20 research outputs found

    Characteristics of data visualization software

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    U radu je definirana vizualizacija podataka, navedena je njezina važnost prvenstveno u znanosti i modernim poslovnim procesima, ali i u ostalim područjima, poput medicine i bankarstva. Analiza, pa tako i vizualizacija, velikih količina podataka danas se obavlja pomoću raznih alata, koji se razlikuju u cijeni, platformi, kvaliteti korisničke podrÅ”ke, mogućnostima i funkcionalnosti. U radu se analiziraju i uspoređuju karakteristike velikog broja alata za vizualizaciju podataka s ciljem da se pronađu njihove najzastupljenije mogućnosti, odnosno zajednička funkcionalnost većine danaÅ”njih alata. Osim navedene analize, u radu se analizira i njihova raspoloživost na platformama i operacijskim sustavima, opcije korisničke podrÅ”ke, cijena itd.This paper defines data visualization, its importance primarly in science and modern business processes, but also in other field such as medicine and banking. Analysis and visualization of large amounts of data is done today with a variety of tools, which vary in price, platform, quality of customer support, capabilities and functionality. The paper analyzes and compares the characteristics of a large number of data visualization tools in order to find their most common capabilities, that is, the common functionality of most of today\u27s tools. In addition to this analysis, the paper also analyzes their availability on platforms and operating systems, customer support, pricing etc

    Performance Evaluation of Plagiarism Detection Method Based on the Intermediate Language

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    This paper presents detection method for source code plagiarism that is based on the intermediate language, and shows its usage in e-learning. Method is tested on the appropriate number of test cases that represent the most frequent code modification techniques. Results and its performance are compared to the existing source code plagiarism detection methods implemented in some of the most known plagiarism detection systems and applications

    An Optimization of Command History Search

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    A command that a user issues at the comm and prompt is a string encoded with certain character encoding. This charact er string can be stored into an appro- priate data structure in order to be documented or reused. Additional function- ality of the command line to store entered commands, along with ability to list, edit and re-execute previously entered commands, is called command history. The paper suggests an optimization of command history search based on pro- posed grammar of the command language

    Optimizing the Resource Consumption of Blockchain Technology in Business Systems

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    Background: Blockchain technology has gained a great public interest due to the appearance of cryptocurrencies, a digital asset used for exchanging funds. Although blockchain calculations offer the benefits of security and reduced costs, blockchain is still strongly criticised for its lack of usefulness and resource-heavy consumption. Objectives: The aim of this research is to provide different insights into blockchain technology and to propose NP-complete problems as a suitable alternative to the current consensus algorithm. Methods/approach: This research discusses the current state of proposed alternatives, projects such as distributed volunteering for scientific purposes and different consensus algorithms within cryptocurrencies but focusing on incorporating NP-complete problems as a secondary, more useful option. Results: Using the properties of NP-complete problems, it is possible to solve various problems in different areas, such as science, biology, medicine and finance, but also to improve business processes, optimize markets, payments and supply chains while decreasing environmental costs. Conclusions: This paper shows that the alternative mechanisms are being developed and used to substitute an existing Blockchain algorithm with a more efficient one. It also suggests further investigation in this area because the alternatives greatly improve blockchainā€™s usability and efficiency

    Enhancing the Usefulness of Blockchain Technology in Finance Sector

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    Blockchain technology has become widely popular with the appearance of cryptocurrencies that use the decentralized nature of blockchain in order to exchange funds between their users. In order to verify various needed details during an exchange, consensus mechanisms are used which solve simple but exhaustive calculations. Such operations fulfil their primary goal of verifying, but are a common target of public disapproval due to massive energy consumption and lack of usefulness. This work discusses different approaches and consensus mechanisms with a more useful secondary function, especially focusing on NP-complete problems as mediators in solving complex and resource-heavy problems. A new way of approaching these problems can benefit many areas, like science, healthcare, government and finance, optimizing the current infrastructure and business processes like markets, transactions, insurances, payments and supply chains, or creating more secure, reliable and efficient environment. This work is licensed under a&nbsp;Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.</p

    Analysis of studies learning outcomes according to Bloom's taxonomy

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    The paper analyses learning outcomes of undergraduate and graduate studies of Faculty of humanities and social sciences, University of Zagreb, and correlates them with the categories of Bloomā€™s taxonomy. By observing the representation of categories in different study programs, the paper analyses the similarities and differences between undergraduate and graduate studies, as well as between single and double major studies

    Analiza odnos između ishoda učenja studijskih programa i predmeta

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    This paper analyzes the learning outcomes of study programs and courses at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, and associates them with levels of Bloom\u27s taxonomy in order to determine their relationships. The analysis showed statistically significant differences in the levels of learning outcomes between studies and their courses. The outcomes of study programs place more emphasis on higher levels of cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains. It was determined that there is a slight difference between the courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels of study, which is in accordance with expectations as the learning outcomes at the undergraduate level include lower levels of cognitive and affective domains. The analysis of compulsory and elective courses showed that elective courses place more emphasis on the cognitive domain, whereas compulsory courses place more emphasis on the affective domain.U radu se analiziraju ishodi učenja studijskih programa i predmeta na Filozofskom fakultetu SveučiliÅ”ta u Zagrebu te povezuju s razinama Bloomove taksonomije, kako bi se utvrdili njihovi međusobni odnosi. Analiza je pokazala da postoji statistički značajna razlika u razinama ishoda učenja između studija i predmeta koji se na njima izvode. Kod ishoda studija izraženije su viÅ”e razine kognitivne, afektivne i psihomotoričke domene. Također je utvrđena razlika između predmeta na preddiplomskoj i diplomskoj razini studija, koja je u skladu s očekivanjima jer ishodi učenja na preddiplomskoj razini studija imaju niže razine kognitivne i afektivne domene. Analiza obaveznih i izbornih predmeta pokazala je da je kod izbornih predmeta izraženija kognitivna domena, a da je kod obaveznih predmeta izraženija afektivna domena

    Web 2.0 as a potential for development of young people

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    Cilj istraživanja je utvrditi koliko danaÅ”nji studenti dobro poznaju i koriste Web 2.0 arhitekturu, kao i razloge zaÅ”to koriste aplikacije temeljene na Web 2.0 arhitekturi. Uzorak (N = 103) u ovom istraživanju su činili studenti oba spola, starosti 20 do 30 godina na dva fakulteta i dva studijska programa. Istraživanje je provedeno pomoću upitnika kao istraživačke tehnike u kojem je Web 2.0 ispitivan kroz indikatore računalnih, informacijskih i komunikacijskih aspekata. Upitnik se sastoji od 23 pitanja, specijalno izgrađenim za ovaj istraživački rad. Istraživanje je provedeno u razdoblju od svibnja do srpnja mjeseca 2012. na Fakultetu za ekonomiju i inženjerski menažment u Novom Sadu i Fakultetu za menadžment u sportu u Beogradu.The research aims to determine how well today\u27s students know and use Web 2.0 architecture, as well as why they use applications based on Web 2.0 architecture. The sample in this study consisted of 103 students of both sexes, aged 20 Ć· 30 on two faculties and two study programs. The research was conducted using questionnaires as a research technique in which Web 2.0 was investigated by the indicators of computer, information and communication aspects. The questionnaire consisted of 23 questions, and was specially created for this research. The survey was conducted between May and July 2012 at the Faculty of Economics and Engineering Management in Novi Sad and the Faculty of Management in Sport in Belgrade

    Blockchain trend in Croatia: a qualitative analysis of real sector

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    Tehnologija ulančanih blokova naglo je zadobila interes tvrtki, institucija i pojedinaca posljednjih nekoliko godina predstavivÅ”i se kao vodeća alternativa dosadaÅ”njim tradicionalnim sustavima. Tijekom 2017. i 2018. godine tehnologija prolazi kroz nestabilan period koji se očituje u raznim poslovnim prijevarama i financijskim oscilacijama, koje ostavljaju posljedice na daljnji razvoj tehnologije. S ciljem shvaćanja trenutnoga stanja trenda, faktora koji su tome pridonijeli i utjecaja globalnoga tržiÅ”ta na Hrvatsku u ovome radu prikazano je kvalitativno istraživanje provedeno na realnom sektoru. Ispitanici su djelatnici hrvatskih tvrtki koji posluju u području ulančanih blokova. Na temelju svojega iskustva navode realne i konkretne odgovore o različitim aspektima tehnologije te navode prijedloge za njezin uspjeÅ”niji daljnji razvoj u okviru Hrvatske. Prema njihovim zaključcima, pristup tehnologiji se posljednjih nekoliko godina promijenio pa danas bilježimo viÅ”e kvalitetnijih projekata, poslovnih prilika i korisnika. Realni sektor percipira tehnologiju ulančanih blokova u Hrvatskoj kao tehnologiju s tendencijom sporoga ali stabilnoga rasta, no predlaže edukaciju, snažniju povezanost s državnim institucijama te kvalitetniju zakonsku regulaciju. Realni sektor smatra da je budućnost tehnologije ulančanih blokova u Hrvatskoj optimistična te da je tehnologija na ispravnome putu k optimalnom razvoju.Blockchain technology has gained great interest during the last few years, presenting itself as a leading alternative to traditional systems. Through 2017 and 2018, the technology went through an unstable period that manifested in various financial oscillations which left consequences on the further development of the technology. In order to understand the current state of the trend in Croatia, qualitative research on the real sector was conducted. The participants are Croatian companies operating in the field of blockchain, which, based on real experience, provide answers on various aspects of technology and suggestions for more successful further development within Croatia. The real sector perceives blockchain technology in Croatia as a technology with stable growth but suggests education, stronger connections with state institutions, and better legal regulation. The real sector believes that the future of blockchain technology in Croatia is optimistic and that technology is on the right path to its optimal development