31 research outputs found

    Pathophysiological Aspects of the Development of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm with a Special Focus on Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Genetic Associations

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    Abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) is a complex degenerative vascular disease, with considerable morbidity and mortality rates among the elderly population. The mortality of AAA is related to aneurysm expansion (the enlargement of the aortic diameter up to 30 mm and above) and the subsequent rupture. The pathogenesis of AAA involves several biological processes, including aortic mural inflammation, oxidative stress, vascular smooth muscle cell apoptosis, elastin depletion, and degradation of the extracellular matrix. Mitochondrial dysfunction was also found to be associated with AAA formation. The evidence accumulated to date supports a close relationship between environmental and genetic factors in AAA initiation and progression. However, a comprehensive pathophysiological understanding of AAA formation remains incomplete. The open surgical repair of AAA is the only therapeutic option currently available, while a specific pharmacotherapy is still awaited. Therefore, there is a great need to clarify pathophysiological cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying AAA formation that would help to develop effective pharmacological therapies. In this review, pathophysiological aspects of AAA development with a special focus on mitochondrial dysfunction and genetic associations were discussed.This work was supported by the Russian Science Foundation (Grant # 20-45-08002).Scopu

    Role of Phagocytosis in the Pro-Inflammatory Response in LDL-Induced Foam Cell Formation; a Transcriptome Analysis

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    Excessive accumulation of lipid inclusions in the arterial wall cells (foam cell formation) caused by modified low-density lipoprotein (LDL) is the earliest and most noticeable manifestation of atherosclerosis. The mechanisms of foam cell formation are not fully understood and can involve altered lipid uptake, impaired lipid metabolism, or both. Recently, we have identified the top 10 master regulators that were involved in the accumulation of cholesterol in cultured macrophages induced by the incubation with modified LDL. It was found that most of the identified master regulators were related to the regulation of the inflammatory immune response, but not to lipid metabolism. A possible explanation for this unexpected result is a stimulation of the phagocytic activity of macrophages by modified LDL particle associates that have a relatively large size. In the current study, we investigated gene regulation in macrophages using transcriptome analysis to test the hypothesis that the primary event occurring upon the interaction of modified LDL and macrophages is the stimulation of phagocytosis, which subsequently triggers the pro-inflammatory immune response. We identified genes that were up- or downregulated following the exposure of cultured cells to modified LDL or latex beads (inert phagocytosis stimulators). Most of the identified master regulators were involved in the innate immune response, and some of them were encoding major pro-inflammatory proteins. The obtained results indicated that pro-inflammatory response to phagocytosis stimulation precedes the accumulation of intracellular lipids and possibly contributes to the formation of foam cells. In this way, the currently recognized hypothesis that the accumulation of lipids triggers the pro-inflammatory response was not confirmed. Comparative analysis of master regulators revealed similarities in the genetic regulation of the interaction of macrophages with naturally occurring LDL and desialylated LDL. Oxidized and desialylated LDL affected a different spectrum of genes than naturally occurring LDL. These observations suggest that desialylation is the most important modification of LDL occurring in vivo. Thus, modified LDL caused the gene regulation characteristic of the stimulation of phagocytosis. Additionally, the knock-down effect of five master regulators, such as IL15, EIF2AK3, F2RL1, TSPYL2, and ANXA1, on intracellular lipid accumulation was tested. We knocked down these genes in primary macrophages derived from human monocytes. The addition of atherogenic naturally occurring LDL caused a significant accumulation of cholesterol in the control cells. The knock-down of the EIF2AK3 and IL15 genes completely prevented cholesterol accumulation in cultured macrophages. The knock-down of the ANXA1 gene caused a further decrease in cholesterol content in cultured macrophages. At the same time, knock-down of F2RL1 and TSPYL2 did not cause an effect. The results obtained allowed us to explain in which way the inflammatory response and the accumulation of cholesterol are related confirming our hypothesis of atherogenesis development based on the following viewpoints: LDL particles undergo atherogenic modifications that, in turn, accompanied by the formation of self-associates; large LDL associates stimulate phagocytosis; as a result of phagocytosis stimulation, pro-inflammatory molecules are secreted; these molecules cause or at least contribute to the accumulation of intracellular cholesterol. Therefore, it became obvious that the primary event in this sequence is not the accumulation of cholesterol but an inflammatory response

    Lipid Metabolism in Macrophages: Focus on Atherosclerosis

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    Mechanisms of lipid homeostasis and its impairment are of crucial importance for atherogenesis, and their understanding is necessary for successful development of new therapeutic approaches. In the arterial wall, macrophages play a prominent role in intracellular lipid accumulation, giving rise to foam cells that populate growing atherosclerotic plaques. Under normal conditions, macrophages are able to process substantial amounts of lipids and cholesterol without critical overload of the catabolic processes. However, in atherosclerosis, these pathways become inefficient, leading to imbalance in cholesterol and lipid metabolism and disruption of cellular functions. In this review, we summarize the existing knowledge on the involvement of macrophage lipid metabolism in atherosclerosis development, including both the results of recent studies and classical concepts, and provide a detailed description of these processes from the moment of lipid uptake with lipoproteins to cholesterol efflux

    Chemical composition of circulating native and desialylated low density lipoprotein: what is the difference?

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    Atherosclerosis and related cardiovascular disorders remain the leading global cause of morbidity and mortality. Modified low density lipoprotein (LDL) is considered to play a crucial role in atherosclerosis development. During the past decades, several types of atherogenic LDL modification have been discovered. Desialylation was one of the atherogenic modifications observed in circulating atherogenic LDL in vivo. Sialic acid level negatively correlates with triglyceride and cholesterol contents. Desialylated LDL is small, dense and highly susceptible to oxidation, as reported for hyperlipidemic conditions. This atherogenic modification leads to increased cholesterol intake by macrophages and smooth-muscle cells, and is also associated with other pathologies, such as diabetes mellitus. Moreover, these conditions provoke damage and desialylated LDL particles may trigger autoimmune reactions in macrophages and B-cells

    Effect of Glucose Levels on Cardiovascular Risk

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    Cardiovascular diseases remain the leading cause of death and disability. The development of cardiovascular diseases is traditionally associated with various risk factors, most of which are somehow related to an unhealthy lifestyle (smoking, obesity, lack of physical activity, etc.). There are also risk factors associated with genetic predisposition, as well as the presence of concomitant diseases, especially chronic ones. One of the most striking examples is, of course, type 2 diabetes. This metabolic disorder is associated with impaired carbohydrate metabolism. The main clinical manifestation of type 2 diabetes is elevated blood glucose levels. The link between diabetes and CVD is well known, so it is logical to assume that elevated glucose levels may be important, to some extent, in the context of heart and vascular disease. In this review, we tried to summarize data on the possible role of blood glucose as a risk factor for the development of CVD

    Targeting Mitochondrial Dynamics Proteins for the Development of Therapies for Cardiovascular Diseases

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    Cardiovascular diseases are one of the leading causes of death worldwide. The identification of new pathogenetic targets contributes to more efficient development of new types of drugs for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. This review highlights the problem of mitochondrial dynamics disorders, in the context of cardiovascular diseases. A change in the normal function of mitochondrial dynamics proteins is one of the reasons for the development of the pathological state of cardiomyocytes. Based on this, therapeutic targeting of these proteins may be a promising strategy in the development of cardiac drugs. Here we will consider changes for each process of mitochondrial dynamics in cardiovascular diseases: fission and fusion of mitochondria, mitophagy, mitochondrial transport and biogenesis, and also analyze the prospects of the considered protein targets based on existing drug developments

    Diagnostics of atherosclerosis: Overview of the existing methods

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    Atherosclerosis was and remains an extremely common and serious health problem. Since the elderly are most at risk of cardiovascular risk, and the average life expectancy is increasing, the spread of atherosclerosis and its consequences increases as well. One of the features of atherosclerosis is its asymptomaticity. This factor makes it difficult to make a timely diagnosis. This entails the lack of timely treatment and even prevention. To date, in the arsenal of physicians, there is only a limited set of methods to suspect and fully diagnose atherosclerosis. In this review, we have tried to briefly describe the most common and effective methods for diagnosing atherosclerosis

    Significance of Mitochondrial Dysfunction in the Progression of Multiple Sclerosis

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    The prevalence of multiple sclerosis and the complexity of its etiology and pathogenesis require further study of the factors underlying the progression of this disease. The prominent role of mitochondria in neurons makes this organelle a vulnerable target for CNS diseases. The purpose of this review is to consider the role of mitochondrial dysfunction in the pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis, as well as to propose new promising therapeutic strategies aimed at restoring mitochondrial function in multiple sclerosis

    Creation of Mitochondrial Disease Models Using Mitochondrial DNA Editing

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    Mitochondrial diseases are a large class of human hereditary diseases, accompanied by the dysfunction of mitochondria and the disruption of cellular energy synthesis, that affect various tissues and organ systems. Mitochondrial DNA mutation-caused disorders are difficult to study because of the insufficient number of clinical cases and the challenges of creating appropriate models. There are many cellular models of mitochondrial diseases, but their application has a number of limitations. The most proper and promising models of mitochondrial diseases are animal models, which, unfortunately, are quite rare and more difficult to develop. The challenges mainly arise from the structural features of mitochondria, which complicate the genetic editing of mitochondrial DNA. This review is devoted to discussing animal models of human mitochondrial diseases and recently developed approaches used to create them. Furthermore, this review discusses mitochondrial diseases and studies of metabolic disorders caused by the mitochondrial DNA mutations underlying these diseases

    Impaired Mitochondrial Function in T-Lymphocytes as a Result of Exposure to HIV and ART

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    Mitochondrial dysfunction is a described phenomenon for a number of chronic and infectious diseases. At the same time, the question remains open: is this condition a consequence or a cause of the progression of the disease? In this review, we consider the role of the development of mitochondrial dysfunction in the progression of HIV (human immunodeficiency viruses) infection and the onset of AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome), as well as the direct impact of HIV on mitochondria. In addition, we will touch upon such an important issue as the effect of ART (Antiretroviral Therapy) drugs on mitochondria, since ART is currently the only effective way to curb the progression of HIV in infected patients, and because the identification of potential side effects can help to more consciously approach the development of new drugs in the treatment of HIV infection