14 research outputs found

    Challenges in Clinicogenetic Correlations:One Phenotype – Many Genes

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    Background: In the field of movement disorders, what you see (phenotype) is seldom what you get (genotype). Whereas 1 phenotype was previously associated to 1 gene, the advent of next-generation sequencing (NGS) has facilitated an exponential increase in disease-causing genes and genotype-phenotype correlations, and the "one-phenotype-many-genes" paradigm has become prominent.Objectives: To highlight the "one-phenotype-many-genes" paradigm by discussing the main challenges, perspectives on how to address them, and future directions.Methods: We performed a scoping review of the various aspects involved in identifying the underlying molecular cause of a movement disorder phenotype.Results: The notable challenges are (1) the lack of gold standards, overlap in clinical spectrum of different movement disorders, and variability in the interpretation of classification systems; (2) selecting which patients benefit from genetic tests and the choice of genetic testing; (3) problems in the variant interpretation guidelines; (4) the filtering of variants associated with disease; and (5) the lack of standardized, complete, and up-to-date gene lists. Perspectives to address these include (1) deep phenotyping and genotype-phenotype integration, (2) adherence to phenotype-specific diagnostic algorithms, (3) implementation of current and complementary bioinformatic tools, (4) a clinical-molecular diagnosis through close collaboration between clinicians and genetic laboratories, and (5) ongoing curation of gene lists and periodic reanalysis of genetic sequencing data.Conclusions: Despite the rapidly emerging possibilities of NGS, there are still many steps to take to improve the genetic diagnostic yield. Future directions, including post-NGS phenotyping and cohort analyses enriched by genotype-phenotype integration and gene networks, ought to be pursued to accelerate identification of disease-causing genes and further improve our understanding of disease biology

    Myoclonus-dystonia : distinctive motor and non-motor phenotype from other dystonia syndromes

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    Background: myoclonus-dystonia (M-D) due to a pathogenic variant of SGCE is an autosomal dominant inherited movement disorder. Apart from motor symptoms, psychiatric disorders are highly prevalent in patients with MD. Previous studies suggest, but never tested directly, that the type of psychiatric disorder differs between dystonia syndromes, probably related to disease specific pathology. Little is known about other non-motor symptoms (NMS) in M.D. Here, we systematically study NMS in M-D in direct comparison to other types of dystonia and healthy controls. Methods: Standardized questionnaires were used to assess type and severity of psychiatric co-morbidity, sleep problems, fatigue and quality of life. Results of M-D patients with a pathogenic variant of SGCE were compared to results of idiopathic cervical dystonia (CD) patients, dopa-responsive dystonia (DRD) patients with a pathogenic variant of GCH1 and controls. Results: We included 164 participants: 41 M-D, 51 CD, 19 DRD patients, 53 controls. Dystonia patients (M-D, CD and DRD) had an increased prevalence of psychiatric disorders compared to controls (56-74% vs. 29%). In M-D we found a significantly increased prevalence of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and psychosis compared to CD and DRD. All dystonia patients had more sleep problems (49-68% vs. 36%) and fatigue (42-73% vs. 15%) than controls. Compared to other dystonia subtypes, M-D patients reported less excessive daytime sleepiness and fatigue. Conclusion: Psychiatric comorbidity is frequent in all dystonia types, but OCD and psychosis are more common in M-D patients. Further research is necessary to elucidate underlying pathways

    Myoclonus-Ataxia Syndromes:A Diagnostic Approach

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    Item does not contain fulltextBACKGROUND: A myriad of disorders combine myoclonus and ataxia. Most causes are genetic and an increasing number of genes are being associated with myoclonus-ataxia syndromes (MAS), due to recent advances in genetic techniques. A proper etiologic diagnosis of MAS is clinically relevant, given the consequences for genetic counseling, treatment, and prognosis. OBJECTIVES: To review the causes of MAS and to propose a diagnostic algorithm. METHODS: A comprehensive and structured literature search following PRISMA criteria was conducted to identify those disorders that may combine myoclonus with ataxia. RESULTS: A total of 135 causes of combined myoclonus and ataxia were identified, of which 30 were charted as the main causes of MAS. These include four acquired entities: opsoclonus-myoclonus-ataxia syndrome, celiac disease, multiple system atrophy, and sporadic prion diseases. The distinction between progressive myoclonus epilepsy and progressive myoclonus ataxia poses one of the main diagnostic dilemmas. CONCLUSIONS: Diagnostic algorithms for pediatric and adult patients, based on clinical manifestations including epilepsy, are proposed to guide the differential diagnosis and corresponding work-up of the most important and frequent causes of MAS. A list of genes associated with MAS to guide genetic testing strategies is provided. Priority should be given to diagnose or exclude acquired or treatable disorders

    Early onset ataxia with comorbid myoclonus and epilepsy:A disease spectrum with shared molecular pathways and cortico-thalamo-cerebellar network involvement

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    OBJECTIVES: Early onset ataxia (EOA) concerns a heterogeneous disease group, often presenting with other comorbid phenotypes such as myoclonus and epilepsy. Due to genetic and phenotypic heterogeneity, it can be difficult to identify the underlying gene defect from the clinical symptoms. The pathological mechanisms underlying comorbid EOA phenotypes remain largely unknown. The aim of this study is to investigate the key pathological mechanisms in EOA with myoclonus and/or epilepsy.METHODS: For 154 EOA-genes we investigated (1) the associated phenotype (2) reported anatomical neuroimaging abnormalities, and (3) functionally enriched biological pathways through in silico analysis. We assessed the validity of our in silico results by outcome comparison to a clinical EOA-cohort (80 patients, 31 genes).RESULTS: EOA associated gene mutations cause a spectrum of disorders, including myoclonic and epileptic phenotypes. Cerebellar imaging abnormalities were observed in 73-86% (cohort and in silico respectively) of EOA-genes independently of phenotypic comorbidity. EOA phenotypes with comorbid myoclonus and myoclonus/epilepsy were specifically associated with abnormalities in the cerebello-thalamo-cortical network. EOA, myoclonus and epilepsy genes shared enriched pathways involved in neurotransmission and neurodevelopment both in the in silico and clinical genes. EOA gene subgroups with myoclonus and epilepsy showed specific enrichment for lysosomal and lipid processes.CONCLUSIONS: The investigated EOA phenotypes revealed predominantly cerebellar abnormalities, with thalamo-cortical abnormalities in the mixed phenotypes, suggesting anatomical network involvement in EOA pathogenesis. The studied phenotypes exhibit a shared biomolecular pathogenesis, with some specific phenotype-dependent pathways. Mutations in EOA, epilepsy and myoclonus associated genes can all cause heterogeneous ataxia phenotypes, which supports exome sequencing with a movement disorder panel over conventional single gene panel testing in the clinical setting

    Myoclonus and other jerky movement disorders

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    Myoclonus and other jerky movements form a large heterogeneous group of disorders. Clinical neurophysiology studies can have an important contribution to support diagnosis but also to gain insight in the pathophysiology of different kind of jerks. This review focuses on myoclonus, tics, startle disorders, restless legs syndrome, and periodic leg movements during sleep. Myoclonus is defined as brief, shock-like movements, and subtypes can be classified based the anatomical origin. Both the clinical phenotype and the neurophysiological tests support this classification: cortical, cortical-subcortical, subcortical/non-segmental, segmental, peripheral, and functional jerks. The most important techniques used are polymyography and the combination of electromyography-electroencephalography focused on jerk-locked back-averaging, cortico-muscular coherence, and the Bereitschaftspotential. Clinically, the differential diagnosis of myoclonus includes tics, and this diagnosis is mainly based on the history with premonitory urges and the ability to suppress the tic. Electrophysiological tests are mainly applied in a research setting and include the Bereitschaftspotential, local field potentials, transcranial magnetic stimulation, and pre-pulse inhibition. Jerks due to a startling stimulus form the group of startle syndromes. This group includes disorders with an exaggerated startle reflex, such as hyperekplexia and stiff person syndrome, but also neuropsychiatric and stimulus-induced disorders. For these disorders polymyography combined with a startling stimulus can be useful to determine the pattern of muscle activation and thus the diagnosis. Assessment of symptoms in restless legs syndrome and periodic leg movements during sleep can be performed with different validated scoring criteria with the help of electromyography

    Next move in movement disorders (NEMO):Developing a computer-aided classification tool for hyperkinetic movement disorders

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    Introduction: Our aim is to develop a novel approach to hyperkinetic movement disorder classification, that combines clinical information, electromyography, accelerometry and video in a computer-aided classification tool. We see this as the next step towards rapid and accurate phenotype classification, the cornerstone of both the diagnostic and treatment process. Methods and analysis: The Next Move in Movement Disorders (NEMO) study is a cross-sectional study at Expertise Centre Movement Disorders Groningen, University Medical Centre Groningen. It comprises patients with single and mixed phenotype movement disorders. Single phenotype groups will first include dystonia, myoclonus and tremor, and then chorea, tics, ataxia and spasticity. Mixed phenotypes are myoclonus-dystonia, dystonic tremor, myoclonus ataxia and jerky/tremulous functional movement disorders. Groups will contain 20 patients, or 40 healthy participants. The gold standard for inclusion consists of interobserver agreement on the phenotype among three independent clinical experts. Electromyography, accelerometry and three-dimensional video data will be recorded during performance of a set of movement tasks, chosen by a team of specialists to elicit movement disorders. These data will serve as input for the machine learning algorithm. Labels for supervised learning are provided by the expert-based classification, allowing the algorithm to learn to predict what the output label should be when given new input data. Methods using manually engineered features based on existing clinical knowledge will be used, as well as deep learning methods which can detect relevant and possibly new features. Finally, we will employ visual analytics to visualise how the classification algorithm arrives at its decision. Ethics and dissemination: Ethical approval has been obtained from the relevant local ethics committee. The NEMO study is designed to pioneer the application of machine learning of movement disorders. We expect to publish articles in multiple related fields of research and patients will be informed of important results via patient associations and press releases

    Progressive myoclonus ataxia:Time for a new definition?

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    BACKGROUND: The clinical demarcation of the syndrome progressive myoclonus ataxia is unclear, leading to a lack of recognition and difficult differentiation from other neurological syndromes. OBJECTIVES: The objective of this study was to apply a refined definition of progressive myoclonus ataxia and describe the clinical characteristics in patients with progressive myoclonus ataxia and with isolated cortical myoclonus. METHODS: A retro- and prospective analysis was performed in our tertiary referral center between 1994 and 2014. Inclusion criteria for progressive myoclonus ataxia patients were the presence of myoclonus and ataxia with or without infrequent (all types, treatment responsive) epileptic seizures. Inclusion criteria for isolated cortical myoclonus was the presence of isolated cortical myoclonus. Clinical and electrophysiological characteristics data were systematically scored. RESULTS: A total of 14 progressive myoclonus ataxia patients (males, 7; females, 7), median age 14.5 years, and 8 isolated cortical myoclonus patients (males, 2; females, 6), median age 23.5 years, were identified. In 93% of the progressive myoclonus ataxia patients, ataxia started first (median 2 years) followed by myoclonus (4 years) and finally infrequent epilepsy (9.3 years), with a progressive course in 93%. In 64% of the progressive myoclonus ataxia patients, a genetic underlying etiology was identified, including 3 not earlier reported causative progressive myoclonus ataxia genes. In isolated cortical myoclonus patients, myoclonus started at (median) 12 years with progression over time in 63% and a single epileptic seizure in 1 patient. No genetic causes were identified. CONCLUSION: Using a refined definition, we could create a rather homogenous progressive myoclonus ataxia group. Patients with isolated cortical myoclonus have a different course and do not appear to evolve in progressive myoclonus ataxia. The refined progressive myoclonus ataxia definition is a successful first step toward creating a separate syndrome for both clinical practice and future genetic research. © 2018 The Authors. Movement Disorders published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society

    Nomenclature of Genetic Movement Disorders:Recommendations of the International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society Task Force – An Update

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    In 2016, the Movement Disorder Society Task Force for the Nomenclature of Genetic Movement Disorders presented a new system for naming genetically determined movement disorders and provided a criterion-based list of confirmed monogenic movement disorders. Since then, a substantial number of novel disease-causing genes have been described, which warrant classification using this system. In addition, with this update, we further refined the system and propose dissolving the imaging-based categories of Primary Familial Brain Calcification and Neurodegeneration with Brain Iron Accumulation and reclassifying these genetic conditions according to their predominant phenotype. We also introduce the novel category of Mixed Movement Disorders (MxMD), which includes conditions linked to multiple equally prominent movement disorder phenotypes. In this article, we present updated lists of newly confirmed monogenic causes of movement disorders. We found a total of 89 different newly identified genes that warrant a prefix based on our criteria; 6 genes for parkinsonism, 21 for dystonia, 38 for dominant and recessive ataxia, 5 for chorea, 7 for myoclonus, 13 for spastic paraplegia, 3 for paroxysmal movement disorders, and 6 for mixed movement disorder phenotypes; 10 genes were linked to combined phenotypes and have been assigned two new prefixes. The updated lists represent a resource for clinicians and researchers alike and they have also been published on the website of the Task Force for the Nomenclature of Genetic Movement Disorders on the homepage of the International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society (https://www.movementdisorders.org/MDS/About/Committees--Other-Groups/MDS-Task-Forces/Task-Force-on-Nomenclature-in-Movement-Disorders.htm). © 2022 The Authors. Movement Disorders published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of International Parkinson Movement Disorder Society