59 research outputs found

    Numerical simulation of the plunge stage in friction stir welding alloys EN AW 2024 T 351 and EN AW 7049A T 652

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    Tema ovog rada je proučavanje faze probijanja korišćenjem numeričkog modela. Analizirana je promena temperature i sile probijanja u toku faze probijanja postupka zavarivanja trenjem mešanjem za legure aluminijuma visoke čvrstoće EN AW 2024 T 351 i EN AW 7049A T 652, pri različitim brzinama rotacije alata. Numerički rezultati pokazuju da maksimalne temperature u postupku zavarivanja trenjem mešanjem mogu biti povećane sa povećanjem brzine rotacije alata i da su temperature manje od temperature topljenja materijala koji se zavaruje. Pri istim brzinama rotacije alata, registrovana je veća temperatura kod legure aluminijuma EN AW 2024 T 351 i veća sila probijanja - otpor materijala kod legure EN AW 7049A T 652. Sa povećanjem brzine rotacije alata, sila probijanja može biti smanjena. Trodimenzionalni model konačnih elemenata faze probijanja je razvijen korišćenjem ABAQUS programskog paketa za proučavanje termomehaničkih procesa faze probijanja. Spregnuti termo-mehanički model konačnih elemenata koristi proizvoljnu Lagranž-Ojlerovu formulaciju, Džonson-Kukov zakon i Kulonov zakon trenja. U ovoj analizi se temperatura, pomjeranje i mehaničke reakcije posmatraju istovremeno. Generisanje toplote u postupku zavarivanja trenjem mešanjem se može podeliti na tri dela:generisanje toplote trenjem od čela alata, generisanje toplote trenjem od trna alata i generisanje toplote od plastičnih deformacija u blizini trna alata.This paper investigates the plunge stage using numerical modeling. Change of temperature and plunge force have been analyzed during the plunge stage of the FSW procedure for high hardness aluminum alloys EN AW 2024 T 351 and EN AW 7049A T 652, at different speed of tool rotation. Numerical results indicate that the maximum temperature in the FSW process can be increased with the increase of the rotational speed and that temperature is lower than the melting point of the welding material. Higher temperature was registered at the aluminum alloy EN AW 2024 T 351 at the same speed of tool rotation, and higher plunge force - resistance of material was registered at the alloy EN AW 7049A T 652. When the rotational speed is increased, the plunge force can be reduced. A three-dimensional finite element model (FEM) of the plunge stage was developed using the commercial code ABAQUS to study the thermo-mechanical processes involved during the plunge stage. A coupled thermo-mechanical 3D FE model using the arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian formulation, the Johnson-Cook material law and the Coulomb's Law of friction. In this analysis, temperature, displacement and mechanical responses are determined simultaneously. The heat generation in FSW can be divided into three parts: frictional heat generated by the tool shoulder, frictional heat generated by the tool pin, and heat generated by material plastic deformation near the pin region

    Numerical simulation of the plunge stage in friction stir welding alloys EN AW 2024 T 351 and EN AW 7049A T 652

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    Tema ovog rada je proučavanje faze probijanja korišćenjem numeričkog modela. Analizirana je promena temperature i sile probijanja u toku faze probijanja postupka zavarivanja trenjem mešanjem za legure aluminijuma visoke čvrstoće EN AW 2024 T 351 i EN AW 7049A T 652, pri različitim brzinama rotacije alata. Numerički rezultati pokazuju da maksimalne temperature u postupku zavarivanja trenjem mešanjem mogu biti povećane sa povećanjem brzine rotacije alata i da su temperature manje od temperature topljenja materijala koji se zavaruje. Pri istim brzinama rotacije alata, registrovana je veća temperatura kod legure aluminijuma EN AW 2024 T 351 i veća sila probijanja - otpor materijala kod legure EN AW 7049A T 652. Sa povećanjem brzine rotacije alata, sila probijanja može biti smanjena. Trodimenzionalni model konačnih elemenata faze probijanja je razvijen korišćenjem ABAQUS programskog paketa za proučavanje termomehaničkih procesa faze probijanja. Spregnuti termo-mehanički model konačnih elemenata koristi proizvoljnu Lagranž-Ojlerovu formulaciju, Džonson-Kukov zakon i Kulonov zakon trenja. U ovoj analizi se temperatura, pomjeranje i mehaničke reakcije posmatraju istovremeno. Generisanje toplote u postupku zavarivanja trenjem mešanjem se može podeliti na tri dela:generisanje toplote trenjem od čela alata, generisanje toplote trenjem od trna alata i generisanje toplote od plastičnih deformacija u blizini trna alata.This paper investigates the plunge stage using numerical modeling. Change of temperature and plunge force have been analyzed during the plunge stage of the FSW procedure for high hardness aluminum alloys EN AW 2024 T 351 and EN AW 7049A T 652, at different speed of tool rotation. Numerical results indicate that the maximum temperature in the FSW process can be increased with the increase of the rotational speed and that temperature is lower than the melting point of the welding material. Higher temperature was registered at the aluminum alloy EN AW 2024 T 351 at the same speed of tool rotation, and higher plunge force - resistance of material was registered at the alloy EN AW 7049A T 652. When the rotational speed is increased, the plunge force can be reduced. A three-dimensional finite element model (FEM) of the plunge stage was developed using the commercial code ABAQUS to study the thermo-mechanical processes involved during the plunge stage. A coupled thermo-mechanical 3D FE model using the arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian formulation, the Johnson-Cook material law and the Coulomb's Law of friction. In this analysis, temperature, displacement and mechanical responses are determined simultaneously. The heat generation in FSW can be divided into three parts: frictional heat generated by the tool shoulder, frictional heat generated by the tool pin, and heat generated by material plastic deformation near the pin region

    Experimental and numerical thermo - mechanical analysis of friction stir welding of high - strength alluminium alloy

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    This paper presents experimental and numerical analysis of the change of temperature and force in the vertical direction during the friction stir welding of high-strength aluminium alloy 2024 T3. This procedure confirmed the correctness of the numerical model, which is subsequently used for analysis of the temperature field in the welding zone, where it is different to determine the temperature experimentally. 3D finite element model is developed using the software package Abaqus; arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian formulation is applied. Johnson-Cook material law and Coulomb's Law of friction are used for modelling the material behaviour. Temperature fields are symmetrical with respect to the welding line. The temperature values below the tool shoulder, i.e. in the welding zone, which are reached during the plunge stage, are approximately constant during the entire welding process and lie within the interval 430-502 degrees C. The temperature of the material in the vicinity of the tool is about 500 degrees C, while the values on the top surface of the welding plates (outside the welding zone, but close to the tool shoulder) are about 400 degrees C. The temperature difference between the top and bottom surface of the plates is small, 10-15 degrees C

    Temperature fields in linear stage of friction stir welding effect of different material properties

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    Friction stir welding is one of the procedures for joining the parts in solid state. Thermo-mechanical simulation of the friction stir welding of high-strength aluminium alloys 2024 T3 and 2024 T351 is considered in this work. Numerical models corresponding to the linear welding stage are developed in Abaqus software package. The material behaviour is modelled by Johnson-Cook law (which relates the yield stress with temperature, strain and strain rate), and the Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian technique is applied. The difference in thermo-mechanical behaviour between the two materials has been analysed and commented. The main quantities which are considered are the temperature in the weld area, plastic strain, as well as the rate of heat generation during the welding process

    Characterisation of biocompatible layers of ZrO28%Y2O used in combination with other ceramics to modify the surface of implants

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    The aim of this study was to deposit multi-functional ZrO28%Y2O3 coating layers using the plasma spray technology and then to characterise such layers. In combination with other biomedical ceramics, this coating is intended for the application in implant surface modification. The examination was focused on the mechanical properties and microstructure layers. Using the atmospheric plasma spraying, duplex ZrO28%Y2O3/Ni22Cr10Al1Y coating system was deposited on the X15Cr13 stainless steel, with two different thicknesses of the bond and ceramic coatings. The microstructure was analysed using an optical microscope, including the assessment of the content of micropores. The morphology of powder particles and ceramic coating surfaces were examined on a scanning electron microscope (SEM). The quality of the ZrO28%Y2O3 layers makes them suitable for the application and combination with other materials to create a system of biomedical or multifunctional coatings

    [Characterization of deposited plasma spray nicralcoy2o3 coating layers on almg1 alloy substrates] [Karakterizacija deponovanih slojeva plazma sprej prevlake nicralcoy2o3 na podlogama od legure almg1]

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    In this paper, analyzed are the effects of the plasma spray distance on the microstructure and mechanical properties of the NiCrAlCoY2O3 coating layers deposited at atmospheric pressure. The microstructure and mechanical properties of the coating layers are under the influence of the interaction of plasma particles (ions and electrons) with powder particles, providing the transfer of velocity and temperature of the plasma particles onto the powder particles. The effect of the interaction is directly dependent on the time the powder particles were present in the plasma which is defined by distance of the plasma gun from the substrate, depending on the granulation of the powder, the melting point and specific gravity. In order to obtain homogeneous and denser coating layers with high adhesion, in the experiment three distances from the substrate were used: 95 mm, 105 mm and 115 mm. The layers were deposited on thin sheets of AlMg1 aluminum thickness of 0.6 mm. Evaluation of mechanical properties of the layers was carried out by examining microhardness using the HV0.1 method and the bond strength by tensile testing. The morphology of the powder particles was examined on the SEM, while the microstructure of the layers was evaluated under a light microscope in accordance with the Pratt Whitney standard. The results of the experiment showed that the distance from the substrate substantially influenced the structure and mechanical properties of the coating layers. The best deposited layers were examined in the system with the ZrO224%MgO ceramic coating, which have proved to be reliable protectionfrom high temperature and abrasive rocket jet fuel

    Heat generation during plunge stage in friction stir welding

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    This paper deals with the heat generation in the Al alloy Al2024-T3 plate under different rotating speeds and plunge speeds during the plunge stage of friction stir welding. A 3-D finite element model is developed in the commercial code ABAQUS/Explicit using the arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian formulation, the Johnson- Cook material law, and Coulomb's Law of friction. The heat generation in friction stir welding can be divided into two parts: frictional heat generated by the tool and heat generated by material deformation near the pin and the tool shoulder region. Numerical results obtained in this work indicate a more prominent influence from the friction-generated heat. The slip rate of the tool relative to the workpiece material is related to this portion of heat. The material velocity, on the other hand, is related to the heat generated by plastic deformation. Increasing the plunging speed of the tool decreases the friction-generated heat and increases the amount of deformation-generated heat, while increasing the tool rotating speed has the opposite influence on both heat portions. Numerical results are compared with the experimental ones, in order to validate the numerical model, and a good agreement is obtained

    Welding technology of aluminium alloys using friction stir welding

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    Cilj rada je osvajanje tehnologije zavarivanja aluminijumskih legura postupkom zavarivanja trenjem alatom (FSW). Zavarivanje trenjem alatom predstavlja jedan od najsavremenijih postupaka, sa velikom perspektivom dalje primene, pošto pruža najraznovrsnije mogućnosti za zavarivanje raznorodnih materijala. U radu su analizirani eksperimentalni rezultati su čeono zavarenih spojeva aluminijumskih ploča zavarenih postupkom zavarivanja trenjem alatom. Izvršeno je poređenje raspodele tvrdoće u zavarenom spoju u zavisnosti od parametara zavarivanja odnosno količine unete toplote u zoni zavarivanja, debljine ploča i tipa aluminijumske legure.The objective of this paper is a development of welding technology of aluminium alloys by Friction Stir Welding (FSW). FSW is a very modern welding process with a great future use, primarily due to a variety of possible combinations of dissimilar materials to be welded. In this paper experimental results of butt welds for the friction stir welding of aluminium alloys are analyzed. A comparison hardness distribution in the welds was done considering welding parameters, that is the quantity of heat in the welding zone, panels thickness and aluminum alloy type

    Influence of friction stir welding parameters on properties of 2024 t3 aluminium alloy joints

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    The aim of this work is to analyse the process of friction stir welding (FSW) of 3 mm thick aluminium plates made of high strength aluminium alloy - 2024 T3, as well as to assess the mechanical properties of the produced joints. Friction Stir Welding is a modern procedure which enables joining of similar and dissimilar materials in the solid state, by the combined action of heat and mechanical work. This paper presents an analysis of the experimental results obtained by testing the butt welded joints. Tensile strength of the produced joints is assessed, as well as the distribution of hardness, micro-and macrostructure through the joints (in the base material, nugget, heat affected zone and thermo-mechanically affected zone). Different combinations of the tool rotation speed and the welding speed are used, and the dependence of the properties of the joints on these parameters of welding technology is determined

    Change of temperature and vertical force during friction stir welding

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    Cilj rada je analiza promene vertikalne sile i temperature tokom procesa zavarivanja trenjem mešanjem (FSW) legura aluminijuma visoke čvrstoće (2024 T3). FSW postupak je složen nelinearan proces praćen velikim plastičnim deformacijama, visokim temperaturama i plastičnim tečenjem materijala u zoni zavarivanja. To je postupak spajanja materijala u tzv. čvrstoj fazi, kombinovanim delovanjem toplote i mehaničkog rada. Analiza promene sile i temperature tokom procesa zavarivanja omogućava bolje razumevanje i kontrolu samog procesa. U radu je analizirana i praćena promena sile u vertikalnom pravcu pomoću dinamometra i promena temperature na gornjoj površini radne ploče u blizini čela valjka alata pomoću termovizijske kamere.The aim of this paper is to analyze changes of vertical force and temperature during friction stir welding process of high strength aluminum alloys (2024 T3). FSW process is a complex nonlinear process accompanied by large plastic deformation, high temperatures and plastic material flow in the welding zone. It is the procedure of material connecting in the so-called solid phase, through the combined action of heat and mechanical work. Analysis of force and temperature changes during the process of welding allows better understanding and control of the process. This paper analyzes the change of force in the vertical direction using a dynamometer and temperature changes on the upper surface of the working panel near the tops of the roller tool using thermal imaging cameras