2 research outputs found

    Safety in diving at work operations in Croatia

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    SAŽETAK: Ronilački radovi danas su u svijetu jedni od najopasnijih poslova s posebnim uvjetima rada, čije izvođenje nema definiran zakonski okvir u Republici Hrvatskoj poput izvođenja ostalih građevinskih radova. Pravilnik o obavljanju podvodnih aktivnosti određuje samo uvjete bavljenja istima u svrhu razonode i Å”porta. Sigurnost izvođenja podvodnih radova tako ovisi isključivo o pravilno izrađenoj Procjeni rizika izvođača radova te o njegovom Planu izvođenja radova ako se radi o podvodnim građevinskim radovima. Za razliku od hrvatskog pravnog poretka, u Velikoj Britaniji ovo područje je detaljno i kvalitetno uređeno od 1997. godine te ima jasan zakonodavni okvir na temelju kojeg su donesene smjernice, operativni postupci i načela prema kojima većina građevinskih i energetskih tvrtki temelji svoje pravilnike, a pojedine zemlje i zakone. Isti pravni propis primijenila je u svojim pravilima međunarodna udruga podvodnih izvođača radova IMCA (eng. International Marine Contractors Association). Rezultat primjene propisa je razvoj sigurnosne kulture, znatno smanjenje učestalosti nesreća i promicanje razine sigurnosti pri izvođenju podvodnih građevinskih radova. Primjenom postojećih smjernica IMCA u zakonodavni okvir Republike Hrvatske, podignula bi se razina sigurnosti ronioca na najviÅ”u razinu.Diving at work operations, even these days, are one of the most dangerous activities performed in special circumstances on building sites, but unlike other construction activities they are not encompassed and defined in the laws of Croatia. Regulations regarding the underwater activities define only the conditions required in regulating leisure and sport. Safety of diving at work therefore is solely defined and controlled by the contractors and their procedures, in regards to risk assessment and the project plan. In comparison to Croatian legal framework, in Great Britain diving at work has been legally regulated in detail since 1997. It has been given a clear legal framework in which we find detailed guidance, operative procedures and rules. These have later served for offshore oil operators as a base for their internal company regulations manuals. Certain countries have also adopted British diving at work regulations as a base for their own regulations. This legal regulation has also served IMCA (International Marine Contractors Association) to formulate their guidance notes. Implementing this regulation raises consciousness, improves practical implementation of safety culture, decreases the occurrence of accidents and near misses and generally results in advancement of safety in execution of underwater construction works. Applying the existing IMCA guidelines to the legislative framework of the Republic Croatia would raise the safety of divers to the highest level

    Ružička days : International conference 16th Ružička Days ā€œToday Science ā€“ Tomorrow Industryā€ : Proceedings

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    Proceedings contains articles presented at Conference divided into sections: open lecture (1), chemical analysis and synthesis (3), chemical and biochemical engineering (8), food technology and biotechnology (8), medical chemistry and pharmacy (3), environmental protection (11) and meeting of young chemists (2)