433 research outputs found


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    Exercise has been shown to improve mood, anxiety, stress, and promote neuroplasticity (Conn, 2010; Donaghy, 2007; Josefsson, Lindwall, & Archer, 2014; Silveria et al., 2013; Stathopoulou et al., 2006). However, limited research on the topic suggests that many psychologists and mental health providers are not incorporating exercise into psychological treatment, and many lack the confidence to do so (Burton, Pakenham, & Brown, 2010; Weir, 2011). The purpose of this study was to evaluate current exercise prescription trends among practicing psychologists and trainees, including identifying their current beliefs, attitudes, training, and the perceived barriers hindering psychotherapists from recommending and prescribing exercise. Psychologists and trainees (N = 146), completed the Exercise in Mental Illness Questionnaire ā€“ Health Practitioner Version (EMIQ-HP). Results revealed: a) 40.4% (n = 59) of psychotherapists prescribed exercise only occasionally and recommended clients exercise ā€œmost days of the week,ā€ at moderate intensity; b) older psychotherapistsā€™ (t[163] = -2.15, p = .038) and trainees further along in training (t[163] = 2.26, p = .029)were both more likely to prescribe exercise (F[9, 36] = 9.27, p = .011, R2= .42); c) exercise habits of respondents were not significant predictors of exercise prescription; d) a small number of respondents (22.6%; n = 33) reported previous formal training in exercise prescription; and formal training (Ī² = .39, p \u3c .001) was positively correlated with exercise prescription [F(1, 144) = 26.99, p \u3c .001, R2= .16]; and e) therapist barriers (Ī² = -.39, p \u3c .001; e.g., ā€œPrescribing exercise to people with a mental illness is not part of my jobā€¦I do not know how to prescribe exercise to people with a mental illnessā€¦I donā€™t believe exercise will help people with a mental illness,ā€ etc.) were inversely related with exercise prescription, F[2, 145] = 27.03, p \u3c .001; R2= .27. In conclusion, psychotherapistsā€™ age, year in graduate school (for trainees; n = 55), and formal training in exercise prescription were significant predictors of exercise prescription, while higher perceived therapist barriers to exercise prescription hinder prescription practices. Study findings, limitations, and future research directions are discussed

    Istraživanje otpora potopljenog dijela jedrilice klase Optimist

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    U ovom radu su istražene promjene hidrodinamičkog otpora i momenta zakreta uronjenog dijela trupa jedrilice klase ā€™Optimistā€. Promatrana je ovisnost hidrodinamičkih sila o dva parametra: kutu zakreta kormila i kutu bočnog nagiba jedrilice. Trodimenzionalna geometrija je modelirana u programskom paketu Solidworks, dok je proračunska domena izrađena u programskom paketu Salome. Istisnina jedrilice je automatski generirana koristeći prethodno navedene programske pakete i to za masu jedrilice od 35kg te srednju masu jedriličara od 45kg. Domena je ispunjena mrežom konačnih volumena koristeći programski paket cfMesh. Mreža je izrađena strukturirano koristeći heksaedarske ćelije, uz koriÅ”tenje manjeg broja prijelaznih tetraedarskih i piramidalnih ćelija kao i trokutnih prizmi kako bi se očuvala geometrijska definicija rubova. Ulazni parametri strujanja su definirani uniformno, prema zadanoj brzini jedrilice od 1.5m/s tj. 3 čvora. Simulacije su izvedene stacionarnim proračunom, koristeći k āˆ’ Ļ‰ SST model turbulencije i standardne zidne funkcije. Kako bi se pojednostavnio proračun i skratilo vrijeme računanja, zanemaren je utjecaj valova te je rubni uvjet simetrije definiran na mjestu slobodne povrÅ”ine. Izrađene su simulacije za Å”est konfiguracija položaja kormila, dva položaja bočnog nagiba te četiri kombinacije bočnog nagiba i zakreta kormila. Prikazana su polja raspodjele transportiranih fizikalnih veličina kako bi se dobio uvid u procese strujanja u okolici uronjenog dijela trupa. Analizom rezultata su utvrđeni doprinosi viskoznih i tlačnih hidrodinamičkih sila sveukupnom otporu. Također prikazane su krivulje promjene hidrodinamičkih momenta zakreta s promjenom navedenih parametara. Konačno, dan je zaključak o kvaliteti pojedine konfiguracije na temelju dobivenih proračunskih podataka


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    Introduction: Persons serving a prison sentence are identified as a population exposed to a higher risk of HIV/STIs due to a high incidence of risk behaviour, especially intravenous drug misuse. To show results of research on prevalence of HIV/STIs in relation to spread of risk behaviour and other risk factors. Subjects and methods: Cross-sectional study on a sample of 620 respondents in 10 prisons. A specially structured questionnaire was applied as a research instrument, together with blood sample taking for laboratory analysis of HIV, HBV, HCV and syphilis. Results: Majority of respondents show insufficient knowledge about HIV/AIDS, ways of transmission prevention, especially knowledge on ways of HIV transmission. Every sixth respondent has experience of intravenous drug use, of which 58% exchanged drug injection equipment. Every fifth respondent with a tattoo had their tattoo done in prison. Below 2% of respondents quote being victims of sexual abuse, and having wilful anal sexual intercourse in prison. Test results in this research: HIV (0), HBV (1.5%), HCV (14.3%) syphilis (0.5%). Conclusion: Intravenous drug use presents the strongest risk factor for HCV, and therefore for HIV/ STIs. Other risk factors ā€“ tattooing with kit exchange, sexual risk intercourse, abuse, insufficient knowledge and information about HIV/AIDS, ways of transmission and way of protection, and lack of access to measures of prevention and ā€œHarm reductionā€œ programme

    Contacts between Duklja/Zeta and the Apennine Peninsula in the Middle Ages as a Topic in Montenegrin Periodicals in 1835ā€“1941

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    This paper shows that continuity of connections between Duklja/Zeta and the Apennine Peninsula during the middle ages, which were manifested both in the political and in the cultural sphere, attracted attention as a topic in the periodical press issued in the territory of present-day Montenegro from 1835 to 1941. The paper offers a systematized overview of such, for the most part descriptive, texts on political and cultural links between what now are Montenegro and Italy in the middle ages


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    Background: Tumor marker CA 125 is found in normal mesothelial lung cells and normal bronchial epithelial cells. If destruction of these cells occurs due to inflammation or tumour, CA 125 will be released, and increased in the serum. Subjects and Methods: From November 2008 to May 2009 a study analysing CA 125 levels in serum samples from patients who are hospitalized at the Pulmology Department of University Hospital Mostar. Standard laboratory tests, X-ray, sputum examination to BK, and tumour marker CA 125 were performed in all patients. Patients were divided into 5 groups. Comparing clinical and laboratory findings of patients and statistical processing of collected data, conclusions were drown about the role of tumor markers Ca 125 in the diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis. Results: This analysis is performed on 220 patients, forty with pulmonary tuberculosis. Of the total number of patients included, there is 60% of the negative findings of tumor marker Ca 125 which is statistically significant (P<0.05). Further analysis of Ca 125 shows that there is 75% of positive findings in active pulmonary tuberculosis, which is a statistically significant difference (P=0.002). Within the group of patients with lung carcinoma, half of the patients showed positive finding of tumor marker CA 125. Statistical analysis showed that sensitivity of CA 125 was 75%, specificity was (68%) and positive predictive value was 12% in patients with active tuberculosis. Conclusions: The result of this study showed that the increase in serum tumor marker CA 125 is present in active pulmonary tuberculosis as well as in patients with lung cancer

    Challenges of Implementation of Cooperative Learning in Initial Teacher Education

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    This paper discusses the concept of cooperative learning and the role of education of future teachers in the development of their competencies for their implementation in teaching. The aim of this paper is to research the content of relevant literature and to determine whether previous research has sufficiently included an analysis of the competence of teachers and students of teacher education and the role of educational programs in training them to successfully apply ccooperative learning. It was found that, due to the lack of appropriate competencies of teachers for the implementation of this teaching strategy, its application is often neglected. Therefore the development of adequate knowledge, skills and positive beliefs of future teachers about cooperative learning can be considered priorities of their formal education. It was found that so far only a few studies have been conducted on the actual competencies of future teachers for the successful implementation of this teaching strategy, and there is a lack of research on whether teacher education programs adequately support their development. Therefore, this paper concludes on the need to undertake research that will provide a more concrete insight into the current situation and encourage quality and more frequent application of cooperative learning in teaching practice


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    The continuous progress of science has a very positive effect on health care. Health care in its broader sense has greatly progressed in past decades, and the education of health care professions requires more continuous learning, teaching materials and course duration. It becomes clear that continuous education is not only important for good quality doctors, but all participants of health care are gaining more burdens and their work becomes more complex. There is an increased necessity for team work, division of tasks and specialization. In this battle for health, the Faculty of Health Studies becomes a necessity and has an obligation in education of various health personnel due to acquiring practical and theoretical skills, as well as abilities in providing the best possible health care. The path of knowledge is long and difficult. It has been present at our faculty for 17 years and we carry it out through a variety of undergraduate and graduate programs, and as of this years through our postgraduate program. Besides the education of health care workers we wanted to offer to our current and former students, and their educators the possibility of publishing their work, so in 2015 we launched our electronic journal, ā€œHealth Bulletinā€, whose publisher is the Faculty of Health Studies. In the process of continuous battle for health, prevention and treatment, the role of highly educated health care worker is of increasing importance and he certainly becomes an indispensable link in this process. The goal of our faculty is to educate the best possible health care workers, who will in addition to high quality practical work gradually take over our teaching responsibilities at the university


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    In the five thousand years of recorded history there is written evidence of various types of addiction. In recent decades scientists focus their attention on addictions without the immediate introduction of psychoactive substances into the organism or the so-called "addictions without drugs". Studies have revealed a number of similarities between drug addictions and addictions without drugs that also carry biological, psychological and social consequences in the form of addictive activity carvings, adrenaline alarm, dopamine and serotonin secretion, tolerance and abstinence syndrome same as classical forms of addiction. Although the physiological effect of addiction without drugs on the brain and nervous system is not yet sufficiently explored, scientists have found equivalent effects on addicts suffering from one or the other type of addiction. These addicts are almost generally dysfunctional persons who become prisoners of their own passions, and the consequences are numerous technological advantages offered by modern times and in some respects a punishment due to the civilization for forgetting the man himself. Considering that most people, so and many psychiatrist, often accept these addictions as a lifestyle and without any delay and awareness of the potential dangers they may pose, we can with certainty say that the so-called "addictions without drugs" are the scourge of the 21st century. With pathological gambling, which is as old as human civilization, in recent decades we meet the growing problems of internet addiction, gambling games, which are classified for the first time at DSM V in addictive disorder, uncontrolled shopping, food cravings, addiction to sex, weight loss, sports, work and many more, which are mostly true addictions, and not only the way of life. The aim of this paper is to point to the growing problem of addiction without drugs, which is becoming an increasing problem within our community
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