1,527 research outputs found

    Advances on how to strengthen the peace within the Black Sea Region

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    The reason/motivation for addressing issues related to the Black Sea region is multifaceted and requires adequate explanations which will be refereed to here from Romania’s perspective as, a Black Sea area country by geography, historical background, cultural and social characteristics, is the bridge of economic and cultural changes, peace stability and military safety. Its economy and standard of life is sensible to the various factors and trends originating in the region.This paper aims to offer new perspectives in sustaining the idea of a valuable contribution of whom/what at the regional stability

    Analysis of Service Quality Management in the Materials Industry using the BCG Matrix Method

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    For each product or service, the area of the circle represents the value of its sales. The BCG (Boston Consulting Group) matrix thus offers a very useful map of the organization's service strengths and weaknesses, at least in terms of current profitability, as well as the likely cash flows. The criteria function concept consists of transforming the criteria function (CF) in a qualityeconomical matrix MQE. The levels of prescribing the criteria function were obtained by using a composition algorithm for three vectors:T vector – technical parameters’ vector (ti);E vector – economical parameters’ vector (ej) and P vector – weight vector (p1).quality management, services, BCG Matrix Method, materials industry

    Using the Multivariate Data Analysis Techniques on the Insurance Market

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    In the present financial theory, we confront with complex economic phenomena and activities which cannot be studied or analyzed profoundly because of the plurality of existing variables, ratios and information. The economic, financial and social activity carried on under crisis or economic growth conditions registered year by year a development of the products and instruments in use. The complexity of the economic area may be simplified through techniques of multi-dimensional analysis. Such a method is the analysis of the principal components which allows the decreasing of the initial causal space dimension generated by the functional links which are established among the initial explanatory variables. The dimension of this space is determined by the number of explanatory variables identified as causes of the economic phenomenon and the higher their number, the more difficult it is to analyze the initial causal space because the information volume, the complexity of calculations, the risk not to identify the contribution of each variable to the creation of the initial causal space variability and the decrease in the initial variables significance in case they would be inter-correlated grow. The simplification of the initial causal space means the determination of a change which consists in transition from a space with a large number of variables to another one of fewer dimensions, equivalent but on the conditions of keeping maximum information from the initial space and maximizing the variability of the new space (called principal space). Variables from the principal space represent the principal components, they are un-correlated and the vectors which define them have a unitary length.original variables, covariance matrix, eigenvalue, eigenvector, principal components, total variance, generalized variance, factor matrix, factor loadings, factor scores, classification

    Segmentation of nerve bundles and ganglia in spine MRI using particle filters

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2012.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 41-44).Automatic segmentation of spinal nerve bundles originating within the dural sac and exiting the spinal canal is important for diagnosis and surgical planning. The variability in intensity, contrast, shape and direction of nerves seen in high resolution myelographic MR images makes segmentation a challenging task. In this thesis, we present an automatic tracking method for segmentation of nerve bundles based on particle filters. We develop a novel approach to flexible particle representation of tubular structures based on Bezier splines. We construct an appropriate dynamics to reflect the continuity and smoothness properties of real nerve bundles. Moreover, we introduce a robust image likelihood model that enables delineation of nerve bundles and ganglia from the surrounding anatomical structures. We evaluate the results by comparing them to expert manual segmentation, and we demonstrate accurate and fast nerve tracking.by Adrian Vasile Dalca.S.M


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    A sustainable rate of real GDP growth is one of the best ways to promote the rise of living standards. From a neoclassical point of view the underlying factors that affect economic growth are saving, population growth and technological progress. UnemploymEconomic growth, Natural rate of unemployment, Okuns's law


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    The international economic and political environment is constantly influenced by a wide and dynamic set of factors which constrain and preoccupy policymakers. The various interdependencies that potentially exist between certain business activities and state decisions are difficult to assess in the complexity that characterizes the real world. Thus, great efforts have been made in trying to create models that reduce the variety and dynamic of certain observations in order to grasp the evolutions and connections between individual factors. The relation that exists between the activity of trade and the probability of engaging in a conflicting situation has long been addressed and accepted as consistent, though sometimes with paradoxical outcomes. This article follows these previous notions and by using games theory principles and methods it illustrates the situation existing in the Black Sea region by trying to create a model or, in this case a game, that identifies the possible outcomes in relation to certain economic incentives.games theory, economic incentives, interstate conflict, static game, complete information game

    Subjective Right in the Context of legal Relationship

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    This article is trying to treat in its own manner a theme with deep implications in legal life and more exactly individuals, owner of subjective rights in the legal report, putting accent on the problem of birth and end of its legal personality.Subjective right, legal report, individual, legal personality, legal capacity of exercise, legal capacity of use.


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    One of the first arguments presented in the start of the book and extensively discussed latter on, is the impossibility of providing a generalization of human behaviour. The pattern of behaviour is central in the economic theory, as all phenomena are illustrated and modelled using this starting point. While actions and preferences can be rigorously modelled at microeconomic level, in most situations, when depicting the society as a whole, further conditions or hypothesis are required.The author sheds light on the improbable or even unrealistic character of such hypothesis, that fail to hold true when confronted with the real world market. From the notion of utility, initially laid down by Bentham, to the development of indifference curves and aggregate consumption patterns, expanding the theoretical work from an individual scope to a wider, community level, requires the adoption of less than logical assumptions such as that all participants have the same preferences and, if obtaining an increase in revenues, they would continue to express the same needs and expectations

    Romanian-Hungarian cross-border cooperation through a possible EGTC Oradea-Debrecen

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    A border region is an area consisting of a number of human communities and a network of relationships that link between communities and the space they are found, but are disturbed by the legal constraints of the border. Irrespective of political systems in which circumscribes, border regions have to deal with specific problems at spatial, social, economic, cultural or political level. The European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation (EGTC) is also like the Euro regions a border entity, but unlike the latter, the group has legal personality recognized both at EU Member State and EU level. In this respect, as a result of the analysis presented in this research, we believe that the Hajdu Bihar and Bihor space should, in future as soon as possible (one or two years), to set up an EGTC. In this respect, at the Metropolitan Area of Oradea level was made a first step towards creating the group, setting up Oradea Metropolitan Development Committee