7 research outputs found
Genetički resursi pšenice (Triticum sp.) u Crnoj Gori
Wheat is the most important crop grown on 240 million hectares worldwide, and 23% of arable lands, respectively. It is the primary food source for about 70% of human population. Wheat originates from the old world, primarily from Asia and southern parts of Europe, from where it spread to other parts of the world. Wheat is one of the oldest cultivated plants. It is believed that its domestication began ten thousand years ago.
Wheat was cultivated in Montenegro since the Romans. First cultivated species of wheat were Triticum monococcum and Triticum dicoccum. At the beginning of the new era, tetraploid naked wheat - Triticum durum and Triticum turgidum were introduced. Common wheat arrived much later in Balkans, and most likely it was brought by the Turks in mid 14th century. Triticum aestivum ssp. compactum and Triticum aestivum ssp. spelta were firstly introduced, and much later common wheat - Triticum aestivum ssp. vulgare.
Intensification of agricultural production in Montenegro resulted in rapid extinction of large number of cultivated species, cultivars, varieties and locally adapted wheat populations from the agricultural flora. Noting the danger of the extinction of majority of local populations of genus Triticum, academician Ljubo Pavićević started a program of their protection in 1955. For more than 10 years of intensive work, he managed to collect over 200 diploid and tetraploid indigenous species and forms of wheat, and devoted the rest of his professional carrier to their study.
Since Montenegro does not have its own selection programs for wheat, further efforts will be necessary to document and put this huge wealth of local populations of different wheat types at disposal of all interested breeding and scientific institutions outside Montenegro as soon as possible.Pšenica je najvažnija ratarska kultura koja se u svijetu gaji na oko 240 miliona hektara, odnosno 23% obradivih površina. Predstavlja osnovnu hranu za oko 70% ljudske populacije. Vodi porijeklo iz starog svijeta, iz Azije i južnih djelova Evrope, odakle se proširila u druga područja. Pšenica je jedna od najstarijih kulturnih biljaka. Smatra se da je njena domestifikacija počela još prije deset hiljada godina.
Pšenica se u Crnoj Gori gajila još u doba Rimljana. Prve gajene vrste pšenice bile su Triticum monococcum i Triticum dicoccum. Početkom nove ere na ove prostore dolaze i prve tetraploidne golozrne pšenice - Triticum durum i Triticum turgidum. Meka pšenica je na Balkan dospjela mnogo kasnije. Najvjerovatnije su je donijeli Turci sredinom 14. vijeka. Prvo su donešene Triticum aestivum ssp. compactum i Triticum aestivum ssp. spelta, a znatno kasnije i obična pšenica Triticum aestivum ssp. vulgare.
Intenzifikacijom poljoprivredne proizvodnje, najveći broj tradicionalnih sorti, varijeteta i lokalno adaptiranih populacija počeo se ubrzano gubiti iz kulturne flore Crne Gore. Uočavajući opasnost od nestajanja velikog broja domaćih populacija roda Triticum, akademik Ljubo Pavićević je 1955. godine započeo program njihove zaštite. Za više od 10 godina intenzivnog rada uspio je da sakupi preko 200 diploidnih i tetraploidnih autohtonih vrsta i populacija pšenice, a ostatak svog radnog vijeka posvetio je njihovom proučavanju.
Pošto Crna Gora nema sopstvene programe selekcije pšenice biće neophodno učiniti dodatne napore kako bi se ovo ogromno bogatstvo domaćih populacija različitih vrsta pšenice što prije dokumentovalo i stavilo na raspolaganje svim zainteresovanim oplemenjivačkim i naučnim institucijama izvan Crne Gore
Genetički resursi ječma (Hordeum sativum Jess.) u Crnoj Gori
Barley, along with wheat, is the oldest cultivated plant. As a polymorphic culture, barley has the largest distribution areal among all the grains. On Balkans, cultural forms of barley came at the same time as wheat, thus were grown even before the arrival of the Slavs.
Local populations of spring two-row barley were grown in many mountain areas of Montenegro, while the multi-row barley was grown in southern regions as winter crop. However, in last thirty years, introduction of high technologies and high yielding selections led rapid disappearing of local populations of barley from the production. Local populations of spring two-row barleys are grown today on very small and remote rural areas, while the six-rowed forms completely disappeared from farmers' fields.
The first organized research done on diversity of barley was carried out in 2009 and 2010, when 10 local populations were collected in number of municipalities. All collected varieties are spring varieties, nine belong to the two-row group, and one to the group of six row barleys.
The results of the study of some domestic barley populations showed that with improved agrotechnology significantly higher yields can be achieved compared to those obtained growing barley in traditional crop production system. Growing impact of climate change will require breeding of improved, more productive and more resistant varieties for specific regions of production. Since these materials have broad adaptive capacity, it is expected considerable use of these materials in future breeding programs. Therefore, the study of domestic barley varieties should continue in the future, in order to put at disposal as many information on the genetic, phenotypic and usability traits to potential users.Ječam, zajedno sa pšenicom, pripada grupi najstarijih ratarskih biljaka. Kao veoma polimorfna kultura, ima najveći areal rasprostranjenja među svim žitima. Kulturni oblici ječma došli su na područje Balkana u isto vrijeme kada i pšenica, što znači da su se ovdje uzgajali i prije dolaska Slovena.
Lokalne populacije jarih dvorednih ječmova gajene su u mnogim planinskim oblastima Crne Gore, dok je višeredni ječam, kao ozima kultura, gajen u južnim predjelima. Međutim, u posljednjih tridesetak godina, sa dolaskom intenzivnih tehnologija i visokoprinosnih selekcija, lokalne populacije su počele da ubrzano nestaju iz proizvodnje. Lokalne populacije jarih dvorednih ječmova danas se gaje na veoma skromnim površinama i u udaljenim ruralnim predjelima, dok su ozime višeredne forme u potpunosti isčezle sa farmerskih njiva.
Prva organizovana istraživanja diverziteta ječma u Crnoj Gori izvedena su 2009. i 2010. godine, kada je na teritoriji većeg broja opština kolekcionisano 10 aksešena ječma. Prema ozimosti, svi sakupljeni aksešeni su jare forme, devet aksešena pripada grupi dvorednih, a jedan šestorednim ječmovima.
Rezultati proučavanja nekih lokalnih populacija pokazali su da se sa poboljšanom tehnologijom gajenja mogu ostvariti značajno veći prinosi od onih koji se dobijaju gajenjem u tradicionalnoj ratarskoj proizvodnji. Sve izraženiji uticaj klimatskih promjena zahtijevaće stvaranje boljih, rodnijih i otpornijih sorti za odgovarajuće proizvodne rejone. Pošto ovaj materijal posjeduju široku moć prilagođavanja, to u budućim programima oplemenjivanja mogu biti izvor nekih pozitivnih svojstava. Zbog toga proučavanje lokalnih populacija ječma treba nastaviti i u budućnosti, kako bi se potencijalnim korisnicima stavilo na raspolaganje što više informacija o genetičkim, fenotipskim i upotrebnim osobinama
Istorijat gajenja krompira u Crnoj Gori
The beginning of potato growing is associated to Incas. This ancient civilization cultivated potatoes of all shapes, colours and flavours 10,000 years ago in the Andes. For communities that lived in the Andes at that time, these plants were the most important source of food. For the rest of the world, until the XVI century, potato was unknown culture. Spanish conqueror Pizarro brought potatoes from South America to Europe in 1562. As a botanical curiosity, first potatoes arrived to Spain, and were later on spread to other countries of Europe. For many years after introduction, potato was grown as an ornamental plant, until the Europeans accepted it as an edible plant.
Growing of potatoes in Montenegro begins in late eighteenth century, similar as in other Balkan countries. Bishop Petar I Petrović Njegoš brought potatoes in Montenegro probably in early 1786. Due to favourable climatic and soil conditions, the areas planted with potatoes were quickly spread in Montenegro. Expansion of the areas planted with potatoes significantly improved the life of local population, and this culture, due to its enormous importance as a food, quickly got the epithet of “life-saving food”. Therefore, potatoes became, for a very short time, the leading agricultural crop and this status is maintained up to the present day.Početak gajenja krompira vezuje se za Inke. Ova drevna civilizacija je prije 10.000 godina, na Andima, gajila krompir svih oblika, boja i ukusa. Za zajednice koje su u to vrijeme živjele na Andima ova biljna vrsta je bila najznačajniji izvor hrane. Za ostatak svijeta, sve do XVI vijeka, krompir je bio nepoznata kultura. Iz Južne Amerike u Evropu krompir je donio španski osvajač Pizarro 1562. godine. Kao botanički kuriozitet krompir je prvo stigao u Španiju, a odatle se kasnije proširio i u ostale zemlje Evrope. Godinama nakon unošenja krompir je gajen kao ukrasna biljka, sve dok ga Evropljani nijesu prihvatili kao jestivu namirnicu.
Gajenje krompira u Crnoj Gori počinje krajem XVIII vijeka, manje-više kao i u ostalim balkanskim državama. Krompir je u Crnu Goru donio vladika Petar I Petrović Njegoš, najvjerovatnije početkom 1786. godine. Zahvaljujući veoma povoljnim klimatskim i zemljišnim uslovima površine pod krompirom u Crnoj Gori su se brzo širile. Širenjem površina pod krompirom značajno je poboljšan život lokalnog stanovništva, pa je ova kultura, zbog svog ogromnog prehrambenog značaja, vrlo brzo dobila epitet spasonosne hrane. Zbog toga je krompir, za veoma kratko vrijeme, postao vodeća poljoprivredna kultura, a taj status je zadržao i do današnjih dana
Detection of microplastics using inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) operated in single-event mode
The occurrence of microplastics in many, if not all environmental compartments is a matter of increasing concern and deserves proper attention. However, there is still a lack of analytical tools for straightforward monitoring of these tiny plastic particles at environmentally relevant levels in water. Inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) operated in single-particle mode (SP-ICPMS) was demonstrated to be a powerful technique for the characterization of metallic nanoparticles, but to the best of the authors' knowledge, SP-ICP-MS has not yet been evaluated for the purpose of detection of microplastics and their quantitative determination (particle number density). In this work, spherical polystyrene microspheres of 1 and 2.5 mu m - to mimic microplastics coming from plastic waste - have been detected using ICP-MS. The approach developed relies on the ultra-fast monitoring of transient signals (with a dwell time of 100 mu s) when using a quadrupole-based ICP-MS unit in the so-called single-event mode and registering the signal spikes produced by individual microparticles by monitoring the signal intensity at amass-to-charge ratio (m/z) of 13(C-13(+)). The accuracy of the number-based concentration results (particle number densities) has been assessed by comparing the number of events detected when monitoring C-13(+) to those detected when monitoring Ho-165(+) for 2.5 mm lanthanide-doped polystyrene beads. Additionally, the results obtained for both polystyrene microspheres in terms of size (most frequently occurring intensity of the signal distribution) compare well with the size as determined using electron microscopy. ICP-MS operated in single-event mode thus allows information on both the size distribution and mass concentration of microplastics to be obtained. As this approach makes use of instrumentation already available in many routine labs analyzing environmental samples, it can enable these labs to analyze microplastics by using their instrument in single-event mode