48 research outputs found

    XML/XSLT System for Local Generation of Static Web Pages

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    Cílem této bakalářské práce je popsat standardy XML a XSL transformace, ze kterých vychází dnešní generování webových stránek. V teoretické části práce jsou popsány dvě základní skupiny webových stránek (dynamické a statické), včetně jejich vlastností. Práce se dále zaměřuje na tři základní jazyky pro tvorbu stránek statických – HTML, CSS a JavaScript. Pro tvorbu stránek jsou představeny možnosti jejich generování. Dynamické stránky se věnují zejména Content Managment Systemu, naopak u stránek statických jsou zmíněny základní vlastnosti generátorů. Je zde popsáno pět nejznámějších generátorů, přičemž největší pozornost je přenesena na generátor Pelican. V praktické části je vytvořen web dvěma možnostmi. První možnost využívá statický generátor Pelican a u druhé možnosti je pak zvoleno stahování stránek z internetu. Následuje úprava odkazů v HTML dokumentech, včetně nahrazování odkazů stažených ročníků konferenceThis bachelor's thesis aims to describe the XML and XSL transformation standards on which today's website generation is based. The theoretical part of the thesis describes two basic groups of websites (dynamic and static), including their properties. The work also focuses on three basic languages for creating static pages - HTML, CSS and JavaScript. The possibilities of generating pages are presented for the creation of pages. Dynamic pages are mainly devoted to the Content Management System, on the contrary, for static pages the basic properties of generators are mentioned. The five most well-known generators are described here, with the greatest attention being paid to the Pelican generator. In the practical part, the website is created with two options. The first option uses a static generator Pelican and the second option is to download pages from the Internet. This is followed by the modification of links in HTML documents, including the replacement of links downloaded from the conference years.460 - Katedra informatikyvýborn

    The study of migration patency of the weir on Otava river in the town of Katovice

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    Zadáním bakalářské práce je zpracovat možnosti migračního zprůchodnění jezu v Katovicích na řece Otavě. Práce je rozdělena do dvou částí. První část je zaměřena na teorii zprůchodňování jezu a migračních překážek. Je zde rozebíráno provádění rybích přechodů a jejich částí. Druhá část je pojata technicky a zabývá se konkrétní lokalitou, variantami řešení a jejich návrhem. Cílem práce je vytvořit variantu, která umožní co nejefektivnější obousměrnou migraci vodních živočichů. V jedné variantě je také navrhnuta sportovní propusť, která umožní průjezd malým sportovním plavidlům. V potaz řešení variant je brána i architektonická a ekonomická stránka projektu, ta je zhodnocena na konci každého řešení. Závěrem práce je vyhodnocení nejvýhodnější varianty pro provedení v dané lokalitě..Entering the work is to process migration options patency weir in Katovice on the Otava River . The work is divided into two parts . The first part focuses on the theory patency weir and migration barriers. There is dismantled implementation of fish ladders and its parts. The second part is conceived technically and addresses the specific location of various solutions and their design . The aim is to create an option that will enable the most effective two-way migration of aquatic animals. In a variant, it is also designed sports pass filter that allows passage of small sports vessels . The account solution variant is the gate and architectural and economic aspects of the project , that is evaluated at the end of each solution. Finally, work is to evaluate the best options for implementation in the locality

    The Training Plan for military Climbing Instructors Aimed at the Climbing Performance

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    Title The condition preparations for military climb instructors for climbing performance. Aim ofdiploma thesis The aim ofthis thesis is to suggest a mostly optimized training plan for milítary limb instructors with a view to the progressive rise ofthen efficiency on the basis of approachable literature study and interview with limb instructors. Method This diploma thesis is a pilot study using inquiry. It arose in conjunctions with milítary instructors and limb trainers. Military limb instructors, military limb head instructors (person granting instructors license) and air rescuers, both from Army ofthe Czech Republic and Fire Rescue Brigade ofthe Czech Republic, and also head limb instructors from Fire Rescue Brigade ofthe Czech Republic were required to participate. The informants were selected in accordance with their qualification. Keywords Military limb, special hodily preparation, condition, persistence, strength, stress

    Creating a Multi-axis Machining Postprocessor

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    This paper focuses on the postprocessor creation process. When using standard commercially available postprocessors it is often very difficult to modify its internal source code, and it is a very complex process, in many cases even impossible, to implement the newly-developed functions. It is therefore very important to have a method for creating a postprocessor for any CAM system, which allows CL data (Cutter Location data) to be generated to a separate text file. The goal of our work is to verify the proposed method for creating a postprocessor. Postprocessor functions for multi-axis machiningare dealt with in this work. A file with CL data must be translated by the postprocessor into an NC program that has been customized for a specific production machine and its control system. The postprocessor is therefore verified by applications for machining free-form surfaces of complex parts, and by executing the NC programs that are generated on real machine tools. This is also presented here

    Energetická náročnost rodinného domu vytápěného dřívím

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    This bachelor thesis is concerned with determining the energy demand of heating of two variants of a terraced house. It deals with the original situation after construction of a family house and the situation after thermal insulation of perimeter walls, windows and doors replacement. The thesis compares these aspects: thermal losses, heat consumption for heating of the most commonly used heat sources, operating costs for heating and hot water warming, purchase costs for acquisition of these technologies and return on investment to these technologies

    Vliv věku na hmotnost a výšku v kříži u jalovic českého strakatého plemene skotu

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    In this bachelor´s thesis, I observed the effect of an age on weight and height in the cross of heifers of Czech Fleckvieh cattle breed. This observation of population of 538 heifers took place in December 2014 at the farm in Pikárec. At this population weighing and measuring the height of the cross was done. The collected data was then processed, analyzed and used to evaluate the effect of an age on the monitored physical parameters of heifers. The part of the thesis also focuses on assessing the impact of the season at birth on weight and height in the cross. The obtained results show that heifers reach the ideal weight at the first insemination at the age of 13-14 months, which corresponds to the first calving in the age of 22-23 months. This parameter significantly exceeds the breeding objective of Czech Fleckvieh cattle breed and approximates a bit of parameters of breeding objective of Holstein cattle breed. This could significantly reduce the cost of breeding the heifers. It was also found that the reported average height in the cross significantly exceed the Rating methodology for growth and development of heifers of Czech Fleckvieh cattle breed released in 2000