6 research outputs found
Geç Osmanlı Döneminde Batılılaşma Ekseninde Beden Eğitimi ve Spor
Bu çalışmada OsmanlıDevletinde, Geç Osmanlıdöneminden, Cumhuriyetin ilanın kadar geçen süreç içerisinde gerçekleştirilmeye çalışılmışBatılılaşma hareketleri, bu hareketlerin spor ve spor eğitimi alanına yansımalarıve dönemin spor kültürünün incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Çalışmada verilerin toplanmasıamacıyla “alan yazın taraması” yapılmıştır. Bu amaçla çeşitli kütüphanelerde, dergilerde ve kurumlarda bu döneme ilişkin kaynaklar taranmışve buradan elde edilen veriler çalışmada kullanılmıştır. “Çağdaşlaşma” adına olumlu adımların atıldığıTanzimat dönemiyle birlikte, Osmanlıda askeri alan dışında edebiyat, siyaset, sosyal yaşantı, eğitim, devlet hukuku ve devlet kuruluşlarında olduğu gibi “spor ve spor eğitimi" alanında da ilk kez Batıdakine benzer reformlar gerçekleştirildiği görülmektedir. Bu dönemde ilk kez 1863 Mekteb-i Hayriye’de Avrupai tarzda gerçekleştirilen cimnastik etkinlikleri Riyazat-ıbedeniye” adıaltında ders programına dahil edilmiştir. Aynıdönemde Osmanlıtopraklarında yaşayan azınlıklar ve yurt dışından ülkeye gelmişolan yabancıuyruklu ailelerin çabalarıile futbol, tenis ve basketbol gibi spor dallarında faaliyetler gerçekleştirilmeye başlanmıştır. Osmanlıdevletinde ilk kez batılıanlamda spor faaliyetlerinin gerçekleştirilmesi amacıyla 1872 yılında spor kulübü The Imperid Yatching and Boating Club kurulmuştur. Bu dönemin beraberinde getirdiği bir başka gelişmenin de, ilk kulüpleşme çalışmalarının yabancılar tarafından gerçekleştirilmeye başlanmışolmasıdır. OsmanlıDevleti resmi olarak ilk kez 1912 yılında Stockholm’de düzenlenen Olimpiyat oyunlarında temsil edilmiştir. 1906 yılında Atina’da düzenlenen ara olimpiyatlarda ve 1908 yılında Londra’da düzenlenen oyunlarda da OsmanlıDevleti sporcularının müsabakalara katıldığına ilişkin belgelerin bulunduğu ifade edilmektedir.Toplumların spor tarihlerinin ve spor kültürlerinin incelenmesi, onların bugünkü durumlarınıaçıklayabilmede önemli bir rol oynayacağıdüşünülmektedir. Ayrıca, geçmişte hangi sporların gelişmişolduğu, sporun örgütlenme ve kurumsallaşma göstergelerinin neler olduğu, sporun işlevlerinin neler olduğu sorularına verilecek yanıtlar spor vasıtasıyla kültürümüz hakkında fikir sahibi olmamıza yardımcı olacaktır
A Qualitative Study on E-Sports Players’ Leadership Perceptions Regarding Their Team Coaches
Having emerged following the professionalization of digital gaming, e-sports has created its ecosystem and become a large-scale industry itself. Teams involved in this industry experience a social environment just like in other organizational structures. As e-sports is a relatively newer branch when compared to other sports branches, leadership in e-sports is not a commonly studied topic in the literature. Therefore, the aim of this study is to explore leadership perceptions of e-sports players in a comprehensive way. A team coach is often considered the leader in e-sports. The study was designed according to the principles of phenomenology, which is a qualitative research method. The semi-structured interview form developed by the researchers was used as the data collection instrument. The interviews were conducted with a group of e-sports players who met the predetermined criteria for participation in the study. The data was analyzed by using the content analysis method. First, the codes were determined, and later, the categories, and finally, the themes were identified out of these categories. Accordingly, it was found that leadership in e-sports is perceived under five themes: physical characteristics, personality traits, professional qualifications, technical skills, and management skills. Finally, it can be concluded that leadership in e-sports is quite similar to leadership in other traditional sports in many ways. However, the study showed that it has unique characteristics that need studying within the framework of the digital age and technological advancements
Numerical evaluation of an autofrettaged thick-walled cylinder under dynamically applied axially non-uniform internal service pressure distribution
A dynamical moving pressure structural numerical calculation model using the internal ballistics calculation pressure-time results was constituted and the vicinity of the internal ballistics and quasi-internal ballistics structural model was checked. The Von Mises stresses obtained by the dynamical structural numerical model calculations and the Von Mises stresses calculated from the shot test strain measurements were compared. The difference for the worse case was 20% and for the best case was 0.1%. Furthermore, the model gave better agreement for the higher charge masses. The numerical structural quasi-internal ballistics computation model created was verified for the top charge mass which represents the highest stress condition and used in a gun barrel design. Keywords: Gun tube design, Thick wall cylinder, Residual stress, Internal ballistics, Service pressure, Wall thickness, Numerical modeling of internal ballistic
The Evaluation of Foreign Female Basketball Players’ Thoughts on Turkey, Turkish Culture and Their Professional Sports Life in Turkey
Athletes have to give up on activities, social life and the routines of daily life during their careers. In addition, they have to cope with stress created by difficult training and the anxiety to succeed. In this respect, athletes should not be considered only as athletic performance. They should be considered as individuals who display development and change physically, socially and cognitively as well as professionally. When all these are taken into consideration, the aim of this study is to investigate the thoughts and experiences of foreign female basketball players in Turkish Women?s Basketball League (10 team players?) on basketball and their athletic life in Turkey. The study was conducted using qualitative research technique, and the data was obtained using semi-structured interview technique. The data obtained showed that the most frequent problem the female basketball players faced was not getting their payment on time. The fact that the teams do not have a professional structure, experiencing communication problems and not having a mentor to support them during this difficult process are among the other problems which draw attention. On the other hand, despite these difficulties, the female basketball players stated that they were pleased with the Turkish social structure and the services offered by clubs such as accommodation, nutrition and facilities. In addition, they have stated that there is a tolerant and friendly atmosphere in Turkey in contrast to racism and discrimination. To sum up, female basketball players? thoughts on Turkey and Turkish basketball are generally positive