12 research outputs found

    Performance evaluation of the Serbian Credit Bureau model

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    This paper discusses key functional characteristics of the Serbian Credit Bureau (SCB) model and analyses its performances using the methodology of International Finance Corporation, the member of World Bank group. The results show high level of SCB business performances which are preconditioned by its unique technological-organisational structure. These results point out the fact that creditors in Serbia base their credit decisions on the reliable and top-quality information which considerably lowers the risk, and consequently the interest rates on granted loans. The ultimate result is controlled expansion of credit activity with the maintenance of citizens and economy indebtedness at optimum level

    A model of Credit Bureau in Serbia -instruments for preserving stability of the banking sector in conditions of global economic crisis

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    This paper presents the characteristics of the banking system in serbia before and during the global financial crisis. The model of the credit bureau in serbia which, according to its technical characteristics and the level of business performance, represents the original solution is analyzed. Its implementation, in conjunction with other control mechanisms, has provided the stability of the banking sector in terms of crisis. Consequently, the control of liquidity in the banking sector is achieved as well as the control of the expansion of credit activities, with the maintenance of population and economy indebtedness at optimal level, which is of great importance in terms of global crisis when economic policy makers in serbia, faced with a pronounced deficit in balance of payments of the country, as one of economic policy measures aimed at improving the balance of payment position, implement the measure of controlled reduction of private demand

    The impact of functional characteristics of a credit bureau on per capita level of indebtedness : evidence from East European countries

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    The institution of the credit bureau is one of the most important elements in controlling the indebtedness levels of a population. All credit bureaus have specific functional characteristics which are able to influence the development of indebtedness. This research aims to identify the most important characteristics of a credit bureau, to quantify those characteristics and to identify causal relationships between the characteristics of the credit bureau and trends in indebtedness per capita levels. The paper introduces the Credit Bureau Functional Index which presents a quantified value of the functional characteristics of the Credit Bureau. The paper establishes a correlation between this index and indebtedness per capita and finds the formula governing this relationship to be linear. The paper concludes that indebtedness levels can be targeted through a mix of characteristics of a credit bureau. Research on this theme is absent in academic literature to date

    Exploring the Usefulness of Corporate Online Social Networks in the Human Resource Management

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    Finding and selecting the appropriate personnel in work organizations has always been a problem. Companies need to exploit the potential of their employees to take advantage of their knowledge, connections and contacts, to engage in new projects and jobs or to move them to other positions. In doing their jobs employees establish contacts within the company and the business environment. Until the advent of the Internet, communication was carried out in a conventional manner and business did not allow to simply follow the links and communication between employees and their relationships with the business environment. Today, as part of e-business, employees communicate with each other, send and receive messages, simply put, create a social network. The analysis of these networks provides a wealth of information that can be used to promote business, find employees who represent the nodes of communication, but also provides a wealth of information on employees or those who are interested in the right jobs, who use social networks to post information about themselves. This paper explored the possibility of obtaining information relevant to the selection of internal human resources based on an analysis of corporate online social networks. Research methods are taken from the field of graph theory and social network analysis (SNA), whereas in addition to quantitative parameters of nodes also additional dimensions of data filtering are considered. This approach is called the extended SNA. In addition to demonstrating and explaining, the extended SNA has developed an application that simulates the communication between employees within a corporation, for the analysis and detection of suitable employees, and visualizes the results in the form of a graph

    Upravljanje rizikom u e-bankarstvu

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    U e-bankarstvu postoje brojni rizici. Svi oni predstavljaju opasnost po finansijsku instituciju i nikako se ne smeju zanemarivati, već se svakom od njih treba posvetiti pažnja. Rad identifikuje najvažnije rizike, kako u mikro-okruzenju, tako i u širem okruženju organizacije. U radu su prikazane i mere upravljanja rizikom koje je potrebno preduzeti kako bi se rizik umanjio, na operativnom i strateškom nivou. U radu je posebna pažnja posvećena aktivnostima menadžmenta usmerenim na smanjivanje rizika, kao i značaju standarda ISO 17799. Primena ovog standarda, promenama odgovarajućih procedura i same organizacije, stvara infrastrukturne pretpostavke za sigurno poslovno okruženje. Samim tim, primena standarda predstavlja važno sredstvo za zaštitu informacija i smanjenje rizika u e-bankarstvu

    The Analysis of the Users' Response to the Linear Internet Video Advertising by Using QoE Methods

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    Internet video advertising is a sensitive application regarding the quality of the multimedia content, efficiency of displayed advertisement and user's attention. Therefore, video advertising have to be described with respect to Quality of Experience (QoE). Important issue represents trade-off between the Quality of Experience and ad efficiency. The analysis of payment which takes into account the duration of video ad is one of the aspects in this research. This paper analyzes influences of the format of the video ad to user's attention in order to achieve optimum ratio between the efficiency of the ad and QoE. We investigated impact of the position of the video ad in video content, ad duration and transition effects in merging video contents to the user's attention and ad efficiency. The model for estimation of QoE, taking into account improvement efficiency of video ad, was presented and metrics which are necessary for the evaluation of the QoE are introduced. The results show that it is possible to design video ad to achieve optimal ratio between the efficiency of ad and QoE. The improvement of the efficiency of an ad may be achieved while retaining the maximum QoE at the same time

    Impact of inflation on the macroeconomic indicators in transition economies

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    This paper is dealing with treats of inflation in times of world financial turmoil. It examines how inflation is impacting macroeconomic factors. Is there relationship and how strong it is between inflation and economic growth, unemployment rate and other selected economic indicators? Motivated by these questions, this paper examines the relationship between inflation and selected macroeconomic indicators: real GDP annual growth rate, privatization revenues, as part of the GDP, level of investments, unemployment rate and share of assets of foreign banks in domestic bank system by using data for 13 transition economies over the period 1993-2008. The evidence strongly supports the view that the relationship between inflation and selected macroeconomic indicators is significantly and strongly negative, observed for the region. However, for small number countries in transition there is no direct significant relationship between inflation, but indirect relationship has been showed

    Research of the M-banking and M-commerce potentials: case study Serbia

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    This paper explores the business and technology techniques of both mobile banking and mobile payments. The mobile banking architecture system model is proposed and covers: data flow, product flow and money flow. The researches on the mobile payments models (107 payment systems) and mobile banking in Serbia (35 banks covered) have been conducted. Based on the result of the researches the conclusions for further improvement and development have been derived


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    This paper describes an approach for harnessing Twitter social network in crisis situations. Main goal was to investigate possibilities of using Twitter as a platform for collecting and dissemination of information during the natural and environmental disasters. Research context is focused on the period of floods in the Western Balkans during May 2014, particularly Bosnia and Herzegovina. A method for collecting, storing, analyzing and presenting data, i.e. tweets and retweets from Twitter, is described. Further, an application for gathering and visualization of data from Twitter API was developed. Research sample included 45480 Twitter messages from users in the region of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Croatia. Data were investigated using Social network analysis techniques with respect to location, content and user characteristics. Study results pointed out that Twitter is a valuable source of important information in crisis situations, particularly as a provider of prompt information from the endangered territories

    The Model of Coordination of Communication Channels for Small Tourist Communities

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    <p>By including e-business, small tourist communities were allowed, apart from their classic offers, to appear on the global market, but that caused the need for automation and coordination of booking capacity tasks. Advertising and booking in these communities are performed by a conventional agency arrangement, the Internet, mobile services or by tourists themselves upon their arrival in the local community where they can reserve the accommodation. The possibility of booking accommodation capacities in many ways creates additional benefits for considerable usage of excess capacity, but as a side effect there is a problem of coordination of communication channels in order to avoid double-booking. On the other hand, the local administration has a problem with the registration and the payment of the tourist tax, particularly if the tourists do not stay long. With the automation and coordination of communication channels, conflicts can be completely avoided, and the reservation system informs all interested parties and reports to the local administration.</p