356 research outputs found

    Results of a study of soybean source material for breeding purposes under the conditions of Primorsky Territory

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    Background. A study of the soybean gene pool adapted to the conditions of Primorsky Territory in search of useful agronomic traits is essential for further use in breeding programs.Materials and methods. Soybean accessions from the germplasm collection were tested in 2019–2021 at the Federal Scientific Center of Agricultural Biotechnology of the Far East named after A.K. Chaika. The study included 213 accessions of various origin. Cv. ‘Primorskaya 4’ served as the reference. An objective assessment of the potential of the said research material was made.Results. Three years of experiments resulted in selecting promising soybean genotypes with a set of important agronomic traits for breeding programs. Compared to the reference ‘Primorskaya 4’, an increase of more than 35% in productivity was observed in the cultivars ‘Mestnaya’ (Russia), ‘Jilin’ (China), ‘Montreal’ (France), and ‘XP 977-1.9’ (USA). Cvs. ‘No. 075-2’ (USA), ‘K0152’ (Ukraine), ‘Muzanze Stamm M 4789/74’, ‘SOJA 1065’ and ‘Adsoi’ (Germany) were characterized by earliness (100 days). Cvs. ‘Mestnaya’ and ‘HS Atlas’ may be interesting for breeders due to their highest oil content: 25.9% and 26.0%, respectively. The highest protein content was found in cvs. ‘Zhuravushka’ (39.2%), ‘XN 4’ (41.9%), ‘Torlitsa’ (41.9%) and ‘XP 977-1.9’ (39.5%). Cvs. ‘Pi 6D 4182’, ‘XN 4’, ‘Skelya’ and ‘HS Atlas’ manifested resistance to Septoria brown spot. The results of the assessment for adaptability potential showed that the following cultivars of different origin had the highest resistance to environmental stresses: ‘Primorskaya 4’ (–2.5), ‘Torlitsa’ (–2.0) and ‘Kassidi’ (–3.0)

    Self-diffusion of water-ethanol mixture in chitosan membranes obtained by pulsed-field gradient nuclear magnetic resonance technique

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    The self-diffusion of water and ethanol for crosslinked and uncrosslinked chitosan membranes have been investigated by pulsed-field gradient nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. It has been shown that during diffusion processes, water and ethanol are localized in different parts of the chitosan membrane. In the crosslinked membrane, the self-diffusion coefficient for water is higher, but that for ethanol is essentially lower, than those for the uncrosslinked membrane. For this reason, the mobility selectivity is essentially higher in crosslinked membrane as compared to the uncrosslinked. The sorption selectivity are the same for these two types of membranes. | The self-diffusion of water and ethanol for crosslinked and uncrosslinked chitosan membranes have been investigated by pulsed-field gradient nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. It has been shown that during diffusion processes, water and ethanol are localized in different parts of the chitosan membrane. In the crosslinked membrane, the self-diffusion coefficient for water is higher, but that for ethanol is essentially lower, than those for the uncrosslinked membrane. For this reason, the mobility selectivity is essentially higher in crosslinked membrane as compared to the uncrosslinked. The sorption selectivity are the same for these two types of membranes

    Health care providers’ awareness on medical management of children with autism spectrum disorder: cross-sectional study in Russia

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    Background: Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a complex developmental range of conditions that involves difficulties with social interaction and restricted/repetitive behaviors. Unfortunately, health care providers often experience difficulties in diagnosis and management of individuals with ASD, and may have no knowledge about possible ways to overcome barriers in ASD patient interactions in healthcare settings. At the same time, the provision of appropriate medical services can have positive effects on habilitative progress, functional outcome, life expectancy and quality of life for individuals with ASD. Methods: This online survey research study evaluated the awareness and experience of students/residents (n = 247) and physicians (n = 100) in the medical management of children with ASD. It also gathered the views and experiences of caregivers to children with ASD (n = 158), all based in Russia. Results: We have established that the Russian medical community has limited ASD knowledge among providers, and have suggested possible reasons for this. Based on results from online surveys completed by students/residents, non-psychiatric physicians, and caregivers of children diagnosed with ASD, the main problems pertaining to medical management of individuals with ASD were identified. Possible problem solving solutions within medical practice were proposed. Conclusions: The results from this study should be considered when implementing measures to improve healthcare practices, and when developing models for effective medical management, due to start not only in Russia but also in a number of other countries


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    SUMMARY. Currently, three main factors of occurrence and spreading of emergent infections are considered:            1. Factors of biological nature – genetic variability of viruses (mutation), which is fundamental property of viral pathogens. As is generally known, it helps agent to avoid pathogen responses of the host immune system, increasing its virulence and induce resistance to antiviral medicines.             2. Zoogeographical factors – increasing quantity of human contacts with birds and animals create optimal conditions for virus evolution, unpredictable passaging in their organism with possibility of intensification their virulence and also genetic recombination both between genes of viruses and between the genes of viruses and host cells.            3. Socio-economic factors are essentially important reason for occurrence and spread of emergent and re-emergent diseases. It is noted that the epidemiological risk in many respects is connected to the level of socio-economic situation in the country. The most dangerous and severe infectious diseases usually occur in countries with a high concentration and low living standards.            The article presents the summary of the most important emergent and re-emergent infection of viral nature, created exceptional epidemiological situation in the world with a high morbidity and mortality. To fight them, you need to create effective monitoring system identifying pathogens that are new or returning again into the human population. The problem of emergent and re-emergent infection is of global importance, and therefore for its prompt and effective solving we also need international cooperation.            Key words: emergent and re-emergent viral pathogens, epidemics and pandemics, system for monitoring and control of especially dangerous infections.У даний час розглядається три основних чинники виникнення і розповсюдження емерджентних інфекцій: 1. Фактори біологічної природи - генетична мінливість вірусів (мутація), яка є фундаментальною властивістю вірусних патогенів, вона допомагає збудникові уникати відповіді імунної системи хазяїна, збільшувати свою вірулентність таі індукувати резистентність до антивірусних препаратів.2. Зоогеографічні фактори – почастішання контактів людини з птахами і тваринами створюють оптимальні умови для еволюції вірусів, непередбачуваного пасирування в їх організмі з можливістю посилення їх вірулентності, а також генетичних рекомбінацій як між генами самих вірусів, так і між генами вірусів і клітин хазяїна. 3. Соціально-економічні чинники є значущою причиною виникнення і розповсюдження емерджентних і ре-емерджентних захворювань. Відмічено, що епідеміологічний ризик захворювань багато в чому пов’язаний з рівнем соціально-економічного становища в країні. Найбільш небезпечні і тяжкі інфекційні захворювання, як правило, частіше виникають в країнах з високою щільністю і низьким рівнем життя населення. Наведені короткі дані про найбільш важливі емерджентні і ре-емерджентні інфекції вірусної природи, що створили надзвичайні епідемічні ситуації в світі з високою захворюваністю і смертністю. Для успішної боротьби з ними необхідне створення ефективної системи моніторингу, спрямованої на виявлення нових збудників, що знову повертаються в людську популяцію. Проблема емерджентних і ре-емерджентних інфекцій має глобальне значення, у зв’язку з чим для її оперативного і результативного вирішення необхідна також міжнародна співпраця. Ключові слова: емерджентні і ре-емерджентні вірусні збудники, епідемії і пандемії, система моніторингу і боротьби з особливо небезпечними інфекціями.

    Evolutionary Relationships Between the Laccase Genes of Polyporales: Orthology-Based Classification of Laccase Isozymes and Functional Insight From Trametes hirsuta

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    Laccase is one of the oldest known and intensively studied fungal enzymes capable of oxidizing recalcitrant lignin-resembling phenolic compounds. It is currently well established that fungal genomes almost always contain several non-allelic copies of laccase genes (laccase multigene families); nevertheless, many aspects of laccase multigenicity, for example, their precise biological functions or evolutionary relationships, are mostly unknown. Here, we present a detailed evolutionary analysis of the sensu stricto laccase genes (CAZy – AA1_1) from fungi of the Polyporales order. The conducted analysis provides a better understanding of the Polyporales laccase multigenicity and allows for the systemization of the individual features of different laccase isozymes. In addition, we provide a comparison of the biochemical and catalytic properties of the four laccase isozymes from Trametes hirsuta and suggest their functional diversification within the multigene family