5 research outputs found

    Synthesis of novel cytotoxic tetracyclic acridone derivatives and study of their molecular docking, ADMET, QSAR, bioactivity and protein binding properties

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    Acridone based synthetic and natural products with inherent anticancer activity advancing the research and generating a large number of structurally diversified compounds. In this sequence we have designed, synthesized a series of tetracyclic acridones with amide framework viz., 3-(alkyloyl/ aryloyl/ heteroaryloyl/ heteroaryl)-2,3-dihydropyrazino[3,2,1-de]acridin-7(1H)-ones and screened for their in vitro anti-cancer activity. The in vitro study revealed that compounds with cyclopropyl-acetyl, benzoyl, p-hydroxybenzoyl, p-(trifluoromethyl)benzoyl, p-fluorobenzoyl, m-fluorobenzoyl, picolinoyl, 6-methylpicolinoyl and 3-nicotinoyl groups are active against HT29, MDAMB231 and HEK293T cancer cell lines. The molecular docking studies performed for them against 4N5Y, HT29 and 2VWD revealed the potential ligand–protein binding interactions among the neutral aminoacid of the enzymes and carbonyl groups of the title compounds with a binding energy ranging from − 8.1394 to − 6.9915 kcal/mol. In addition, the BSA protein binding assay performed for them has confirmed their interaction with target proteins through strong binding to BSA macromolecule. The additional studies like ADMET, QSAR, bioactivity scores, drug properties and toxicity risks ascertained them as newer drug candidates. This study had added a new collection of piperazino fused acridone derivatives to the existing array of other nitrogen heterocyclic fused acridone derivatives as anticancer agents. © 2020, The Author(s).The authors thank GVK Biosciences Pvt. Ltd., Nacharam, Hyderabad, India for sponsoring chemicals and analytical data. Authors Dr. Avula Vijaya Kumar Reddy and Prof. Dr. Grigory V. Zyryanov thank Ural Federal University for support and acknowledge the financial support of the Russian Science Foundation, Moscow, Russian Federation (RSF Grant No.: 18-13-00365). The corresponding author Dr. Visweswara Rao Pasupuleti thank Universiti Malaysia Sabah for the financial support

    Geophysical Methods for Assessing Microbial Processes in Soil: A Critical Review

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    707-715Geophysical techniques have witnessed significant changes over the years and the applications are gradually shifting from its application in characterization of structure to characterization of processes. A comprehensive bibliometric analysis of the Geophysical tools in studying the microbial processes at subsurface level is presented here. Late 90s witnessed potential use of geophysical tools in characterization of contaminated lands for monitoring the changes taking place therein. Geophysical tools have achieved success in sensing the microbial processes that has stimulated the researchers’ interest to study its possible application in monitoring bioremediation processes. Geophysical tools offer distinct advantages over the invasive point based methods deployed in monitoring the efficacy of remediation in view of their low cost, higher spatiotemporal resolution. A proper understanding of geophysical signatures vis-à-vis different controlling parameters is imperative to realize full potential of geophysical tool. Bibliometric analysis suggests different tools viz. DC resistivity, Self-Potential, Spectral Induced Polarization, Electro Magnetic, Ground Penetrating Radar have the potential to identify the changes in contaminated zones impacted by microbial processes. It is necessary that geophysical measurements should involve with the geochemical and microbiological measurements to avoid ambiguous results

    Assessing water requirement of orange trees using sap flow measurements in Narkhed-Pandhurna critical zone observatory (CZO) in central India

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    We used thermal dissipation method for sap flux measurements in orange trees to assess its water requirement in Narkhed-Pandhurna region. Thermal Dissipation Probe (TDP) sensors were installed in 5-year old (young) and 15-year old (mature) orange trees to measure the diurnal sap flux variations in trees during November 21, 2019, to January 31, 2020 (71 days). The results show that the maximum daily water uptake by the 5-year old tree was 1.1 L observed on 39th day of measurement (December 29, 2019) and in the 15-year old tree it was 5.0 L, and it observed on 38th day (December 28, 2019) of measurement. The cumulative water uptake during the study period by the 5-year old tree was 49.0 L, and the 15-year old tree consumed 257.4 L of water. The results were compared with the recommended irrigational values of Indian Horticulture Board (IHB), Government of India (GoI) and Groundwater Survey and Development Agency (GSDA), Government of Maharashtra (GoMH) for orange orchards. The initial investigation shows that recommended guidelines for irrigation of orange trees are exorbitantly high and needs to be revised. The sap flow methods are more precise that can measure sap flow at a very short interval and can generate a time series of data. It can be used to revise the guidelines with the aim to conserve water and propose precision water irrigation for the study area in particular and different agro-climatic zones of the country in general