5 research outputs found

    Ulcera lingual como signo 煤nico de infecci贸n recurrente por micobacteria en un paciente con VIH/SIDA

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    Se describe un paciente con VIH/SIDA en el que se identific贸 una infecci贸n por micobacteria en la mucosa bucal, probablemente tuberculosis, en un centro de referencia para VIH/SIDA de la Ciudad de M茅xico. El prop贸sito del presente informe es describir los hallazgos cl铆nicos e histol贸gicos en un paciente con VIH/SIDA, quien despu茅s de haber sido tratado exitosamente para tuberculosis ganglionar 4 a帽os antes, present贸 una 煤lcera lingual como 煤nico signo que sugiri贸 recurrencia de infecci贸n por micobacteria, probablemente tuberculosis. Hombre de 39 a帽os de edad, atendido desde 1991 en el Instituto Nacional de Ciencias M茅dicas y Nutrici贸n 'Salvador Zubir谩n', por el diagn贸stico de infecci贸n con VIH. En 1999, el paciente present贸 tuberculosis ganglionar, recibiendo tratamiento antif铆mico con involuci贸n de las adenopat铆as y desaparici贸n de los s铆ntomas sist茅micos. En mayo del 2003 acudi贸 a consulta por presentar una 煤lcera superficial en lengua, dolorosa, de 4 meses de evoluci贸n, de 0.7 cm. de di谩metro, bien circunscrita, crateriforme, con bordes ligeramente elevados, irregulares e indurados. El estudio histopatol贸gico mostr贸 inflamaci贸n granulomatosa cr贸nica con c茅lulas gigantes multinucleadas sugestivas de infecci贸n por mi-cobacteria, lo cual hizo pensar en recurrencia de tuberculosis, por lo que se indic贸 rifampicina, pirazinamida, etambutol y estreptomicina. En junio del 2003 el paciente inici贸 TARAA, que incluy贸 dos ITRAN y un ITRNN. La lesi贸n lingual evolucion贸 favorablemente, con cicatrizaci贸n parcial a la primera semana y remisi贸n total a los 45 d铆as del inicio del tratamiento antif铆mico; a los 7 meses de seguimiento permanece sin lesi贸n. El presente caso tiene la particularidad de que la 煤lcera lingual fue la 煤nica manifestaci贸n de infecci贸n por micobacteria, sugestiva de tuberculosis, en un paciente con VIH/SIDA, que pudo ocurrir como resultado de la recurrencia del episodio previo de TB ganglionar.The report describes an HIV/AIDS patient seen at a referral center in Mexico City, in whom a mycobacterial infection in the oral mucosa, probably tuberculosis (TB) was identified. The purpose is to describe the clinical and histological findings in an HIV-infected patient, who after being treated successfully for tuberculous lymphangitis 4 years ago, presented with a lingual ulcer as the only suggestive sign of recurrence of mycobacterial infection, probably M. tuberculosis. A 39-year-old man seen inthe HIV clinic of the Instituto Nacional de Ciencias M茅dicas y Nutrici贸n 'Salvador Zubir谩n' in Mexico City since 1991 for HIV infection. In 1999 the patient developed tuberculous lymphangitis; he was managed with a 4-drug regimen for 12 months, with improvement of local and systemic symptoms. In May of 2003, the patient presented a painful superficial lingual ulcer, 0.7 cm in diameter, well circumscribed, crateriform with slightly elevated, irregular and indurated borders, of 4 months duration. The histopathological examination showed chronic granulomatous inflammation with giant multinucleated cells, suggestive of mycobacterial infection, and recurrence of TB was considered. Rifampin, isoniazide, pyrazinamide, ethambutol and streptomycin were administered. The lingual lesion improved with partial healing at the first week and total remission at 45 days after the beginning of the antituberculous treatment. In June, 2003, the patient began highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) that included two NRTIs and one NNRTI. At 7 months of follow-up, the patient remains free of lingual lesions. The particularity of the present case is that the lingual ulcer was the only sign of infection by mycobacteria, suggestive of TB, in an HIV/AIDS patient that probably represented a recurrence of a previous episode

    Asociaci贸n de lesiones bucales con el estado serol贸gico para el VIH Association of oral lesions with HIV serological status

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    Objetivo. Estimar la prevalencia de lesiones bucales y su asociaci贸n con el estado serol贸gico del VIH. Material y m茅todos. Estudio transversal, descriptivo y doble ciego, hecho, entre 1998 y 1999 en M茅xico, D.F., con 512 personas que acudieron a dos centros de informaci贸n del Centro Nacional para la Prevenci贸n del VIH/SIDA e ITS (CONASIDA) y a quienes se les practic贸 examen bucal sin conocer a煤n su estado serol贸gico con respecto al VIH. Se utilizaron las pruebas de t-Student, exacta de Fisher y ji虏. Se calcul贸 la raz贸n de productos cruzados. Resultados. Se examinaron 512 individuos, 68 resultaron positivos al VIH. En 65% (44/68), se observaron lesiones bucales asociadas con el VIH (LB), 95% correspondieron a candidosis bucal (CB) y leucoplasia vellosa (LV). La asociaci贸n de CB y LV con el estado serol贸gico positivo al VIH fue estrecha. Conclusiones. La CB y la LV fueron las lesiones m谩s fuertemente asociadas con el VIH.Objective. To estimate the prevalence of oral lesions and its association with HIV serological status. Material and Methods. A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted between 1998 and 1999 in Mexico City, among 512 subjects attending two information centers of Centro Nacional para la Prevenci贸n del VIH/SIDA e ITS (CONASIDA, National Center for Prevention of HIV/AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Infections) for HIV serologic testing. The oral examination was performed without knowledge of the HIV status. Statistical analysis was conducted using Student's t test, Fisher's exact test and the chi虏 test; odds ratios and 95% CI were also calculated. Results. A total of 512 individuals were examined, 68 of whom were HIV-positive. HIV-related oral lesions (OL), were evident in 65% (44/68) of the HIV-positive individuals; 95% of them consisted in oral candidosis (OC) and hairy leukoplakia (HL). OC and HL were strongly associated with seropositivity to HIV. Conclusions. OC and HL were the oral lesions most strongly associated to HIV seropositivity