67 research outputs found

    La bioprospección como un mecanismo de cooperación internacional para fortalecimiento de capacidades en ciencia y tecnología en Colombia

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    Bioprospecting, defined as the exploration of biodiversitytargeted for commercial purposes, has recently become a potential strategy whereby biodiversity-rich countries can enhance their endogenous capacities to perform S&T activities, especially by interacting with more technologically developed countries. Therefore, this work focuses on analyzing the mechanism of international cooperation of a megadiverse country, as Colombia, through analysis of 342 jointly authored articles published in journals indexed in ISI and SCOPUS, information that is complemented by 12 interviews of Colombian group leaders. Results thereof evidence that Spain is the country with the highest cooperation level with Colombia. Cooperation with American countries is considered as a third priority and is intensifi ed with the participation of a European country. The poor cooperation among Colombian groups creates a disperse research agenda on widely varied topics lacking orientation and strategic priorities

    Indicadores de C&T e seu uso em Política Científica

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    This article presents some reflections on the use of science andtechnology indicators in science policy. In doing so, it first points outsome of the main initiatives in the development of science indicatorsin a number of selected countries. Then, evidence is presented that theimportance of scientific and technological indicators inpolicy-development has not been very pronounced worldwide. Possible explanations for this finding are further explored. Finally, generalconsiderations are offered in an attempt to bring indicator producersand policy makers closer to each other.Cet article presente des réflexions sur 1’utilisation des indicateursquantitatifs de C&T ayant pour but une prise de décisions en matièrede politiques du secteur. Pour cela, les premières initiatives de réunirdes informations et produire des indicateurs dans certains pays sontmon trees de façon resumée. Ensuite, une série d’évidences sont aussirapportées sur la faible utilisation de ces indicateurs par les organismesresponsables de la politique de C&T dans beaucoup des pays.Finalement, des considérations générales sont proposées, qui doiventêtre observées pour ceux qui prennent les décisions.Este artigo apresenta uma reflexão sobre o uso que os indicadores quantitativos de C&T têm tido para a tomada de decisão em políticas para o setor. Para isto, são mencionadas, de maneira suscinta, as principais iniciativas no sentido de compilar informações e produzir indicadores em alguns países. Em seguida, apresenta-se uma série de evidências de que, até o presente, os órgãos responsáveis pela política de C&T nos diversos países têm feito muito pouco uso desses indicadores. Aí principais razões para este fato são, então, apontadas e discutidas. Finalmente, são feitas algumas considerações de ordem geral que deveríam ser observadas para que seja possível aproximar os produtores de indicadores dos tomadores de decisão

    La bioprospección como un mecanismo de cooperación internacional para fortalecimiento de capacidades en ciencia y tecnología en Colombia

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    Resumen La bioprospección, definida como la exploración de la biodiversidad para fines comerciales, se ha convertido recientemente en una potencial estrategia mediante la cual los países ricos en biodiversidad pueden aumentar sus capacidades endógenas para realizar actividades de CyT, especialmente mediante la interacción con otros países de mayor desarrollo tecnológico. Es así, como este trabajo se concentra en analizar la mecánica de cooperación internacional de un país considerado megadiverso, Colombia, a través del análisis de coautoría de 342 artículos publicados en revistas indexadas en las redes ISI y SCOPUS,  información que se complementa mediante entrevistas con 12 líderes de grupos colombianos. Los resultados evidencian que España es el país con mayor colaboración con Colombia; que la cooperación con países de América se sitúa en un tercer plano y ésta se intensifica cuando hay de por medio un país europeo; la escasa cooperación entre grupos colombianos origina una agenda de investigación dispersa y en temas muy variados sin orientación y prioridades estratégicas. Palabras clave Bioprospección. Colombia. Cooperación internacional. Coautoría. Bibliometría. Bioprospecting an international cooperation mechanism for strength the capabilities in Science and Technology in Colombia Abstract Bioprospecting, defined as the exploration of biodiversitytargeted for commercial purposes, has recently become a potential strategy whereby biodiversity-rich countries can enhance their endogenous capacities to perform S&T activities, especially by interacting with more technologically developed countries. Therefore, this work focuses on analyzing the mechanism of international cooperation of a megadiverse country, as Colombia, through analysis of 342 jointly authored articles published in journals indexed in ISI and SCOPUS, information that is complemented by 12 interviews of Colombian group leaders. Results thereof evidence that Spain is the country with the highest cooperation level with Colombia. Cooperation with American countries is considered as a third priority and is intensifi ed with the participation of a European country. The poor cooperation among Colombian groups creates a disperse research agenda on widely varied topics lacking orientation and strategic priorities. Keywords Bioprospection. Colombia. International cooperation Co-authored cooperation. Bibliometry

    Between the country and the laboratory: the dynamics of the production of knowledge at the Menopause Outpatients Clinic at Caism, Unicamp

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    This study investigates the practices involved in the production of knowledge about menopause at Caism, Unicamp, a reference center for public policies for women's health. Gynecological appointments and psychological support meetings were observed, and women and doctors were interviewed in order to identify what discourse circulates there and how different actors are brought in to ensure that the knowledge produced attains credibility and travels beyond the boundaries of the teaching hospital to become universal. The analysis is based on localized studies aligned with social studies of science and technology.Este estudo investiga as práticas de produção de conhecimento sobre a menopausa no Caism/Unicamp, centro de referência para políticas públicas em saúde da mulher. Foram realizadas observações de consultas ginecológicas, entrevistas com mulheres e médicos e observação de reuniões de apoio psicológico, buscando identificar os discursos que circulam no lugar e o processo de alistamento de diferentes atores para que os conhecimentos ali produzidos alcancem credibilidade e “viajem” além dos limites do hospital-escola, tornando-se “universais”. A análise baseia-se nos “estudos localistas”, alinhados aos estudos sociais de ciência e tecnologia21412831300This study investigates the practices involved in the production of knowledge about menopause at Caism, Unicamp, a reference center for public policies for women’s health. Gynecological appointments and psychological support meetings were observed, and women and doctors were interviewed in order to identify what discourse circulates there and how different actors are brought in to ensure that the knowledge produced attains credibility and “travels” beyond the boundaries of the teaching hospital to become “universal”. The analysis is based on localized studies aligned with social studies of science and technolog

    Practices and disputes about the scientific-cultural: heritage Bertha Lutz's and the Brazilian Inspection Council on Artistic and Scientific Expeditions

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    This article is based on an extensive research that examined women's participation in scientific activities at the beginning of 20th century, in Brazil, and it focus mainly on the analysis of the naturalist Bertha Lutz's performance as representative of the National Museum of Rio de Janeiro in the Brazilian Inspection Council on Artistic and Scientific Expeditions, between 1939 and 1951. Working at this Council, Bertha had been involved with important discussions about the development of sciences and about the protection of Brazilian's environment, and took part in the process of formulating national scientific policies, consolidating an important participation in a group constituted mainly for scientists and intellectuals which, between the decades of 1930 and 1940, mobilized themselves against environmental degradation and for the protection of resources for the accomplishment of scientific researches in Brazil.Este artigo é fruto de uma ampla pesquisa que analisou a participação feminina em atividades científicas no início do século XX, no Brasil, baseando-se principalmente na análise da atuação da naturalista Bertha Lutz (1894-1976) como representante do Museu Nacional do Rio de Janeiro no Conselho de Fiscalização das Expedições Artísticas e Científicas no Brasil, entre 1939 e 1951. Bertha envolveu-se em discussões importantes sobre o desenvolvimento das ciências e a preservação do meio ambiente brasileiro, e contribuiu com a definição de políticas científicas nacionais, consolidando uma participação importante em um grupo formado principalmente por cientistas e intelectuais que, entre as décadas de 1930 e 1940, mobilizavam- se contra a degradação do meio ambiente e a favor da viabilização de recursos para a realização de pesquisas científicas no país.31132