479 research outputs found

    Teen Theatre: Exploring the Role of the Young Adult in Art and Life

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    Study of an advanced General Aviation Turbine Engine (GATE)

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    The best technology program for a small, economically viable gas turbine engine applicable to the general aviation helicopter and aircraft market for 1985-1990 was studied. Turboshaft and turboprop engines in the 112 to 746 kW (150 to 1000 hp) range and turbofan engines up to 6672 N (1500 lbf) thrust were considered. A good market for new turbine engines was predicted for 1988 providing aircraft are designed to capitalize on the advantages of the turbine engine. Parametric engine families were defined in terms of design and off-design performance, mass, and cost. These were evaluated in aircraft design missions selected to represent important market segments for fixed and rotary-wing applications. Payoff parameters influenced by engine cycle and configuration changes were aircraft gross mass, acquisition cost, total cost of ownership, and cash flow. Significant advantage over a current technology, small gas turbine engines was found especially in cost of ownership and fuel economy for airframes incorporating an air-cooled high-pressure ratio engine. A power class of 373 kW (500 hp) was recommended as the next frontier for technology advance where large improvements in fuel economy and engine mass appear possible through component research and development

    A Cropping System for Intensive Grain Production on Sloping Land

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    From the beginnings of Kentucky Agriculture, soil erosion and related losses in productivity have been major problems for Kentucky farmers. Improved soil conservation practices during the past forty years have been especially significant in the recovery and progress of our agricultural industry. No-tillage methods for crop production, which were pioneered in Kentucky, have proven useful in controlling erosion and holding production at high levels. During recent years, the marketplace has strongly encouraged grain production, with the unfortunate effect that many Kentucky hillsides have been returned to grain production without sufficient erosion control measures. This report describes innovations in use of no-tillage and other conservation practices to develop a system of grain production for sloping land, thus enabling increased income, and nearly eliminating erosion at the same time

    Mighty ducts: Final report

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    Mechanical engineering undergraduate education traditionally included a substantial amount of experimental work. However, a shift of focus towards a more theory based curriculum led to a loss of practical "gut feeling"-type understanding of the material. A laboratory setup will be developed as part of this project to support future generations of undergraduate students in obtaining such practical understanding of class material. The final product should be targeted towards a future HVAC systems class at the undergraduate level and include the necessary laboratory documentation for the students to execute experiments.The objective of this project is to develop a system for the characterization of fan performance and ductwork fittings (subsequently called system) that includes the following aspects:1. Measurement of fan curves (pressure vs. volumetric flowrate) at various fan speeds2. Determination of pressure loss for various different duct components (including elbows and straight sections). You may choose to express the loss coefficients in terms of equivalent straight duct length.3. Determination of interaction between fittings arranged in series (aka system effect) expressed in pressure vs. air velocity relative to baseline4. Integration into an overall learning environment with predefined 50 minute laboratory modules as mentioned above including the required instructional material.5. An automated controller to emulate constant torque, constant fan speed, and constant flowrate behavior of the fan (teams that include an electrical engineer only)

    Keck Cosmic Web Imager Observations of He II Emission in I Zw 18

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    With a metallicity of 12 + Log(O/H) ≍ 7.1-7.2, I Zw 18 is a canonical low-metallicity blue compact dwarf (BCD) galaxy. A growing number of BCDs, including I Zw 18, have been found to host strong, narrow-lined, nebular He II (λ4686) emission with enhanced intensities compared to Hβ (e.g., He II(λ4686)/Hβ > 1%). We present new observations of I Zw 18 using the Keck Cosmic Web Imager. These observations reveal two nebular He II emission regions (or He III regions) northwest and southeast of the He III region in the galaxy's main body investigated in previous studies. All regions exhibit He II(λ4686)/Hβ greater than 2%. The two newly resolved He III regions lie along an axis that intercepts the position of I Zw 18's ultraluminous X-ray (ULX) source. We explore whether the ULX could power the two He III regions via shock activity and/or beamed X-ray emission. We find no evidence of shocks from the gas kinematics. If the ULX powers the two regions, the X-ray emission would need to be beamed. Another potential explanation is that a class of early-type nitrogen-rich Wolf-Rayet stars with low winds could power the two He III regions, in which case the alignment with the ULX would be coincidental

    Production of α1,3-galactosyltransferase-deficient pigs

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    The enzyme α1,3-galactosyltransferase (α1,3GT or GGTA1) synthesizes α1,3galactose (α1,3Gal) epitopes (Galα1,3Galβ1,4GlcNAc-R), which are the major xenoantigens causing hyperacute rejection in pig-to-human xenotransplantation. Complete removal of α1,3Gal from pig organs is the critical step toward the success of xenotransplantation. We reported earlier the targeted disruption of one allele of the α1,3GT gene in cloned pigs. A selection procedure based on a bacteria[toxin was used to select for cells in which the second allele of the gene was knocked out. Sequencing analysis demonstrated that knockout of the second allele of the α1,3GT gene was caused by a T-to-G single point mutation at the second base of exon 9, which resulted in inactivation of the α1,3GT protein. Four healthy α1,3GT double-knockout female piglets were produced by three consecutive rounds of cloning. The piglets carrying a point mutation in the α1,3GT gene hold significant value, as they would allow production of α1,3Gal-deficient pigs free of antibiotic-resistance genes and thus have the potential to make a safer product for human use

    Towards norms for accreditation of biobanks for human health and medical research:Compilation of existing guidelines into an ISO certification/accreditation norm-compatible format

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    In recent years, biobanks have evolved into professional infrastructures that acquire, validate, process, store, manage and distribute biological material of human origin to public or private end-users/researchers. This article (a) highlights the importance of quality assurance for both the biobank basic processes and sample annotation in order to ensure reliable results of research based on these samples, (b) suggests that certification according to international standards can contribute to the organization of the biobanking processes while accreditation can contribute to the organization of sample characterization/validation, and (c) provides a compilation of all existing guidelines against an International Organization for Standardization (ISO) format.</p