3,503 research outputs found

    Non-classical transport with angular-dependent path-length distributions. 1: Theory

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    This paper extends a recently introduced theory describing particle transport for random statistically homogeneous systems in which the distribution function p(s) for chord lengths between scattering centers is non-exponential. Here, we relax the previous assumption that p(s) does not depend on the direction of flight \Omega; this leads to an extended generalized linear Boltzmann equation that includes angular-dependent cross sections, and to an extended generalized diffusion equation that accounts for anisotropic behavior resulting from the statistics of the system.Comment: 22 pages; Version 3: shortened title; corrected typo

    Non-classical transport with angular-dependent path-length distributions. 2: Application to pebble bed reactor cores

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    We describe an analysis of neutron transport in the interior of model pebble bed reactor (PBR) cores, considering both crystal and random pebble arrangements. Monte Carlo codes were developed for (i) generating random realizations of the model PBR core, and (ii) performing neutron transport inside the crystal and random heterogeneous cores; numerical results are presented for two different choices of material parameters. These numerical results are used to investigate the anisotropic behavior of neutrons in each case and to assess the accuracy of estimates for the diffusion coefficients obtained with the diffusion approximations of different models: the atomic mix model, the Behrens correction, the Lieberoth correction, the generalized linear Boltzmann equation (GLBE), and the new GLBE with angular-dependent path-length distributions. This new theory utilizes a non-classical form of the Boltzmann equation in which the locations of the scattering centers in the system are correlated and the distance-to-collision is not exponentially distributed; this leads to an anisotropic diffusion equation. We show that the results predicted using the new GLBE theory are extremely accurate, correctly identifying the anisotropic diffusion in each case and greatly outperforming the other models for the case of random systems.Comment: 24 pages, 11 figures; Version 3: shortened title, corrected typo

    The role of bipartite structure in R&D collaboration networks

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    A number of real-world networks are, in fact, one-mode projections of bipartite networks comprised of two types of nodes. For institutions engaging in collaboration for technological innovation, the underlying network is bipartite with institutions (agents) linked to the patents they have filed (artifacts), while the projection is the co-patenting network. Projected network topology is highly affected by the underlying bipartite structure, hence a lack of understanding of the bipartite network has consequences for the information that might be drawn from the one-mode co-patenting network. Here, we create an empirical bipartite network using data from 2.7 million patents. We project this network onto the agents (institutions) and look at properties of both the bipartite and projected networks that may play a role in knowledge sharing and collaboration. We compare these empirical properties to those of synthetic bipartite networks and their projections in order to understand the processes that might operate in the network formation. A good understanding of the topology is critical for investigating the potential flow of technological knowledge. We show how degree distributions and small cycles affect the topology of the one-mode projected network - specifically degree and clustering distributions, and assortativity. We propose new network-based metrics to quantify how collaborative agents are in the co-patenting network. We find that several large corporations that are the most collaborative agents in the network, however such organisations tend to have a low diversity of collaborators. In contrast, the most prolific institutions tend to collaborate relatively little but with a diverse set of collaborators. This indicates that they concentrate the knowledge of their core technical research, while seeking specific complementary knowledge via collaboration with smaller companies.Comment: 23 pages, 12 figures, 2 table

    Nonclassical Particle Transport in 1-D Random Periodic Media

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    We investigate the accuracy of the recently proposed nonclassical transport equation. This equation contains an extra independent variable compared to the classical transport equation (the path-length ss), and models particle transport taking place in homogenized random media in which a particle's distance-to-collision is not exponentially distributed. To solve the nonclassical equation one needs to know the ss-dependent ensemble-averaged total cross section, Σt(μ,s)\Sigma_t(\mu,s), or its corresponding path-length distribution function, p(μ,s)p(\mu,s). We consider a 1-D spatially periodic system consisting of alternating solid and void layers, randomly placed in the xx-axis. We obtain an analytical expression for p(μ,s)p(\mu,s) and use this result to compute the corresponding Σt(μ,s)\Sigma_t(\mu,s). Then, we proceed to numerically solve the nonclassical equation for different test problems in rod geometry; that is, particles can move only in the directions μ=±1\mu=\pm 1. To assess the accuracy of these solutions, we produce "benchmark" results obtained by (i) generating a large number of physical realizations of the system, (ii) numerically solving the transport equation in each realization, and (iii) ensemble-averaging the solutions over all physical realizations. We show that the numerical results validate the nonclassical model; the solutions obtained with the nonclassical equation accurately estimate the ensemble-averaged scalar flux in this 1-D random periodic system, greatly outperforming the widely-used atomic mix model in most problems.Comment: 50 pages; 7 Tables; 21 Figures. This is an expanded version (full journal article) of the conference paper listed in arXiv:1412.338

    Gil Vicente e os sexos

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    O espectáculo Serviço D’Amores, encenado por Maria Emília Correia, que é igualmente a autora da dramaturgia, ao emergir na programação do Teatro Nacional D. Maria II como um espectáculo acessível, apelativo, vivo, colorido e aparentemente mais exercício visual e lúdico do que especulação filosófica (o que não é senão parcialmente verdade mas, mesmo que o fosse, tinha a sustentar tal opção numa leitura exegética da obra vicentina que nela vê a criação plástica mais do “ourives” do que do poeta que Vicente também foi), esconde, porém, para quem quiser atentar, uma leitura disfórica do amor, como que anunciando a posteridade vicentina no que há-de vir a ser, no final do Renascimento, com Camões, o período perturbante a que se chamou Maneirismo

    Reflexões sobre escritas [de teatro] um problema sem território

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    A presente reflexão visa colocar lado a lado, sem preocupações de continuidade ou exaustividade, duas tentativas de se romper com os cânones da dramaturgia convencional e de construir vias que hão-de ter posteridade justamente na construção das escritas cénicas da contemporaneidade. Um desses caminhos de indagação é estrangeiro e funda-se em experimentações seminais levadas a cabo por estrangeirados de língua materna inglesa; outro, é português, não tem programa identitário e tem sede provisória na, marginalizada, escrita cénica para teatro das mulheres no nosso país

    O teatro português e o 25 de Abril: uma história ainda por contar

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    Este artigo visa apresentar uma panorâmica da evolução e mudanças estruturais no teatro em Portugal.A 25 de Abril de 1974, uma nova era começa no historial do depauperado teatro português. Após quase cinquenta anos de obscurantismo e de Censura o teatro português vai, finalmente, tentar recuperar décadas de atraso e abrir-se ao mundo através de uma propedêutica de emergência na actualização das linguagens estéticas e na aceleração da divulgação de dramaturgias até aí proibidas ou ignoradas. Nos anos imediatos à Revolução, o teatro foi, entre nós, fundamentalmente, um teatro à procura do diálogo com o tempo e a circunstância, um teatro colectivista e de agitação e propaganda, e, o que é muito importante, um teatro à procura de uma nova geografia estrutural e de uma cada vez mais sistemática e alargada intervenção social