45 research outputs found

    Phenotypic and molecular analysis of agronomic traits of wheat

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    У раду су приказани резултати огледа 94 генотипа пшенице (Triticum vulgare L.) и по један генотип Т. spelta L. (Нирвана) и Т. compactum Host (Бамби) гајених током две вегетационе сезоне (2011/2012. и 2012/2013.) на два локалитета (Нови Сад и Сремска Митровица). Испитиване су фенотипске особине: висина биљке, дужина класа, број зрна по класу, маса хиљаду семена и принос. Приказани су показатељи основне статистике просек и коефицијент варијације, док је за анализу интеракције генотипа и спољне средине примењен модел главних ефеката и вишеструке интеракције-AMMI (Аdditive Мain Еffects and Мultiplicative Interaction). Међузависност испитиваних особина је утврђена анализом индиректних корелационих коефицијената. Молекуларна анализа је подразумевала анализовање коришћеног биљног материјала са  28 молекуларна маркера – микросателита. Резултати су показали статистичку значајност главних ефеката генотипа на фенотипску варијабилност свих испитиваних особина. Индиректним корелацијама су установљене значајне вредности коефицијената корелације између неких испитиваних особина. Детаљном анализом резултата утврђено је да је само маркер gwm631, испољио везу маркер-особина са свих пет испитиваних особина. У односу на класичне методе оплемењивања, маркерима помогнута селекција скраћује поступак оцене и одабира родитељских парова. У том смислу, молекуларни маркери, као додатак искуству оплемењивача, су показатељи исправног смера у кључним корацима при избору родитеља.U radu su prikazani rezultati ogleda 94 genotipa pšenice (Triticum vulgare L.) i po jedan genotip T. spelta L. (Nirvana) i T. compactum Host (Bambi) gajenih tokom dve vegetacione sezone (2011/2012. i 2012/2013.) na dva lokaliteta (Novi Sad i Sremska Mitrovica). Ispitivane su fenotipske osobine: visina biljke, dužina klasa, broj zrna po klasu, masa hiljadu semena i prinos. Prikazani su pokazatelji osnovne statistike prosek i koeficijent varijacije, dok je za analizu interakcije genotipa i spoljne sredine primenjen model glavnih efekata i višestruke interakcije-AMMI (Additive Main Effects and Multiplicative Interaction). Međuzavisnost ispitivanih osobina je utvrđena analizom indirektnih korelacionih koeficijenata. Molekularna analiza je podrazumevala analizovanje korišćenog biljnog materijala sa  28 molekularna markera – mikrosatelita. Rezultati su pokazali statističku značajnost glavnih efekata genotipa na fenotipsku varijabilnost svih ispitivanih osobina. Indirektnim korelacijama su ustanovljene značajne vrednosti koeficijenata korelacije između nekih ispitivanih osobina. Detaljnom analizom rezultata utvrđeno je da je samo marker gwm631, ispoljio vezu marker-osobina sa svih pet ispitivanih osobina. U odnosu na klasične metode oplemenjivanja, markerima pomognuta selekcija skraćuje postupak ocene i odabira roditeljskih parova. U tom smislu, molekularni markeri, kao dodatak iskustvu oplemenjivača, su pokazatelji ispravnog smera u ključnim koracima pri izboru roditelja.This research presents the results of the examination of 94 genotypes of wheat (Triticum vulgare L.) and one genotype T. Spelta L. (Nirvana) and T. Compactum Host (Bambi) grown during the two vegetation season (2011/2012 and 2012/2013) at two locations (Novi Sad and Sremska Mitrovica). The phenotypic markers that were examined were plant height, spike length number of grains per spike, mass of thousands seeds and yield. The basic statistics average and coefficient of variation were shown, while the main effects and multiplicative interaction model (AMMI) was used for the analysis of the genotype interaction and the environment. The interdependence of the investigated traits was determined by analysis of the indirect correlation coefficients. Molecular analysis was consisting of used plant material with 28 molecular markers - microsatellites. The results showed the statistically significance of the main effects of the genotype on the phenotypic variability in all investigated traits. Indirect correlations have established significant correlation coefficients among some of the examined properties. A detailed analysis of the results found that only the gwm631 marker exhibited a marker-trait relationship with all five investigated traits. In comparison to the classical breeding methods, the markers assisted selection shortens the process of evaluation and selection of parental couples. In this sense, molecular markers, in addition to the experience of breeders, are indicators of the right direction in the key steps in the choice of parents

    Ocena stabilnosti novih ranostasnih hibrida suncokreta

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    Sunflower is one of the most important oil crops in Serbia and in the world. The breeding process involved the selection of the medium-early maturity hybrids which had the tendency to maximize yield potential and stability in different regions of sunflower production in Serbia. The objective of this study was to test the possibility of using early-maturing hybrids instead of the mediummaturing ones, given the balance between yield and stability parameters. Three new early-maturing sunflower hybrids NS1, NS2 and NS3, developed at the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad, were used in the study. There was no significant variation between early-maturing hybrids and standard hybrids for seed and oil yield. Results showed that early-maturing, high yielding hybrids were suitable for the cropping system in all tested locations. The early-maturing hybrids NS2 and NS3 are recommended for further inclusion in the breeding program due to their stability and high seed and oil yield. The entire sunflower breeding program contributed to the development of the local early-maturing hybrids and hybrids with better yield potential.Suncokret je najvažnija uljana kultura u Srbiji. Glavni ciljevi oplemenjivanja suncokreta su stvaranje srednje ranih hibrida sa visokim genetskim potencijalom za prinos semena i ulja, a stabilnim u regionima proizvodnje suncokreta u Srbiji. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je da se ispita mogućnost korišćenja ranostasnih hibrida umesto hibrida srednje dužine vegetacije, koji su u pogledu prinosa semena i ulja i parametara stabilnosti na nivou standardnih hibrida suncokreta. U radu su ispitana tri nova ranostasna hibrida suncokreta NS1, NS2 i NS3, stvorena u Institutu za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata utvrđeno je da nije bilo značajne razlike između ranih hibrida i standardnih hibrida suncokreta za prinos semena i ulja. Rani hibridi suncokreta pokazali su različit nivo stabilnosti gajenja u ispitivanim lokalitetima. Rani hibridi NS2 i NS3 su pokazali visok stepen stabilnosti na svim ispitivanim lokalitetima i visoke prinose semena i ulja. Dobijeni rezultati predstavljaju značajan doprinos u oplemenjivanju suncokreta i razvoju domaćih hibrida sa kraćom dužinom vegetacije, a boljim potencijalom prinosa semena i ulja

    Antioxidant variability of wheat genotypes under salinity stress in situ

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    Crop cultivation under the open-field conditions depends on a variety of biotic and abiotic factors which cause plant stress and deterioration. Due to high soil salinity, some soils can be an unfavourable growing environment for most plants. As a low productivity soil type, solonetz soils are a stressful growing environment, causing plant deterioration. Plants have developed a complex antioxidative defense system as a precaution against oxidative stress caused by high soil salinity. The trial was set up on a halomorphic soil type-solonetz. The research included ten cultivars, one local population of hexaploid wheat (Triticum aestivum ssp. aestivum L.) and one cultivar of triticale (Triticosecale W.). The activity of enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidants in plant antioxidative defense system was detected during the trial, as well as lipid peroxidation. The analysis of biochemical markers was done in the flowering stage, and then in the milk maturity phase. Research results of the tested components revealed the highest stress tolerance exhibited by genotypes Banatka and Bankut 1205. Understanding the process of oxygen radical production by the plant tissue contributes to breeding wheat cultivars for better stress tolerance. Selection of genotypes better adapted to growing conditions in solonetz soils could facilitate a more economically justifiable wheat production, and promote utilization of the lower-quality soil types in agriculture

    Breeding progress in grain yield of winter wheat cultivars grown at different nitrogen levels in semiarid conditions

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    The objectives of this study were to estimate the progress in wheat genetic yield potential, associated with changes in some agronomic traits, under different N rates. Twenty-four cultivars of winter wheat (T. aestivtum L.) representing most of the cultivars released in Serbia from 1955 to 2006 were analyzed. The cultivars were grown for four years (2005-2008) in field trails with two levels of agronomic inputs (low nitrogen-N-45 and high nitrogen-N-110). Data were collected on 1000-kernel weight, kernels per spike, kernels per square meter, spikes per square meter, plant height, harvest index, heading time and grain yield. Mean difference between the two fertilization levels was 0.44 t ha(-1). The average rate of increase in yield potential per year of release, estimated from the slope, was 41 kg ha(-1) year(-1) and it was significantly different from zero (P lt = 0.01). It was 35 kg ha(-1) year(-1) or 0.55% at the low level of N input, and 46 kg ha(-1) year(-1) or 0.68% at the high level of N input. This suggests that modern cultivars are better adapted to high N input. Our results suggested that individual contribution of the most of analyzed traits may vary depending on the genotype as well as environmental conditions

    Interdependence of the oil content in pure seed and other tested traits of inbred sunflower lines

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    Cilj ove studije je bio da se ispita stepen varijabilnosti osobina četiri inbred linije suncokreta i njihova međuzavisnost primenom korelacione analize. Tokom 2018. i 2019. godine, na lokalitetu Bijeljina, Bosna i Hercegovina, umnožene su 4 inbred linije suncokreta: L-1 (SU), L-2 (SU), L-3 (IMI), L-4 (IMI) vlasništvo Instituta za ratarsto i povrtarstvo iz Novog Sada. Ponavljanja su napravljena na taj način što je jedna kaseta parcele (odnos redova A-sterilnog analoga i B-fertilnog analoga u jednoj kaseti je 6:2) predstavljala jedno ponavljanje, a broj ponavljanja iznosio je četiri. Rezul tati dvogodišnjih istraživanja u poljskim uslovima pokazali su statistički visoko značajne razlike, ispitivane inbred linije suncokreta razlikovale su se u prosečnim vrednostima klijavosti semena, mase 1000 semena, sadržaja ulja u čistom semenu i prinosa semena. Najveći koeficijent varijacije ostvaren je kod prinosa semena (CV=46,4 %), a najmanji kod sadržaja ulja u čistom semenu (CV=6,37 %). Klijavost semena u 2018. godini kod ispitivanih inbred linija u proseku je bila veća za 8 % u odnosu na 2019. godinu. Iste godine inbred linije su ostvarile veći prinos semena u proseku za 196 kg ha-1. Veća masa 1000 semena i sadržaj ulja u čistom semenu u proseku ostvaren je u 2019. godini, masa 1000 semena u proseku bila je veća za 7,67 g, dok je sadržaj ulja u čistom semenu bio veći za 0,75%, što statistički nije bilo značajno (p=0,063). Povećanje sadržaja ulja u čistom semenu prati statistički značajno povećanje masa 1000 semena (r=0,401), ali sa povećanjem prinosa semena, visoko statistički značajno se smanjio sadržaj ulja u čistom semenu, što je predstavljalo najjaču negativnu korelaciju (r=-0,434).The aim of this study was to examine the degree of variability of traits of four inbred sunflower lines and their interdependence using correlation analysis. During 2018 and 2019, at the location of Bijeljina, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 4 inbred sunflower lines were multiplied: L-1 (SU), L-2 (SU), L-3 (IMI), L-4 (IMI) owned by the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad. Repetitions were made in such a way that one plot cassette (ratio of rows of A-sterile analogue and B-fertile analogue in one cassette was 6:2) represented one repetition, and the number of repetitions was four. The results of a two-year study of field conditions showed statistically highly significant differences, the examined inbred sunflower lines differed in the average seed germination, 1000 seeds weight, oil content in the pure seed and seed yield. The highest coefficient of variation was achieved in seed yield (CV= 46.4 %), and the lowest with the oil content in pure seed (CV = 6.37 %). Seed germination in 2018 in the examined inbred lines was on average 8 % higher than in 2019. In the same year, inbred lines achieved a higher seed yield by an average of 196 kg ha-1. Higher weight of 1000 seeds and oil content in the pure seed on average was achieved in 2019, weight of 1000 seeds on average was higher by 7.67 g, while oil content in the pure seed was higher by 0.75 %, which was not statistically significant (p=0.063). The increase in oil content in the pure seed is accompanied by a statistically significant increase in the weight of 1000 seeds (r=0.401), but with increasing seed yield, the statistically significant decrease in oil content in the pure seed, which was the strongest negative correlation (r=-0.434)

    Varijabilnost semenskih parametara sorti hlebne pšenice

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    Expansion and intensification of cultivation are among the predominant global changes of this century. Constant growth of the world population and rising demand for food conditional on improving the quality /quantity of crop products. This could be achieved by synergy among breeding improvement and dedicated seed production. Accordingly, advanced and modern production of bread wheat allows the creation of new genotypes with better adaptability to different environmental conditions. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of genotype, environment and their interactions on yield and randman of seed using AMMI model. Ten bread wheat varieties were investigated (Evropa 90, NSR 5, Pobeda, Renesansa, Ljiljana, Cipovka, Dragana, Simonida, NS 40S and Zvezdana) across three growing seasons (2009/10, 2010/11, 2011/12) and two locations (Novi Sad and Pančevo). Based on the interaction of genotypes and agro-ecological environments for yield and randman of seed on AMMI1 biplot it was noted that the genotypes differed more in several multivariate part of the total variation than in additive effect.Stalan rast svetske populacije i porast potreba za hranom zahtevaju poboljšanje kvaliteta i prinosa semena poljoprivrednih kultura. Ovo se postiže oplemenjivačkim radom i predanim semenarstvom. U skladu sa tim, napredak u savremenoj proizvodnji hlebne pšenice omogućuje stvaranje novih genotipova, sa boljom adaptabilnošću na različite agroekološke uslove. Pravilnim održavanjem i umnožavanjem sorti teži se smanjenju gubitaka deklarisanog semena, koji su usko povezani sa iskoristljivošću semena, odnosno randmanom, koji je pokazatelj kvalitetnog višegodišnjeg semenarstva i efikasnosti dorade naturalnog semena. Cilj istraživanja je bio da se ispita uticaj genotipa, spoljašnje sredine i njihove međusobne interakcije na randman i prinos semena primenom AMMI modela. Ispitivano je deset sorti hlebne pšenice (Evropa 90, NSR 5, Pobeda, Renesansa, Ljiljana, Cipovka, Dragana, Simonida, NS 40 S i Zvezdana) tokom tri vegetacione sezone (2009/10, 2010/11, 2011/12), na dva lokaliteta (Novi Sad i Pančevo). Na osnovu prikaza interakcije genotipova i agroekoloških sredina za randman i prinos semena, u obliku AMMI1 biplota, zabeleženo je da su se genotipovi više razlikovali u multivarijacionom delu ukupne varijacije ogleda, nego u aditivnom efektu. Na nivou celog ogleda genotipovi su bolji randman semena ostvarili na lokalitetu Pančevo, dok su uslovi lokaliteta Novi Sad bili povoljniji za ostvarivanje većeg prinosa. Genotip Dragana je imao najveći randman semena (93,49%) dok je genotip Simonida bio najprinosniji (8.12 t·ha-1). Genotipovi koji su imali malu interakcijsku vrednost genotip/spoljna sredina odnosno bolju stabilnost od ostalih su: Ljiljana, kada se posmatra randman semena i Renesansa, kada je u pitanju prinos

    Variability of morphological traits in sunflower inbred lines

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    Except agronomic important traits, great diversity in sunflower is present in morphological traits which are very useful in breeding studies. The main objective of the paper was to determine genetic diversity among the 110 inbred lines in the collection of Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops Novi Sad (IFVCNS) by screening 34 morphological traits according to a list of descriptors of the International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV) as to conduct the Distinctness, Uniformity and Stability Test (DUS). The diversity of morphological traits was estimated by Shannon diversity index (H') and the diversity of sunflower inbred lines was performed by homogeneity analysis (HOMALS) as well as discriminatory power of the traits. The values of the traits in Shannon diversity index were the highest (H'=0.99) for height of the tip of the blade compared to insertion of petiole and bract position, while branching, head shape and seed color showed low diversity (H'>0.1). The uniformity of inbred lines distribution determined discriminative power of descriptors. Disk flower anthocyanin coloration of stigma, hypocotyl anthocyanin coloration and intensity, leaf blistering, leaf serration, seed stripes on and between the margins showed the strongest discriminatory power. According to these six traits, the collection of inbred lines was divided into two main groups and three subgroups which better explained the relationships among the various inbred lines. Inbred lines showed the great variability of morphological traits in the whole collection and also among the inbred lines from the same type of use

    The quality and use value of the false flax (Camelina sativa [L.] Crantz)

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    Alternative plant cultures with favorable agronomic characteristics are a great source of refined edible oil and renewable industrial oil products. False flax stands out as a species with modest growing requirements, short vegetation and diverse use. Accordingly, the breeding program of the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad created two cultivars of false flax, NS Zlatka and NS Slatka, which were the research material of this study. The use and production value of these false flax cultivars were determined by examining important seed quality characteristics: oil content, oil yield, protein content and protein yield. The highest oil content was obtained in NS Slatka (45.90%) in 2016, while the highest protein content was 30.30%. The highest oil yield (801 kg/ha in 2017) and the highest protein yield (424 kg/ha in 2017) were detected in NS Zlatka. The data obtained from the field and laboratory were analyzed by analysis of variance, Duncan test and Spearman's correlation coefficient. Statistically significant differences were identified between the cultivars, and strong environmental influence was affirmed. By examining the correlations of the analyzed features, statistically significant correlations were found. The most common fatty acids included linolenic acid (33.80%), linoleic acid (18.81%), oleic acid (15.99%), eicosenoic acid (14.22%) and erucic acid (2.90%). The results obtained are applicable in further breeding program of false flax. They are of special importance in increasing the use value of false flax owing to the oil and meal high quality and potential for even more diverse use

    Genetic analysis of spike length in wheat

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    The permanent need for efficient plant breeding comes from the increment of human population, which is projected to reach 9.7 million by 2050. Novel approaches could be used to reach these goals more rapidly, raising the question of efficiency, as well. Spike length is one of the important components of grain yield formation in wheat. The influence of individual plan traits is getting more important to grain yield formation per area unit in stressful growing conditions, which are increasingly present due to global climate changes. The objectives of the present research were three-fold: (i) to determine the influence of a genotype, environment and their interaction on spike length and to evaluate stability of the trait; (ii) to present cause-causing links on a graphical example; (iii) to transform a number of possibly correlated variables into a smaller number of uncorrelated variables called principal components. Samples were obtained from 96 winter wheat cultivars grown in 2011/12 and 2012/13 on two locations. The wheat genotype population was profiled with 28 microsatellites. The ANOVA of the total phenotypic variation of the experiment shows that genotypes took the largest portion, followed by the influence of the GE interaction. Additional analysis of the GE interaction using the PCA analysis shows a statistical significance of the first two main components. In the conducted research, the dispersion of the points represents two subpopulations, but the geographical origin could not explain the grouping of genotypes within the same, so the division into two groups was done on the basis of their lines of descent

    Agronomic performance of wheat cultivars and their molecular characterization

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    Creation of new higher yield cultivars, adaptation of existing germplasm to a global climate change, increasing resistance to diseases in new genotypes are some of the tasks that breeding have in front of it. The objectives of this research were to assess GE interaction in two different environments across two vegetation seasons and to do association analysis based on the results of the phenotypic and molecular evaluation. Grain samples were obtained from 96 winter wheat cultivars grown in 2011/12 and 2012/13 at two locations in the South Pannonia Basin region and population was profiled with 28 microsatellites. The share of genotype is high and amounts 24.84%, while the share of environments was 21.06%, when yield was evaluated. The GE interaction was also statistically significant and amounts 51.58% of the total variance. Microsatellites that exhibited a relation with yield by GLM and MLM model were: gwm357, gwm339, cfa2114, gwm631, gwm495, gwm190, barc1121 and gwm437. Markers that have demonstrated the stability of the relationship with yield in different environments can be recommended as potentially useful in wheat breeding