227 research outputs found

    Shape optimization problems on metric measure spaces

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    We consider shape optimization problems of the form min{J(Ω) : ΩX, m(Ω)c},\min\big\{J(\Omega)\ :\ \Omega\subset X,\ m(\Omega)\le c\big\}, where XX is a metric measure space and JJ is a suitable shape functional. We adapt the notions of γ\gamma-convergence and weak γ\gamma-convergence to this new general abstract setting to prove the existence of an optimal domain. Several examples are pointed out and discussed.Comment: 27 pages, the final publication is available at http://www.journals.elsevier.com/journal-of-functional-analysis

    A Multiphase Shape Optimization Problem for Eigenvalues: Qualitative Study and Numerical Results

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    We consider the multiphase shape optimization problem min{i=1hλ1(Ωi)+αΩi: Ωi open, ΩiD, ΩiΩj=},\min\Big\{\sum_{i=1}^h\lambda_1(\Omega_i)+\alpha|\Omega_i|:\ \Omega_i\ \hbox{open},\ \Omega_i\subset D,\ \Omega_i\cap\Omega_j=\emptyset\Big\}, where α>0\alpha>0 is a given constant and DR2 D\subset\Bbb{R}^2 is a bounded open set with Lipschitz boundary. We give some new results concerning the qualitative properties of the optimal sets and the regularity of the corresponding eigenfunctions. We also provide numerical results for the optimal partitions

    A free boundary problem arising in PDE optimization

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    A free boundary problem arising from the optimal reinforcement of a membrane or from the reduction of traffic congestion is considered; it is of the form supDθdx=m infuH01(D)D(1+θ2u2fu)dx.\sup_{\int_D\theta\,dx=m}\ \inf_{u\in H^1_0(D)}\int_D\Big(\frac{1+\theta}{2}|\nabla u|^2-fu\Big)\,dx. We prove the existence of an optimal reinforcement θ\theta and that it has some higher integrability properties. We also provide some numerical computations for θ\theta and uu.Comment: 29 pages, 42 figure

    Shape Optimization Problems with Internal Constraint

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    We consider shape optimization problems with internal inclusion constraints, of the form \min\big\{J(\Omega)\ :\ \Dr\subset\Omega\subset\R^d,\ |\Omega|=m\big\}, where the set \Dr is fixed, possibly unbounded, and JJ depends on Ω\Omega via the spectrum of the Dirichlet Laplacian. We analyze the existence of a solution and its qualitative properties, and rise some open questions.Comment: 18 pages, 0 figure

    Responsibility and Ambivalence

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    I use the concept of ambivalence—the state of being faced with a choice that cannot be resolved without sacrificing something of value—to approach five contemporary debates in the philosophy of moral responsibility: (1) psychopathy, (2) free will, (3) the emotion of guilt, (4) regret and indirect moral luck, and (5) moral demandingness. Rather than arguing for one theory or another, acknowledging ambivalence paves the way for resolving these debates by reconciling the opposing sides

    Free boundary regularity for a multiphase shape optimization problem

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    In this paper we prove a C1,αC^{1,\alpha} regularity result in dimension two for almost-minimizers of the constrained one-phase Alt-Caffarelli and the two-phase Alt-Caffarelli-Friedman functionals for an energy with variable coefficients. As a consequence, we deduce the complete regularity of solutions of a multiphase shape optimization problem for the first eigenvalue of the Dirichlet-Laplacian up to the fixed boundary. One of the main ingredient is a new application of the epiperimetric-inequality of Spolaor-Velichkov [CPAM, 2018] up to the boundary. While the framework that leads to this application is valid in every dimension, the epiperimetric inequality is known only in dimension two, thus the restriction on the dimension

    Spectral optimization problems for potentials and measures

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    In the present paper we consider spectral optimization problems involving the Schr\"odinger operator Δ+μ-\Delta +\mu on Rd\R^d, the prototype being the minimization of the kk the eigenvalue λk(μ)\lambda_k(\mu). Here μ\mu may be a capacitary measure with prescribed torsional rigidity (like in the Kohler-Jobin problem) or a classical nonnegative potential VV which satisfies the integral constraint \ds \int V^{-p}dx \le m with 0<p<10<p<1. We prove the existence of global solutions in Rd\R^d and that the optimal potentials or measures are equal to ++\infty outside a compact set.Comment: 30 pages, 1 figur