2,106 research outputs found

    Echinocystis lobata (Michx) Torrey et A. Gray in Serbia

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    The presence of Echinocystis lobata (Michx) Torrey et A. Gray in Serbia was first recorded about 40 years ago in Vojvodina (N Serbia) where it continued to spread in the following years. In the Balkan part of Serbia (to the south of the Sava and Danube rivers), this plant used to be known in the last 20 years from only two localities. The discovery of the species in 26 new localities in this area testifies its successful spread toward the South and East of Serbia

    Регионалне групе старијег гвозденог доба у Ужичкој околини

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    In the region of Užice, there were several smaller Early Iron Age groups situated around Kosjeric, Požega, Užice and Priboj whose material culture dates from the 7th to the 4th century BC. An analysis of this material shows that there are chronological differences in the development of these micro areas. The group around Priboj attained its climax in the second half of the 7th and the beginning of the 6th century and after a period of decline had a certain cultural revival in the 4th century. The group around Požega developed from the second half of 7th to the first half of the 5th century and the groups around Užice and Kosjerić from the first half of the 6th to the first half of the 5th century BC.Od svih područja na teritoriji Srbije starije gvozdeno doba je najbolje poznato u njenom jugozapadnom delu, u širem području Užica. Naime, iako su naselja ovde slabo istražena, veliki broj nekropola sa humkama daje prilično celovitu sliku o kulturnom razvoju na ovom prostoru od VII do IV veka pre n. e. Odmah posle Drugog svetskog rata Milutin i Draga Garašanin su 1952. i 1953. g. vodili na ovom području veća sistematska iskopavanja u Ražani kod Kosjerića i Krivoj Reci kod Čajetine, gde je otkriveno više humki iz bronzanog i gvozdenog doba. Tome su sledila slučajna ali važna otkrića grobova pod humkama u Vranama kod Arilja, Srednjoj Dobrinji severno od Požege, Uzićima kod Požege, Godljevu kod Kosjerića, Kremni kod Užica itd. Potpunu sliku o nalazištima starijeg gvozdenog doba na ovom području dali su međutim, tek radovi Mihajla Zotovića, pre svega iskopavanja tumula u Pilatovićima kod Požege pa lokalitetima Ravni lug i Trljaci i u dolini reke Poblaćnice, jugozapadno od Priboja, oko sela Krajčinovići i Zabrnjica. Svi ovi radovi dali su obilje materijala iz starijeg gvozdenog doba tako da je moguće relativno jasno pratiti kulturni razvoj na ovom prostoru od VII do kraja IV veka pre n.e., i, štaviše, uočiti određene hronološke i teritorijalne razlike u okviru mikro predela u ovoj regiji. U tom smislu ce može odrediti više manjih grupa i to oko Kosjerića - Ražana i Godljevo, oko Požege -Pilatovići, Uzići, Srednja Dobrinja, Vrane; oko Užica i Čajetine Kriva Reka, Kremna; dalje kod Bajine Bašte, Višesava: u dolini Poblaćnice Krajčinovići i Zabrnjica. U ovaj pregled lokaliteta Užičke regije treba uvrstiti i nalaze iz sela Štrpci, udaljenog 3 km od Priboja ali pa bosanskoj strapi, koji su geografski bliski materijalu iz doline Poblaćnice. Svi ovi nalazi slabije ili jače ce vezuju za mnogobrojne nalaze sa Glasinačke visoravni u istočnoj Bosni. Rezultati koji su ovde izneti zasnivaju ce na trenutnom stanju istraženosti terena i u budućnosti mogu svakako biti izmenjeni, s obzirom na veliki broj neistraženih humki u jugozapadnoj Srbiji. Hronologija ce pretežno zasniva na tipologiji fibula, vrsti pokretnog materijala koji je u praistoriji, i to naročito u gvozdeno doba, bio brojan i podložan stalnim izmenama i uticajima, pa tako hronološki dosta osetljiv. U pregledu materijala iz Užica i Priboja, koji je dobrim delom neobjavljen imao sam pomoć i podršku kolega iz Užičkog i Pribojskog muzeja, Jarmile Đurić, Ljiljane Mandić i Sava Derikonjića, kojima se ovde najlepše zahvaljujem. Posle detaljne analize, došlo se do zaključka da ima razlika u datovanju materijala sa pojedinih od pomenutih manjih područja. U VII veku intenzivan kulturni razvoj ce može pratiti u dolini Poblaćnice, zatim u humkama u selu Štrpci kod Priboja i samo delimično u okolini Požege Pilatovići. Ovaj razvoj se nastavlja u prvoj polovini VI veka na tim područjima, ali se zapaža određena aktivnost i kod Kosjerića-Ražana, gde se najstariji nalazi datuju u to vreme. U drugoj polovini VI veka razvoj u dolini Poblaćnice zamire, ali se nastavlja oko Požege- Pilatovići, Srednja Dobrinja, Vrane, gde dostiže vrhunac, dok je isto tako uočljiv oko Užica Kriva Reka, i oko Kosjerića- Ražana, Godljevo. U 5. veku život se nastavlja samo delimično na ovom području, dok se u IV veku obnavlja do izvesne mere u dolini Poblaćnice i oko Štrbaca. Ima se utisak da su se glavni intenzitet života koji je u VII veku bio uočljiv pretežno na zapadu u dolini Poblaćnice i samo delimično kod Požege, vremenom se potpuno pomerio ka severoistoku u okolinu Užica, Požege i Kosjerića, da bi se u IV veku ponovo vratio na zapad. Da li je reč samo o jačanju i slabljenju pojedinih manjih grupa na ovom prostoru tokom četiri veka ili treba u okviru toga računati i sa migracijama stanovništva sa zapada na istok i u kojoj meri, pitanje je na koje će moći da bude preciznije odgovoreno tek detaljnim publikovanjem i analizom celokupnog relevantnog materijala i naravno novim iskopavanjima na ovom prostoru. Na kraju sledi kratka analiza nalaza importovanog bronzanog posuđa i odbrambenog oružja na Glasincu, na osnovu koje se ukazuje na slične transfere centara moći na ovoj visoravni tokom starijeg gvozdenog doba

    Razmatranje religijske tolerancije u savremenoj srpskoj filozofskoj i društvenoj misli

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    Following the dissolution of the SFRY, and in the light of new social circumstances, the religious communities have new social status and new social role; they have come out from the private sphere and found its place in the public one. Religious tolerance is more significant in the context of desecularization of social life, both for the religious communities themselves, and for other social actors and the society as a whole. With this in mind, the goal of this paper is to analyze theoretical views and definitions of the notion of religious tolerance in the papers of domestic authors- philosophers, representatives of social sciences as well as theologians. In addition to the analysis of the impact of social context, the relation between monotheism and in/tolerance is also analyzed, whereas a doctrinaire aspect, i.e. the content of the sacred texts, is contemplated as well. A consideration is given to the possible subjects of the religious tolerance, and a problem of paternalism is pointed out in the speeches on religion stressing the importance of the mutual appreciation and respect among the actors of the dialogue communication. In accordance with the current views on im/possibility of the tolerance among different denominations, that is, religions, due to their different standpoints on the man's path to salvation, emphasize is given to the difference between valuing cognition and valuing an actor - individuals, communities and social groups


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    This article aims to briefly examine the conditions and circumstances which lead to the gradual evolution of the role of the UN Secretary General in dealing with the international crisis. It will show that in the last 64 years some competencies of the Secretary General, stipulated in the UN Treaty, were neglected, while others, not mentioned in the Treaty, have been developed and become nowadays practice. Thus, it will be demonstrated that the most important changed in this matter reflects as a strengthening of independent activities of the Secretary General in solving international crisis. This transformation was consequence both the competencies granted though the some resolutions of the General Assembly and Security Council and the autonomous development which expressed the temper and ambitions of the person which performed the post of the Secretary General. Strengthening the position of the Secretary General has mainly contributed to the efficiency of crises solving, but in some situation it drove to new antagonize. In the case of Serbian province of Kosovo and Metohia we deem that independent activities of the Secretary General turned into ultra vires actions, which contributed to the limitation of sovereignty and integrity of Serbia and unauthorized changing of the UNMIK mandate without approving a new Security Council resolution.Ovaj tekst se bavi analizom prakse i uslova koji su doveli do postepene evolucije uloge Generalnog skeretara UN u postupanju sa svetkim krizama. On će pokazati da su za protekle šest i po decenija pojedina ovlašćena, a pre svega ona iz Povelje UN, vidno zapostavljena, a pojedina, koja Poveljom nisu bila predviđena, postala deo svakodnevne prakse. Najznačajnija promena ogleda se u uvođenju prakse samostalnog delovanja Generalnog sekretara. Ovaj proces transformacije uloge i nadležnosti Generalanog sekretara delom je proizišao iz ovlašćenja koja su organi UN u konkretnim slučajevima dodeljivali Generalnom sekretaru, a delom je posledica autonomnog razvoja, koji je zavisio od profla i ambicija ličnosti koja se nalazila na tako važnoj funkciji. Jačanje pozicije Generalnog sekretara UN većinom je doprinosilo efkasnijem razrešavanju kriza, ali se u nekim slučajevima, kao kada je u pitanju Kosovo, pretvorilo u svoju suprotnost. Konkretno, radilo se o prekoračenju nadležnosti Generalnog sekretara, koje je dovelo u pitanje suverenitet i integritet Srbije i izmenilo mandat misije UN u ovoj srpskoj pokrajini

    Multilevel Decoders Surpassing Belief Propagation on the Binary Symmetric Channel

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    In this paper, we propose a new class of quantized message-passing decoders for LDPC codes over the BSC. The messages take values (or levels) from a finite set. The update rules do not mimic belief propagation but instead are derived using the knowledge of trapping sets. We show that the update rules can be derived to correct certain error patterns that are uncorrectable by algorithms such as BP and min-sum. In some cases even with a small message set, these decoders can guarantee correction of a higher number of errors than BP and min-sum. We provide particularly good 3-bit decoders for 3-left-regular LDPC codes. They significantly outperform the BP and min-sum decoders, but more importantly, they achieve this at only a fraction of the complexity of the BP and min-sum decoders.Comment: 5 pages, in Proc. of 2010 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT

    Muzikografija Srpskog književnog glasnika i ideologija jugoslovenstva

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    It is worth noting that the important journal of the history of Serbian literature and music, the Serbian Literary Magazine (1901 - 1914, 1920 1941), became more Yugoslav-oriented within a relatively short period following its inception. From its early beginning to 1906, the Magazine’s musical critics did not actively express its Yugoslav ideology. But from 1907 there was an increase of interest in both the music and the musicians from Croatia and Slovenia. In 1911 the Croatian Opera spent almost two weeks in Belgrade performing; the composer and musicologist, Miloje Milojević began to develop the idea of union with Slavs from the South in a critical analysis he rendered of their performance. Until the end of the first/old series, SLM highlighted a noticeable number of texts about Croatians and Slovenians: critical reviews of Croatian musical books, concerts of Slovenian artists in Belgrade, score editions of Slovenian music performances of instrument soloists from Zagreb in Belgrade - as well as notes about the musical work of Croatian Academy (Yugoslav Academy of Sciences and Arts, Zagreb). Echoes of rare tours of Serbian musicians in South Slavs cultural centers did not go unheard, either. In the older series of the journal, lasting and two-fold relations had already begun to lean towards Yugoslav ideology. From one side, even before World War I, Yugoslav ideology in the Magazine was accepted as a program objective of Serbian political and cultural elite. On the other, the journal does not appear to have negotiated any of its aesthetic criterion when estimating musical events that came from Zagreb and Ljubljana to Belgrade - at least not "in the name of Yugoslav ideology". In later series of SLM, the Yugoslav platform was being represented as official ideological statehood of newly created Kingdoms of Serbs, Croats and Slovenians (1918), i.e., the Kingdom of Yugoslavia (1929). At that time, the Magazine had occasional literary cooperation from Croatian musical writers such as Lujo Šafranek-Kavić, Božidar Širola and Antun Dobronić. Their articles described activities of the Croatian National Theatre and evaluated new works of Croatian composers. But they were not at all remiss about acknowledging great masterpieces of European music being performed in Zagreb in their day, either. The works of Claude Debussy, Pelléas et Mélisande; Ludwig van Beethoven, Missa solemnis Richard Wagner, Lohengrin were also followed through reviews, albeit within a curious Croatian-paradigm of musical history which included musical and dramatic theatre from Ljubljana, Zagreb, Split, Sarajevo, Skoplje, Osijek. In other words, they seem to have been aware of the cultural differences without ignoring what from them were shared in common. Before the First World War, SLM classified Bulgarians together with Serbs, Croats and Slovenians, as the future "Yugoslav nation". When the reality of politics clouded their vision, the Magazine’s musical critics nevertheless pursued a troupe of Bulgarian performers to visit Belgrade, and thus added to their repertoire from works of Bulgarian composers. Among musical contributors to the journal were the eminently known "Yugoslavs", Dr Miloje Milojević (1884 - 1946) and Dr Viktor Novak (1889 - 1977). From Croatia and Slovenia musicians Juro Tkalčić and Ćiril Ličar, Milojević spoke about "our national artists" and praised musicians who, in their program, included compositions of "all Yugoslav nations". Dr Novak demanded that Belgrade become the musical capital of South Slavs, and invited Belgrade Opera to show on its scene the best Serbian, Croatian and Slovenian operas and ballets. From its onset, the Kingdom of Yugoslavia was burdened by heavy political and economical problems. That would also lead to bitter dispute about Yugoslavian ideology. Nevertheless, SLM did not renounce the system of its objectives and values upon which it was built. But there is one particular section where the Magazine’s inconsistency can be noticed - when seen from a Yugoslav dimension of the journal - is the necrology column. Magazine did not publish even one obituary of Croatian musicians, and wrote fragmentary unclear and unconvincing criterion about Slovenians. However, it would be neither appropriate, nor real, to interpret incompleteness of the Magazine’s musical necrological texts in purely ideological light. Namely an insufficient number of musical contributors from all Yugoslav provinces - with the exception of Serbia - was probably the main reason for these omissions. After all, SLM was a literary journal and, as such, entertained numerous literary problems and questions. At some point, the editors must have agreed that the information in the field of musical posthumous articles was insufficient. The obvious absence of said would indicate that they did.Jedan od najznačajnijih časopisa u istoriji srpske književnosti, i u istoriji nacionalne muzike, Srpski književni glasnik (1901-1914, 1920 1941), pokrenut je kao srpski časopis, ali je njegova ideološka platforma ubrzo postalo jugoslovenstvo. U radu se utvrđuje da je Glasnikova muzička kritika jugoslovensku ideju eksplicitno prihvatila 1911. godine. Do kraja stare serije objavljen je značajan broj priloga o hrvatskoj i slovenačkoj muzici. Posle Prvog svetskog rata jugoslovenstvo se u SKG-u zastupa kao zvanična državna ideologija i časopis je donosio priloge o muzičkoj umetnosti i kulturi čitave Kraljevine Srba, Hrvata i Slovenaca/Jugoslavije. Izvesna nesistematičnost i nepotpunost zapaža se u vezi s jugoslovenskom muzičkom nekrologikom, ali se ti propusti ne mogu tumačiti u ideološkom ključu, već kao odraz praktičnih problema s kojima su se suočavali urednici ovoga časopisa

    Na+/K+-atpase - activity and inhibition

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    The aim of the study was to give an overview of the mechanism of inhibition of Na+/K+-ATPase activity. For this purpose, the effect of ouabain like compounds (digoxin, gitoxin), platinum group complexes ([PdCl4]2-, [PdCl(dien)]+ and [PdCl(Me4dien)]+), transition metal ions (Cu2+, Zn2+, Fe2+, Co2+) and heavy metal ions (Hg2+, Pb2+, Cd2+) on the activity of Na+/K+-ATPase isolated from rat synaptic plasma membranes (SPM), cortex of pig and human erythrocytes and was investigated.Physical chemistry 2008 : 9th international conference on fundamental and applied aspects of physical chemistry; Belgrade (Serbia); 24-28 September 200