416 research outputs found

    Perturbation Theory for the Breakdown of Mean-Field Kinetics in Oscillatory Reaction-Diffusion Systems

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    Spatially-distributed, nonequilibrium chemical systems described by a Markov chain model are considered. The evolution of such systems arises from a combination of local birth-death reactive events and random walks executed by the particles on a lattice. The parameter \gamma, the ratio of characteristic time scales of reaction and diffusion, is used to gauge the relative contributions of these two processes to the overall dynamics. For the case of relatively fast diffusion, i.e. \gamma << 1, an approximate solution to the Markov chain in the form of a perturbation expansion in powers of \gamma is derived. Kinetic equations for the average concentrations differ from the mass-action law and contain memory terms. For a reaction- diffusion system with Willamowski-Rossler reaction mechanism, we further derive the following two results: a) in the limit of \gamma --> 0 these memory terms vanish and the mass-action law is recovered; b) the memory kernel is found to assume a simple exponential form. A comparison with numerical results from lattice gas automaton simulations is also carried out.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figures. To appear in J. Chem. Phy

    Service strategy transition : product and service offerings in medical devices

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    This study explores how, by undertaking customer-oriented service analysis, a company follows a non-linear approach to product-service provision which is contrary to the approach advocated in the servitisation literature. The case study verifies applicability of existing service models using the example of a global manufacturer of medical products. Open-ended interviews serve as the main source of data to reveal the change opportunities for product-service provision. Study findings suggest that customer orientation is the key element causing the change in pattern; while the analysis of consumer operations provides understanding of the planned change initiatives

    The Stochastic Aspects of Long-Term Water Resources Planning as Applied to the Integrated Regional Development Problem

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    Water resources systems have been an important part of resources and environment related research at IIASA since its inception. As demands for water increase relative to supply, the intensity and efficiency of water resources management must be developed further. This in turn requires an increase in the degree of detail and sophistication of the analysis, including economic, social and environmental evaluation of water resources development alternatives aided by application of mathematical modeling techniques, to generate inputs for planning, design, and operational decisions. During the year of 1978 it was decided that parallel to the continuation of demand studies, an attempt would be made to integrate the results of our studies on water demands with water supply considerations. This new task was named "Regional Water Management" (Task 1, Resources and Environment Area). It is concerned with the application of systems analysis techniques for planning and operational management of integrated regional water resources systems. This paper by Dr. S. Velikanov from the Institute of Water Problems of the USSR Academy of Sciences was drafted during his short visit to IIASA in early 1978. It reviews some of the approaches developed in the USSR concerning estimation of reliability of water supply and water demands and the use of these reliability estimates in the water resources planning process

    Analysis of individual gaming activity of players 13-14 years old

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    The paper discusses the theme of the analysis of individual gaming activity of the players of 13-14 years. The relevance of the chosen topic associated with the active development and popularity of hockey in the country. The author suggests that an important problem of modern development of Russian hockey remains the problem of preparation of hockey players of high classВ работе рассмотрена тема проведения анализа индивидуальной игровой деятельности хоккеистов 13-14 лет. Актуальность выбранной темы связана с активным развитием и ростом популярности хоккея в стране. Автор предполагает, что важной проблемой современного развития отечественного хоккея по-прежнему остается проблема подготовки хоккеистов высокого класс

    The ignition fragment wood heated to a high temperature of the plate

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    It is detected, that the main ignition regularities of dispersed wood possible on the basis of experimental studies in terms of the real modes of ignition. The aim of this article is the experimental study of the conditions and characteristics of the single ignition fragments wood the made of dry pine during heating energy intensive metal plate with a constant temperature. The experiments were carried out with particles of wood characteristic sizes. As a result the experimental studies were identified, typical ranges of sample sizes with maximum temperatures of ignition. The results of our experimental studies are the basis for selection of a specific optimization parameters (the temperature of the steel plate and the ignition delay time) when selecting a pulse pyrolysis technologies. Established in experiments regularities allow us to determine fireproof conditions of pyrolytic processes of wood processing in the mode heating pulse for the purpose of biofuel production

    Mining excavator working equipment load forecasting according to a fuzzy-logistic model

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    Due to the fact that the loads occurring in the working equipment of mining excavators are determined by a large number of random factors that are difficult to represent by analytical formulas, for estimating and predicting loads the models must be introduced using non-standard approaches. In this study, we used the methodology of the theory of fuzzy logic and fuzzy pluralities, which allows to overcome the difficulties associated with the incompleteness and vagueness of the data in assessing and predicting the  forces encountered in the working equipment of mining excavators, as well as with the qualitative nature of these data. As a result of computer simulation in the fuzzyTECH environment, data comparable with experimental studies were obtained to determine the level of loading of the main elements of the working equipment of mining excavators. Based on a representative sample, a statistical analysis of the data was performed, as a result of which the equation of linear multiple stress regression in the handle of mining excavators was obtained, which allows to make an accurate forecast of the loading of the working equipment of the excavator


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    The issues of temporal sign of a causal relationship in Criminalistics is considered. The problematics of the asymmetry of the direction of time and causality have been worked out, approaches to clarifying the sequence and simultaneity of the event- cause and the event-consequence in Criminalistics have been proposed.Розглянуто питання часової ознаки причинно-наслідкового зв’язку в криміналістиці. Опрацьовано проблематику асиметрії напрямку часу та причинності, запропоновано підходи до з’ясування послідовності й одночасності події-причини та події-наслідку в криміналістиці

    The Konotop Campaign of 1672 to “Elect a Hetman”

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    The article was submitted on 26.05.2020.Анализируются причины, приведшие к смещению и аресту левобережного гетмана Д. И. Игнатовича (Многогрешного) в ночь с 12 на 13 марта 1672 г., а также обстоятельства избрания новым гетманом И. С. Самойловича. Автор детально разбирает все сообщения о связях Игнатовича с П. Д. Дорошенко, о его намерении объявить мятеж и перейти в подданство турецкого султана, для чего Д. И. Игнатович начал сбор войск и заранее вывез в безопасное место свое имущество. Подробно описываются усилия российского правительства по удержанию гетмана в царском подданстве и отсутствие планов по его смене. Узнав об измене и аресте Д. И. Игнатовича представителями казацкой старшины, в Москве поддержали заговорщиков и провели суд над бывшим гетманом, приговорившем его к ссылке в Сибирь. Несмотря на опасения о возможных казацких выступлениях в поддержку Д. И. Игнатовича, смена гетмана произошла бескровно и без каких-либо серьезных волнений, что подтверждает отсутствие поддержки его лично и проводившейся им политики. На его место на Конотопской раде 17 июня 1672 г. был избран 30‑летний И. С. Самойлович, который не имел серьезной опоры среди старшины и казачества и был зависим от поддержки царских властей и казацких элит. Подписанные на выборной раде Конотопские статьи повторяли условия предыдущих Глуховских статей 1669 г. и предоставляли Гетманщине права широкой автономии при минимальном царском военно-административном присутствии. Практически единственным дополнением была просьба к царским властям выступать арбитром в возможных спорах между гетманом и казацкой старшиной. Для демонстрации силовой поддержки царского кандидата к месту проведения выборной рады была отправлена армия кн. Г. Г. Ромодановского, а на границах Гетманщины были дополнительно развернуты войска.This article analyses the reasons for Hetman D. Ignatowich (Mnogogreshniy)’s dismissal and arrest on the night of 13 March 1672 and the election of I. Samoylowich as the new hetman. The author provides a detailed description of all the reports regarding Ignatowich’s communications with Hetman Doroshenko and his plans to launch a mutiny against the tsar and become subject of the Turkish sultan, which made Ignatowich start mobilising troops and transport his property to a safe place in advance. Additionally, the author describes the effort taken by the Russian government to keep the hetman under their rule and lack of plans to dismiss him. After the information about Ignatowich’s treason and arrest by representatives of the Cossack starshina (officership) reached Moscow, the latter supported the plotters and tried the former hetman in a court of law, sentencing him to exile in Siberia. Even though there were fears of Cossack uprisings to support Ignatowich, the appointment of a new hetman was bloodless and was not followed by any serious uprisings, which testifies to the lack of support towards him personally or the policy he carried out. On 17 June 1672, the 30‑yearold Samoylowich was elected hetman at the Konotop Rada. He did not enjoy any support of the starshina or Cossacks in general and was dependent on the support of the tsarist authorities and Cossack elites. The conditions of the Konotop articles signed at the Rada were identical to the Glukhov articles from 1669 and provided the hetmanate with broad autonomy and a very limited tsarist military and administrative participation. The only addition was that the authorities were requested to arbitrate any possible disputes between the hetman and the Cossack starshina. In order to demonstrate the military support for the tsar’s candidate, the authorities sent Prince Romodanovsky’s army to the place where the Rada was to be held and deployed additional troops along the hetmanate’s borders