145 research outputs found

    Correctability of thyroid dysfunction by interm ittent hypobaric hypoxia

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    The work is devoted to studying the effect of intermittent hypobaric hypoxia on thyroid dysfunction. Simulation of thyroid dysfunction by oral introduction of levothyroxine sodium in a dose of 50 mg/kg body weight of the animal is accompanied by an increase in the concentration thyroid hormones and decreased levels of TSH in the blood, decrease blood supply to the thyroid gland and the structural changes, characteristic of reducing its functional activity. The use of intermittent hypobaric hypoxia reduces recovery time of hormonal imbalance in the pituitary gland-thyroid gland, structural, functional and microvascular disturbances in the thyroid gland.Работа посвящена изучению влияния прерывистой гипобарической гипоксии натиреоидную дисфункцию. Моделирование тиреоидной дисфункции путем перорального введения левотироксина натрия в дозе 50 мкг/кг массы тела животного сопровождается увеличением концентрации тиреоидных гормонов и снижением уровня ТТГ в крови, уменьшением кровоснабжения щитовидной железы и структурными изменениями, характерными для понижения её функциональной активности. Применение прерывистой гипобарической гипоксии сокращает сроки восстановления гормонального дисбаланса в системе гипофиз-щитовидная железа, структурно-функциональных и микрососудистых наррений в щитовидной железе

    The possibility to decrease biological activity of chrysotile-asbestos

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    The paper presents a study of natural chrysotile and 15 samples modified using different temperature and pressure. The morphology, dimensions, chemical composition, crystalline structure, and technologic characteristics of the samples studied were similar. The numbers of negatively charged centers on the surface of fibers were about the same in all the samples. In two modified asbestos samples the number of positively charged centers was less than in the native one. In these samples the energy of interaction of charged centers with macromolecules of rodamin and eozin was also less than in the sample of natural chrysotile. It directly correlated with cytotoxicity and mutagenicity of them. The principal possibility to decrease the biological activity of asbestos has been discussed

    Mitochondria of the Yeasts Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Kluyveromyces lactis Contain Nuclear rDNA-Encoded Proteins

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    In eukaryotes, the nuclear ribosomal DNA (rDNA) is the source of the structural 18S, 5.8S and 25S rRNAs. In hemiascomycetous yeasts, the 25S rDNA sequence was described to lodge an antisense open reading frame (ORF) named TAR1 for Transcript Antisense to Ribosomal RNA. Here, we present the first immuno-detection and sub-cellular localization of the authentic product of this atypical yeast gene. Using specific antibodies against the predicted amino-acid sequence of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae TAR1 product, we detected the endogenous Tar1p polypeptides in S. cerevisiae (Sc) and Kluyveromyces lactis (Kl) species and found that both proteins localize to mitochondria. Protease and carbonate treatments of purified mitochondria further revealed that endogenous Sc Tar1p protein sub-localizes in the inner membrane in a Nin-Cout topology. Plasmid-versions of 5′ end or 3′ end truncated TAR1 ORF were used to demonstrate that neither the N-terminus nor the C-terminus of Sc Tar1p were required for its localization. Also, Tar1p is a presequence-less protein. Endogenous Sc Tar1p was found to be a low abundant protein, which is expressed in fermentable and non-fermentable growth conditions. Endogenous Sc TAR1 transcripts were also found low abundant and consistently 5′ flanking regions of TAR1 ORF exhibit modest promoter activity when assayed in a luciferase-reporter system. Using rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) PCR, we also determined that endogenous Sc TAR1 transcripts possess heterogeneous 5′ and 3′ ends probably reflecting the complex expression of a gene embedded in actively transcribed rDNA sequence. Altogether, our results definitively ascertain that the antisense yeast gene TAR1 constitutes a functional transcription unit within the nuclear rDNA repeats


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    Complement system is an important component of innate immunity, providing primary protection against pathogens invading the body. In addition, it was shown that the complement system is associated with many diseases, not only autoimmune and infectious, but also mental disorders. In this regard, it is necessary to develop affordable and fast method of measuring activity of the complement system in real-time mode. We present a new semi-automated method for assessment of serum complement activity. The assay is based on cytolytic action of complement system upon the ciliate organism Tetrahymena pyriformis. This method consists in repeated counting of live Tetrahymena motile cells by means of specially developed Biolat device, which consists of two video cameras, light sources, and movable round plate. The plate has two rows of holes. The device also includes microprocessor control unit based on AutoCiliata software, intended for control of operation module and counting the surviving cell. The calculations are based on fixation of two sequential video-frames, with subsequent software image processing. Cell death events were observed upon incubation in triethanolamine (TEA) buffer containing 5% of blood serum. We have also compared complement activity in different buffers, i.e., standard medium for culturing of ciliates, Veronal-Medinalum buffer, and the TEA buffer. TEA buffer was found superior to the Veronal buffer when applied in the test system. The time of cell death in the TEA-buffered medium containing 5% serum was < 15 minutes for all the sera studied. The parameters denoting serum complement activity were as follows: a half-life time for the moving cells (TLD50), and a similar value for 100% cell inactivation (1/TLD50, functional activity of the complement system, ACS). The sensitivity of this assay was calculated from dependencies between TLD50 and ACS, and actual serum concentrations. We have suggested an opportunity for evaluation of an integral complement activity, and interrelations between the intensity of synthesis and consumption of its major effector proteins. In the course of this study, we have tested different concentrations of Ca++ and Mg++ ions in the incubation buffer, with optimal physiological concentrations of2.5 mMand1.5 mM, respectively. We have also estimated statistical precision characteristics for pre-analytical and analytical steps of the method. The average coefficients of variation (CV) were 3.9% and 2.7%, respectively, thus satisfying the reliability criteria in research. A short performance time of the study suggests its potential application in clinical practice, including online examination regimens. A method for semi-automatic measurement of serum complement activity could be applicable in daily clinical practice, including the online performance


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    Forty-four patients with allergic (ABA) and non-allergic (NABA) variants of bronchial asthma (BA) were examined to evaluate levels of key adipokines (leptin, resistin, adiponectin) in sputum in different variants of BA. Adipokines in sputum and blood plasma were measured by Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA). The indices that reflect the percentage of adipokines in sputum regarding adipokines in plasma of the same patients were worked out to evaluate the ratio of levels of corresponding adipokines in plasma and sputum in patients with BA. Two regularities are clearly seen in the study: the first - levels of proinflammatory adipokines (leptin, resistin) in sputum in ABA correlate directly with indicators of respiratory function but levels of anti-inflammatory adipokines (adiponectin) in sputum correlate inversely with indicators of respiratory function; the second -correlation of levels of the studied adipokines with indicators of respiratory function are almost not revealed in NABA. The first regularity reflects the important fact that the content of adipokines in bronchial secretion is to a certain extent one of regulating local mechanisms in target organ controlled system levels of corresponding adipokines in exacerbation of BA.Для оценки уровней ключевых адипокинов (лептина, резистина, адипонектина) в мокроте при различных вариантах бронхиальной астмы (БА) обследованы 44 больных БА с аллергическим (АБА) и неаллергическим (НАБА) вариантами заболевания. Адипокины в мокроте и плазме крови определяли иммуноферментным методом (ELISA). Для оценки соотношения уровней соответствующих адипоки-нов в плазме и мокроте больных БА разработаны индексы, которые отражают процентное содержание адипокинов в мокроте по отношению к таковым в плазме у одних и тех же больных. В результате исследования четко прослеживаются две закономерности: первая - при АБА уровни провоспалительных адипокинов в мокроте (лептина и резистина) коррелируют с показателями ФВД с прямой зависимостью, а уровни противоспалительного адипокина в мокроте (адипонектина) - с обратной зависимостью; вторая - при НАБА корреляционная зависимость уровней исследуемых адипокинов с показателями ФВД практически не выявляется. Первая закономерность отражает тот важный факт, что содержание адипокинов в содержимом бронхов в определенной мере является одним из регуляторных местных механизмов в органе-мишени, участвующих в контроле за системными уровнями соответствующих адипокинов при обострении БА

    Candida albicans repetitive elements display epigenetic diversity and plasticity

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    Transcriptionally silent heterochromatin is associated with repetitive DNA. It is poorly understood whether and how heterochromatin differs between different organisms and whether its structure can be remodelled in response to environmental signals. Here, we address this question by analysing the chromatin state associated with DNA repeats in the human fungal pathogen Candida albicans. Our analyses indicate that, contrary to model systems, each type of repetitive element is assembled into a distinct chromatin state. Classical Sir2-dependent hypoacetylated and hypomethylated chromatin is associated with the rDNA locus while telomeric regions are assembled into a weak heterochromatin that is only mildly hypoacetylated and hypomethylated. Major Repeat Sequences, a class of tandem repeats, are assembled into an intermediate chromatin state bearing features of both euchromatin and heterochromatin. Marker gene silencing assays and genome-wide RNA sequencing reveals that C. albicans heterochromatin represses expression of repeat-associated coding and non-coding RNAs. We find that telomeric heterochromatin is dynamic and remodelled upon an environmental change. Weak heterochromatin is associated with telomeres at 30?°C, while robust heterochromatin is assembled over these regions at 39?°C, a temperature mimicking moderate fever in the host. Thus in C. albicans, differential chromatin states controls gene expression and epigenetic plasticity is linked to adaptation

    First-in-human study of the biodistribution and pharmacokinetics of <sup>89</sup>Zr-CX-072, a novel immunopet tracer based on an anti–PD-L1 probody

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    Purpose: CX-072, a PD-L1–targeting Probody therapeutic, is engineered to be activated by tumor proteases that remove a masking peptide. To study effects on biodistribution and pharmacokinetics, we performed 89Zr-CX-072 positron emission tomography (PET) imaging. Experimental Design: Patients received 1 mg, 37 MBq 89Zr-CX-072 plus 0, 4, or 9 mg unlabeled CX-072 and PET scans at days 2, 4, and 7. After that, treatment comprised 10 mg/kg CX-072 q2 weeks (n ¼ 7) þ 3 mg/kg ipilimumab q3w 4 (n ¼ 1). Normal organ tracer uptake was expressed as standardized uptake value (SUV)mean and tumor uptake as SUVmax. PD-L1 expression was measured immunohistochemically in archival tumor tissue. Results: Three of the eight patients included received 10-mg protein dose resulting in a blood pool mean SUVmean SD of 4.27 0.45 on day 4, indicating sufficient available tracer. Tumor uptake was highest at day 7, with a geometric mean SUVmax 5.89 (n ¼ 113) and present in all patients. The median follow-up was 12 weeks (4–76þ). One patient experienced stable disease and two patients a partial response. PD-L1 tumor expression was 90% in one patient and ≤1% in the other patients. Mean SUVmean SD day 4 at 10 mg in the spleen was 8.56 1.04, bone marrow 2.21 0.46, and liver 4.97 0.97. Four patients out of seven showed uptake in normal lymph nodes and Waldeyer’s ring. The tracer was intact in the serum or plasma. Conclusions: 89Zr-CX-072 showed tumor uptake, even in lesions with ≤1% PD-L1 expression, and modest uptake in normal lymphoid organs, with no unexpected uptake in other healthy tissues


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    Natural nanocomposites hemicellulose arabinogalactan and flavonoids isolated (from Siberian larch) and characterized. Additionally nitro- and sulfo-esters of arabinogalactan and its calcium salt are synthesized and. characterized. All of the derivatives of the beta-hemicellulose arabinogalactan. are water-soluble and are promising prebiotics on the example test-strain Bifidobacterium bifidum. (except for the nitrate esters of arabinogalactan)

    Transcriptome-Wide Binding Sites for Components of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae Non-Poly(A) Termination Pathway: Nrd1, Nab3, and Sen1

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    RNA polymerase II synthesizes a diverse set of transcripts including both protein-coding and non-coding RNAs. One major difference between these two classes of transcripts is the mechanism of termination. Messenger RNA transcripts terminate downstream of the coding region in a process that is coupled to cleavage and polyadenylation reactions. Non-coding transcripts like Saccharomyces cerevisiae snoRNAs terminate in a process that requires the RNA–binding proteins Nrd1, Nab3, and Sen1. We report here the transcriptome-wide distribution of these termination factors. These data sets derived from in vivo protein–RNA cross-linking provide high-resolution definition of non-poly(A) terminators, identify novel genes regulated by attenuation of nascent transcripts close to the promoter, and demonstrate the widespread occurrence of Nrd1-bound 3′ antisense transcripts on genes that are poorly expressed. In addition, we show that Sen1 does not cross-link efficiently to many expected non-coding RNAs but does cross-link to the 3′ end of most pre–mRNA transcripts, suggesting an extensive role in mRNA 3′ end formation and/or termination

    A Vaccine against Nicotine for Smoking Cessation: A Randomized Controlled Trial

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    BACKGROUND: Tobacco dependence is the leading cause of preventable death and disabilities worldwide and nicotine is the main substance responsible for the addiction to tobacco. A vaccine against nicotine was tested in a 6-month randomized, double blind phase II smoking cessation study in 341 smokers with a subsequent 6-month follow-up period. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: 229 subjects were randomized to receive five intramuscular injections of the nicotine vaccine and 112 to receive placebo at monthly intervals. All subjects received individual behavioral smoking cessation counseling. The vaccine was safe, generally well tolerated and highly immunogenic, inducing a 100% antibody responder rate after the first injection. Point prevalence of abstinence at month 2 showed a statistically significant difference between subjects treated with Nicotine-Qbeta (47.2%) and placebo (35.1%) (P = 0.036), but continuous abstinence between months 2 and 6 was not significantly different. However, in subgroup analysis of the per-protocol population, the third of subjects with highest antibody levels showed higher continuous abstinence from month 2 until month 6 (56.6%) than placebo treated participants (31.3%) (OR 2.9; P = 0.004) while medium and low antibody levels did not increase abstinence rates. After 12 month, the difference in continuous abstinence rate between subjects on placebo and those with high antibody response was maintained (difference 20.2%, P = 0.012). CONCLUSIONS: Whereas Nicotine-Qbeta did not significantly increase continuous abstinence rates in the intention-to-treat population, subgroup analyses of the per-protocol population suggest that such a vaccination against nicotine can significantly increase continuous abstinence rates in smokers when sufficiently high antibody levels are achieved. Immunotherapy might open a new avenue to the treatment of nicotine addiction. TRIAL REGISTRATION: Swiss Medical Registry 2003DR2327; ClinicalTrials.gov NCT00369616