200 research outputs found

    Arthropod IGF, relaxin and gonadulin, putative orthologs of Drosophila insulin-like peptides 6, 7 and 8, likely originated from an ancient gene triplication

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    Background Insects have several genes coding for insulin-like peptides and they have been particularly well studied in Drosophila. Some of these hormones function as growth hormones and are produced by the fat body and the brain. These act through a typical insulin receptor tyrosine kinase. Two other Drosophila insulin-like hormones are either known or suspected to act through a G-protein coupled receptor. Although insulin-related peptides are known from other insect species, Drosophila insulin-like peptide 8, one that uses a G-protein coupled receptor, has so far only been identified from Drosophila and other flies. However, its receptor is widespread within arthropods and hence it should have orthologs. Such putative orthologs were recently identified in decapods and have been called gonadulins. Methodology In an effort to identify gonadulins in other arthropods public genome assemblies and short-read archives from insects and other arthropods were explored for the presence of genes and transcripts coding insulin-like peptides and their putative receptors. Results Gonadulins were detected in a number of arthropods. In those species for which transcriptome data from the gonads is available insect gonadulin genes are expressed in the ovaries and at least in some species also in the testes. In some insects differences in gonadulin expression in the ovary between actively reproducing and non-reproducing females differs more than 100-fold. Putative orthologs of Drosophila ilp 6 were also identified. In several non-Dipteran insects these peptides have C-terminally extensions that are alternatively spliced. The predicted peptides have been called arthropod insulin-like growth factors. In cockroaches, termites and stick insects genes coding for the arthropod insulin-like growth factors, gonadulin and relaxin, a third insulin-like peptide, are encoded by genes that are next to one another suggesting that they are the result of a local gene triplication. Such a close chromosomal association was also found for the arthropod insulin-like growth factor and gonadulin genes in spiders. Phylogenetic tree analysis of the typical insulin receptor tyrosine kinases from insects, decapods and chelicerates shows that the insulin signaling pathway evolved differently in these three groups. The G-protein coupled receptors that are related to the Drosophila ilp 8 receptor similarly show significant differences between those groups. Conclusion A local gene triplication in an early ancestor likely yielded three genes coding gonadulin, arthropod insulin-like growth factor and relaxin. Orthologs of these genes are now commonly present in arthropods and almost certainly include the Drosophila insulin-like peptides 6, 7 and 8

    Differential expression of some termite neuropeptides and insulin/IGF-related hormones and their plausible functions in growth, reproduction and caste determination

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    Background Insulin-like growth factor (IGF) and other insulin-like peptides (ilps) are important hormones regulating growth and development in animals. Whereas most animals have a single female and male adult phenotype, in some insect species the same genome may lead to different final forms. Perhaps the best known example is the honeybee where females can either develop into queens or workers. More extreme forms of such polyphenism occur in termites, where queens, kings, workers and soldiers coexist. Both juvenile hormone and insulin-like peptides are known to regulate growth and reproduction as well as polyphenism. In termites the role of juvenile hormone in reproduction and the induction of the soldier caste is well known, but the role of IGF and other ilps in these processes remains largely unknown. Here the various termite ilps are identified and hypotheses regarding their functions suggested. Methods Genome assemblies and transcriptome short read archives (SRAs) were used to identify insulin-like peptides and neuropeptides in termites and to determine their expression in different species, tissues and castes. Results and Discussion Termites have seven different ilps, i.e. gonadulin, IGF and an ortholog of Drosophila insulin-like peptide 7 (dilp7), which are commonly present in insects, and four smaller peptides, that have collectively been called short IGF-related peptides (sirps) and individually atirpin, birpin, cirpin and brovirpin. Gonadulin is lost from the higher termites which have however amplified the brovirpin gene, of which they often have two or three paralogs. Based on differential expression of these genes it seems likely that IGF is a growth hormone and atirpin an autocrine tissue factor that is released when a tissue faces metabolic stress. Birpin seems to be responsible for growth and in the absence of juvenile hormone this may lead to reproductive adults or, when juvenile hormone is present, to soldiers. Brovirpin is expressed both by the brain and the ovary and likely stimulates vitellogenesis, while the function of cirpin is less clear

    Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of a nurse-delivered intervention to improve adherence to treatment for HIV : a pragmatic, multicentre, open-label, randomised clinical trial

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    This trial was funded from public money by the Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development (ZonMW; grant number 171002208). Aardex provided support on the development of the study website. We thank all the HIV nurses and physicians from the seven HIV clinics involved in the AIMS study for their input and collaboration (Academic Medical Centre, Slotervaart hospital, and St. Lucas-Andreas hospital, all in Amsterdam; the Leiden University Medical Centre, Leiden; HAGA hospital, The Hague; Erasmus Medical Centre, Rotterdam; and Isala clinic, Zwolle), the study participants, and the Stichting HIV Monitoring (SHM) for their support in accessing the SHM database for identifying patient inclusion criteria and developing the Markov model. Finally, we thank and remember Herman Schaalma (deceased) for his contribution to the study design and grant application.Peer reviewedPostprin

    Classroom Popularity Hierarchy Predicts Prosocial and Aggressive Popularity Norms Across the School Year

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    This study examined the coevolution of prosocial and aggressive popularity norms with popularity hierarchy (asymmetries in students' popularity). Cross-lagged-panel analyses were conducted on 2,843 secondary school students (N-classrooms = 120; M-age = 13.18; 51.3% girls). Popularity hierarchy predicted relative change in popularity norms over time, but not vice versa. Specifically, classrooms with few highly popular and many unpopular students increased in aggressive popularity norms at the beginning of the school year and decreased in prosocial popularity norms at the end of the year. Also, strong within-classroom asymmetries in popularity predicted relatively higher aggressive popularity norms. These findings may indicate that hierarchical contexts elicit competition for popularity, with high aggression and low prosocial behavior being seen as valuable tools to achieve popularity

    Comparison of [18F]DOPA and [68Ga]DOTA-TOC as a PET imaging tracer before peptide receptor radionuclide therapy

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    BACKGROUND: In treatment of neuroendocrine neoplasms (NENs), confirmation of somatostatin receptor expression with 68Ga-DOTA somatostatin analogues is mandatory to determine eligibility for peptide receptor radionuclide therapy (PRRT). [18F]DOPA can detect additional lesions compared to [68Ga]DOTA-TOC. The aim of this study was to explore differences in tumour detection of both tracers and their relevance for selecting patients for PRRT. We retrospectively studied eight patients with NENs who underwent both [68Ga]DOTA-TOC and carbidopa-enhanced [18F]DOPA PET/CT, before first-time PRRT with [177Lu]DOTA-TATE. Tracer order was influenced due to stock availability or to detect suspected metastases with a second tracer. On CT, disease control was defined as a lesion showing complete response, partial response, or stable disease, according to RECIST 1.1. CRITERIA: RESULTS: Seven patients with in total 89 lesions completed four infusions of 7.4 GBq [177Lu]DOTA-TATE, one patient received only two cycles. Before treatment, [18F]DOPA PET/CT detected significantly more lesions than [68Ga]DOTA-TOC PET/CT (79 vs. 62, p < .001). After treatment, no difference in number of lesions with disease control was found for [18F]DOPA-only (5/27) and [68Ga]DOTA-TOC-only lesions (4/10, p = .25). [18F]DOPA detected more liver metastases (24/27) compared to [68Ga]DOTA-TOC (7/10, p = .006). Six patients showed inpatient heterogeneity in treatment response between [18F]DOPA-only and [68Ga]DOTA-TOC-only lesions. CONCLUSIONS: Response to PRRT with [177Lu]DOTA-TATE was comparable for both [68Ga]DOTA-TOC- and [18F]DOPA-only NEN lesions. [18F]DOPA may be capable of predicting response to PRRT while finding more lesions compared to [68Ga]DOTA-TOC, although these additional lesions are often small of size and undetected by diagnostic CT

    Prevalence of bullying and victimization among children in early elementary school: Do family and school neighbourhood socioeconomic status matter?

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    Background: Bullying and victimization are widespread phenomena in childhood and can have a serious impact on well-being. Children from families with a low socioeconomic background have an increased risk of this behaviour, but it is unknown whether socioeconomic status (SES) of school neighbourhoods is also related to bullying behaviour. Furthermore, as previous bullying research mainly focused on older children and adolescents, it remains unclear to what extent bullying and victimization affects the lives of younger children. The aim of this study is to examine the prevalence and socioeconomic disparities in bullying behaviour among young elementary school children. Methods. The study was part of a population-based survey in the Netherlands. Teacher reports of bullying behaviour and indicators of SES of families and schools were available for 6379 children aged 5-6 years. Results: One-third of the children were involved in bullying, most of them as bullies (17%) or bully-victims (13%), and less as pure victims (4%). All indicators of low family SES and poor school neighbourhood SES were associated with an increased risk of being a bully or bully-victim. Parental educational level was the only indicator of SES related with victimization. The influence of school neighbourhood SES on bullying attenuated to statistical non-significance once adjusted for family SES. Conclusions: Bullying and victimization are already common problems in early elementary school. Children from socioeconomically disadvantaged families, rather than children visiting schools in disadvantaged neighbourhoods, have a particularly high risk of involvement in bullying. These findings suggest the need of timely bullying preventions and interventions that should have a special focus on children of families with a low socioeconomic background. Future studies are necessary to evaluate the effectiveness of such programs

    Cost-effectiveness and Cost-utility of the Adherence Improving Self-management Strategy in Human Immunodeficiency Virus Care : A Trial-based Economic Evaluation

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    This study was funded by ZonMw (the Netherlands), program Doelmatigheidsonderzoek (grant number 171002208). This funding source had no role in study design, data collection, analysis, interpretation, or writing of the report. All authors declare that they have no competing interests. We thank the HIV-nurses and physicians from the seven HIV-clinics who were involved in the AIMSstudy (Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam; Slotervaart Hospital, Amsterdam; St. Lucas-Andreas Hospital, Amsterdam; the Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden; Haga Teaching Hospital, Den Haag; Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam; Isala Clinics, Zwolle) for their input and collaboration. We also would like to express our gratitude to the study participants. Written informed consent was obtained from each patient. The study has been approved by the ethics committee of each participating center.Peer reviewedPostprin

    The Role of Academic Status Norms in Friendship Selection and Influence Processes Related to Academic Achievement

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    This study examined the role of academic status norms in friendship selection and influence processes related to academic achievement across the 2nd year of secondary school (SNARE project; N = 1,549 students from 70 classes; M-age = 13.69 years). Academic status norms were operationalized as the class-level correlation between academic achievement and 4 types of peer status: popularity, acceptance, unpopularity, and rejection. Longitudinal social network analyses indicated that the unpopularity and popularity norm play a role in friendship selection processes (but not influence processes) related to academic achievement. In line with our hypotheses, the unpopularity norm in the classroom strengthened similarity-based friendship selection among low-achieving adolescents and predicted greater avoidance of academically similar friends among high-achieving adolescents. Also, the popularity norm strengthened friendship selection among similar peers, both among low and high achievers. Acceptance and rejection norms did not play a role in friendship processes. In sum, the average achievement of popular and unpopular peers shapes friendship preferences in the classroom, which may have important implications for adolescent academic development