231 research outputs found

    Impact of imported intermediate and capital goods on economic growth: A Cross country analysis

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    Knowledge accumulation in the richer countries provides them with comparative advantages in higher productivity products. The countries that import the higher productivity intermediate products and capital equipments produced in the richer countries, however, derive benefits from knowledge spillovers. The empirical analysis in this paper shows that what type of intermediate goods and capital equipments a country imports and from where it imports indeed matters for its long-run growth. Using highly disaggregated trade data for a large number of countries, we construct an index (denoted as IMPY) that measures the productivity level associated with a country's imports. Using instrumental variable method (to address the endogeneity problems), we find that a higher initial value of the IMPY index (for the year 1995) leads to a faster growth rate of income per capita in the subsequent years (during 1995-2005) and vice versa. The results imply that a 10 increase in IMPY increases growth by about 1.3 to 1.9 percentage points, which is quite large.Imports, Intermediate and Capital Goods, Economic Growth, Productivity

    Impact of ASEAN-India FTA on India’s Plantation Commodities : A Simulation Analysis

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    The present study attempts a quantitative assessment of the impact of recently signed ASEAN-India FTA (AIFTA) for selected plantation commodities (coffee, tea and pepper) in India. We use partial equilibrium modeling approach (SMART model and gravity model) to simulate the likely import increase of the plantation commodities under the proposed tariff reduction schedule of the AIFTA. Overall, the results suggest that the AIFTA will cause significant increase in Indias import of plantation commodities. The increase in imports is mostly driven by trade creation rather than trade diversion. From the economic efficiency point of view, trade creation improves welfare as the new imports replace the high-cost domestic production. The analysis shows that the proposed tariff reduction may lead to significant tariff revenue loss to the government. However, the gain in consumer surplus (due to the fall in domestic price and the consequent reduction in dead-weight loss) outweighs the loss in tariff revenue leading to net welfare gain. By and large, the simulations based on the SMART and gravity models provide similar results on the magnitude of total increase in imports. The surge of new imports may have adverse impact for the livelihood of the Indian farmers engaged in the production of these commodities. Farmers will have to realign the structure of production according to the changing price signals and hence it is critical to provide adjustment assistance to the affected farmers.SMART Model, Gravity Model, Simulation Analysis

    Analysing trade flows and industrial structure of India : the question of data harmonisation

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    An important requirement for the analysis of trade flows in relation to domestic industrial structure is the availability of a database covering information on trade flows, industry and firm characteristics. Such a database, as yet, does not exist in India. Thus, one is left to opt for the second best solution of compiling data from different sources to produce a harmonised database. This paper is an attempt to provide guidance in that direction. It raises certain relevant research issues on international trade in relation to domestic industrial structure, attempts a critical assessment of various available data sources for empirical analysis and highlights the advantages of choosing certain specific sources: (i) publications of the Directorate General of Commercial Intelligence and Statistics (DGCI&S) which provide data on India’s foreign trade, (ii) Annual Survey of Industries (ASI), which provides data on industry characteristics, and (iii) the electronic data base ‘Prowess’, which provides data on firm characteristics. Following this, the data on trade flows, industry and firm characteristics are sought to be harmonised. First, the DGCI&S data are matched with 3-digit level National Industrial Classification (NIC) in the ASI, using the concordance table prepared by Debroy and Santhanam (1993). Second, we have constructed a concordance table for selected manufacturing sectors wherein the 3-digit items of NIC are matched with the industry categories in Prowess. Its appropriateness is evaluated by comparing data on value of output and total emoluments to employees as reported in ASI with that in Prowess. By and large, it appears that our concordance table is consistent and effective. JEL Classification : C 81, F 14 Key Words : liberalisation, international trade, industrial structure

    A Clinical Study of Risk Factors and Clinical Features in patients of SBP with Cirrhosis and Ascites in a Tertiary Care Hospital Salem

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    BACKGROUND: Cirrhosis of Liver is the common hepatological disorder seen in clinical practice. Ascites is the Consequence of portal hypertension which is characteristic clinical feature of cirrhosis. One of the predisposing factors which is responsible for subsequent deterioration in the condition of cirrhosis patient is appearance of spontaneous bacterial peritonitis. INTRODUCTION: Cirrhosis is defined anatomically as a diffuse process with fibrosis and nodule formation of liver due to various causes. Ascites is the Consequence of portal hypertension which is characteristic clinical feature of cirrhosis. The development of ascites is a marker of prognosis in liver cirrhosis, as it indicates a reduction in 1- and 5-year survival rates by 15% and 23.5%, respectively. The symptoms and signs of SBP are fever, abdominal pain, abdominal tenderness, rebound tenderness, altered mental status. Although 87% of patients with SBP are symptomatic[2], at the time the infection is diagnosed the symptoms and signs of infection are often subtle such as slight change in mental status. AIMS & OBJECTIVES: 1. To determine the Prevalence of spontaneous bacterial peritonitis & variants in patients of cirrhosis of liver with ascites. 2. To study clinical profile of spontaneous bacterial peritonitis & its variants. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Source of Data: This Study was conducted on patients admitted to Government Mohankumaramangalam Medical College, Salem. Study Subjects: Total of 100 patients who were confirmed of hepatic cirrhosis with ascites by history and clinical examination were screened for SBP and were studied thoroughly with regards to cytological, microbiological and biomedical tests. RESULTS: Total of 100 patients who were confirmed of hepatic cirrhosis with ascites by ultra sound were screened for SBP and were studied thoroughly with regards to history, clinical examination, cytological, microbiological and biomedical tests. In present study the prevalence of Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis is found to be 16%. Among this 16%, 3 patients (18.75%) were Culture Negative Neutrocytic Ascites (CNNA), 12 (75%) were spontaneous bacterial peritonitis(SBP) and 1 (6.25%) patients was Mono Bacterial Non Neutrocytic Bacterascitis (MNB). CONCLUSION: Cirrhotic cases with constitutional symptoms must be compulsorily screened for SBP and started on Antibiotic therapy to reduce the mortality. SBP being the problem in cirrhosis with ascites, all cirrhotics should be screened for SBP with at least ascitic fluid analysis, PMN cell count and culture of ascitic fluid. To maximize survival, it is important that paracentesis is performed in all patients with ascites at the time of hospitalization. So that infection can be detected and treated promptly. These patients must be treated with antibiotics aggressively as they have poor prognosis and high mortality if not treated early

    Predicting and Recovering Link Failure Localization Using Competitive Swarm Optimization for DSR Protocol in MANET

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    Portable impromptu organization is a self-putting together, major construction-less, independent remote versatile hub that exists without even a trace of a determined base station or government association. MANET requires no extraordinary foundation as the organization is unique. Multicasting is an urgent issue in correspondence organizations. Multicast is one of the effective methods in MANET. In multicasting, information parcels from one hub are communicated to a bunch of recipient hubs all at once, at a similar time. In this research work, Failure Node Detection and Efficient Node Localization in a MANET situation are proposed. Localization in MANET is a main area that attracts significant research interest. Localization is a method to determine the nodes’ location in the communication network. A novel routing algorithm, which is used for Predicting and Recovering Link Failure Localization using a Genetic Algorithm with Competitive Swarm Optimization (PRLFL-GACSO) Algorithm is proposed in this study to calculate and recover link failure in MANET. The process of link failure detection is accomplished using mathematical modelling of the genetic algorithm and the routing is attained using the Competitive Swarm optimization technique. The result proposed MANET method makes use of the CSO algorithm, which facilitates a well-organized packet transfer from the source node to the destination node and enhances DSR routing performance. Based on node movement, link value, and endwise delay, the optimal route is found. The main benefit of the PRLFL-GACSO Algorithm is it achieves multiple optimal solutions over global information. Further, premature convergence is avoided using Competitive Swarm Optimization (CSO). The suggested work is measured based on the Ns simulator. The presentation metrix are PDR, endwise delay, power consumption, hit ratio, etc. The presentation of the proposed method is almost 4% and 5% greater than the present TEA-MDRP, RSTA-AOMDV, and RMQS-ua methods. After, the suggested method attains greater performance for detecting and recovering link failure. In future work, the hybrid multiway routing protocols are presented to provide link failure and route breakages and liability tolerance at the time of node failure, and it also increases the worth of service aspects, respectively

    Morin, A Flavonoid, On Lipid Peroxidation And Antioxidant Status In Experimental Myocardial Ischemic Rats

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    Background: Myocardial infarction affects a large population in the world. Lipid peroxide metabolism plays an important role in the pathology of myocardial infarction. Objective: The present study was designed to investigate the antioxidant potential of morin, a flavonoid in isoproterenol (ISO)-induced myocardial infarction (MI), in rats.Materials and Methods: Male albino Wistar rats were pre-treated with morin (40 mg/kg), daily for a period of 30 days. After the treatment period, ISO (85 mg/kg), was subcutaneously injected in rats at an interval of 24 h for 2days.Re s u l t s : ISO-administered rats showed elevated levels of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS), and lipid hydro-peroxide (LOOH), in plasma and heart. Pretreatment with morin, the above changes were significantly reduced to near normal level. ISOadministered rats showed decrease in the activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and glutathione-S-transferase (GST) in heart. In addition, decrease the levels non enzymatic antioxidants such as reduced glutathione (GSH), vitamin C and vitamin E in plasma and heart while ceruloplasmin in plasma.Conclusion: Pretreatment with morin, reversed these above biochemical changes towards normalcy. These findings revealed that, the morin possess antioxidant activity in experimentally induced cardiac toxicity.Key words: Morin, Isoproterenol, Myocardial infarction, Lipid peroxidation, Antioxidant

    Review Study on Larvicidal and Mosquito Repellent Activity of Volatile Oils Isolated from Medicinal Plants

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    Mosquito is a vector for serious human diseases like dengue fever, hemaorrhagic dengue fever and chikungunya, .yellow fever, malaria, filaria and encephalitis among these dengue, hemaorrhagic dengue and chikungunya are highly endemic diseases in Southeast Asian and African countries, causing millions of deaths each and every year. Mosquito repellents thus play a major role in preventing man-mosquito contact and there by minimize the chance of infections and its adverse effects. The development of resistance to chemical insecticides, results rebounding vectorial capacity. Synthetic repellents are chemicals which used worldwide for protection against mosquito-borne diseases and it adversely affects the environment by contaminating water, soil and air. There is an urgent need to find alternatives to the synthetic insecticides. Plants are rich source of alternative agents for control of mosquitoes and its vectors. Extracts and isolated compounds from different plant families have been evaluated for their promising larvicidal and mosquito repellent activities. Literature has documented that essential oils and extracts have been traditionally used as effective repellents. The essential oils whose repellent activities have been demonstrated, as well as the importance of the synergistic effects among their components are the main focus of this review study. Essential oils are volatile mixtures of hydrocarbons with a diversity of functional groups, and their repellent activity has been linked to the presence of monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes. The present review study focused the larvicidal potential and mosquito repellent activity of different volatile oils of medicinal plants. From an economical point of view synthetic chemical is still more frequently used as repellents than essential oils; these essential oils have the potential to provide efficient and can be used as a cheap, eco-friendly, safer for humans and the environment and also efficient alternative to the chemical larvicides

    From import substitution to integration into global production networks: The case of the Indian automobile industry

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    This paper examines the growth trajectory and the current state of the Indian automobile industry, paying attention to factors that underpinned its transition from import substitution to integration into global production networks. Market-conforming policies implemented by the government of India over the past 2 decades, which marked a clear departure from protectionist policies in the past, have been instrumental in transforming the Indian automobile industry in line with ongoing structural changes in the world automobile industry. India has emerged as a significant producer of compact cars within global automobile production networks. Compact cars exported from India have become competitive in the international market because of the economies of scale of producing for a large domestic market and product adaptation to suit domestic market conditions. Interestingly, there are no significant differences in prices of compact cars sold in domestic and foreign markets. This suggests that the hypothesis of “import protection as export promotion” does not hold for Indian automobile exports
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