308 research outputs found

    Association of the acute:chronic workload ratio and wellness scores in premier league male hockey players

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    Background: The relationship between acute:chronic workload ratios (ACWR) and the incidence of injury, as well as the relationship between subjective wellness scores and training load, is unclear in hockey players. Objectives: This study investigated these relationships to determine if the ACWR is a useful workload management tool for field hockey players. In addition, the study investigated the association between specific subjective wellness scores (fatigue, sleep quality, general muscle soreness, mood and stress level) and the acute:chronic workload ratio and training load. The study also assessed the association between individual players’ training loads with the self-reported wellness scores. Methods: Fourteen male field hockey players from the men’s first team at the University of the Witwatersrand participated in the study over ten weeks during a premier league competition phase. A Google form was completed within thirty minutes of every training session/match. This form consisted of questions that allowed for the calculation of the ACWR. Results: No incidence of injury was reported during the ten- week period. ACWR scores ranged between 0.67 and 1.87. The ACWR was associated with general muscle soreness (p = 0.010) and training load was associated with fatigue (p = 0.002), sleep quality (p = 0.05), general muscle soreness (p = 0.004), and mood (p=0.025). Conclusion: There may be some merit in the use of subjective wellness measures as workload management tools in field hockey. Further research is required to determine if there is an optimal ACWR for this sport

    The Importance of Outdoor Practices for Children's Health and Development and for the Community

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    Whether on the street, in a park, or in a forest, one of the most favorite places for children to be is the outdoors. Parents, teachers, community authorities, and the general public should be aware of how playing outside has so much potential, so many benefits, and can be so enjoyable for everyone. What makes the outdoors a unique context for children's health and development? How the community benefits from having their children playing out? First, the outdoors is an open environment where noisy voices, large, exuberant, and risky movements are allowed, which gives children a sense of joy and freedom of being and doing (Bilton, 2010; Sandseter, 2009). Such a big scale scenario also makes children move more, sit less, and play longer (Gray et al., 2015). While outdoors, children are exposed to sunlight, fresh air, and natural and living things, benefiting their health and development (Bilton, 2010; Dyment & Bell, 2008)


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    Risky play can be defined as thrilling and exciting forms of children’s play that involve a risk of harm. Risky play is natural during children’s play, and taking risks is an important and necessary part of outdoor play. Outdoor environments provide an excellent opportunity for children to be more physically active and less sedentary, which is important for their development and health. Additionally, outdoor spaces afford some risk of physical injury, and the risks of playing outdoor provide unique opportunities for physical, cognitive, and social development. During risky play, children experience increasing challenges and perceive opportunities for action or affordances for different elements. This chapter explores the concept of risky play and its categorization, the emotions and feelings experienced by children when engaging in risky play, the affordances and perception of affordances for risky play, and risky play and children’s safety

    Planning and Developing Outdoor-Oriented Practices with Children

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    Promoting children’s outdoor play depends much on adults’ knowledge, beliefs, and attitudes regarding children’s development and the outdoor. An inappropriate approach to outdoor practices can hold back parents and teachers from going outside, making children feel afraid of exploring and preventing them from taking the best from the outdoors. This chapter aims to support the planning and development of outdoor activities, highlight key aspects that should always be accounted

    Jogo de capoeira: elemento de preservação da identidade negra construída no Brasil

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    O presente trabalho parte da intenção de pesquisar o jogo de capoeira como manifestação cultural de preservação da identidade negra construída no Brasil, por considerar essa prática resultado das várias junções culturais étnicas estabelecidas por aqueles que vieram servir de mão de obra escrava no país. Pensando esse contexto de diversidade étnica negra-africana, estudamos as possibilidades de reconstrução dessas diversas memórias, e nesse conjunto as formas que poderiam ter sido usadas para complementar essa reestruturação, como a presença da oralidade, do corpo, da ancestralidade, de identidade(s) presentes nas memórias individuais. No ímpeto de perceber como esses elementos estão presentes hoje no jogo de capoeira, se esta manifestação preserva uma memória ancestral ligada ao negro, tentando comprovar a questão levantada de que a capoeira é elemento de preservação da identidade negra construída no Brasil

    Marcadores biológicos do luto : revisão sistemática da literatura

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde, Departamento de Enfermagem, 2019.O luto faz parte da experiência da vida, o luto complicado não. O interesse em investigar a existência de biomarcadores para o luto foi construído ao longo da graduação de Enfermagem. Esta revisão sistemática da literatura foi norteada pela questão: “Quais são os biomarcadores identificados na literatura para o diagnóstico do Luto Complicado?” A busca foi realizada nas bases de dados PubMed, IBECS, MedLine, Lilacs, Biblioteca Cochcrane e SciELO, utilizandose os descritores complicated grief e suas traduções para o português e espanhol, respectivamente, luto complicado e duelo complicado. Foram localizadas 392 publicações, sendo a amostra final composta por seis artigos originais publicados entre 2009 e 2019 e quatro artigos da busca na lista de referência. Os marcadores bioquímicos identificados estiveram correlacionados a alterações na quantidade de cortisol, epinefrina, norepinefrina, dopamina, interleucinas-6, ocitocina, neutrófilos, monócitos, eosinófilos, plaquetas, Fator Antígeno Von Willebrand e Fator VIII. Além disso, os estudos apontaram alterações na atividade do córtex cingulado anterior, na transcrição do linfócito B, interferon tipo 1 e natural killers. As autoras ressaltam a necessidade de mais estudos para a elucidação de como esses marcadores agem sobre o afeto, cognição e comportamento das pessoas com o diagnóstico.Grief is part of life's experience, complicated grief does not. The interest in investigating the existence of biomarkers for grief has built throughout the undergraduate Nursing. This systematic literature review has guided by the question: "What are the biomarkers used in the literature for the diagnosis of Complicated Grief?". The sample was composed after access to PubMed, IBECS, MedLine, Lilacs, Cochcrane Library and SciELO databases. The descriptors used was complicated grief and their translations into Portuguese and Spanish, respectively, luto complicado and duelo complicado. Three hundred ninety two publications were found, with a final sample consisting of six original articles published between 2009 and 2019 and four articles from the reference’s list. Biochemical markers correlate with changes in the amount of cortisol, epinephrine, norepinephrine, dopamine, interleukins-6, oxytocin, neutrophils, monocytes, eosinophils, platelets, von Willebrand Antigen Factor and Factor VIII. In addition, studies have shown changes in anterior cingulate cortex activity, B lymphocyte transcription, type 1 interferon, and natural killers. The authors emphasize the need for further studies to elucidate such markers related to affection, knowledge and behavior of people with diagnosis

    Aspectos estéticos e ergonômicos no projeto de produto: Calçado feminino de salto alto

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    PCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro de Comunicação e Expressão. Design.O uso de calçados de salto é um hábito muito presente entre o público feminino, associado a elegância e padrões estéticos de beleza, porém o uso prolongado pode gerar uma série de problemas, dentre eles a deformação dos pés, acidentes por quedas, perda do equilíbrio pela reduzida área de contato com o chão, torções, encurtamento muscular da panturrilha, dores na coluna e uma maior propensão ao halux valgo (joanete), o que configura uma situação que pode ser associada de forma direta ao desconforto. Com base nesta problemática, objetiva-se desenvolver um calçado feminino de salto de alto tendo como estratégia um foco estético formal, associado a ergonomia. A metodologia projetual foi o Guia de Referência para o Desenvolvimento de Projetos (GODP), que se estrutura com oito etapas, organizadas em três dimensões. Foi possível determinar os requisitos de projeto, com base nos blocos de referência usuário, produto e contexto, nos quais foram considerados aspectos ergonômicos, antropométricos, gênero, aspectos estruturais, funcionais, ambientes e tendências. O conforto e a estética associados a tendência, determinaram o projeto. Como resultado foi projetado um calçado feminino de salto, com componentes diferenciadas tais como solado e sola em poliuretano, salto em ABS, alma em aço, amortecimento frontal e traseiro em silicone, palmilha em látex, dentre outros detalhamentos. Complementando o projeto de produto foi desenvolvida sua identidade visual, sua embalagem, bem como a forma de divulgação por meio de mídias sociais.The high heels’ usage it’s a habit very present between the female public, related to elegance and Beauty aesthetic standards, however the prolonged use can generate a series of problems, included the foot's deformation, accidents caused by falls, loss of balance because of the reduced touch area with the floor, torsion, tight calf muscles, back pain and a bigger propension in develop hallux valgus, what is configure a situation that can be associated directly with discomfort. Based in this problematic, aims to develop a female high heels’ shoes having as the strategy a formal aesthetic focus, associated with ergonomic. The project methodology was The Reference Guide for Projects Development (GODP), which is structured in eight steps, organized in three dimensions. Was possible determined the project's requests, based on the references' blocks of usuarie, product, and context, that was considered ergonomic aspects, anthropometrics, gender, structural aspects, functional, ambients and trends. The comfort and the aesthetics associated with trends determined the project. As the result, a women's high-heeled shoes was projected, with differentiated such as sole in polyurethane, heel in ABS, shank in steel, front and rear cushioning in silicone, latex insole, among other details. Complementing the product design project was developed the visual identity, the packaging, as the modes of disclosure by social media

    Taking the best from outdoor play: A practical book for parents and practitioners of early childhood education

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    Taking the best from outdoor play: A practical book for parents and practitioners of early childhood educatio