4,003 research outputs found

    Optimización de técnicas de medida de dispersión cromática a frecuencias ópticas

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    En los últimos años la fibra óptica se ha convertido en el medio de transmisión principal para los sistemas de comunicación. Su capacidad de manejo de grandes cantidades de datos así como su inmunidad frente al ruido y el aislamiento eléctrico son algunas de las características que hacen que esta tecnología sea ideal para usarse en los sistemas de comunicación. Al objeto de explotar al máximo todo el potencial que ofrece la fibra, nos encontramos con que la dispersión cromática es el mayor limitante de la velocidad y distancia de transmisión de datos. En el departamento TSC se estudian nuevos métodos de caracterización de la dispersión cromática y se dispone de las herramientas de laboratorio necesarias para calcular su impacto. El objetivo principal del proyecto es estudiar las técnicas de medida de dispersión cromática ya existentes para analizar sus limitaciones y proponer así nuevos métodos que optimicen sus prestaciones. En concreto se presentarán tres métodos, el MPSM, el ABCM y el RF Scan. Realizaremos sus estudios teóricos que posteriormente nos permitirán contrastar sus resultados en el laboratorio. Los procesos de medida de la dispersión cromática en el laboratorio son controlados mediante ordenador. Se dispone de un primer prototipo de una interfaz gráfica denominada Fiber Test orientada a guiar al usuario durante el proceso de medida y a realizar los controles de instrumentos necesarios para llevar a cabo las medidas. Se propone como objetivo elaborar una nueva versión de la interfaz que racionalice la distribución de menús y que presente al usuario un entorno más amigable y visual, con nuevas opciones de interés y que permita que la interfaz vaya creciendo de manera modular para ir incorporando los nuevos métodos de medida que se van desarrollando. Hasta el momento la interfaz incorpora únicamente un método de medida. La idea es ampliar y mejorar la interfaz para que nos permita llevar a cabo las medidas correspondientes a los tres métodos mencionados anteriorment

    Defusing Master Narratives: Decolonial, Insurgent, Gentle Moves in a Con-Text of Teacher Education and Educational Research

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    This article intends to share a very particular perspective on teacher education and educational research while asserting the inevitability, inescapability, of such local epistemological bias. It discusses the hermeneutic, narrative, decolonial and performative turns and their interplay with the geocultural and political conditions in a con-text which is acknowledged as highly productive (and strongly conditioning) of social meaning. On the basis of teaching and research experience, some insurgent, gentle moves have been designed as ethico-onto-epistemological gestures to experiment on concrete possibilities of fluidity and instability for master narratives. Far from naïvely believing in the “fall”, “end” or “breaking down” of these narratives, defusing them involves instead a positioning on language, narrative and discourse capable of devising provisional and changing patterns of contingent intelligibility which allow for greater exercise of civic sovereignty. Critical, decolonial and queer pedagogies actually constitute the core beliefs which—subjected to the constraints of contingency—are asked to perform this double role of both structuring and shattering grand narratives. It must be noted that this positioning has implied an explicit rejection of the use of passive voice and the (impersonalized) third person in writing this article. The choice of the pronoun “we” constitutes in itself a political gesture –an exercise of rhetoric prerogative, in the terms Segato (2019), Walsh (2011), and Yedaide (2017) propose—. In addition, we affiliate to the thesis which claims that separating the personal and the political constitutes a modern technology: a culture of the non-culture (Haraway, 1997), that is to say, a maneuver that conceals the necessary political bias present in all social products, even and especially when these are self-presented as merely technical. As to our use of English in writing—though apparently contradictory with the epistemic authority we defend—it must be read simply as a gesture manifesting willingness to engage in productive dialogue with peoples who do not speak Spanish. The choice of splitting the word “context” as “con-text” aims at raising awareness regarding the decisive influence that any setting exercises in meaning-making (a site should not be taken as merely ornamental or as landscape/ background but rather as an agent, productive in the construction of meaning, we argue.Fil: Yedaide, Maria Marta. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Humanidades. Centro de Investigaciones Multidisciplinarias en Educación; ArgentinaFil: Porta Vazquez, Luis Gabriel. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Humanidades. Centro de Investigaciones Multidisciplinarias en Educación; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mar del Plata; Argentin

    Hybrid narrative for decolonial pedagogy

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    This article defines and discusses the role of hybrid narrative in constructing political and methodological alternatives to traditional university educationi . It is thus triggered by the process of revising and revalidating the Eurocentric legacy which has structured higher education institutions, their discourses and practices in colonized nations as ours. In an attempt to overcome both an utter denial of such legacy and a helpless perpetuation of ties which reproduce prerogatives to favor a few, we have come across simple ways of restoring the unique perspective of the local identity in an institutional environment which fosters respect for conventions. The outcomes in terms of student production will be discussed and analyzed.Este artículo define y discute el rol de la narrativa híbrida en la construcción de alternativas políticas y metodológicas frente a la educación universitaria tradicional. Es por tanto motivado por el proceso de revisión y revalidación del legado eurocéntrico que ha estructurado a las instituciones del nivel superior, sus discursos y prácticas en naciones colonizadas como las nuestras. En un intento por superar tanto la completa negación de esa herencia como la supervivencia de los lazos que reproducen prerrogativas que favorecen sólo a algunos, hemos encontrado algunos modos sencillos de restaurar la perspectiva singular de lo local y la identidad particular de un entorno institucional que promueve la tradición y el respeto por las convenciones. Se analizarán las tensiones que surgen de estas tentativas, así como los resultados en términos de producción estudiantil.Fil: Porta Vazquez, Luis Gabriel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mar del Plata; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Humanidades. Centro de Investigaciones Multidisciplinarias en Educación; ArgentinaFil: Yedaide, Maria Marta. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Humanidades. Centro de Investigaciones Multidisciplinarias en Educación; Argentin

    Biologically active thiosemicarbazone Fe chelators and their reactions with ferrioxamine B and ferric EDTA; a kinetic study

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    The Fe abstraction from Fe /DFO and Fe /EDTA complex systems by thiosemicarbazone ligands derived from 2-acetylpyridine has been studied from a kinetico-mechanistic perspective at relevant pH conditions and at varying temperatures and buffer solutions. The reactions have been found to be extremely dependent on the dominant E/Z isomeric form of the TSC ligands present in the reaction medium. Consequently the isomerisation processes occurring on the free ligands have also been monitored under equivalent conditions. The isomerisation process is found to be acid dependent, despite the absence of protonation under the conditions used, and presumably proceeds via an azo-type tautomer of the ligand. In all cases the existence of outer-sphere interaction processes has been established, both promoting the reactions and producing dead-end complexes. The better oriented forms of the ligands (EZ thiolate) have been found to react faster with the [Fe(HDFO)] complex, although for mono-N substituted thiosemicarbazones the process is retarded by the formation of a dead-end outer-sphere complex. A comparison with the abstraction of Fe from [Fe(EDTA)(H O)] has also been conducted with significant differences in the kinetic features that implicate keystone outer-sphere interactions which dominate reactivity, even with isomeric forms that are not the best suited for direct complexation

    Description of odd-mass nuclei in Beyond Mean Field approaches with the Gogny energy density functional

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    Tesis Doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias, Departamento de Física Teórica. Fecha de lectura: 27-04-201

    Dissolution kinetics of cellulose in ionic solvents by polarized light microscopy

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    Aiming to increase the scarce information available on the kinetics of cellulose dissolution, we have applied an image-assisted technique based on the luminance evolution as cellulose dissolves to study this process under different experimental conditions. This protocol was validated via direct determination of the cellulose dissolved. In all cases datapoints were linearly fitted assuming a pseudo-zero order reaction which facilitates the comparison between datasets. To study the solvent effect we have used three ionic liquids with large basicity and found significantly different rates of dissolution, from faster to slower: [C2 C1 Im][OAc]>[C1 C1 Im][DMP]>[C2 C1 Im][DEP]. Solvatochromic parameters and viscosity of the solvent media were determined and the latter was identified as a key factor slowing the process as it reduces ionic mobility. The weight of viscosity was estimated by removing the viscosity effect with a tuned solvent media doped with DMSO. Activation energy was 70% lower at constant viscosity. On the substrate side, particle size is the main factor affecting the dissolution rate. All samples were milled to homogenise the starting material and minimise the distortions caused by the size distribution. After, dissolution of three cellulose substrates under the same experimental conditions was analysed. Dissolution of natural fibers took twice as long as dissolving pulp which dissolves slower than lyocell fibers. This trend correlates with the roughness of the samples obtained by optical perfilometry which is consistent with the dissolution mechanism proposed in the literature.Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED481A 2021/341Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED481D-2022-022Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. RYC2021- 033826-IUniversidade de Vigo/CISU

    Big Data: la próxima "gran cosa" en la gestión de la información

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    Big Data is, without doubt, one of the most important areas of work for ICT professionals. No area or sector is not affected by the implications of this concept is incorporated; change some tools, strategies analysis and measurement standards are modified. One of the challenges and opportunities facing information professionals in this environment is related to literacy on data and research university libraries. Information literacy and digital literacy in libraries have been widely discussed and applied in the professional literature, but until recently little attention has been paid to literacy data. However, the new e-government initiatives and open data in the last decade have created public data widely available that are of great interest to researchers and students. Increasing the technological capacity to process large amounts of data (Big Data) offers new opportunities for both the layman as for the researcher

    Estimation of fecal coliforms contamination scenarios in a microbasin of the Rolling Pampa of Argentina by using a predictive model

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    Se evaluó la dinámica de contaminación biológica en una microcuenca con uso ganadero de la Pampa Ondulada de Argentina, mediante el coeficiente de partición bacteriano (BactKdQ) del modelo SWAT (Soil and Water Assessment Tool). Se simularon escenarios de contaminación para dos cargas ganaderas (0,5 y 1 equivalente vaca por ha), utilizando dos valores de actKdQ: el propuesto por el SWAT (175 m3 Mg-1) y uno real medido in situ (10 m3 Mg-1). Para el escenario real se corroboró la íntima relación entre los eventos de precipitaciones - scurrimientos y la contaminación biológica de los cursos de agua. Los valores reales de BactKdQ, aún siendo bajos, incidieron de forma significativa en la dinámica de transporte de oliformes fecales. Por ende, es de interés la inclusión de parámetros como el BactKdQ medidos localmente y no de aquellos que el modelo SWAT incluye por defecto. Además, se pudo observar una importante concentración de coliformes fecales en la microcuenca, señalándola como un ambiente de alto riesgo de contaminación biológica, ya que para esta aplicación del SWAT todos los niveles guías fueron sobrepasados. Este trabajo destaca la relevancia de la utilización de modelos computacionales como soporte de decisiones productivas y ambientales.Biological contamination dynamic was assessed in a microbasin of the Rolling Pampa of Argentina trough the study of the bacterial partition coefficient (BactKdQ) of SWAT model (Soil and Water Assessment Tool). Biological contamination sceneries were estimated for two stocking rates (0.5 and 1 Animal Units) using two values of BactKdQ: the value set by default in SWAT model (175 m3 Mg-1) and a real value measured in situ (10 m3 Mg-1). For the real scenery, a close relationship between rainfall and runoff events and biological contamination of water courses was confirmed. Real BactKdQ values, yet still low, significantly influenced the dynamics of transport of fecal coliforms. Therefore it is of interest to include parameters such as BactKdQ measured locally instead of those that the SWAT sets as default. In addition, we observed a high concentration of fecal coliforms in the microbasin, pointing it as an environment with high risk of biological contamination, since for this application of SWAT model all the guidelines were exceeded. This work highlights the importance of using computational models to support both production and environmental decisions.Fil: Behrends Kraemer, Filipe. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Agronomía; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Chagas, Celio Ignacio. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Agronomía; ArgentinaFil: Vazquez Amabile, Gabriel Gustavo. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales; ArgentinaFil: Paz, Marta. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquímica. Departamento de Sanidad, Nutrición, Bromatología y Toxicología. Cátedra de Higiene y Sanidad; ArgentinaFil: Moretton, Juan Agustin. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquímica. Departamento de Sanidad, Nutrición, Bromatología y Toxicología. Cátedra de Higiene y Sanidad; Argentin