481 research outputs found

    Improving the work of the youth policy center of Nevyansky urban district

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    Автор рассматривает особенности муниципальной молодежной политики в Невьянском городском округе и приводит результаты анкетирования 300 молодых людей по вопросам социального самочувствия.The author examines features of the municipal youth policy in the Nevyansk urban district and gives the results of a survey of 300 young people on issues of social well-being

    Giant Keplerate molecule Fe30 - the first octopole magnet

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    The multipole expansion technique is applied to one of the largest magnetic molecules, Fe30. The molecule's dipole, toroid and quadrupole magnetic moments are equal to zero (in the absence of magnetic field) so the multipole expansion starts from the octopole moment. Probably the Fe30 molecule is the most symmetrical magnetic body synthesized so far. The magnetization process is considered theoretically in different geometries. Some components of the octopole moment experience a jump while the magnetization rises linearly up to its saturation value. An elementary octopole moment consisting of four magnetic dipoles is proposed as a hint for designing of an experiment for measurement of octopole magnetic moment components.Comment: 7 pages, 9 figure

    The role of competition in raising the young

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    The article is devoted to the impact of competition on the education of youth. The author, building on work of Goncharov S. Z., analyzes the concept of «competition», «competitiveness» and «social activity», considers the relationship between competition and social activity of youth in the implementation of youth policy, traces the formation of norms of behavior of youth in the process of implementation of youth projects and programs in Nevyansk urban district of the Sverdlovsk regionРассматриваются вопросы влияния соревнования на воспитание молодежи. Автор, опираясь на работы С. З. Гончарова, анализирует понятия «соревнование», «соревновательность» и «социальная активность», взаимосвязь между соревновательностью и социальной активностью молодежи в ходе реализации молодежной политики, прослеживает формирование норм поведения молодежи в процессе реализации молодежных проектов и программ в Невьянском городском округе Свердловской област

    Mild alkane fimctionalisation leading to ethers: Oxidative alkoxylation of cyclohexane with the dibromobis(phosphine)palladium(II)-sodium alkoxide system

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    Dibromobis(phosphine)palladium(II) complexes, PdBr2(L)2 [L = PPh3, P(p-Tol)3], react with cyclohexane and an alcoholic solution of sodium alkoxide, NaOR (R = Me, Et, Pri), at 30-60°C affording the corresponding alkyl cyclohex-1-enyl ethers, ROC6H9, in 30-140% yield on palladium both under argon and under air; benzene is inert under the reaction conditions, sodium tert-butoxide does not enter the hydrocarbon alkoxylation

    Jean-François Caron (2020). Contemporary Technologies and the Morality of Warfare. The War of the Machines. London: Routled

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    Received 10 December 2020ю Published online 29 December 2020юThe work was supported by the Russian Science Foundation, project No. 20-18-00240

    Effective model of the work with youth at the enterprise as a condition of successful development of human resources

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    Рассматриваются изменения ценностных установок молодежи, определяющие профессиональный выбор и причины невысокого престижа профессий, связанных с трудом на промышленных предприятиях.Changes of valuable installations of the youth, defining a professional choice and the reasons of low prestige of the professions connected hardly at the industrial enterprises are considered

    Reversible thermal carbon-hydrogen bond cleavage in alkanes and arenes with dihalogenobis(triphenylphosphine)palladium(II) complexes

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    Dihalogenobis(triphenylphosphine)palladium(II) complexes 1, PdX 2(PPh3)2 (X = Cl, Br, I), reacts reversibly with saturated and aromatic hydrocarbons RH (RH = p-xylene, toluene, benzene, n-hexane, cyclohexane), slowly at ambient temperature and rapidly on heating at 70-130°C, to produce hydridodihalogeno(organo)bis(triphenylphosphine)- palladium(IV) complexes 2, Pd(H)(R)X2(PPh3)2; in the presence of bases complexes 2 eliminate hydrogen halide forming organobis(triphenylphosphine)palladium(II) halide 3, Pd(R)X(PPh 3)2

    A Simpe Model for the Description and Prediction of the Thermodynamic Substrate and Regioselectivities of Alkane CH Activation with Metal Complexes

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    The empirical Pauling equation was used to develop a simple qualitative model for the description and prediction of the thermodynamic substrate and regioselectivities of alkane reactions with carbenes, nitrenes, oxene, halogens, and metal complexes. The feasibility of the model was demonstrated on examples of isomerization and transfunctionalization reactions of alkyl halides, alcohols, thiols, primary amines, and nitro compounds. A sequence of thermochemical electronegativity of simple alkyl radicals is proposed. The thermodynamic selectivity of reactions of alkanes and benzene with metal complexes was examined in terms of the developed model. It is shown that the electronic factor controlling the type of selectivity operates in a direction that depends on the electronegativity ratio between the metal-complex group attached to organic radical (χM) and hydrogen (χH). On the basis of published thermodynamic data for alkyl and phenyl derivatives of Group IV, VII, IX, X, and XII metals, the possibility of correctly predicting the substrate and regeoselectivities of hydrocarbon reactions with these compounds was substantiated