3 research outputs found

    How to Improve Sports Fans’ Attitudes Toward the Sponsor Through Brand Management? A PLS and QCA Approach

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    The aim of the article is to explain attitudes towards the sponsors of a sporting event from brand management, especially considering the perceptions of congruence with the sponsor, quality, value, and two less common variables of innovation and popularity. The analysis has been carried out using two methodological approaches: a Partial Least Squares (PLS) model and a Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA). PLS results indicate that congruence, innovation and popularity significantly predict attitudes towards the sponsor, explaining up to 61% of it. On the other hand, QCA analysis shows nine interactions capable of producing the expected result, where congruence, quality innovation and popularity have shown a relevant role. This study has implications at a theoretical and practical level, contributing to understanding consumer behaviour in the context of sporting events and providing marketing managers with valuable information to help improve the performance of their sponsorship

    How to Improve Sports Fans' Attitudes Toward the Sponsor Through Brand Management? A PLS and QCA Approach

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    The aim of the article is to explain attitudes towards the sponsors of a sporting event from brand management, especially considering the perceptions of congruence with the sponsor, quality, value, and two less common variables of innovation and popularity. The analysis has been carried out using two methodological approaches: a Partial Least Squares (PLS) model and a Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA). PLS results indicate that congruence, innovation and popularity significantly predict attitudes towards the sponsor, explaining up to 61% of it. On the other hand, QCA analysis shows nine interactions capable of producing the expected result, where congruence, quality innovation and popularity have shown a relevant role. This study has implications at a theoretical and practical level, contributing to understanding consumer behaviour in the context of sporting events and providing marketing managers with valuable information to help improve the performance of their sponsorships.Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deport

    “Shockvertising” as a Method to Advertise Content in Video on Demand Streaming Services

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    Purpose: Most thumbnails promoting movies or series in video on demand (VOD) streaming services contain some form of shock advertising. The intention of this type of appeal is to bring immediate attention of viewers. However, little is known if shock advertising persuades consumers to watch series or movies on VOD streaming services such as Netflix or Amazon Prime Video. This study examines more deeply consumer responses to two types of shock advertising appeals: fetishism and sexual, and compares the results to an experimental condition in which there is an absence of shock advertising. Design / Methodology / Approach: This study empirically tests if shock advertising, in the form of fetishism and sexual appeals, persuades consumers to watch series or movies. In the experimental setting, we manipulated romantic feelings and compared how each shock advertising types of appeals influence consumers when deciding what to watch in VOD streaming services. Analysis of variance was utilized to test the main effect of type of shock advertising appeal (fetishism vs. sexual vs. control condition) and to test the moderating effect of romantic feelings. Results: Our findings suggest that consumers exposed to fetishism and sexual appeals revealed lower levels of persuasion compared to a control condition. An important finding of the study is the moderating effect of romanticism. When an individual has romantic feelings, conceived as a transitory mood state, the fetishism appeal becomes more persuasive than the sexual or the neutral appeals. Limitations / Implications: These results are useful for improving the implementation of shock advertising appeals in the form of fetishism or sexual thumbnails for VOD streaming services. The study uses a single experiment to draw conclusions. Future research can test to generalize the results of this study in different settings. Originality / Contribution: The main contributions derived from this research can be classified into two findings: it improves our understanding of consumer’s reactions to shock advertising; and, second advances our knowledge of the influence of positive emotions (romantic feelings) when consumers decide what to watch in video streaming services.Objetivo: La mayoría de anuncios publicitarios de películas o series en servicios de transmisión de video bajo demanda (VOD) contienen algún tipo de contenido de publicidad de choque. Pero muy poco se conoce sobre este tipo de contenidos publicitarios en las intenciones de la audiencia al elegir una serie o película en los servicios VOD como por ejemplo Netflix o Amazon Prime Video. Este estudio examina las respuestas de los consumidores a dos tipos de publicidad de choque: estímulos fetichistas y sexuales. Diseño/Metodología/Enfoque: Este estudio examina si la publicidad de choque persuade a los consumidores a ver series o películas. En el experimento se manipularon los sentimientos románticos de los participantes y se comparó cómo cada tipo de publicidad de choque (fetichista vs. sexual vs. condición de control) influye en los consumidores a la hora de decidir qué ver en los servicios VOD. Resultados: Los hallazgos sugieren que los consumidores expuestos a los estímulos de publicidad de choque fetichistas y sexuales, expresan niveles inferiores de persuasión en comparación con la condición de control en la que no se presenta publicidad de choque. Un hallazgo importante es el rol romanticismo. Cuando un individuo experimenta sentimientos románticos, la apelación publicitaria fetichista se vuelve más persuasiva. Limitaciones/Implicaciones: Estos resultados son útiles para entender mejor el impacto de la aplicación de estrategias de publicidad de choque en los servicios VOD. El estudio utiliza un experimento para deducir las conclusiones. Futuras investigaciones podrían enfocarse en generalizar los resultados y replicar el estudio incluyendo otras condiciones experimentales. Originalidad/Contribución: Las principales contribuciones derivadas de esta investigación son mejorar la comprensión de las reacciones de los consumidores a la publicidad de choque; y, avanzar en nuestro conocimiento de la influencia de las emociones positivas (sentimientos románticos) cuando los consumidores deciden qué ver en los servicios VOD