14 research outputs found


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    A fisiologia neonatal possui peculiaridades inerentes à faixa etária. O objetivo do estudo foi monitorar a pressão arterial sistêmica de cordeiros durante o período neonatal. Foram usados 20 cordeiros da raça Ile de France, a partir do nascimento e aos sete, 14, 21, 28 e 35 dias de vida. Os parâmetros analisados foram: frequência cardíaca (FC), pressão arterial sistólica (PAS), diastólica (PAD) e média (PAM) pelo método oscilométrico petMAP®, e PAS com Doppler. Também foi realizada a pressão invasiva para validar os métodos indiretos obtendo a média de 101,52 ± 12,04 mmHg. As médias utilizando o petMAP® foram: FC (156,38 ± 37,46 bpm); PAD (63,80 ± 11,14 mmHg); PAM   (81,58 ± 11,83 mmHg); PAS (112,48 ±15,68 mmHg) e PAS (90,27 ± 12,11 mmHg) com Doppler. Houve diferença significativa na FC e pressão arterial entre os momentos analisados. Os métodos indiretos diferiram entre si em 12,30 mmHg (superestimação de 11%). Comparando com a invasiva, os dois métodos superestimaram os valores da PAS em 4% e 16%, respectivamente, para Doppler e petMAP®. Os resultados mostraram que o método Doppler estabeleceu boa relação com a invasiva, sendo útil para aferição da PAS. O método oscilométrico necessita de maiores estudos para sua utilização em pequenos ruminantes. Palavras-chave: Doppler; oscilométrico; ovinos; período neonatal; pressão arterial sistêmica

    Avaliação da absorção colostral em neonatos ovinos da raça Bergamácia

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    O trabalho teve por objetivo determinar o período de absorção das macromoléculas colostrais em cordeiros da raça Bergamácia para avaliar a transferência de imunidade passiva. Foram feitas determinações eletroforéticas do soro sanguíneo antes da primeira mamada até 48 horas de vida em gel de poliacrilamida Nativa 7%, e das frações colostrais entre zero e 12 horas pós-parto por eletroforese SDS-PAGE 10%. Também a determinação da PT sérica, por refratometria, e sua relação com densidade e quantidade de gamaglobulinas no colostro da mãe. Foram utilizadas 25 ovelhas e 29 cordeiros oriundos das gestações destas fêmeas. Os momentos experimentais foram M0, M6, M12, M24, M36 e M48 para colheita sanguínea nos cordeiros. Nos momentos zero e 12 horas também foram realizadas as colheitas de colostro das fêmeas. A concentração sérica de gamaglobulina variou de 0,111±0,07g.dL-1 antes da primeira mamada (M0) a 1,609±0,72g.dL-1 às 48 horas. A concentração no colostro variou de 3,125±1,27g.dL-1 no momento zero hora para 1,378±0,82g.dL-1 às 12 horas pós-parto. A concentração de PT sérica teve acréscimo de 4,46±0,58g.dL-1 para 5,61±0,75g.dL-1 entre as zero e 48 horas de vida tendo correlação positiva com a densidade e proteína total colostral. A absorção colostral pelo cordeiro foi ascendente até o M24 quando iniciou-se a estabilização. A quantificação da PT sérica, com uso de refratômetro, pode ser usada como método para avaliar a transferência de imunidade passiva, pois está diretamente relacionada com a absorção de gamaglobulina colostral. Foi possível estabelecer uma equação preditória para a quantidade de gamaglobulina absorvida em relação ao tempo decorrido (0,0171x3 - 0,3138x2 + 1,7598x - 1,3697, R² = 0,9945)The purpose was determining the absorption period of the colostral globulins in Bergamasca lambs to evaluate the passive immune transfer. Determinations were made of the electrophoretic serum before the first feeding up to 48 hours of life in polyacrylamide electrophoresis gel Native 7%, and the colostrum fractions between zero and 12 hours after birth by SDS-PAGE electrophoresis 10%. Serum protein was determinate by refractometry and correlate to density and colostral gammaglobulins of the sheep. Were used 25 sheep and 29 lambs. The blood samples was collected from lambs after birth prior to suckling (M0), and on the 6, 12, 24, 36 and 48 hours of birth. On the M0 and M12, was collected colostrum samples from sheep. The serum gammaglobulin concentrations before suckling were 0,111±0,07g.dL-1 and rise until 1,609±0,72g.dL-1 to 48 hours. In colostrum was 3,125±1,27g.dL-1 in M0 and 1,378±0,82g.dL-1 to M12. The serum protein increase of 4,46±0,58g.dL-1 to 5,61±0,75g.dL-1 between zero and 48 hours having positive correlation with the gravity and colostral protein. The absorption by the lamb raised until 24 hours when stabilizes. Serum protein quantification by the refractometry could be used as a method to evaluate immune passive transfer because was directly related with the gammaglobulin colostral absorption. The concentration could be estimated using the predictive formula 0,0171x3 - 0,3138x2 + 1,7598x - 1,3697, (R² = 0,9945) for the time expendConselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq

    Avaliação da absorção colostral em neonatos ovinos da raça Bergamácia

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    The period of absorption of colostrum macromolecules and the passive immunity transfer of Bergamacia lambs was determined. The serum proteinogram of lambs before the intake of colostrum up 48 hours of life and colostrum fractions between delivery and twelve hours after birth were measured. The total protein concentration in serum was evaluated by refractometry and also its relationship with the density and amount in colostrum. The serum concentration of gamma globulin in lambs from 0.111±0.07g/dL before the intake of colostrum was 1.609±0.72g/dL at 48 hours. In the colostrum samples, the concentration was 3.125±1.27g/dL immediately after delivery and 1.378±0.82g/dL twelve hours after birth. Serum total protein concentration increased from 4.46±0.58g/dL to 5.61±0.75g/dL between birth and after 48 hours, there was positive correlation with the density and total protein colostrum. The lamb had ascendant colostrum absorption subsequent to delivery, for twelve hours and then began its stabilization. The quantification of serum protein with the use of the refractometer in lambs can be used as a method to evaluate the transfer of passive immunity because it is directly related to the absorption of colostral gammaglobulin.Objetivou-se determinar o período de absorção das macromoléculas colostrais e a transferência de imunidade passiva em cordeiros da raça Bergamácia. Avaliou-se o proteinograma sérico dos cordeiros antes da ingestão de colostro até 48 horas de vida e das frações colostrais ao nascimento e 12 horas pós-parto. Foi avaliada a concentração de proteína total no soro por refratometria e sua relação com a densidade e quantidade de gamaglobulinas presentes no colostro. A concentração sérica de gamaglobulina nos cordeiros variou de 0,111±0,07g/dL antes da ingestão de colostro a 1,609±0,72g/dL às 48 horas. Nas amostras de colostro, a concentração variou de 3,125±1,27g/dL, imediatamente após o parto, para 1,378±0,82g/dL, 12 horas após. A concentração de proteína sérica total teve acréscimo de 4,46±0,58g/dL para 5,61±0,75g/dL entre o nascimento e após 48 horas, apresentando correlação positiva com a densidade e a proteína total colostral. A absorção colostral pelo cordeiro foi ascendente até 24 horas subsequentes ao parto, quando, então, iniciou-se sua estabilização. A quantificação da proteína sérica, com uso de refratômetro nos cordeiros, pode ser usada como método para avaliar a transferência de imunidade passiva, pois está diretamente relacionada com a absorção de gamaglobulina colostral.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES


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    Neonatal physiology has peculiarities inherent to the age group. The objective of this study was to monitor the systemic arterial pressure in lambs during neonatal period. We used 20 Ile de France lambs, from birth and at 7, 14, 21, 28 and 35 days of life. The following parameters were analyzed: heart rate (HR), systolic (SBP), diastolic (DBP), and average blood pressure (ABP) by oscillometric method petMAP™, and SBP with Doppler. Invasive pressure validated indirect methods with the average 101.52 ± 12.04 mmHg. The averages with petMAP™ were as follows: HR (156.38 ± 37.46 bpm); DBP (63.80 ± 11.14 mmHg); ABP (81.58 ± 11.83 mmHg); SBP (112.48 ± 15.68 mmHg) and SBP by Dobler (90.27 ± 12.11 mmHg). There was significant difference in HR and blood pressure among the moments. Indirect methods differ between each other in 12.30 mmHg (overestimation   of 11%). Comparing with the invasive methods, both overestimated values of 4% and 16% in   PAS, respectively, for Doppler and petMAP™. The results showed that the Doppler method has established a good relationship with the invasive one being useful for gauging the SBP. The oscillometric method requires larger studies to be used in small ruminants. Keywords: Doppler; lamb; neonatal period; oscillometric; systemic blood pressure

    Electrocardiographic methods in equines American Miniature Horse

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    The aim of this study was to analyze and compare electrocardiographic records of 50 horses American Miniature Horse, clinically healthy, obtained by conventional methods and computerized, to the standardization of the computerized method. The measures of duration and amplitude of waves and intervals and heart rate were analyzed in the leads of the frontal plane and base-apical lead. Differences about the duration of the P wave were found in I and aVL derivations, and QRS complex, in all derivations of the frontal plane. As for basis-apical derivation, there was no difference in the duration of the QT interval and the T wave and the amplitude of the S wave, therefore concluding that overestimation occurs in the duration of the QRS complex in computerized method and that due to inherent differences of each method, it becomes important the use of reference values for the computerized method also in the equine speciesO objetivo deste estudo foi analisar e comparar os registros eletrocardiográficos de 50 equinos American Miniature Horse, clinicamente saudáveis, obtidos pelos métodos convencional e computadorizado, para a padronização do método informatizado. As medidas de duração e amplitude das ondas e intervalos e frequência cardíaca foram analisadas nas derivações do plano frontal e na derivação base-ápice. Diferenças quanto à duração da onda P, foram encontradas nas derivações I e aVL, e do complexo QRS, em todas as derivações do plano frontal. Quanto à derivação base-ápice, houve diferença na duração do intervalo QT e da onda T, assim como na amplitude da onda S. Concluiu-se, portanto, que ocorre superestimação da duração do complexo QRS no método computadorizado e que, devido às diferenças inerentes de cada método, torna-se importante a utilização de valores de referência para o método computadorizado também na espécie equin

    Valores de referência de uréia e creatinina para javali (sus scrofa scrofa, linnaeus, 1758) em cativeiro

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    In Brazil, the commercial breeding of wild boars (Sus scrofa scrofa) is rapidly expanding. Given the significance of reference values for biochemical analysis for diagnosis of pathological processes and the limitation of data in the literature on this species, Blood samples were collected for determination of biochemical values in 160 wild boars from 180 to 300 days old, clinically healthy farms. The reference range for creatinine was similar to the normal range for swine (1,0 – 2,7mg/dL). There were differences between genders, only for the determination of urea, where the males were higher, although similar to pigs (10 – 30mg/dL). The females, with values from 13.03 to 44.78 mg / dL, do not have statistically significant.No Brasil, a criação comercial de javalis (Sus scrofa scrofa) está em crescente expansão. Devido à importância dos valores referenciais para as análises bioquímicas como auxílio diagnóstico de processos patológicos e à limitação de dados na literatura sobre esta espécie, foram colhidas amostras de sangue para a determinação de valores bioquímicos em 160 javalis entre 180 a 300 dias de vida, clinicamente saudáveis e confinados. A faixa de referência para creatinina foi semelhante aos valores de referência para suínos (1,0 – 2,7mg/dL). Houve diferença, entre sexos apenas para a dosagem da uréia, onde os machos apresentaram valores mais altos (14,92 - 49,30mg/dL), embora, semelhantes aos suínos (10 – 30mg/dL). As fêmeas, com valores de 13,03 - 44,78mg/dL, não tiveram significância estatística

    Physiological Parameters in Neonatal Lambs of the Bergamasca Breed

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    Background: The management of newborn lambs from birth until weaning has an impact on herd productivity, i.e., the economic return will depend on the survival of the offspring. Physiological parameters must be carefully analysed according to the age of the animal to establish a diagnosis and treatment plan. Therefore, the aim of this study was to monitor the physiological parameters (temperature, body weight, heart rate and respiration) between birth and 15 days of age, and between 24 h and 35 days to validate such parameters during these critical periods and for neonatal adaption in sheepMaterials, Methods & Results: Two studies were carried out to analyse the physiological parameters of rectal temperature (degrees C), body weight (BW), heart rate (HR) and respiratory rate (RR) in male and female lambs of the Bergamasca breed maintained under identical conditions of management (intensive farming system). The first study used lambs (n = 29) from birth up to 15 days of age evaluated immediately after birth and at 24, 48, 72, 7 and 15 days of age. In the second study, lambs (n = 22) were evaluated at 1 day of age and then weekly at 7, 14, 21, 28 and 35 days of age. Linear models for repeated measures were used to compare the averages of each variable-response between the times studied. Tukey's method was used to adjust the resulting P-values of multiple comparisons between time-points. The level of statistical significance for the first and second study was 1% (P < 0.01) and 5% (P < 0.05), respectively. There were no significant differences in respiratory rate with increasing age in either of the two studies (P < 0.01; P < 0.05). In both studies, there was a positive correlation between variations in rectal temperature (average: 39.1 +/- 0.58 degrees C; P < 0.01 and 39.5 +/- 0.28 degrees C; P < 0.05) and significant decreases in heart rate (159.4 +/- 15.6 bpm, P < 0.01 and 167.5 +/- 12.89 bpm, P < 0.05). In the first study, the weights of the lambs progressively increased from birth to 15 days of age, with an average daily body weight (BDW) of 0.338 +/- 0.09 kg (P < 0.01). In the second study, which was conducted over a 35 day period, the BDW was 0.213 +/- 0.07 kg starting from 1 day of age (P < 0.05). The average values for respiratory and heart rates were higher for newborn lambs compared to the corresponding values for adults.Discussion: In newborn lambs, thermoregulatory mechanisms are not yet fully developed until the first week of life, which can lead to an increase in rectal temperature. In this age group, a slight increase in rectal temperature is not indicative of caloric stress, except if it is accompanied by increases in respiratory and cardiac frequencies, which were not observed in this study. The respiratory rate values found in this study were inconsistent compared to those found in the literature; furthermore, these values were higher than those reported for adult lambs, possibly owing to differences in species, room temperature and location of calving between this and past studies. For the most part, the HR values are higher than those observed for adult lambs, which can result in a misdiagnosis when the reference values for adults are used. The lambs in this study presented similar weights to those reported in the literature for the same species but less than the average weight reported for mestizos Bergamasca x Ile de France, suggesting that the hybrid vigour benefits weight gain. Due to differences in breed, gender and location, it is not possible to establish a single physiological pattern. Therefore, more comprehensive studies that assess various production systems and species and their impact on the physiology of newborns are needed.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq