9 research outputs found

    Turbulencia empresarial en Colombia : sector de seguros

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    En el año 2010, la Facultad de Administración de la Universidad del Rosario puso en marcha un proyecto de investigación donde se exploraba el fenómeno de la turbulencia empresarial. En este momento han sido publicados más de 15 documentos donde se realiza la descripción de lo ocurrido en igual número de sectores. En este número se realiza un análisis del sector asegurador, actividad empresarial que contribuye de manera significativa a la economía del país. El trabajo ha sido realizado de manera conjunta por los profesores Natalia Malaver y Hugo Rivera de la asignatura Estrategia de empresa I, con estudiantes del pregrado de la Facultad, quienes se motivaron por encontrar respuestas a la forma como algunas empresas del sector enfrentan la turbulencia sectorial. La estructura del documento incluye una breve descripción del sector; luego un análisis de la turbulencia, y un estudio sectorial realizado aplicando la metodología del Análisis Estructural de Sectores Estratégicos (AESE) desarrollada por el grupo de investigación en perdurabilidad empresarial de la Facultad de Aministración de la Universidad del Rosario

    Documento en extenso que incluye los resultados de la revisión de información secundaria y la obtenida en el taller con actores regionales, con la identificación de vacíos de información y prioridades de investigación y monitoreo en la cuenca del rió claro

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    En el marco del convenio de cooperación técnica y científica No. 19-100, celebrado entre la Fundación Grupo Argos y el Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt, con el objeto de aunar esfuerzos administrativos, técnicos, financieros y de gestión para la generación de conocimiento útil en escenarios de evaluación y manejo integral de impactos sobre la biodiversidad, desde una mirada ecosistémica integral del territorio de la cuenca del río Claro (Antioquia) en los múltiples contextos socioecológicos, se ha comprometido la construcción de la línea base de información secundaria disponible sobre biodiversidad para la cuenca del río Claro, Antioquia, que incluya, entre otros, datos sobre ecología, genética, uso, conservación, distribución, uso de hábitat, impactos e información espacial, procesos ecológicos.BogotáCiencias Básicas de la Biodiversida

    Antimicrobial Consumption in Latin American Countries: First Steps of a Long Road Ahead

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    Background: Irrational antimicrobial consumption (AMC) became one of the main global health problems in recent decades. Objective: In order to understand AMC in Latin-American Region, we performed the present research in 6 countries. Methods: Antimicrobial consumption (J01, A07A, P01AB groups) was registered in Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Paraguay, and Peru. Source of information, AMC type, DDD (Defined Daily Doses), DID (DDD/1000 inhabitants/day), population were variables explored. Data was analyzed using the Global Antimicrobial Resistance and Use Surveillance System (GLASS) tool. Results: Source of information included data from global, public, and private sectors. Total AMC was highly variable (range 1.91-36.26 DID). Penicillin was the most consumed group in all countries except in Paraguay, while macrolides and lincosamides were ranked second. In terms of type of AMC according to the WHO-AWaRe classification, it was found that for certain groups like “Reserve,” there are similarities among all countries. Conclusion and Relevance: This paper shows the progress that 6 Latin-American countries made toward AMC surveillance. The study provides a standardized approach for building a national surveillance system for AMC data analysis. These steps will contribute to the inclusion of Latin-America among the regions of the world that have periodic, regular, and quality data of AMC.Facultad de Ciencias Médica

    Using Household Surveys to Assess Missed Opportunities for Simultaneous Vaccination: Longitudinal Examples from Colombia and Nigeria

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    One important strategy to increase vaccination coverage is to minimize missed opportunities for vaccination. Missed opportunities for simultaneous vaccination (MOSV) occur when a child receives one or more vaccines but not all those for which they are eligible at a given visit. Household surveys that record children’s vaccination dates can be used to quantify occurrence of MOSVs and their impact on achievable vaccination coverage. We recently automated some MOSV analyses in the World Health Organization’s freely available software: Vaccination Coverage Quality Indicators (VCQI) making it straightforward to study MOSVs for any Demographic & Health Survey (DHS), Multi-Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS), or Expanded Programme on Immunization (EPI) survey. This paper uses VCQI to analyze MOSVs for basic vaccine doses among children aged 12–23 months in four rounds of DHS in Colombia (1995, 2000, 2005, and 2010) and five rounds of DHS in Nigeria (1999, 2003, 2008, 2013, and 2018). Outcomes include percent of vaccination visits MOSVs occurred, percent of children who experienced MOSVs, percent of MOSVs that remained uncorrected (that is, the missed vaccine had still not been received at the time of the survey), and the distribution of time-to-correction for children who received the MOSV dose at a later visit

    Small Diameter Cell-Free Tissue-Engineered Vascular Grafts: Biomaterials and Manufacture Techniques to Reach Suitable Mechanical Properties

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    Vascular grafts (VGs) are medical devices intended to replace the function of a blood vessel. Available VGs in the market present low patency rates for small diameter applications setting the VG failure. This event arises from the inadequate response of the cells interacting with the biomaterial in the context of operative conditions generating chronic inflammation and a lack of regenerative signals where stenosis or aneurysms can occur. Tissue Engineered Vascular grafts (TEVGs) aim to induce the regeneration of the native vessel to overcome these limitations. Besides the biochemical stimuli, the biomaterial and the particular micro and macrostructure of the graft will determine the specific behavior under pulsatile pressure. The TEVG must support blood flow withstanding the exerted pressure, allowing the proper compliance required for the biomechanical stimulation needed for regeneration. Although the international standards outline the specific requirements to evaluate vascular grafts, the challenge remains in choosing the proper biomaterial and manufacturing TEVGs with good quality features to perform satisfactorily. In this review, we aim to recognize the best strategies to reach suitable mechanical properties in cell-free TEVGs according to the reported success of different approaches in clinical trials and pre-clinical trials

    Autoimmune response in individuals infected by the ZIKA virus (ROOT)

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    En el presente artículo se presenta una revisión de los principales resultados del proyecto RAIZ, acrónimo de “Respuesta autoinmune en individuos infectados por el virus Zika”, originado por dos eventos mutuamente relacionados, la asociación entre un virus emergente en el conti-nente, el virus Zika (vZika), y una enfermedad neuromuscular poco prevalente en Colombia, el síndrome de Guillain-Barré. Después de la llegada del virus al país se observó que las zonas donde se reportaban brotes del virus, se documentaba un aumento en los casos de síndrome de Guillain-Barré y otros síndromes neurológicos, que generó un gran interés para entender los mecanismos subyacentes de la infección asociados con autoinmunidad neurológica. Mediante la realización del primer estudio de casos y controles de Zika, Guillain-Barré y otros síndromes neurológicos, se comprobó dicha asociación en Colombia. A lo largo del proyecto, además, se investigaron los principales mecanismos asociados, mediante estudios de seroprevalencia de otras infecciones, inmunológicos y genéticos

    A comprehensive analysis and immunobiology of autoimmune neurological syndromes during the Zika virus outbreak in Cúcuta, Colombia

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    We have focused on the epidemiology and immunobiology of Zika virus (ZIKV) infection and factors associated with the development of Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) and other neurological syndromes in Cúcuta, the capital of North Santander department, Colombia. Data of patients with ZIKV disease reported to the national population-based surveillance system were used to calculate the basic reproduction number (R0) and the attack rates (ARs) as well as to develop epidemiological maps. Patients with neurological syndromes were contacted and their diagnoses were confirmed. A case-control study in which 29 patients with GBS associated with ZIKV compared with 74-matched control patients with ZIKV infection alone was undertaken. Antibodies against arboviruses and other infections that may trigger GBS were evaluated. The estimated value of R0 ranged between 2.68 (95% CI 2.54–2.67) to 4.57 (95% CI 4.18–5.01). The sex-specific ARs were 1306 per 100,000 females, and 552 per 100,000 males. A non-linear interaction between age and gender on the ARs was observed. The incidence of GBS in Cúcuta increased 4.41 times secondary to ZIKV infection. The lag time between ZIKV infection and neurological symptoms was 7 days (interquartile range 2–14.5). Patients with GBS appeared to represent a lower socioeconomic status and were living near to environmentally contaminated areas. All GBS patients were positive for IgG antibodies against both ZIKV and Dengue virus, and 69% were positive for Chikungunya virus. Noteworthy, GBS was associated with a previous infection with M. pneumoniae (OR: 3.95; 95% CI 1.44–13.01; p = 0.006). No differences in antibody levels against C. jejuni, Epstein-Barr virus and cytomegalovirus were observed. High rates of cranial nerves involvement and dysautonomia were present in 82% and 75.9%, respectively. Intensive care unit (ICU) admission was necessary in 69% of the GBS patients. Most of the patients disclosed a high disability condition (Hughes grade 4). Dysautonomia was the main risk factor of poor GBS prognosis (i.e., ICU admission and disability). Thirteen patients were diagnosed with other neurological syndromes different to GBS (6 with transverse myelitis, 3 with encephalitis, 3 with peripheral facial palsy and one with thoraco-lumbosacral myelopathy). Our data confirm an increased transmission of ZIKV in Cúcuta, and provide support to the view that severe neurological syndromes are related to ZIKV disease. The complex ways by which previous infections and socioeconomic status interact to increase the risk of GBS in people infected by ZIKV should be further investigated. © 2016 The Author