8 research outputs found

    'Bedside'-consultatie door multidisciplinair Antibiotica-team: 'Antimicrobial stewardship'-programma in het UMCG

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    In 2012, the Dutch Working Party on Antibiotic Policy (SWAB) published a vision document to counteract the rise in antibiotic use and resistance. An Antibiotic Stewardship Programme (ASP) will be implemented by a multidisciplinary antibiotics team (A-team). In 2012 University Medical Centre Groningen (UMCG) in the Netherlands started an Antibiotic Stewardship Programme (ASP) pilot project at the trauma surgery ward. The focus is on providing bedside consultation for patients based on the day 2 bundle. Implementation of the ASP on the basis of a day 2 bundle resulted in an intervention percentage of 75%. The pilot project was a success and will be extended to other wards

    Bedside consultation by a multidisciplinary antibiotics team:an Antibiotic Stewardship Programme at UMCG

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    In 2012, the Dutch Working Party on Antibiotic Policy (SWAB) published a vision document to counteract the rise in antibiotic use and resistance. An Antibiotic Stewardship Programme (ASP) will be implemented by a multidisciplinary antibiotics team (A-team). In 2012 University Medical Centre Groningen (UMCG) in the Netherlands started an Antibiotic Stewardship Programme (ASP) pilot project at the trauma surgery ward. The focus is on providing bedside consultation for patients based on the day 2 bundle. Implementation of the ASP on the basis of a day 2 bundle resulted in an intervention percentage of 75%. The pilot project was a success and will be extended to other wards.</p

    Requirement of Signal Peptidase ComC and Thiol-Disulfide Oxidoreductase DsbA for Optimal Cell Surface Display of Pseudopilin ComGC in Staphylococcus aureus

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    Staphylococcus aureus is an important Gram-positive bacterial pathogen producing many secreted and cell surface-localized virulence factors. Here we report that the staphylococcal thiol-disulfide oxidoreductase DsbA is essential for stable biogenesis of the ComGC pseudopilin. The signal peptidase ComC is indispensable for ComGC maturation and optimal cell surface exposure

    High genetic diversity of Staphylococcus aureus strains colonizing patients with epidermolysis bullosa

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    Patients with the blistering disease, epidermolysis bullosa (EB), frequently suffer from chronic wounds that become colonized by pathogenic bacteria, such as Staphylococcus aureus. To determine S.similar to aureus colonization rates in patients with EB, swabs were collected from the anterior nares, throats and wounds of 52 Dutch patients with EB. Swabs were also collected from nares and throats of 13 healthcare workers who occasionally meet the sampled patients with EB. All EB patients with chronic wounds and 75% of the patients without chronic wounds were colonized with S.similar to aureus. In contrast, 39% of the sampled healthcare workers were colonized with S.similar to aureus. Typing revealed a high degree of genetic diversity of 184 collected S.similar to aureus isolates. Autoinoculation of S.similar to aureus in individual patients with EB was shown to occur frequently, whereas transmission of S.similar to aureus between patients with EB is apparently rare. There was no evidence for S.similar to aureus transmission between patients with EB and healthcare workers