42 research outputs found

    Qualification of Laser Diode Arrays for Mercury Laser Altimeter

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    NASA's requirements for high reliability, high performance satellite laser instruments have driven the investigation of many critical components; specifically, 808 nm laser diode array (LDA) pump devices. Performance of Quasi-CW, High-power, laser diode arrays under extended use is presented. We report the optical power over several hundred million pulse operation and the effect of power cycling and temperature cycling of the laser diode arrays. Data on the initial characterization of the devices is also presented

    Space Qualification of Laser Diode Arrays

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    Laser instruments have great potential in enabling a new generation of remote-sensing scientific instruments. NASA s desire to employ laser instruments aboard satellites, imposes stringent reliability requirements under severe conditions. As a result of these requirements, NASA has a research program to understand, quantify and reduce the risk of failure to these instruments when deployed on satellites. Most of NASA s proposed laser missions have base-lined diode-pumped Nd:YAG lasers that generally use quasi-constant wave (QCW), 808 nm Laser Diode Arrays (LDAs). Our group has an on-going test program to measure the performance of these LDAs when operated in conditions replicating launch and orbit. In this paper, we report on the results of tests designed to measure the effect of vibration loads simulating launch into space and the radiation environment encountered on orbit. Our primary objective is to quantify the performance of the LDAs in conditions replicating those of a satellite instrument, determine their limitations and strengths which will enable better and more robust designs. To this end we have developed a systematic testing strategy to quantify the effect of environmental stresses on the optical and electrical properties of the LDA

    Airborne Polarimetric, Two-Color Laser Altimeter Measurements of Lake Ice Cover: A Pathfinder for NASA's ICESat-2 Spaceflight Mission

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    The ICESat-2 mission will continue NASA's spaceflight laser altimeter measurements of ice sheets, sea ice and vegetation using a new measurement approach: micropulse, single photon ranging at 532 nm. Differential penetration of green laser energy into snow, ice and water could introduce errors in sea ice freeboard determination used for estimation of ice thickness. Laser pulse scattering from these surface types, and resulting range biasing due to pulse broadening, is assessed using SIMPL airborne data acquired over icecovered Lake Erie. SIMPL acquires polarimetric lidar measurements at 1064 and 532 nm using the micropulse, single photon ranging measurement approach

    Time-Resolved Optical and Thermal Analyses of High-Power Laser Diode Arrays

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    Time-resolved optical and thermal analyses of laser diode arrays reveals temperature induced chirp and the presence of anomalous hot spots

    Performance Considerations for the SIMPL Single Photon, Polarimetric, Two-Color Laser Altimeter as Applied to Measurements of Forest Canopy Structure and Composition

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    The Slope Imaging Multi-polarization Photon-counting Lidar (SIMPL) is a multi-beam, micropulse airborne laser altimeter that acquires active and passive polarimetric optical remote sensing measurements at visible and near-infrared wavelengths. SIMPL was developed to demonstrate advanced measurement approaches of potential benefit for improved, more efficient spaceflight laser altimeter missions. SIMPL data have been acquired for wide diversity of forest types in the summers of 2010 and 2011 in order to assess the potential of its novel capabilities for characterization of vegetation structure and composition. On each of its four beams SIMPL provides highly-resolved measurements of forest canopy structure by detecting single-photons with 15 cm ranging precision using a narrow-beam system operating at a laser repetition rate of 11 kHz. Associated with that ranging data SIMPL provides eight amplitude parameters per beam unlike the single amplitude provided by typical laser altimeters. Those eight parameters are received energy that is parallel and perpendicular to that of the plane-polarized transmit pulse at 532 nm (green) and 1064 nm (near IR), for both the active laser backscatter retro-reflectance and the passive solar bi-directional reflectance. This poster presentation will cover the instrument architecture and highlight the performance of the SIMPL instrument with examples taken from measurements for several sites with distinct canopy structures and compositions. Specific performance areas such as probability of detection, after pulsing, and dead time, will be highlighted and addressed, along with examples of their impact on the measurements and how they limit the ability to accurately model and recover the canopy properties. To assess the sensitivity of SIMPL's measurements to canopy properties an instrument model has been implemented in the FLIGHT radiative transfer code, based on Monte Carlo simulation of photon transport. SIMPL data collected in 2010 over the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center, MD are currently being modelled and compared to other remote sensing and in situ data sets. Results on the adaptation of FLIGHT to model micropulse, single'photon ranging measurements are presented elsewhere at this conference. NASA's ICESat-2 spaceflight mission, scheduled for launch in 2016, will utilize a multi-beam, micropulse, single-photon ranging measurement approach (although non-polarimetric and only at 532 nm). Insights gained from the analysis and modelling of SIMPL data will help guide preparations for that mission, including development of calibration/validation plans and algorithms for the estimation of forest biophysical parameters

    Characterization of High-power Quasi-cw Laser Diode Arrays

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    NASA s requirements for high reliability, high performance satellite laser instruments have driven the investigation of many critical components; specifically, 808 nm laser diode array (LDA) pump devices. Performance and comprehensive characterization data of Quasi-CW, High-power, laser diode arrays is presented

    Three Year Aging of Prototype Flight Laser at 10 Khz and 1 Ns Pulses with External Frequency Doubler for the Icesat-2 Mission

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    We present the results of three year life-aging of a specially designed prototype flight source laser operating at 1064 nm, 10 kHz, 1ns, 15W average power and external frequency doubler. The Fibertek-designed, slightly pressurized air, enclosed-container source laser operated at 1064 nm in active Q-switching mode. The external frequency doubler was set in a clean room at a normal air pressure. The goal of the experiment was to measure degradation modes at 1064 and 532 nm discreetly. The external frequency doubler consisted of a Lithium triborate, LiB3O5, crystal operated at non-critical phase-matching. Due to 1064 nm diagnostic needs, the amount of fundamental frequency power available for doubling was 13.7W. The power generated at 532 nm was between 8.5W and 10W, depending on the level of stress and degradation. The life-aging consisted of double stress-step operation for doubler crystal, at 0.35 J/cm2 for almost 1 year, corresponding to normal conditions, and then at 0.93 J/cm2 for the rest of the experiment, corresponding to accelerated testing. We observed no degradation at the first step and linear degradation at the second step. The linear degradation at the second stress-step was related to doubler crystal output surface changes and linked to laser-assisted contamination. We discuss degradation model and estimate the expected lifetime for the flight laser at 532 nm. This work was done within the laser testing for NASA's Ice, Cloud, and land Elevation Satellite-2 (ICESat-2) LIDAR at Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, MD with the goal of 1 trillion shots lifetime

    Проблема облучения радоном в зданиях повышенного класса энергоэффективности

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    The paper presents an overview of the international scientific and technical publications on a problem of radon accumulation in new energy efficient buildings and in houses reconstructed according to requirements of energy saving. Energy efficiency is an important requirement of the environmentally sustainable development. Housing and communal services have significant potential for energy saving. In Russia, the construction of highest energy efficiency classes buildings occurs at an accelerated rate and reached 75% of all multiapartment houses built in 2017. The applying of modern technologies that reduce heat loss is accompanied by a decrease in the air exchange rate, which leads to deterioration of indoor air quality, in particular, the accumulation of radon. In the international literature, there are examples of the several times growth of radon concentration after the reconstruction of the building, the average radon concentration in retrofitted buildings increased by 22–120%. In new houses built to meet energy saving requirements, there can also be a significant increase in radon concentration compared to low-energy efficiency classes houses. Excess of sanitary and hygienic norms was found in some countries, including Russia. Radon exposure of dwellers of energy-efficient buildings is largely determined by the living habits. Based on the review data, it can be assumed that the average level of Russian population exposure to radon can increase under conditions of intensive construction of energy-efficient buildings.В настоящей статье представлен обзор международной научно-технической литературы по проблеме накопления радона в новых энергоэффективных зданиях и в домах, реконструированных с учетом требований энергосбережения. Энергоэффективность является важным условием перехода к экологически устойчивому развитию. Значительным потенциалом энергосбережения обладает жилищно-коммунальное хозяйство. В России строительство зданий наивысших классов энергоэффективности происходит ускоренными темпами и достигло в 2017 г. 75% от общего числа сданных в эксплуатацию многоквартирных домов. Внедрение современных технологий, снижающих теплопотери, сопровождается снижением кратности воздухообмена, что приводит к ухудшению качества воздуха помещений, в частности – к накоплению радона. В международной литературе приводятся примеры роста объемной активности радона в несколько раз после реконструкции здания, средняя объемная активность радона в модернизированных зданиях повышалась на 22–120%. В новых домах, построенных с соблюдением требований к энергосбережению, также может происходить значительное увеличение объемной активности радона по сравнению с домами низкого класса энергоэффективности. В отдельных помещениях, в том числе в России, обнаружено превышение санитарно-гигиенических нормативов. Облучение радоном жильцов энергоэффективных зданий в значительной степени определяется режимом содержания помещения. На основе данных обзора можно предполагать, что в условиях интенсивного строительства энергоэффективных зданий в России средний уровень облучения населения радоном может повыситься

    European Atlas of Natural Radiation

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    Natural ionizing radiation is considered as the largest contributor to the collective effective dose received by the world population. The human population is continuously exposed to ionizing radiation from several natural sources that can be classified into two broad categories: high-energy cosmic rays incident on the Earth’s atmosphere and releasing secondary radiation (cosmic contribution); and radioactive nuclides generated during the formation of the Earth and still present in the Earth’s crust (terrestrial contribution). Terrestrial radioactivity is mostly produced by the uranium and thorium radioactive families together with potassium. In most circumstances, radon, a noble gas produced in the radioactive decay of uranium, is the most important contributor to the total dose. This Atlas aims to present the current state of knowledge of natural radioactivity, by giving general background information, and describing its various sources. This reference material is complemented by a collection of maps of Europe displaying the levels of natural radioactivity caused by different sources. It is a compilation of contributions and reviews received from more than 80 experts in their field: they come from universities, research centres, national and European authorities and international organizations. This Atlas provides reference material and makes harmonized datasets available to the scientific community and national competent authorities. In parallel, this Atlas may serve as a tool for the public to: • familiarize itself with natural radioactivity; • be informed about the levels of natural radioactivity caused by different sources; • have a more balanced view of the annual dose received by the world population, to which natural radioactivity is the largest contributor; • and make direct comparisons between doses from natural sources of ionizing radiation and those from man-made (artificial) ones, hence to better understand the latter.JRC.G.10-Knowledge for Nuclear Security and Safet