14 research outputs found

    Data Integration in Cardiac Surgery and Resource Management

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    At "G. Pasquinucci" Hospital in Massa, a section of CNR Institute of Clinical Physiology, an information system for cardiac surgery has been in use during the last years. This system was integrated with the Hospital Information System, already set up at the head of our institute in Pisa. Anesthesia data are recorded in the Operating Room (OR) as well as materials used during cardiac surgery operations. From the OR, data are transferred into the central clinical database, creating surgery reports in the medical record and filling in standardized clinical registers. Since 2000 a total of 2185 adult and 956 pediatric cardiac surgery operations were recorded

    Data Integration in Cardiac Surgery Health Care Institution: Experience at G. Pasquinucci Heart Hospital

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    During the last ten years the Hospital Information System (HIS) was developed at the Institute of Clinical Physiology of National Research Council (IFC-CNR), recently reorganized on clinical side into the "Gabriele Monasterio Foundation" (FGM) by joint efforts of CNR, Tuscany Region and Universities. At G.Pasquinucci Heart Hospital (GPH), currently FGM\u27s section in Massa, the HIS was adapted and extended to Cardiac Surgery and Pediatric Cardiology. Data archiving and middleware integration through HIS network, connecting GPH with head institution in Pisa, allowed to achieve full secure access to patient information from any workstation within hospital or outside. PACS was developed using Open Source DICOM utilities. Electronic Medical Record is daily used since 2005 on both inpatients and outpatients. Recently telediagnosis was set up between Balkan countries and GPH in Massa

    Laboratory data integration into medical record

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    Laboratory Information System, integrated with the Hospital Information System, has been developed at the G.Pasquinucci Hospital, section of Institute of Clinical Physiology of National Research Council (CNR), specialized in adult and paediatric cardiac surgery. The aim was to automate the testing process from clinical departments to laboratory and back into medical record. Laboratory workflow consists of three parts: (a) test ordering by clinical staff, printing bar-coded ID labels and transmitting orders by network to laboratory; (b) processing test requests and controlling identified specimens by laboratory staff, providing work orders to analytical instruments and validation of results authorizing delivery into the hospital clinical repository; (c) consulting test results in clinical departments by referring physicians through the electronic medical record. This year the system has been used on adult patients processing 135000 laboratory tests concerning chemistry, haematology, coagulation and immunology

    Desempenho social no agronegócio brasileiro: aplicando DEA no segmento de usinas de processamento de cana-de-açúcar

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    A importância das questões socioambientais nas empresas advém da crescente demanda da sociedade por informações a respeito dos impactos que as atividades empresariais exercem sobre os trabalhadores, a comunidade e o meio ambiente. A partir daí, as empresas começam a ter que provar que o seu custo-benefício é positivo, na medida em que agregam valor à economia e à sociedade, respeitam os direitos humanos de seus colaboradores e, ainda, desenvolvem todo o seu processo operacional sem agredir o meio ambiente. É nesse contexto que se insere este trabalho, cujo objetivo é verificar, por meio da aplicação de Análise Envoltória de Dados (DEA), a relação entre capacidade de investimento e benefícios socioambientais, de forma que, quanto maiores forem os benefícios para uma menor capacidade de investimento, maior será a eficiência e, por conseguinte, o desempenho socioambiental da empresa. Os resultados do estudo, que envolveu 19 usinas de processamento de cana-de-açúcar no Brasil, mostram que a Agrovale (principal benchmark) apresenta o melhor e a São José Estiva, o menor desempenho socioambiental. Além disso, observou-se uma relação entre desempenho socioambiental e tamanho (medido pela receita), com as maiores empresas tendo desempenho melhores.<br>The importance of social and environmental tags in companies comes from increasing demand, by the society itself, of information concerning impacts that the business create over the employees, community and environment. Therefore, companies needed to prove that its cost-benefit is positive, because they add value to economy and to society, because they respect the employees human rights and, in addition, because they develop its operational process without damaging environment. This research has the main focus to verify, through the application of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), the relation between investment capacity and social and environmental benefits, in a way that the higher are the benefits to a lower investment capacity, higher will be the efficiency and, as a result, the social and environmental performance. The study results of nineteen sugar cane mills in Brazil show that Agrovale (top benchmark) is the best one and São José Estiva is the smaller in terms of social and environmental performance. In addition, it was observed a relation between social and environmental practice and the size (measured by income), where bigger companies had best performances