824 research outputs found

    On the stability problem in the O(N) nonlinear sigma model

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    The stability problem for the O(N) nonlinear sigma model in the 2+\epsilon dimensions is considered. We present the results of the 1/N^{2} order calculations of the critical exponents (in the 2<d<4 dimensions) of the composite operators relevant for this problem. The arguments in the favor of the scenario with the conventional fixed point are given.Comment: 9 pages, revtex, 1 Postscript figur

    Renormalization-group approach to the stochastic Navier--Stokes equation: Two-loop approximation

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    The field theoretic renormalization group is applied to the stochastic Navier--Stokes equation that describes fully developed fluid turbulence. The complete two-loop calculation of the renormalization constant, the β\beta function, the fixed point and the ultraviolet correction exponent is performed. The Kolmogorov constant and the inertial-range skewness factor, derived to second order of the \eps expansion, are in a good agreement with the experiment. The possibility of the extrapolation of the \eps expansion beyond the threshold where the sweeping effects become important is demonstrated on the example of a Galilean-invariant quantity, the equal-time pair correlation function of the velocity field. The extension to the dd-dimensional case is briefly discussed.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figure

    Room temperature midinfrared electroluminescence from GaInAsSbP light emitting diodes. .

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    Room temperature electroluminescence in the midinfrared near 4 µm is reported from GaInAsSbP light emitting diodes grown on GaSb by liquid phase epitaxy. Comparison of the electro- and photoluminescence revealed that light is generated on the p side of the diode. The energy shift (24 meV) is consistent with band gap narrowing and recombination via band tail states due to the Zn doping (1×1018 cm−3) in the p layer of the structure. The temperature dependent behavior of the luminescence and the improved emission intensity was attributed to recombination from localized states arising from electrostatic potential fluctuations due to compositional inhomogeneities in these alloys

    O(1/N_f) Corrections to the Thirring Model in 2<d<4

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    The Thirring model, that is, a relativistic field theory of fermions with a contact interaction between vector currents, is studied for dimensionalities 2<d<4 using the 1/N_f expansion, where N_f is the number of fermion species. The model is found to have no ultraviolet divergences at leading order provided a regularization respecting current conservation is used. Explicit O(1/N_f) corrections are computed, and the model shown to be renormalizable at this order in the massless limit; renormalizability appears to hold to all orders due to a special case of Weinberg's theorem. This implies there is a universal amplitude for four particle scattering in the asymptotic regime. Comparisons are made with both the Gross-Neveu model and QED.Comment: 22 pages in plain TeX, with 7 figs included using psfig.tex (Minor conceptual changes - algebra unaffected


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    The article deals with the problems arising during the shaping of complex profile tapered helical surfaces. These surfaces form the geometry of the working bodies of single-screw miniature compressors, which have great prospects for use in mobile miniature compressor plants, which is especially important for medical and space technology, robotics, oil and gas and mining industries. Due to the fact that the capabilities of existing CAD systems do not allow obtaining three-dimensional models of these surfaces, the problem of preparing a control program for a CNC machine arises, since the calculation of the tool path in CAM systems when processing complex surfaces is impossible without a three-dimensional surface model. To solve the problem, an automated programming system was developed that implements a formalized toolpath calculation in accordance with the proposed special processing strategy for conical helical surfaces. As the initial data for calculating the toolpath, the system needs information about the tool geometry and the helical surface in a parametric form, which makes it possible to abandon the construction of a three-dimensional surface model. The results of processing prototypes for the proposed strategy are given

    High frequency ESR investigation on dynamical charge disproportionation and spin gap excitation in NaV_2O_5

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    A significant frequency dependence of the ESR line width is found in NaV_2O_5 between 34-100 K and the line width increases as the resonance frequency is increased from 95 GHz to 760 GHz. The observed frequency dependence is qualitatively explained in terms of the dynamical charge disproportionation. The present results show the essential role of the internal charge degree of freedom in a V-O-V bond. We have also proposed the existence of the Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya interaction in the low temperature charge ordered phase considering the breaking of the selection rule of ESR realized as the direct observation of the spin gap excitation.Comment: 9 figures submitted to J. Phys.Soc. Jp

    A Model Study of the Low-Energy Charge Dynamics of NaV_2O_5

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    An exact-diagonalization technique on small clusters is used to calculate the dynamical density correlation functions of the dimerized t-J chain and coupled anisotropic t-J ladders (trellis lattice) at quarter filling, i.e., the systems regarded as a network of pairs (dimers or rungs) of sites coupled weakly via the hopping and exchange interactions. We thereby demonstrate that the intersite Coulomb repulsions between the pairs induce a low-energy collective mode in the charge excitations of the systems where the internal charge degrees of freedom of the pairs play an essential role. Implications to the electronic states of NaV_2O_5, i.e., fluctuations of the valence state of V ions and phase transition as a charge ordering, are discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 4 gif figures. Hardcopies of figures (or the entire manuscript) can be obtained by e-mail request to [email protected]

    Influence of helicity on scaling regimes in the extended Kraichnan model

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    We have investigated the advection of a passive scalar quantity by incompressible helical turbulent flow in the frame of extended Kraichnan model. Turbulent fluctuations of velocity field are assumed to have the Gaussian statistics with zero mean and defined noise with finite time-correlation. Actual calculations have been done up to two-loop approximation in the frame of field-theoretic renormalization group approach. It turned out that space parity violation (helicity) of turbulent environment does not affect anomalous scaling which is peculiar attribute of corresponding model without helicity. However, stability of asymptotic regimes, where anomalous scaling takes place, strongly depends on the amount of helicity. Moreover, helicity gives rise to the turbulent diffusivity, which has been calculated in one-loop approximation.Comment: 16 pages, talk given by M. Hnatich at "Renormalization Group 2005", Helsinki, Finland 30 August - 3 September 2005. To apear in J. Phys. A: Math. Ge