developed by Harmon-Jones in 1999 including the notion that cognitive elements arousing dissonance, already stem from a goal-oriented place due to brain and mind developments among generations to understand the cognitive underpinning of the shift from mainstream to complementary alternative medicine currently happening worldwide. Given that a cognitive heuristic element can be anything from inner knowledge to self-beliefs etc.), to enhance specificity for this thesis, latent needs have been chosen as the focus of cognitive drivers. Specifically, the literature in this study has delineated theoretically and conceptually that a latent need as a cognitive heuristic element is capable of arousing pre-decisional dissonance. This is because latent needs in this study have been exemplified as arousing from the pre-reflexive self-awareness state in an individual, which is the arena from which cognitive elements as drivers operate. Thus, this thesis becomes the first to establish a typology of pre-decisional cognitive dissonance states in a highly cognitive and reflexive cohort as generation Z. Moreover, to establish that pre-decisional cognitive dissonance states affect information processing and guide the individual from the need recognition stage of consumer decision-making which has been underexplored in academic literature. After an extensive integrative literature review wherein cognitive dissonance theory’s evolution and studies were scrutinised and gaps/omitted themes delineated chronologically from 1957 till 2022, the conceptual standing was cogently established. Following this establishment, the neurological and behavioural presence within the cohort in question, Zers, was explicated. Post the conceptual delineation, qualitative data were collected to achieve the objectives set out and to answer this thesis's research questions. The data constitutes 35 Generation Z members using semi-structured interviews. For this thesis, the context chosen was first India as demography, and within that – healthcare as a sector. This demography was because the largest Zers population in India is currently surpassing China, and there has been no study on this specific context and theory. Second, the generalisability and application can be more far-reaching from demography with the maximum Zoomer population, along with the insights gained from a complex setting such as healthcare. Third, there is currently a significant shift from mainstream to alternative medicine the world over, so the generalisability will increase manifold by detailing the cause of the shift of a substantial section of the cohort. The sampling technique to recruit the participants was purposive sampling. Every participant was weighed upon this study's specific inclusion and exclusion criteria. After data collection, the data was analysed via the thematic analysis approach. Following this, the data was interpreted alongside critically reviewed literature to bring out novel conceptual understandings aligned with the objectives and questions. The findings from this study indicate that four main categories of latent needs perform the role of cognitive heuristic elements within generation Z members. From the data, these latent needs are observed to arouse pre-decisional action-based cognitive dissonance within Zers. Resulting from the data analysis, this thesis has addressed the following research gaps theoretically and practically. First established pre-decisional cognitive dissonance states. Second, established latent needs as a cognitive heuristic element that arouse pre-decisional action-based cognitive dissonance enforcing in selective exposure due to affect-regulation of the ACC mechanism prevailing within Zers. Thus, the thesis has delineated and developed a novel data-driven consumer decision-making process for the new-age digital native consumer, to name a few. Practically speaking, this study enables an in-depth understanding of a new-age cohort and their cognitions and motivations, understanding how and why they will upend various market sectors. Second, what sort of content marketing should be undertaken for Zers and their successors-gen Alpha. Third, what should allopathic healthcare providers consider appealing to, and how concerning this cohort; one that is refraining from partaking in their treatments

    A technology-people-integrated toolkit for retail care management during a crisis

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    Mental volatilities are seen to be on the rise when it comes to retail employees and consumers. Specifically, in times of crisis there is a need to be able to customise care management in a way that is coherent and comprehensive to address mental volatility. This customisation is sought in technology and people. However, thus far there is no toolkit for a specific crisis-sensitive care management protocol. We, therefore, build on an ADO framework-based, illustrative case study of three UK retailers wherein we derive and exemplify how mental burnout in a volatile environment becomes a very important care management necessity which has been neglected thus far. Further, we detail how to contend with this need and how there is a demand for customisation, comprehensiveness, and consistency. In this respect, we conceptualise a technology-people-integrated toolkit that can be implemented with immediate effect for retail care management. We detail the practicalities work in two scenarios. To conclude, managerial and theoretical implications of this toolkit and study have been detailed along with the paper’s limitations and suggestions for future research

    Will typical store atmospheric cues trigger more online engagement and sales performance? A preliminary investigation of streamers and users’ insights in live streaming marketing

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    Digitalisation has speeded up retailing transformation by expanding commerce channels, and live streaming marketing, as novel approaches that have attracted marvellous viewings and transactions nowadays. But will conventional store atmospheric cues drive the same or different user experience when streaming a live session? This research is the first attempt to reveal emerging atmospheric cues embedded in live streaming and examine successful streaming factors by interviewing nano streamers and users. The current paper analyses ten semistructured interviews and provides descriptive content analysis to showcase insightful observations in terms of the latest live streaming implications, we further denote some original codes from NVivo output