4 research outputs found

    Performance Audit: A Cross-Country Comparison of Practices of Selected Supreme Audit Institutions

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    This study aims to present the conceptual framework of performance audits impact that support our investigation of the process of selection performance audit topics at Supreme audit institutions (SAIs) level. The results of the study include the technique for choosing performance audit topics used by the Lithuanian SAI and the SAI of the Netherlands. The data were gathered using case studies and semi-structured in-depth interviews with the field experts. The results of the study demonstrated a range and the complexity of the arguments underlying the selection of the topic for performance audits: there are no mandatory requirements or standards governing the process; therefore, every SAI chooses its own path. Each SAI applies specific performance audit topics selection methods determined by their original long-term practical experience. Selecting right topics for performance audit is a task of crucial importance for each SAI. Gathering information about all areas and making a decision where to perform an audit is an important part of strategic research efforts. Data collection is a lengthy process that takes place throughout the year. Each SAI has a framework for strategic and annual planning that has clearly set deadlines, uses a transparent qualified and/or quantified approach to ranking risks/audit proposals, and is based on the criteria relating to materiality, topicality, feasibility and added value

    Theoretical analysis of the use of social media in the enterprise activity

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    The purpose of the article is to present the results of analysis of scientific literature on the social media concept and social media classification and provide insights on how the use of the social media can be expanded in business to get the maximum benefits and minimize potential risks. The structure of the article fits for purpose – presents the analysis of the scientific literature, synthesis, comparison, systematization of information and its graphical visualization. The performed analysis allowed to determine possibilities for application of the social media in the enterprise activities and to identify gained benefits. Social media allows enterprises to communicate more flexible and faster both in the outside and inside environment, facilitates customer accessibility, provides opportunity to quickly respond to customer feedback or inform existing and potential customers about new ideas and proposals. Article in Lithuanian. Teorinė socialinių medijų naudojimo įmonių veikloje analizė Santrauka Straipsnio tikslas – pateikti atliktos socialinių medijų koncepcijos, socialinių medijų klasifikacijos mokslinės literatūros analizės rezultatus bei pateikti įžvalgas, kaip socialinių medijų naudojimas galėtų būti plečiamas versle, gaunant didžiausią naudą ir minimizuojant galimas rizikas. Straipsnio struktūra atitinka išsikeltą tikslą – pateikiama mokslinės literatūros analizė, sintezė, atliekamas lyginimas, informacijos sisteminimas ir jos grafinis vizualizavimas. Atlikta analizė leido nustatyti socialinių medijų taikymo galimybes įmonių veikloje ir identifikuoti gaunamas naudas. Socialinės medijos suteikia galimybę įmonėms tiek išorinėje, tiek vidinėje aplinkoje lanksčiau ir sparčiau bendrauti, lengvina kliento pasiekiamumą, suteikia galimybę greitai reaguoti į kliento atsiliepimus ar informuoti esamus ir potencialius klientus apie naujas idėjas ir pasiūlymus. Reikšminiai žodžiai: socialinės medijos, vidinė / išorinė įmonės aplinka, nauda, verslas, klientas