49 research outputs found

    Artificial Neural Networks Applied to Flow Prediction: A Use Case for the Tomebamba River

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    AbstractThe main aim of this research is to create a model based on Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) that allows predicting the flow in Tomebamba river, at real time and in a specific day of a year. As inputs, this research is using information of rainfall and flow of the stations along of the river. This information is organized in scenarios and each scenario is prepared to a specific area. For this article, we have selected two scenarios. The information is acquired from the hydrological stations placed in the watershed using an electronic system developed at real time and it supports any kind or brands of this type of sensors. The prediction works very good three days in advance. This research includes two ANN models: Backpropagation and a hybrid model between back propagation and OWO-HWO (output weight optimization鈥揾idden weight optimization) to select the initial weights of the connection. These last two models have been tested in a preliminary research. To validate the results we are using some error indicators such as MSE, RMSE, EF, CD and BIAS. The results of this research reached high levels of reliability and the level of error is minimal. These predictions are useful to avoid floods in the city of Cuenca in Ecuador

    Proyecto de inversi贸n para la implementaci贸n de un restaurante en la ciudad de Guayaquil

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    Este proyecto es realizado con el fin de conocer la viabilidad de hacer una inversi贸n para la creaci贸n de un restaurante de mariscos en la ciudad de Guayaquil, comenzando con una investigaci贸n del proyecto, por medio de una encuesta conoceremos los gustos y preferencias de nuestros futuros clientes, estos datos nos arrojara informaci贸n la cual utilizaremos estad铆sticas para conocer los posibles resultados, la cual nos ayudara a tomar decisiones en el desarrollo del proyecto. Usaremos herramientas financieras como la TIR, y el PAYBACK se da paso a la estimaci贸n de la viabilidad de proyecto y la rentabilidad que obtendremos

    Application of standard web services for the automatic hydrometeorology monitoring, integrating information from diverse sensors using ontologies

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    The last developments in worlwide technology and the continuous grow in telecommunications have resulted in the requirement to make available the information generated by a number of devices, especially for those that incorporate sensors, with the goal of reacting to any relevant events that could occur. The latest advances in this area have resulted in the development of several devices with heterogeneous types and from different vendors. This paper presents a proposal for an architecture that integrates serveral standard web services for the compilation, organization and storage of the information generated by a network of hydrometeorology sensors. Likewise, the paper proposes the application of standard services for controling remotely these sensors and for managing events and generating early warnings. The aforementioned web services are some examples of the set of services that form the Sensor Web Enablement standard. Considering the diversity, both in type and vendor, that is typically foun

    Modelo interactivo Educalim para fortalecer las competencias en la asignatura de fundamentos de programaci贸n de los estudiantes del primer semestre de la universidad UPSE

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    The purpose of the research work is to promote an interactive teaching-learning model in the subject of Fundamentals of C++ language programming through the Educalim digital platform for first-semester students of the Faculty of Telecommunications of the Upse University of La Libertad Canton, considering a sample of 60 students of the higher education institution. A descriptive research study was applied, with a practical approach and data collection techniques, in which instruments such as: observation and survey were used. The theoretical foundation is based on the background established by Areces, (2017) and Aros, (2018) who analyzed the difficulties of learning mathematics, the teaching doctrine, traditionalist teaching in teaching processes and the causes that bring about achieving these current practices; On the other hand, Caizaluisa, (2018) and Bola帽os, (2020) have since promoted the use of digital educational resources as an improvement to the teaching-learning of the programming language. These antecedents allowed to propose a satisfaction survey to the students with the purpose of obtaining timely information about the reality of the educational processes in the institution, data are tabulated and a short proposal is generated in which digital educational resources are used, such as: video tutorials, Moodle, virtual platforms; that significantly contributes to student learning.El trabajo de investigaci贸n tiene como finalidad promover un modelo interactivo de ense帽anza aprendizaje en la asignatura de Fundamento de programaci贸n lenguaje C++  mediante la plataforma digital Educalim para estudiantes de primer semestre de la Facultad de Telecomunicaciones de la Universidad Upse del Cant贸n La Libertad, considerando una muestra de 60 estudiantes de la instituci贸n de educaci贸n superior. Se aplic贸 un estudio de investigaci贸n descriptiva, con un enfoque pr谩ctico y t茅cnicas de recolecci贸n de datos, en las que se usaron instrumentos como: observaci贸n, y encuesta. La fundamentaci贸n te贸rica se sustenta en los antecedentes establecidos por Areces, (2017) y Aros, (2018) que analizaron las dificultades del aprendizaje de las matem谩ticas, la doctrina docente, la ense帽anza tradicionalista en los procesos de ense帽anza y las causas que traen consigo estas pr谩cticas en la actualidad; por otro lado Caizaluisa, (2018) y Bola帽os, (2020) promueven desde entonces el uso de los recursos educativos digitales como mejora a la ense帽anza aprendizaje del lenguaje de programaci贸n. Estos antecedentes permitieron plantear una encuesta de satisfacci贸n a los estudiantes con la finalidad de obtener informaci贸n oportuna sobre la realidad de los procesos educativos en la instituci贸n, se tabulan datos y se genera una propuesta a corto plazo en que se da uso a recursos educativos digitales como: videos tutoriales, Moodle, plataformas virtuales; que aportan significativamente al aprendizaje del estudiante


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    Introducci贸n.  El uso de plantas medicinales, como sustitutas de las medicinas farmac茅uticas, se aplica desde la antig眉edad para curar o aliviar las enfermedades. Sin embargo, no existe evidencia cient铆fica que consolide a la medicina herbaria dentro de los sistemas de salud. Objetivos. Identificar los conocimientos, actitudes y pr谩cticas para el tratamiento de enfermedades en la poblaci贸n de la Parroquia Casacay, Ecuador. Dise帽o. Estudio descriptivo, cualitativo, cuantitativo y trasversal. Participaron 100 adultos de 40 -80 a帽os, 63% mujeres y 37% hombres. M茅todos. Se realiz贸 observaci贸n directa, entrevistas y visitas domiciliarias a las familias, para conocer creencias, significados, respecto a las pr谩cticas de atenci贸n de la salud con plantas medicinales. Resultados. El rango de edad el 47% agrupa a las edades de 71-80 a帽os, el 28% tiene m谩s de 80 a帽os, el 19% corresponde adultos de 61-70 a帽os. El 63%    son amas de casa y el 16% agricultores. Respecto al conocimiento de m茅dicos tradicionales el 73% de la poblaci贸n conoce los hierbateros, el 17% conocen a los Kak煤os (fregadores), el 6% son parteras; el 4% Shamanes. El tratamiento de problemas de salud es con plantas medicinales 75%; reciben atenci贸n m茅dica 18%; el 7 % se automedican. Adem谩s, 29 especies de plantas con diversas aplicaciones terap茅uticas. La forma de consumo, es en infusi贸n o t茅. Conclusiones. La pr谩ctica ancestral en la Parroquia Casacay tiene un marcado comportamiento cultural, prevaleciendo las creencias y tradiciones que hacen que las plantas medicinales sean utilizadas de manera permanente

    Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) Approach to Deal with Spatio-temporal Water Allocation

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    Water of sufficient quantity and quality is indispensable for multiple purposes like domestic use, irrigated agriculture, hydropower generation and ecosystem functioning. However, in many regions of the world water availability is limited and even declining. Moreover, water availability is variable in space and time so that it does not match with the spatio-temporal use pattern of the water consumers. To overcome the temporal discrepancy between availability and consumption, reservoirs are constructed. Monitoring and predicting the water available in the reservoirs, the needs of the consumers and the losses throughout the water distribution system are necessary requirements to fairly allocate the available water for the different consumers. In this article, the water allocation problem is considered as a Network Flow Optimization Problem (NFOP) to be solved by a spatio-temporal optimization approach using Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) techniques.Chani

    An谩lisis, estudio y selecci贸n de una arquitectura orientada a servicios (SOA) a ser implementada en el programa para el manejo del agua y del suelo (PROMAS)

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    El presente proyecto de tesis, tiene por objeto el an谩lisis del marco tecnol贸gico relacionado con la integraci贸n de sistemas inform谩ticos legados, adem谩s de esto, se revisaran algunas t茅cnicas para la exposici贸n de servicios, esto con objetivo de establecer una arquitectura orientada a servicios que puede ser implementada en el Programa para el Manejo del Agua y Suelo (Promas), y que pueda permitir la integraci贸n a la misma de varios sistemas inform谩ticos que han sido creados y que se encuentran todav铆a en funcionamiento. Para poder cumplir este objetivo, es necesario el an谩lisis de los principales sistemas inform谩ticos para poder extraer las caracter铆sticas principales y agruparlos de acuerdo a estas, una vez realizada esta agrupaci贸n es necesario tambi茅n el an谩lisis de algunas de las t茅cnicas que existen actualmente para poder llevar a cabo esta integraci贸n. Una vez identificadas estas t茅cnicas, es necesario tambi茅n el establecimiento de una metodolog铆a a seguir para la exposici贸n de futuros servicios, para esto se ha visto necesario la implementaci贸n de una arquitectura piloto que sea capaz de soportar algunos de los servicios que son considerados como vitales en las actividades diarias del Programa. Al final de la implementaci贸n del mencionado piloto, se podr谩 disponer de una arquitectura orientada a servicios que sea capaz de incluir nuevos requerimientos y adaptarse f谩cilmente a los cambios tecnol贸gicos que puedan presentarse.Mag铆ster en Gerencia de Sistemas de Informaci贸nCuenc

    Mathematical programming for the support of river water management: water allocation and reservoir location

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    Surface and ground water availability is variable in space and time and the spatio-temporal pattern of this variability often does not match with the distributed use pattern of sectors and individual consumers. This mismatch can become controversial when overall water availability decreases, e.g., due to climate change, and competition for water increases. It is in this context that the so called WEF-nexus between water for human consumption and industrial use, water for Energy (hydropower) and water for Food (irrigated agriculture) (WEF) has gained increasing attention in research, business and policy spheres, especially in regions with more arid climate. An additional dimension of this nexus is the water required for sustainable functioning of ecosystems in general and wetlands in particular. Allocation of scarce water has challenged water managers for decades. The construction and operation of reservoirs is the typical solution put forward. In this research we addressed the optimization of the allocation of water available in a river-with-reservoir system towards multiple users as a network flow optimization (NFO) problem. There are two classes of methods to tackle NFO problems: heuristic models and mathematical models. Heuristic models are able to provide a feasible solution within reasonable computation time whereas mathematical models are able to come up with the optimal solution but often requiring longer computation times. Since for strategic decisions computation times are less crucial, the latter, i.e. linear programming (LP) models and mixed integer linear programming (MILP) models were the subject of this research. LP and MILP models were formulated to optimize the flow and storage of water through Water Supply Networks (WSN) created from geographic information describing the river basin under study. A WSN encompasses a set of oriented lines connected in georeferenced nodes whereby the lines represent river segments and the nodes represent reservoirs, natural water bodies, inflow points and abstraction points. Whereas inflow and abstraction points are characterized by time series of incoming and required water volumes, the water volume available in river segments, reservoirs and other water bodies, each having predetermined capacities, is updated throughout the simulation period.Doctorado (PhD) en Ingenier铆aLeuve