384 research outputs found

    An exploration of artefacts of remote desktop applications on Windows

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    Remote Desktop Applications (RDA) such as Virtual Network Computing (VNC), Cisco WebEx, GoToMeeting and LogMeIn have been adapted and utilised recently. This is because they facilitate tier-one support to configure computers, networks and solve application-related issues from a remote location. The direct benefit from the use of these applications, is the time (and therefore cost) saving for organisations. Unfortunately, “remoting” technology can also be used by criminals to perform illegal activities, hence remote applications are of key interest to law agencies and forensic investigators. The research outlined in this paper aims to identify any artefacts left behind by common remote applications and technologies used by many firms. These artefacts can be vital to government law enforcement agencies and forensic investigators, as they could be used as evidence in cyber-crime investigations. This research will focus on RealVNC, TightVNC, Cisco WebEx, GoToMeeting and LogMeIn applications. The findings from the research shows some artefacts left behind by the applications, which can be used by forensics investigators or law enforcement for possible evidence

    An approach of Privacy Preserving Data mining using Perturbation & Cryptography Technique

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    Due to the wide deployment of information technology, privacy concern has been major issue in data mining. So for that new path is identified which is known as Privacy Preserving Data Mining (PDDM). Available PDDM techniques are Perturbation, Generalization, Anonymization, Randomization and Cryptography. All of them have some advantages as well as disadvantages also. If apply only cryptography PDDM using symmetric key encryption algorithm, then there will chances of losing data, because if anyone knows the key then data is available to anyone. If we apply perturbation PDDM only then it will not give you accurate result. So if we will use cryptography and perturbation then it will achieve security as well as very less chances of losing data after applying the privacy preserving

    Security and Privacy of Data In Multi Cloud with Data Backup and Data Recovery Service

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    Cloud computing is important in IT industry. Cloud service has a widespread acceptance but the fear pertaining to security and privacy of these services still continue to be an open challenge. While talking about cloud security there are many aspects which one needs to consider such as trusted authentication, authorization, data security. There are different algorithms for data encryption like RSA, AES, DES, RC4, 3DES etc. These algorithms are broadly classified as being symmetric or asymmetric in nature. While creating a secure cloud there are faced too many challenges like data protection, loss of data etc. Many security services which are certain by the secure cloud system. In that system hybrid cryptographic approach used which gives benefits of both symmetric and asymmetric encryption. That system is for single cloud and it was implemented on cloud sim framework. In cloud computing, data generated in electronic form are large in amount. To maintain this data efficiently, there is a necessity of data recovery services. This paper is about the reviews on data security and data backup/recovery in multi cloud


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    The dopamine transporter (DAT) mediates reuptake of dopamine from the synaptic cleft into the presynaptic terminus and plays a critical role in maintaining the normal function of dopaminergic neurons. DAT is the major target of widely abused psychostimulant drugs, including cocaine and amphetamine. DAT also figures into disease states, and it is a target for therapeutic drugs. It is known that cathinone and methcathinone, β-keto analogs of amphetamine and methamphetamine, respectively, produce pharmacological actions similar to amphetamine. Cathinone and methcathinone analogs are recently gaining in popularity on the clandestine market (e.g. ‘bath salts’). Cathinone and methcathinone analogs as well as their amphetamine and methamphetamine counterparts were synthesized and examined at the hDAT expressed in Xenopus oocytes. One of the two major constituents of ‘bath salts’ (i.e., mephedrone) produced an electrophysiological signature similar to the dopamine releasing agent S(+)-amphetamine while the other major constituent (i.e., MDPV) produced an electrophysiological signature similar to the dopamine re-uptake inhibitor cocaine

    A case of refractory multiple myeloma

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    Multiple myeloma is a plasma cell cancer in which antibody-producing plasma cells grow in an uncontrolled and invasive way. The known incidence of multiple myeloma in India ranges from 0.5 to 1.2 per 100,000 & is a rare in India. It usually occurs in persons older than 55 years and the ratio of men: women is 3:2. Multiple myeloma affects the bones, immune system, kidneys and red blood cell count. We report a case of refractory multiple myeloma


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    Objective: In the present work, a rapid, precise and sensitive HPLC Method with UV detection (237 nm) for analysis of Nadifloxacin in Bulk was developed. Methods: Chromatography was performed with a mobile phase containing a mixture of 0.05 %v/v trifluoro acetic acid and acetonitrile (65:35 v/v) with flow rate 1.2 ml min-l. The proposed method was validated as per the standard guidelines. Result: The retention time was found to be 12.3 min. In the range of 0.03-5 ppm, the linearity of Nadifloxacin shows a correlation co-efficient of 0.9997. Percentage recovery of the drug was found to be good (98-102%). Validation of the developed method was successful for precision, robustness, specificity and selectivity and ruggedness. Conclusion: The developed HPLC method was found to be simple, sensitive, precise, accurate and reproducible and can be successfully used for the quantitative estimation of Nadifloxacin in bulk

    Digoxin toxicity: crucial to diagnose

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    Digoxin is mainly used for heart failure and arrhythmias like atrial flutter and fibrillation. Digoxin is like double edged sword because of its potency to cause life threatening complications like various arrhythmias. Furthermore, it is difficult and important to recognize cardio toxicity caused by digoxin to prevent threat to life. We report a case which was initially diagnosed as arrhythmia and later turned as digoxin toxicity

    Studies and Synthetic Methodology: 1. Cycloaddition of Allylic Azides and Alkynes, 2. Hexafluoro-2-propanol-promoted Friedel–Crafts Acylation Reactions

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    Cycloaddition of allylic azides and alkynes. The 1,3-dipolar Huisgen azide-alkyne cycloaddition is a significant area of interest in modern chemistry. The use of allylic azides as dynamic reaction partners represent a novel variant of this chemistry as they undergo facile 1,3-allylic azide rearrangement, which is also known as the Winstein rearrangement. We combined such an allylic azide rearrangement with an intramolecular Huisgen cycloaddition to afford substituted triazoles in a diastereoselective fashion. Although modest diastereoselectivity was observed in most cases, the majority of diastereomeric pairs were separable. Also, depending on the conditions, a difference in the reactivity of various allylic azides was noticed. Under thermal conditions, vinyl-substituted triazoloxazines were formed, in contrast to copper(I)-catalyzed conditions which afforded dimerized macrocyclic products. Hexafluoro-2-propanol promoted Friedel–Crafts acylation reactions. The Friedel–Crafts acylation is one of the most important reactions in both academia and industry for the synthesis of aromatic ketones. The reaction is typically promoted by stoichiometric or greater amounts of acids, such as AlCl3, FeCl3, or H2SO4, which activate the carbonyl for attack by an aromatic group. A drawback of this extremely versatile acylation reaction is the generation of large amounts of corrosive aqueous waste following post-synthesis workup. We have shown that hexafluoro-2-propanol (HFIP) promotes both intramolecular and intermolecular FC acylation without additional catalysts or reagents. This solvent-promoted acylation is practically simple and accommodates a broad substrates scope. Our preliminary kinetic studies reflects involvement of 3 molecules of HFIP in rate determing step