725 research outputs found

    La popolazione di Trieste nel censimento del 1765

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    Trajectory Clustering for Air Traffic Categorisation

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    Availability of different types of data and advances in data-driven techniques open the path to more detailed analyses of various phenomena. Here, we examine the insights that can be gained through the analysis of historical flight trajectories, using data mining techniques. The goal is to learn about usual (or nominal) choices airlines make in terms of routing, and their relation with aircraft types and operational flight costs. The clustering is applied to intra-European trajectories during one entire summer season, and a statistical test of independence is used to evaluate the relations between the variables of interest. Even though about half of all flights are less than 1000 km long, and mostly operated by one airline, along one trajectory, the analysis shows that, for longer flights, there exists a clear relation between the trajectory clusters and the operating airlines (in about 49% of city pairs) and/or the aircraft types (30%), and/or the flight costs (45%)

    Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Diagnosis, Therapy and Molecular Investigations

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    Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the leading cause of primary liver cancers. Surveillance of individuals at specific risk of developing HCC, early diagnostic markers, and new therapeutic approaches are essential to obtain a reduction in disease-related mortality. In the last decades imaging technologies, statistical models, and standardized diagnostic procedures associated with clinical guidelines for intervention significantly enhanced the success rate and life expectancy of HCC patients. In addition, the work of several research laboratories contributed to the identification of markers and pathways altered in HCC which represent potential biomarkers or molecular targets for therapy. In this short review we describe the current approaches for HCC diagnosis and treatment and the most recent advancements in the characterization of biomolecular mechanisms implicated in the pathogenesis and progression of HCC

    Gli indici comportamentali della menzogna: analisi verbale e non verbale

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    Il presente studio ha voluto verificare tramite l\u2019analisi del comportamento verbale e non verbale se sia possibile delineare alcuni indici affidabili di menzogna. Altri autori hanno verificato alcune differenze nelle condizioni di menzogna e in particolare sono stati evidenziati: la presenza di alcune emozioni specifiche come paura, il piacere della beffa e il senso di colpa e un aumento di gesti manipolatori (Ekman, 1989); pochi movimenti illustratori e pochi movimenti delle mani, braccia, piedi e gambe (Vrij, 2000; Zucherman et al. 1981); un aumento di esitazioni, di periodi di latenza ed errori nel parlato (Vrij et al., 2000). Restano da studiare invece altri indici come la presenza di dubbi e di incongruenze. L\u2019obiettivo dello studio \ue8 analizzare il numero di movimenti riconducibili a varie categorie comportamentali quali illustratori, sorrisi, gesti di apertura, manipolazioni, espressioni di dubbio, durante due condizioni: quella di menzogna e quella di verit\ue0. Verr\ue0 posta poi una particolare attenzione al numero di incertezze o dubbi visibili sul volto o sul corpo non esplicitati dal verbale o alla presenza di emozioni espresse dal volto e dal corpo diverse da quelle espresse con le dichiarazioni verbali. A questo studio hanno preso parte 80 persone (40 maschi e 40 femmine) che dovevano mentire o dire la verit\ue0 sulla scena di un film fatta vedere precedentemente. Le interviste sono state video-registrate e audio-registrate e sono state utilizzate le tecniche FACS, EMFACS, ISFE e la tecnica BCS per verificare la presenza di: sorrisi, espressioni di dubbio, incongruenze, illustratori gestuali e del volto, gesti di apertura e manipolazioni. Il risultato pi\uf9 importante \ue8 stata la rilevazione, in condizione di menzogna, di un nuovo indicatore, ossia la presenza di un alto numero di incongruenze tra verbale e non verbale.The present study aims to verify, through verbal and non-verbal behavior analysis, the possibility to delineate new reliable lie indices. Other authors discovered some differences in the conditions of lying and in particular have been highlighted: the presence of specific emotions such as fear, the pleasure of mockery and guilt and an increase in manipulative gestures (Ekman, 1989); few illustrator movements and few movements of hands, arms, feet and legs (Vrij, 2000; Zucherman et al., 1981); an increase of hesitations, periods of latency, and errors in speech (Vrij et al., 2000). Other indices, such as the presence of doubts and inconsistencies, remain to be studied. The aim of the study is to analyze the number of movements that can be attributed to various behavioral categories such as illustrators, smiles, opening gestures, manipulations, and doubts, under two conditions: the lie and the truth. In particular, we must pay attention to the number of uncertainties or doubts that can be seen on the face or body that are unexplained by the verbal or the presence of emotions expressed by the face and body different than those expressed in verbal declarations. 80 people (40 males and 40 females) took part in this study. They had to lie or tell the truth about movie\u2019s scene that have seen previously. The interviews were videotaped and audio-recorded and we used Facial Action Coding System (FACS), Emotional Facial Actin Coding System (EMFACS), Interpretation System of Facial Expressions (ISFE) and Body Coding System (BCS) to verify the presence of: smiles, doubt expressions, incongruities, facial illustrators, gesture illustrators, gestures of openness and manipulations. The most important result was the discover of a high number of incongruities between verbal and non verbal behavior, in a lie situation

    The importance of redox state in liver damage.

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    Oxidative stress is a major pathogenetic event occurring in several liver disorders ranging from metabolic to proliferative ones, and is a major cause of liver damage due to Ischemia/Reperfusion (I/R) during liver transplantation. The main sources of ROS are represented by mitochondria and cytocrome P450 enzymes in the hepatocyte, by Kupffer cells and by neutrophils. Cells are provided with efficient molecular strategies to strictly control the intracellular ROS level and to maintain the balance between oxidant and antioxidant molecules. A cellular oxidative stress condition is determined by an imbalance between the generation of ROS and the antioxidant defense capacity of the cell and can affect major cellular components including lipids, proteins and DNA. Proteins are very important signposts of cellular redox status and through their structure/function modulation, ROS can also influence gene expression profile by affecting intracellular signal transduction pathways. While several enzymatic (such as superoxide dismutase, catalase, glutathione peroxidase) and non enzymatic (such as 4-hydroxynonenal, decrease of glutathione, vitamin E, vitamin C, malondialdehyde) markers of chronic oxidative stress in liver are well known, early protein targets of oxidative injury are yet not well defined. Identification of these markers will enable early detection of liver diseases and will allow monitoring the degree of liver damage, the re1 Department of Biomedical Sciences and Technologies, University of Udine, P.le Kolbe 4, 33100 Udine, Italy. 2 Department of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Macromolecular Chemistry, University of Trieste, via Giorgieri 1, 34127 Trieste, Italy. 3 Centro Studi Fegato, AREA Science Park Bldg Q, Campus Basovizza, ss 14, km 163.5, 34012 Trieste, Italy. Address for correspondence


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    Questa ricerca presenta un nuovo approccio metodologico da collocare all’interno degli Studi sui Conflitti. Lo sviluppo di un nuovo elemento teorico chiamato “memoria costrittiva” offre un nuovo metodo di analisi dell’impatto delle memorie ed esperienze di guerra nelle società post-belliche. L’unione di due concetti già esistenti quali la memorializzazione e la prossimità ad eventi traumatici, mira a creare un nuovo concetto: attraverso l’utilizzo di processi di operazionalizzazione, diventa possibile misurare in maniera efficace l’influenza delle memorie di guerra sull’instabilità socio-politica di determinate aree. Con l’intento di supportare tale struttura teorica, la tesi presenta quattro casi studio situati nella regione dei Balcani Occidentali: Prijedor e Stolac per la Bosnia e Erzegovina; Vukovar per la Croazia e Apatin per la Serbia. Attraverso l’analisi di un numero di variabili relative alla memoria costrittiva e questioni di carattere socio-politico, è possibile quindi stabilire l’impatto delle memorie di guerra nei relativi contesti in cui si sono sviluppate. L’approccio metodologico della ricerca è stato portato avanti attraverso l’analisi della letteratura corrente e l’elaborazione dei dati raccolti direttamente sul campo.This research intends to present a new methodological approach within the field of Conflict Studies. The design of a new research item called “constrictive memory” offers a new way to analyse the impact of war memories and experiences in post-conflict societies. The union of two already-existing theoretical concepts, such as memorialisation and proximity to traumatic events, creates a new conceptualization: thanks to an operationalisation process, it is possible to effectively measure the influence of war memories in the socio-political instability levels of an area. In order to support the new theoretical framework, the thesis will present also four case studies located in the Western Balkan region: Prijedor, Stolac for Bosnia and Herzegovina; Vukovar for Croatia and Apatin for Serbia. All of them offer valuable theoretical and empirical reflections in relation to the hypothesis advanced in this research. Through the analysis of a number of variables concerning local constrictive memory and socio-political issues persisting in the area, it is possible to establish the impact of war-related memories on their respective current contexts. The methodological approach of this research has been carried out by a combination of literature review and the elaboration of empirical data acquired through fieldwork activity

    Mitochondrial translocation of APE1 relies on the MIA pathway

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    APE1 is a multifunctional protein with a fundamental role in repairing nuclear and mitochondrial DNA lesions caused by oxidative and alkylating agents. Unfortunately, comprehensions of the mechanisms regulating APE1 intracellular trafficking are still fragmentary and contrasting. Recent data demonstrate that APE1 interacts with the mitochondrial import and assembly protein Mia40 suggesting the involvement of a redox-assisted mechanism, dependent on the disulfide transfer system, to be responsible of APE1 trafficking into the mitochondria. The MIA pathway is an import machinery that uses a redox system for cysteine enriched proteins to drive them in this compartment. It is composed by two main proteins: Mia40 is the oxidoreductase that catalyzes the formation of the disulfide bonds in the substrate, while ALR reoxidizes Mia40 after the import. In this study, we demonstrated that: (i) APE1 and Mia40 interact through disulfide bond formation; and (ii) Mia40 expression levels directly affect APE1's mitochondrial translocation and, consequently, play a role in the maintenance of mitochondrial DNA integrity. In summary, our data strongly support the hypothesis of a redox-assisted mechanism, dependent on Mia40, in controlling APE1 translocation into the mitochondrial inner membrane space and thus highlight the role of this protein transport pathway in the maintenance of mitochondrial DNA stability and cell survival
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