346 research outputs found

    En Route to the Eldorado of Europe

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    SynthÚse de nouveaux composés N-polyhétéroaromatiques fusionnés basés sur les motifs granulatimide et triazolophthalazine pour leurs propriétés anticancéreuses ou antituberculeuses

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    Le cancer et la tuberculose demeurant deux des principales causes de mortalitĂ© mondiales, le dĂ©veloppement de nouveaux traitements ciblant ces deux pathologies reste un enjeu de santĂ© publique majeur. Dans ce cadre, l'objectif de ma thĂšse a Ă©tĂ© de rĂ©aliser la synthĂšse et l'Ă©valuation antitumorale/antituberculeuse de deux sĂ©ries originales de composĂ©s N-polyhĂ©tĂ©roaromatiques fusionnĂ©s, l'une ayant pour base la granulatimide (1) et l'autre la triazolophthalazine (2). La granulatimide (1) est un alcaloĂŻde naturel reconnu pour inhiber le checkpoint G2, Ă©lĂ©ment clĂ© du processus de rĂ©paration de l'ADN. Au cours de ce travail, nous avons optimisĂ© la prĂ©paration de (1). La synthĂšse de plateformes de diversification de (1) et de son isomĂšre synthĂ©tique l'isogranulatimide C (3) a Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©e sur la base de travaux de modĂ©lisation antĂ©rieurs afin d'envisager l'accĂšs Ă  de nouveaux inhibiteurs du checkpoint G2 plus efficaces. Le motif triazolophthalazine (2) a Ă©tĂ© retenue car divers dĂ©rivĂ©s styryltriazolophthalazine (4) ont rĂ©cemment montrĂ© des effets antituberculeux et anticancĂ©reux prometteurs. Au cours de ce travail, nous avons synthĂ©tisĂ© plusieurs sĂ©ries de composĂ©s ayant comme base (2) grĂące Ă  une nouvelle voie de synthĂšse orientĂ©e vers la diversitĂ© et optimisĂ©e pour l'automatisation. Les composĂ©s ainsi synthĂ©tisĂ©s ont pu ĂȘtre testĂ©s pour leur activitĂ© antituberculeuse et/ou anticancĂ©reuse, plusieurs composĂ©s ayant montrĂ© de trĂšs bons rĂ©sultats Ă  la fois vis-Ă -vis de souches de tuberculose sensibles et de souches multi-rĂ©sistantes. Le mode d'action antituberculeux de ces composĂ©s est toujours en cours d'Ă©lucidation mais les rĂ©sultats obtenus jusqu'Ă  prĂ©sent suggĂšrent un mode d'action totalement innovant.Cancer and tuberculosis being still two of the main death causes worldwide, the development of new treatments against these two pathologies remains a major public health stake. In this setting, the purpose of my PhD work was to conduct the synthesis and the antitumoral/antitubercular evaluation of two original series of fused N-polyheteroaromatic compounds, one based on granulatimide (1) and the other on triazolophthalazine (2). Granulatimide (1) is a natural alkaloid beknown for inhibiting checkpoint G2, a key-element in DNA repair processes. During this work, we optimized the preparation of (1). The synthesis of diversification plateforms of (1) and its synthetic isomer isogranulatimide C (3) have been studied on the basis of previous computational work in order to consider the access to new more effective inhibitor of the checkpoint G2. Triazolophthalazine (2) have been chosen as some styryltriazolophthalazine derivatives (4) recently displayed promising antitubercular and anticarcinogenic effects. During this work, we synthesized several series of (2)-based compounds thanks to a new diversity-oriented and automation-compatible route. Thus synthesized compounds have been tested for their antitubercular and/or anticarcinogenic activity, several compounds displaying very good results against both drug-sensitive and multidrug-resistant tuberculosis strains. The antitubercular mode of action of these compounds is still under investigation but results obtained so far tend to indicate a totally innovative mode of action

    Kan man fÄ en hÄllbar stad genom förtÀtning? - en studie om förtÀtning i allmÀnhet och om Malmö stads syn pÄ förtÀtning i synnerhet

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    Denna uppsats undersöker huruvida förtÀtning av stÀder kan leda, eller bidra, till, en hÄllbar utveckling. Syftet Àr att försöka fÄ en bÀttre inblick i vad begreppet förtÀtning egentligen innebÀr samt hur Malmö stad anvÀnder sig av förtÀtning i olika dokument och pÄ sÄ sÀtt hitta en koppling till hÄllbar utveckling. Arbetet bestÄr av en litteraturstudie och en dokumentstudie med efterföljande diskussion och reflektion. Litteraturstudien bygger pÄ kopplingen mellan de olika begreppen kring förtÀtning; hÄllbar utveckling, blandad stad och den gröna staden. HÄllbar utveckling efterstrÀvas i vÀrlden idag, inte minst i Sverige. Sveriges tÀtorter har fÄtt i uppdrag av regeringen att utveckla mÄl för att vÀxa hÄllbart. LÀnsstyrelsen och Boverket lÀgger vikt vid markresurshÄllning och den tÀta staden. Det har resulterat i att mÄnga kommuner ser pÄ förtÀtning som en konkret ÄtgÀrd för utveckling av tÀtorter. Begreppet Àr dock svÄrt att definiera, dÀrför syftar litteraturstudien till att först och frÀmst reda ut sambandet mellan den hÄllbara staden och den blandade, tÀta och gröna staden. Kan en stad vara bÄde grön och tÀt? Vidare utreds begreppet förtÀtning i olika sammanhang. Vad betyder förtÀtning, egentligen? Litteraturstudien tar Àven upp skillnaden mellan förtÀtning och tÀthet, samt mellan begreppen fysisk tÀthet och upplevd tÀthet. Dokumentstudien Àr inriktad pÄ Malmö stads syn pÄ förtÀtning. Hur benÀmns förtÀtning i olika styrdokument? Finns nÄgra konkreta ÄtgÀrder för hur en förtÀtning kan utföras? FörtÀtning kan, om man inser dess komplexitet, vara en del av en hÄllbar utveckling. Nya metoder för hur förtÀtning kan genomföras Àr nödvÀndiga för att den fysiska tÀtheten Àven ska kunna samspela med den upplevda, spontanta, tÀtheten. MÀnniskorna i staden Àr en del av staden. HÄllbar utveckling krÀver en blandning mellan ordnat och kaos, mellan det lugna och det intensiva och mellan den fysiska och den upplevda. FrÄgan Àr, hur kan alla dessa kontraster vÀgas emot varandra vid en förtÀtningsprocess?This thesis examines whether an urban densification can lead, or contribute, to a sustainable development. The aim is to discuss what densification really means and how the city of Malmö uses densification in different documents and examine if densification, for them, can lead to sustainable development. The thesis consists of a literature review and a document study followed by a discussion and reflection. The literature review is based on the subjects circling around, and together with, densification such as; different concepts of infill, sustainable development, mixed cities and green cities. In Sweden, as in the rest of the world, sustainable development is the way of the future. The municipalities in Sweden has been commissioned by the government to develop strategies for sustainability. LÀnsstyrelsen and Boverket emphasizes how important the land resource management is, and thereby they suggest that the dense city is something to strive towards. A direct result of this is that many municipalities now look at densification as a concept for future sustainable development. Densification, as a concept, is very difficult to define. The literature review, examines the relationships between the sustainable city, the dense city, the mixed city and the green city. Is it possible for at city to be both dense and green? What does densification really mean? The literature review, discuss different ways looking at density and dense, and the concepts of physical density and perceived density. The following document study focuses on the city of MalmöŽs approach towards densification. Can you find the word densification in various documents? Are there any concrete methods for how densification can be done in Malmö? The discussion is about if densification really can be a part of a sustainable development? The answers to the question is yes, if you realize its complexity. The necessity of new methods in a planning process is inevitable if the physical density shall be able to interact with the perceived, spontaneous, density and form a sustainable city. It is important, however, to consider the involvement of the people in the city. A city is about strictness and chaos, calm places and intense places and between the physical and the perceived. The question is; how can all these things be weighed against each other in a densification process

    Stora Södergatan : att kommunicera en gatas potential genom site reading

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    In urban planning and design today interventions tend to take place in already existing areas and inevitably effect also surrounding areas. The many parties involved in any change leads to a demand for a shared language around these areas. This thesis aim to, through understanding and communicating a site, Stora Södergatan in Lund Sweden, inspire to a novel way of looking at an urban site preceding design- or planning interventions. Based on a theoretical framework where site is considered as a relational construct, material as well as immaterial, a framework for site thinking is constructed. Further, with theory of representation, the communication of the site is emphasized and accounted for as part of the framework. The framework, based on Andrea KahnŽs five site concepts in Defining Urban Sites (2005) is created with the purpose to be tested on a specific site. Hence, about 40 site readings are performed on the street Stora Södergatan. The site readings aim to portray an urban site from different points of departure and, through acknowledging this multifaceted view, bring the theory closer to practice. The method is searching and the purpose is to reveal possible site knowledge that otherwise might be overlooked in a design- or planning process. The site readings are represented in various ways, all with the goal to communicate different sides of the street. Based on these findings, three scenarios are constructed that uses the gained knowledge from the site readings to understand if the method is proven successful. The scenarios, different in scale, serve as a reassurance that the site readings are useful in a potential future development. Finally, a discussion bring forth some of the most interesting aspects of the choice of method, the performance of that method, as well as its outcomes.Dagens planering- och design av urbana stadsrum sker frÀmst i redan etablerade omrÄden och varje ingrepp pÄverkar inte bara en yta utan oundvikligen Àven omgivningarna. DÄ det i varje omvandlingsarbete finns mÄnga intressenter finns en efterfrÄgan för ett gemensamt sprÄk kring en plats. Syftet med denna uppsats Àr att, pÄ ett nytÀnkande sÀtt, förstÄ och kommunicera en urban plats, Stora Södergatan i Lund. Baserat pÄ en teoretisk bakgrund, som betonar att en plats (site) Àr bÄde materiell och immateriell samt stÀndigt förÀndras i tid och rum, har ett ramverk för att kartlÀgga dessa egenskaper utarbetats. Ramverket Àr frÀmst baserat pÄ Andrea Kahns fem koncept om hur man kan avlÀsa en plats (five site concepts) i Defining Urban Sites (Kahn, 2005). Vidare Àven av teori kring representation, och dess stora betydelse i en design- och planeringsprocess. Ramverket har utarbetats för att testas pÄ Stora Södergatan dÀr de fem olika angreppsÀtten applicerats med hjÀlp av omkring 40 olika undersökningar (site readings). MÄlet Àr att uppmÀrksamma att det finns mÄnga olika uppfattningar om en plats, samt att föra denna teori nÀrmare praktiken. Genom att arbeta pÄ ett undersökande sÀtt, syftar metoden till att uppmÀrksamma kunskap som annars blir förbisett in en planerings- eller designprocess. För att kunna förmedla dessa undersökningar, Àr samtliga undersökningar presenterade som grafiska representationer, vilka förhoppningsvis skulle kunna anvÀndas som kommunikationsmedel mellan parter. För att kunna undersöka om den kunskap som genereras genom denna metod Àr anvÀndbar, Àr tre framtidsscenarier formulerade. Scenarierna, alla olika i skala, visar hur resultaten kan anvÀndas i en framtida planering av Lund. Slutligen diskuteras de mest intressanta aspekterna kring valet av metod,utförandet av metoden samt resultaten

    PĂ„verkande faktorer vid fastighetsutveckling - Fallstudie av VĂ€derkvarnen 10

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    Property development can evoke different kinds of emotions, depending on the stakeholders approach to the real estate project. This is because the process itself, affects both people and the environment. The idea behind a real estate project often has great significance, but regardless, it's always the democratic process that regulates and determines whether a project can be realized or not. Literature and studies often shows the property development process from major real estate companies point of view, with large real estate projects. This thesis will instead shine a light on a smaller property development project. The purpose of this thesis is to find and examine the factors that affects the development of a property. It also aims to analyze how these factors affect the real estate development at different scenario. Where scenario could mean that the property is to be sold in its current condition or converted into apartments or town houses. With an objective to create more favorable conditions for the property owner's decision regarding the property's future. Literature was initially studied to gain an understanding of property development in general, real estate law and the economics in property development. Knowledge from current education and work experience have complemented the acquired knowledge from the studied literature. Through interviews with people active in the real estate industry, a broader insight and perspektiv has been obtained of how the real estate development in reality works. Furthermore, the thesis has been carried out as a case study, where factors affecting property development has been analyzed for an existing property. The conclusion suggests that the most economically viable way to develop and sell a property on attractive location is in the form of condominiums. Where operating cost is something that greatly affect the composition of charges for a housing association. Furthermore, the location is a factor that influences the choice of development options and what is economically justifiable. But in the end it is up to the property owner to make the decision on how the property will be developed

    Photosynthate Metabolism in the Source Leaves of N 2

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    Photosynthesis and Photosynthate Partitioning in N 2

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