121 research outputs found

    Survey and restoration

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    [EN] In addition to the technological evolution over the last two centuries, survey has experienced two main conceptual leaps: the introduction of photography as a tool for an indiscriminate register for reality, and the shift from autographic to allographic survey, phenomena which can generate a distancing effect within the restoration process. Besides, this text presents the relationship between survey in its numerous forms and technologies (manual and semi-manual to more complex ones like scanner-laser) and the restoration of the building, either for establishing a diagnosis, operating or valorizating, illustrating it with examples developed by the authors, as well as the criteria to be applied when documenting a building to be restored, irrespective of the means and technology available in each case.Mileto, C.; Vegas López-Manzanares, F. (2017). Survey and restoration. International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences (Online). XLII(5):3-7. doi:10.5194/isprs-archives-XLII-5-W1-3-2017S37XLII

    Spain under the Venice Charter

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    All rights reserved. Except for brief quotations used for purposes of scholarly citation, none of this work may be reproduced in any form by any means without written permission from the publisher. For information address the University of Pennsylvania Press, 3905 Spruce Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104-4112[EN] This article examines the Venice Charter's lnfluence on the evolution of restoration in Spain in the interesting perlod that bridges the gap between Francoism and the dawn of democracy. Under the organizational structure that prevailed during Francoism, the restoration of monuments in the whole state was assigned to seven specialized architects who engaged in a stylistic approach. With the subsequent dawn of demoaac:y, the field of monument restoration opened to a large range of non-specialized architects who applied Ideas of critica! restoration theory. This blatant dlchotomy led to a dlverse interpretatlon of the Venice Charter that this text strlves to analyze from the vantage point of its actors, starting with the work of the participants In the Second lnternatlonai Congress of Archltects and Technicians of Historie Monuments and continuiog with the protagonists of the discipline of restoration in this country who followed after them.Mileto ., C.; Vegas López-Manzanares, F. (2014). Spain under the Venice Charter. Change Over Time. 4(2):264-285. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/99945S2642854

    Earthen architectural heritage in the international context: values, threats, conservation principles and strategies

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    [EN] Purpose This research aims to highlight the values, principles and recommendations for conservation in order to establish valid strategies for the conservation of earthen built heritage. This is done following a methodology which uses indirect (bibliography) and direct (case study) sources systematically analysed from different perspectives: the values of Earth as a material and of architectural and vernacular heritage; the heritage conservation principles found in international documents; and the analysis of over 3,000 case studies from which good practices in earthen architecture conservation are extracted. Design/methodology/approach Earthen built architectural heritage is found widely in all parts of the world, in archaeological sites and monumental and vernacular architecture, which research centres and researchers are increasingly studying and cataloguing. However, despite its richness and historic and cultural values, as well as its many merits in environmental sustainability, sociocultural and socio-economic terms, the value of this heritage has not been fully recognized in fields with major repercussions in conservation. Findings Finally, these data are cross-referenced to establish the broadest possible strategies to guarantee all aspects to be taken into account in the conservation of earthen built architectural heritage. Originality/value The text provides an overview of the different methodologies in order to extract specific strategies applicable to the conservation of this heritage, both locally and globally.This text is part of the framework of the RISK-TERRA Project "Earthen architecture in the Iberian Peninsula: study of natural, social and anthropic risks and strategies to improve resilience" (main researchers. C. Mileto-F. Vegas) funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, ref. RTI2018-095302-B-I00.Mileto, C.; Vegas López-Manzanares, F. (2022). Earthen architectural heritage in the international context: values, threats, conservation principles and strategies. Journal of Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainable Development. 12(2):192-205. https://doi.org/10.1108/JCHMSD-06-2021-011519220512

    La obra de Frank Lloyd Wright en Japón

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    [ES] Durante su estancia en Japón motivada por la construcción del Hotel Imperial de Tokyo, Frank Lloyd Wright recibió varios encargos locales menos conocidos,...Vegas López-Manzanares, F. (2004). La obra de Frank Lloyd Wright en Japón. Loggia, Arquitectura & Restauración. (16):18-19. doi:10.4995/loggia.2004.3502SWORD18191

    Reconstruction of the Frauenkirche in Dresden

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    [EN] The complexity and the combination of many factors involved in this case of reconstruction make it unwise to jump to conclusions or apply hackneyed labels and worth reflecting about deeply. This purpose of this article is to look into the temple’s polysemy starting from its origin and history to point out its uniqueness and later moving on to technical, urbanistic and theoretical considerations that have to do with this building and provide a basis to estimate the excellence of the intervention.[ES] La complejidad y el conjunto de múltiples factores que rodean al caso de la reconstrucción de la iglesia de la Frauenkirche descarta de entrada los juicios precipitados y las etiquetas prestablecidas y merece una reflexión más profunda. Este artículo pretende indagar en la polisemia del templo partiendo de las circunstancias de su origen y su historia y dejar patente su singularidad arquitectónica, para pasar a ponderar posteriormente las consideraciones técnicas, urbanísticas y teóricas que incumben a esta reconstrucción y proporcionan elementos de juicio para estimar la bondad de la intervención.Vegas López-Manzanares, F. (1999). La reconstrucción de la Frauenkirche de Dresde. Loggia, Arquitectura & Restauración. (8):32-49. doi:10.4995/loggia.1999.5285SWORD32498'ANATKH, Cultura, Storia e Tecniche della Conservazione, Alinea Editrice, Número 4, Diciembre 1993BOSCARINO, Salvatore, Sul Restauro Architettonico. Saggi e Note, Ex Fabrica Francoangeli, Milán 1999HARO TEGGLEN, Eduardo, El día de la Operación Trueno, de la colección 1945-1995, El País, 12-2-1995LA REGINA, F., Come un Ferro Rovente, Nápoles 1995MAGIRIUS, H., Die Frauenkirche - ein Dokument und Monument der Geschichte Dresdens, Deutschlands und Europas, Discurso, 2 de octubre de 1993NORBERG-SCHULZ, C., Architettura Tardobarocca, Colezzione Storia dell'architettura, Electa, Milán 1989PEROGALLI, Carlo, Monumenti e Metodi di Valorizzazione, Guerini Studio, Milán 1991QUAISER, R., Die alte Frauenkirche (1-2), Denkmale, Dresde 1998RAUDA, Wolfgang, Bauliches Gestalten im alten und neuen Dresden, Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Technischen Hochschule Dresden, nº 2 (1952/53), Heft 6RAUDA, Gesellschaft zur Förderung des Wiederaufbaus der Frauenkirche Dresden e.V., Der Wiederaufbau der Dresdner Frauenkirche, circular informativa, Dresde 1995REDLICH, Peter, Für den Neumarkt fehlt das grosse Konzept, Dresdner Zeitung, 4 de junio de 1993REDLICH, Peter, Künftiger Neumarkt nicht als Disneyland mit Barockfassade, Dresdner Zeitung, 20-1-1994REDLICH, Peter, Erste Umrisse des künftigen Neumarktes werden sichtbar, Dresdner Zeitung, 12 de mayo de 1995SAGOR, Rene, Der Neumarkt ist ein Denkmalort, Sächsischer Bote, 22 de mayo de 1996SCHOLZE, Hans-Eberhard, Baugeschichtliche Betrachtungen zur Entstehung der Form der Frauenkirche..., Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Technischen Hochschule Dresden, nº 18 (1969), Heft 1SCHOLZE Stiftung Frauenkirche Dresden, Ein ganz persönliches Stück Weltgeschichte, Dresde 1994SCHOLZE Stiftung Frauenkirche Dresden, Helfen Sie uns beim Wiederaufbau der Frauenkirche Dresden, Berlin 1995STEINBACH, Catrin, Trümmerberg an der Frauenkirche kommt weg, Wiederaufbau Frauenkirche, 25 junio de 1998TORSELLO, B.P., Restauro e progetto, TeMa, nº 3/98, Milán, 1998WALTER, Jörn, Bebauung des Dresdner Neumarktes - ein Sachstandbericht, documento facilitado por Fundación para la Reconstrucción de la FrauenkircheWENZEL, Fritz & WOLFRAM, Jäger, Der archäologische Wiederaufbau der Frauenkirche zu Dresden als Ingenieuraufgabe, separata de Beton- und Stahlbetonbau nº 91, Berlín 1996ZUMPE, Günter, Reflexionen über die Wechselwirkung von Kraft, Form und Funktion in historischen Bauwerken - dargestellt am Beispiel der Frauenkirche zu Dresden, Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Technischen Hochschule Dresden, nº 47 (1998), Heft

    Wind and the villages in Rincón de Ademuz, Spain

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    [EN] This study focuses on a sustainable system which makes it possible for the villages in the region of Rincón de Ademuz to have stood within their natural environment for over two thousand years. For this analysis the study has focused specifically on the wind factor. The dry weather and the wind trajectory make it possible to create a comfortable living environment in the villages. This research analyzed the position of a building unit in order to offer a clear representation of the relationship between wind and these villages.Ji, W.; Mileto, C.; Vegas López-Manzanares, F. (2022). Wind and the villages in Rincón de Ademuz, Spain. En Proceedings HERITAGE 2022 - International Conference on Vernacular Heritage: Culture, People and Sustainability. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 111-117. https://doi.org/10.4995/HERITAGE2022.2022.1570211111

    Constructive features and preservation work of rammed earth architecture: the Islamic tower of Bofilla (Valencia)

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    [EN] The Bofilla tower (Valencia, Spain), at 800 years old one of the oldest buildings still standing in the whole region, is a rubble-reinforced rammed earth construction almost 20 m high. Its precarious condition called for preservation works and the enhancement of the surrounding archaeological site. However, these works involved a serious risk that the original construction might lose its hallmarks and its history, which had great narrative potential, due to the plasticity of the earth. Furthermore, as often happens, a great deal of the character and antiquity of the tower were linked to the erosion and abrasion of its rammed earth surfaces, so it was necessary for the preservation to try to alleviate or stop the degradation that threatened the tower's survival and, at the same time, conserve its narrative potential, its aura and its ancestral character. After performing a comprehensive preliminary study of the construction and its state of repair, a large number of preservation tasks were carried out, from cleaning the facades by hand to reconstructing the structure of the tower in several spots, such as the south-western corner and, especially, the entrance in the northern facade, which was on the verge of collapse. Other operations included filling in the lacunae in the fabric both inside and outside the tower, micro-pointing the rubble filling in the most degraded areas of the southern facade and protecting and consolidating the crowning. In addition, new floors and a staircase leading up to the top of the tower were inserted in the places where their traces were still visible to avoid damaging the fabrics and to perform the most faithful archaeological reconstruction possible. The article addresses the study, reflections and technical operations carried out on the tower during the works on site, with the objective of maintaining the original materiality of the rammed earth fabric and the traces of its construction and life as a testimony of its history.Vegas López-Manzanares, F.; Mileto ., C.; Cristini ., V. (2014). Constructive features and preservation work of rammed earth architecture: the Islamic tower of Bofilla (Valencia). Journal of Architectural Conservation. 20(1):28-42. doi:10.1080/13556207.2014.886377S284220

    Necesario, útil o conveniente: difusión de la investigación en la restauración arquitectónica

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    Exposición oral presentada en la sesión dedicada a Difusión, Publicaciones y Congresos, en las IV Jornadas Internacionales sobre Investigación en Arquitectura y Urbanismo¿Qué, cómo, cuándo, por qué, dónde publicar? Estas preguntas son las que el investigador se plantea todos los días y, a tenor del estudio que se está desarrollando, el tema que estemos tratando y las oportunidades que se presenten, esta investigación se difunde en un medio o en otro. Sin embargo, los autores de este artículo creen importante reflexionar previamente sobre el por qué estrictamente ligado al qué, que determina claramente el dónde. Nacen así las tres categorías de publicaciones que se han podido identificar: las publicaciones necesarias, las útiles y las convenientes. Esta reflexión a tres bandas, llevada a cabo como ejemplo en el ámbito del patrimonio arquitectónico tradicional, pretende destacar las dificultades y las posibilidades a las que el investigador se enfrenta y los desajustes que se detectan entre lo que se debe publicar porque es necesario, lo que es realmente útil y lo que resulta a todas luces conveniente.Mileto, C.; Vegas López-Manzanares, F. (2012). Necesario, útil o conveniente: difusión de la investigación en la restauración arquitectónica. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/1492

    Alhambra: History, Restoration and Conservation

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    [EN] This article gives a brief description of the history of the successive functional transformations undergone by the Alhambra in Granada, before analysing some of the most notable episodes of the restoration of the monument in the 19th and 20th centuries. The authors present some of their ideas regarding the restoration and retrofitting for administrative use of the Barbería or room adjoining the Mexuar, an important space within the Nasrid palaces, bearing in mind that this was the original entrance to the 14th century complex, and had undergone multiple transformations over the centuries. including interventions of Nasrid kings Ismail I (early 14th century) and Mohammed V (end of 14th century), conversions by the Christian kings (16th and 17th centuries) and restorations by Torres Balbas (1920s), among others. This space was named the Barbería (the barber shop), because it was used as such during the 17th and 18th centuries, before the Alhambra acquired the category of monument. These reflections of this article can be applied to any multistratified historic building.Mileto, C.; Vegas López-Manzanares, F. (2019). Alhambra: History, Restoration and Conservation. International Journal of Heritage Architecture. (3):67-79. https://doi.org/10.19673/j.cnki.ha.2019.03.000S6779

    Intervención y propuesta de uso del espacio junto a la entrada del Mexuar

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    [EN] This text describes the reasoned options studied for the restoration of the wall surfaces of the former barber shop, a place with a big complexity and historical significance that required a special treatment. It is also explained the laborious construction works of the finally chosen option. The restoration of this space was completed in a second phase dedicated to building the disappeared floor and stairs, the insertion of new installations, the pavement and the musealization of an old polychromatic jamb limiting with the Mexuar. This second phase also deserved a deep previous reflection to be able to find the most adequate constructive details for every corner and employ traditional materials in these new architectural elements with a contemporaneous grammar that might allow its sensible and unnoticed insertion in its historical built context.[ES] Este texto describe las alternativas y razonamientos barajados en el proyecto de restauración de los paramentos de la antigua Barbería, un espacio de gran complejidad y trascendencia histórica que requería un tratamiento especial. Asimismo, se detalla la laboriosa puesta en obra de la opción finalmente escogida. La restauración de la sala se completó en una segunda fase dedicada a la construcción del forjado y las escaleras, desaparecidos, la inserción de nuevas instalaciones, la pavimentación y la musealización de una antigua jamba polícroma que linda con el Mexuar. Esta segunda fase también fue objeto de una profunda reflexión previa sobre la adecuación de cada uno de los detalles constructivos de la sala y sobre la bondad del empleo de los materiales tradicionales en estos nuevos elementos arquitectónicos con una gramática contemporánea que permitiera su inserción discreta y desapercibida en su contexto histórico construido.Vegas López-Manzanares, F.; Mileto, C. (2016). Intervención y propuesta de uso del espacio junto a la entrada del Mexuar. Cuadernos de la Alhambra. (45):90-121. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/107383S901214