615 research outputs found

    First experiences in the application of biopreparations against the cherry fruit fly in Southern Russia in 2007

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    On the Russian market there are no currently registered biological preparations for the control of Rhagoletis cerasi (cherry fruit fly, CFF), and therefore the effects of natural products against this pest were studied. In laboratory, semi-field and field experiments a range of botanicals (NeemAzal-T/S and Quassia-MD) were tested alone and in combination with comparison product Phytoverm and chemical standard insecticides for their effectiveness against R. cerasi in commercial orchards. These products showed a high biological effectiveness against R. cerasi comparable with chemical insecticides

    Oral health in pregnancy

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    Oral health is crucial to overall health. Because of normal physiologic changes, pregnancy is a time of particular vulnerability in terms of oral health. Pregnant women and their providers need more knowledge about the many changes that occur in the oral cavity during pregnancy. In this article we describe the importance of the recognition, prevention, and treatment of oral health problems in pregnant women. We offer educational strategies that integrate interprofessional oral health competencies


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    The article considers the implementation of different methods of learning and teaching Russian for bilingual learners in educational systems in Russia, former soviet countries and far abroad countries (EU, USA, Canada). Pragmatic goals of different categories of learners which are based on satisfaction in personal communicative needs and educational status of Russian determine content of teaching


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    Hypothyreosis, caused by introduction of mercazolil, leads to reduction of production of thyroid hormones, destabilization of membranes and. acceleration of erythrocytes destruction, activation of erythropoiesis, development of macroerythrocytosis in blood. In 28 days after cancelling of mercazolil reserves of red bone marrow are exhausted, in blood microerythrocytosis accrues. The stress in animals with hypothyreosis does not change the composition of blood erythrocytes and activity of erythrocytopoiesis, but promotes preservation of a marrowy reserve of erythrocytes and increases a level of thyroid hormones

    Активизация учебного и научного творчества студентов как одна из форм гражданского воспитания молодежи

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    В статье рассматривается и доказывается значимость активизации учебного и научного творчества не только для профессионального развития и самореализации студентов вуза, но и формирования их активной гражданской позиции. Представлена организационная модель включения студентов в учебное и научное творчество

    The effectiveness of active medical rehabilitation technologies among Paralympians engaged in playing sports

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    The purpose of the study: to study the effectiveness of active medical rehabilitation technologies among Paralympians engaged in playing sports.Materials and methods: examined 48 male patients aged 25.9 ± 2.1 years with traumatic disease of the lumbar spinal cord. All examined were divided into 2 groups: patients of the main group (19 people) against the background of standard therapy received a course of active medical rehabilitation (AMR), including mechanotherapy and electrical stimulation with biofeedback under the control of electromyography (EMG) of the muscles of the lower extremities and back. Patients in the comparison group (29 people) received standard therapy. After the AMR course, a comprehensive examination was performed, including the data of the questionnaires: the ASIA classification (American Spinal Injury Association), the FIM (Functional Independence Measure) scale of functional independence, the modified functional assessment scale of activity and quality of life VFM (Valutazione Funzionale Mielolesi), State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, the Beck depression scale; electroneurophysiological studies on the Neurosoft Neuro-EMG-Micro device, heart rate variability (HRV) on the Neurosoft Poly-Spectrum computer electrocardiograph, indicators of free movement with concentric and eccentric muscle contractions on EN-TreeM.Results: polysympathetic reflex excitability (PRV) significantly decreased in patients of the main group. There was also an improvement in vegetative reactivity (coefficient 30/15 is 1.45; p <0.001) during the orthostatic test, indicating normalization of parasympathetic regulation and heart rate. The assessment on the ASIA scale revealed an improvement in sensory function by 13.4 % and motor function by 17.4 %. On the VFM scale, an increase in indicators was observed by 14.7 % and on the FIM scale by 11.5 %. When assessing the psycho-emotional sphere on the Spielberger-Khanin scale, a significant decrease in the level of reactive anxiety was noted by 10.9 %, and the level of depression by 30.5 %. A significant increase in muscle strength by 18.1 % (p < 0.001) was also observed during concentric contractions, the average power increased by 83.1 % (p < 0.001), the average amplitude increased by 68.7 % (p < 0.001), the average speed by 27.2 % (p=0.002). When analyzing the indicators after the treatment, significant differences were obtained between the main and the comparison group (p < 0.001).Conclusion: the use of biofeedback technologies under the control of electromyography leads to an increase in the effectiveness of medical rehabilitation and improves the quality of life in Paralympians with traumatic spinal cord disease

    Systemic inflammatory response syndrome assessment in emergency diagnostics of acute primary purulent pyelonephritis

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    The aim of our study was to determine the diagnostic value and the role of systemic inflammatory response syndrome in diagnostics of acute primary purulent pyelonephritis. The study is based on the complex examination and treatment of 50 patients with acute primary pyelonephritis, 30 of them had the diagnosis of purulent destructive process and 20 - serous form of pyelonephritis. To diagnose acute pyelonephritis, the analysis of clinical manifestations, findings of laboratory studies as well as radiologic diagnostics such as plain urography, excretory urography and ultrasonographic scan of kidneys were used. The diagnosis was intraoperatively confirmed and verified by histological study in all patients with purulent cortical process. In addition to the conventional methods, systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) was estimated by the investigations in these patients. According to a definite programme complex assessment of clinical symptoms and laboratory values allowed to diagnose acute primary purulent pyelonephritis with high probability. In patients with purulent pyelonephritis SIRS is accompanied by significant increase of its parameters and is 2-3 times revealed more frequently than in serous form. The criteria of SIRS in clinical settings allow choosing patients with the risk of purulent inflammation development, to determine the management schedule for this category of patients.Целью настоящей работы являлось определение диагностической ценности и места синдрома системной воспалительной реакции в диагностике острого первичного гнойного пиелонефрита. Работа основана на комплексном обследовании и лечении 50 пациентов с острым первичным пиелонефритом из которых у 30 диагностирован гнойно-деструктивный процесс, а у 20 - серозная форма пиелонефрита. Для диагностики острого пиелонефрита использовали анализ клинических проявлений, результаты общеклинических лабораторных исследований, а также лучевые методы диагностики: обзорную и экскреторную урографию и ультразвуковое сканирование почек. У всех пациентов с гнойным корковым процессом диагноз подтвержден интраолерационно и верифицирован гистологическими исследованиями. Наряду с общепринятыми методами исследования оценивали у этих больных синдром системной воспалительной реакции (ССВР). Комплексная оценка по определенной программе ряда клинических симптомов и лабораторных показателей позволила с большей вероятностью диагностировать острый первичный гнойный пиелонефрит. У пациентов с гнойным пиелонефритом CCBP сопровождается более значительным увеличением ее параметров и выявляется она в 2-3 раза чаще, чем при серозной. Критерии ССВР в клинической практике позволяют выделить пациентов с риском развития гнойного воспаления, определить программу ведения зтой категории пациентов

    Influence of OATP1B1 Function on the Disposition of Sorafenib-β-D-Glucuronide

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    The oral multikinase inhibitor sorafenib undergoes extensive UGT1A9-mediated formation of sorafenib-β-D-glucuronide (SG). Using transporter-deficient mouse models, it was previously established that SG can be extruded into bile by ABCC2 or follow a liver-to-blood shuttling loop via ABCC3-mediated efflux into the systemic circulation, and subsequent uptake in neighboring hepatocytes by OATP1B-type transporters. Here we evaluated the possibility that this unusual process, called hepatocyte hopping, is also operational in humans and can be modulated through pharmacological inhibition. We found that SG transport by OATP1B1 or murine Oatp1b2 was effectively inhibited by rifampin, and that this agent can significantly increase plasma levels of SG in wildtype mice, but not in Oatp1b2-deficient animals. In human subjects receiving sorafenib, rifampin acutely increased the systemic exposure to SG. Our study emphasizes the need to consider hepatic handling of xenobiotic glucuronides in the design of drug-drug interaction studies of agents that undergo extensive phase II conjugation


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    This paper reports results on the effect of Sr impurity on damage of crystalline potassium chloride under exposure to laser irradiation. The experimental data are accounted for using the photochemical model of laser damaging. We assume that the light scattering impurity centers are in the form of large aggregates of impurity/vacancy dipoles. The state of the impurity was monitored using light scattering. Under laser irradiation, photochemical reactions occur in the impurity centers, and the accumulating products of these reactions damage the crystals. We have found a correlation between the concentration of the impurity in the equilibrium impurity aggregates and the concentration of the damage initiating centers. We show that laser irradiation produces anion vacancies in impurity agglomeration areas and causes accumulation of F centers followed by the formation of colloidal quasimetallic particles on which specimen breakdown occurs. EPR spectroscopy revealed colloidal particles having quasimetallic properties.Представлены результаты исследования влияния примеси на разрушение под действием лазерного излучения щелочно−галоидных кристаллов на примере монокристаллов KCl, легированных Sr. Совокупность экспериментальных данных объяснена с помощью фотохимической модели лазерного разрушения. Сделано предположение, что примесные рассеивающие центры представляют собой крупные агрегаты примесно-вакансионных диполей. Состояние примеси контролировали методом рассеяния света. Под действием лазерного облучения в примесных центрах протекают фотохимические реакции, накопление продуктов которых приводит к разрушению кристаллов. Обнаружена корреляция между концентрацией примеси в равновесном состоянии примесных агрегатов и концентрацией центров, инициирующих разрушение. Показано, что при лазерном облучении образуются анионные вакансии в местах скопления примесей и происходит накопление F-центров с дальнейшим формированием коллоидных квазиметаллических частиц, на которых и происходит пробой образца. Методом ЭПР−спектроскопии обнаружены коллоидные частицы с квазиметаллическими свойствами