9 research outputs found

    Scanning Tunneling Microscopy of Surface Structures

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    Surface science got a new impact with the development of the scanning tunneling microscope, since for the first time atomic-resolution observations of surface structures in real space have become possible. Following a short description of the basic features of the scanning tunneling microscopy, some selected results are presented which illustrate the potential of the technique to provide information about the surface structures and processes on a nanometar scale

    A new family of quality loss functions

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    Taguchi first developed the quality loss function to better estimate the economic losses incurred by manufacturers and customers caused by quality characteristics being off-target. The quality loss function measures the quality loss caused by a deviation of a quality characteristic from its defined target value. Several researchers have proposed different revised loss functions for overcoming some flaws of the Taguchi loss function. This paper recommends a new family of quality loss functions, which is very flexible, simple, and easy to implement. Three real case studies demonstrated the usability and capabilities of the proposed new loss function for quantifying and predicting quality losses

    Računalno potpomognuto projektiranje procesa viŔefaznog dubokog vučenja

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    It is well-known from practice that only some cups whose height is smaller than diameter can be successfully drawn in one step. Many steps require more tools and larger total manufacturing costs. The main objective of this study was to minimize the number of deep-drawing steps. The paper presents the application of software DDCP developed for designing the multi-step deep-drawing processes in manufacturing of cylindrical cups. The analysis of the computing results obtained by this software shows that the number of drawing steps is decisively affected by relative height of the given part, while the impact of relative radius is smaller. In the paper a diagram for determining the number of deep-drawing steps is given, which is very suitable for engineers in practice. Also, various very useful approaches for reducing the number of deep-drawing steps are recommended.z prakse je poznato da se samo neke posude s visinom manjom od promjera mogu uspjeÅ”no izvlačiti u jednoj operaciji. ViÅ”e operacija podrazumijeva i viÅ”e alata i veće ukupne troÅ”kove proizvodnje. Glavni cilj ovog istraživanja bio je smanjiti broj koraka dubokog vučenja. Prikazana je primjena softvera DDCP koji je razvijen za izradu cilindričnih komada procesom dubokog vučenja u viÅ”e operacija. Analiza računalnih rezultata ovog softvera pokazuje da na broj koraka vučenja presudno utječe relativna visina komada, dok je utjecaj relativnog radijusa manji. U radu je prikazan dijagram za određivanje broja koraka dubokog vučenja, koji je vrlo pogodan za inženjere u praksi. Također, preporučeni su razni vrlo korisni pristupi za smanjenje broja koraka dubokog vučenja

    Research on the attitudes of the elderly towards interprofessional cooperation and collaborative pharmacy practices: Cross-sectional study in Serbia

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    Background: Population aging is taking place at the highest historical rates, while growing needs for healthcare by the elderly put added and immense pressure predominantly on the primary care. Higher level of interprofessional collaboration is expected to improve healthcare system performance and to provide adequate delivery of healthcare for the elderly. This was the main driver for implementing the interprofessional collaborative models by many countries. However, these models need to be patient-centered and more focused on ā€œwhat mattersā€ to patient. This study aims to identify the attitudes of the elderly people (65+) towards interprofessional collaboration (IPC), namely collaborative pharmacy practice (CPP). Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out in Serbia from May 2017 to July 2017, taking place in five Geriatric Centers. A total of 187 men and women (average age 76.2 years), were interviewed using a structured questionnaire. Results: Respondents noted the insufficient visibility of the elderly and insufficient informing as the biggest problems faced by the elderly within the system of health and social care. The significant difference by gender and education was found in several questions. However, respondents believed that the efficiency of the healthcare system would significantly increase if there were closer cooperation and coordination between doctors, pharmacists and other healthcare workers. Conclusion: The lack of collaborative pharmacy practice represents a significant unused potential for improving healthcare for the elderly considerably, which under the conditions of limited resources may stipulate organizational changes or corrections. Ā© 2021, Association of Pharmaceutical Teachers of India. All rights reserved

    Softverski prototip za optimizaciju i upravljanje proizvodnim procesima

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    Modeling of manufacturing processes aimed at better understanding, optimization and process control is very important in manufacturing practice. This is usually achieved by integrating empirical models with classical mathematical and meta-heuristic algorithms. In this paper, software prototype ā€œFunction Analyzerā€ for optimization and control of manufacturing processes is presented. It is based on the mathematical iterative search of entire space of possible input values. This way, the developed software is able to determine global extreme points of the process model and corresponding input values (process optimization). Furthermore, it is able to determine the optimal input values that satisfy the specified requirements for output value and accuracy (process control). The developed software is characterized by extendible architecture, flexible user interface and efficient operation. The abilities of software prototype ā€œFunction Analyzerā€ were demonstrated on two case studies. The first one considers the regression based modeling of dry turning of cold rolled alloy steel. The second case study considers the artificial neural network based modeling of dry turning of unreinforced polyamide.Modeliranje proizvodnih procesa s ciljem boljeg razumijevanja, optimizacije i upravljanja procesa je vrlo važno u proizvodnoj praksi. U tu svrhu obično se vrÅ”i integracija empirijskih modela procesa s klasičnim matematičkim i meta-heurističkim algoritmima. U ovom radu je predstavljen softverski prototip ā€œFunction Analyzerā€ za optimizaciju i upravljanje proizvodnih procesa koji se temelji na matematičkom iterativnom pretraživanju cijelog prostora mogućih ulaznih vrijednosti. Na taj način razvijeni softver je u mogućnosti odrediti globalne ekstremne točke modela procesa i odgovarajuće ulazne vrijednosti (optimizacija procesa). Nadalje, u stanju je odrediti optimalne ulazne vrijednosti koje zadovoljavaju određene uvjete za izlazne vrijednosti i točnosti (upravljanje procesa). Razvijeni softver karakterizira nadogradiva arhitektura, fleksibilno korisničko sučelje i učinkovit rad. Sposobnosti softverskog prototipa ā€œFunction Analyzerā€ su demonstrirane na dvije studije slučaja. Prva razmatra regresijsko modeliranje procesa tokarenja hladno valjanog legiranog čelika. Druga studija slučaja razmatra modeliranje procesa tokarenja neojačanog poliamida pomoću umjetne neuronske mreže

    Konceptualni model kolaborativne farmaceutske prakse u zdravstvenoj i socijalnoj zaŔtiti starijih osoba

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    Background/Aim. In the new millennium, the focus has been increasingly shifting to optimisation by enhancing the collaborative (common, joint) practice of healthcare professionals, for the purpose of achieving effectiveness and efficiency. Pharmacists are the last link in the healthcare services providing chain. The aim of this study was to present a critical analysis of the published models of the collaborative pharmacy practice along with development of a conceptual model of collaborative pharmacy practice in the healthcare and social care for the elderly population. Methods. Using two search algorithms that were created to search articles published in English, a comprehensive search of the bibliographic databases Web of Science and PubMed was undertaken (up to June 2015). Afterwards, articles were independently assessed by two authors, against predetermined inclusion and exclusion criteria. Results. Regulations on pharmacy collaboration are present in many developed countries. However, the implementation of the collaborative practice is still not widespread. Therefore, a conceptual model of the collaborative healthcare and social care of the elderly provides an insight into a multi-layer structure that has to be established in order to achieve a functioning system of the collaborative healthcare practice. The model concluded that aspirations towards teamwork, communication and above all - the system of regulators and payers, who acknowledge a healthcare collaboration, are crucial for establishment of a collaborative healthcare practice. Conclusion. This research provides a tool in the form of a guide and check-list for decision-makers and policy-makers in order to achieve the preferred effects generated from the collaborative practice by selecting the models and activities that need to be undertaken for implementation of the collaborative healthcare and social care of the elderly that is best suited for their country.Uvod/Cilj. U cilju postizanja efektivnosti i efikasnosti, u novom milenijumu se sve viÅ”e govori o optimizaciji zdravstvene zaÅ”tite, kroz jačanje udružene prakse zdravstvenih profesionalaca. Farmaceuti predstavljaju poslednju kariku u lancu pružanja zdravstvene zaÅ”tite. Cilj ove studije bio je da prikaže kritičku analizu publikovanih modela kolaborativne farmaceutske prakse, kao i razvoj konceptualnog modela farmaceutske kolaborativne prakse u zdravstvenoj i socijalnoj zaÅ”titi starije populacije. Metode. Koristeći dva algoritma koja su kreirana za pretragu, pretraženi su radovi (do juna 2015. godine) iz bibliografija elektronskih baza podataka Web of Science i PubMed. Nakon pretrage, radovi su nezavisno procenjeni u odnosu na predefinisane kriterijume za uključenje i isključenje, od strane dva autora. Rezultati. Regulativa o farmaceutskoj kolaboraciji je zastupljena u mnogim razvijenim zemljama. Međutim, implementacija kolaborativne prakse joÅ” uvek nije Å”iroko rasprostranjena. Stoga, konceptualni model kolaborativne farmaceutske prakse u zdravstvenoj i socijalnoj zaÅ”titi starijih osoba obezbeđuje uvid u viÅ”eslojnu strukturu koja treba biti uspostavljena kako bi se osigurao funkcionalni sistem kolaborativne zdravstvene prakse. Model zaključuje da su aspiracije prema timskom radu, komunikacija i nadasve sistem regulatora i platioca koji prepoznaju zdravstvenu kolaboraciju, ključni za uspostavljanje kolaborativne zdravstvene prakse. Zaključak. Ovo istraživanje donosi alat u obliku vodiča i čekliste za donosioce odluka i regulativa, kako bi se istim omogućilo da postignu preferirane efekte prikupljenih kolaborativnih praksi, kroz označavanje modela i aktivnosti koje treba preduzeti za implementaciju one kolaborativne zdravstvene i socijalne zaÅ”tite starijih osoba koji su najprimenjiviji u njihovoj zemlji

    Early Stages of Gold and Silver Growth on α-MoTe2, β-MoTe2 and WTe2

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    The early stages of growth of gold and silver on (001) surfaces of α-MoTe2, β-MoTe2 and WTe2 were studied by means of scanning tunneling microscopy. Metals were deposited at room temperature at a rate of about one monolayer per minute. It is shown that, prior to the epitaxial growth of the noble metal, a local interaction between the impinging atoms and the substrate takes place. During this period the noble-metal atoms diffuse through vacancies in the top tellurium layer and occupy enlarged interstices in the chalcogen-metal-chalcogen sandwich layers, where they agglomerate into one-atom-thick islands. Their shape and size depend on the stress between them and the substrate, and they remain stable at room temperature

    Conceptual model of collaborative pharmaceutical practice in healthcare and social care for the elderly

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    Background/Aim. In the new millennium, the focus has been increasingly shifting to optimisation by enhancing the collaborative (common, joint) practice of healthcare professionals, for the purpose of achieving effectiveness and efficiency. Pharmacists are the last link in the healthcare services providing chain. The aim of this study was to present a critical analysis of the published models of the collaborative pharmacy practice along with development of a conceptual model of collaborative pharmacy practice in the healthcare and social care for the elderly population. Methods. Using two search algorithms that were created to search articles published in English, a comprehensive search of the bibliographic databases Web of Science and PubMed was undertaken (up to June 2015). Afterwards, articles were independently assessed by two authors, against predetermined inclusion and exclusion criteria. Results. Regulations on pharmacy collaboration are present in many developed countries. However, the implementation of the collaborative practice is still not widespread. Therefore, a conceptual model of the collaborative healthcare and social care of the elderly provides an insight into a multi-layer structure that has to be established in order to achieve a functioning system of the collaborative healthcare practice. The model concluded that aspirations towards teamwork, communication and above all ā€“ the system of regulators and payers, who acknowledge a healthcare collaboration, are crucial for establishment of a collaborative healthcare practice. Conclusion. This research provides a tool in the form of a guide and check-list for decision-makers and policy-makers in order to achieve the preferred effects generated from the collaborative practice by selecting the models and activities that need to be undertaken for implementation of the collaborative healthcare and social care of the elderly that is best suited for their country