24 research outputs found

    Guinea pigs as experimental model to evaluate the resistance of the tissue expander capsule Cobaias como modelo experimental para avaliar a resistência da cápsula do tecido expandido

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    The purpose of this study is to report the use of guinea pigs as experimental model to study the resitance of the tissue expander capsule. Two groups were studied. In both groups a round 20 cc tissue expander, attached to a multiperforated catheter was inserted. The pocket housing was standardized. The skin over the expanded area was tattooed demarcating the area and arc, which were measured before and after each expansion. Every 4 days, a volume corresponding to 10% of the expander's total capacity was injected. Animals of the control group received 3 cc of saline through the catheter at the same time of expansion. Animals of the experimental group received 3 cc of the HBGF-1 diluted with saline. The intraluminal pressure of the expander was measured before and after the injection. After its total filling, the animals were sacrificed and 5 cc more were injected into each expander. The pressure was measured after each 1 cc injected. The capsule was examined histologically by immunofluorescence, trichrome and hematoxylin-eosin stains with the purpose of quantifying collagen and fibroblasts. The experimental model to study the resistance of the tissue expander's capsule showed to be feasible in guinea pigs.<br>O objetivo deste estudo é relatar o uso de cobaias como modelo experimental para estudar a resistência da cápsula de expansores. Dois grupos foram estudados. Em ambos os grupos um expansor Redondo de 20 ml com um cateter multiperforado fixadoforam inseridos nos animais. A loja foi padronizada. A pele a ser expandida foi tatuada demarcando uma area e um arco que foram medidos a cada expansão. A cada 4 dias. Um volume correspondendo a 10 % da capacidade total do expansor foi injetado. Os animais do grupo controle receberam 3 ml de soro fisiológico pelo catéter de irrigação no mesmo momento da expansão. Os animais do grupo experimental receberam 3 ml de HBGF-1 diluido com soro fisiológico. A pressão intraluminal do expansor foi medida antes e após a injeção. Após o prenchimento total do expansor, os animais foram sacrificados e mais 5 ml foram injetados dentro de cada expansor. A pressão foi medida após cada 1 ml injetado. A cápsula foi examinada histologicamente por immunofluorescência, tricromo e hematoxilina-eosina com a finalidade de quantificar colágeno e fibroblastos. O modelo experimental para estudar a resistência da cápsula do expansor de pele mostrou-se factível em cobaias

    A minimally invasive midface suspension

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    Aim: With the normal aging process, the malar fat pad descends vertically, causing a number of characteristic changes to the face. Various techniques have been used to correct ptosis of the malar fat pad.Methods: The authors describe a technique that is minimally invasive and can be used to correct malar fat pad ptosis. This technique uses a suspension suture to elevate the malar fat pad to a more youthful position. The technique has been successfully used in 71 patients.Results: All of the cases were performed in the office setting under local anesthesia. There were no complications, and, by patient self-report and physician exam, results have been lasting and satisfactory.Conclusion: The minimally invasive midface suspension is a safe and successful approach to midface rejuvenation in properly selected patients

    Imidacloprid Uptake and Leaching in the Critical Root Zone of a Florida Entisol

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    Imidacloprid (IDP) products are applied via soil drenching in the citrus critical root zone (CCRZ) at 0–60 cm soil depth. This study aimed to determine the uptake and leaching of IDP in the CCRZ of a Florida Entisol. The treatments include: (1) a control with no IDP applied, (2) 1.6 g of active ingredient (a.i.) per tree (×2), and (3) 3.2 g a.i. per tree of IDP (×4). The treatments were applied to two trees within each experiment unit, replicated five times, and completely randomized. The IDP concentration in the Entisol was affected by the amount of water received within the sampling intervals. IDP movement in the Entisol was evident for the field trials in Fall 2021 and 2022, irrespective of the treatment. A total of 10 mm of daily irrigation was the major driver of IDP movement in Fall 2021 (September–December 2021), while 11.7 cm of cumulative rainfall plus 10 mm of daily irrigation were the major drivers for IDP in Fall 2022 (November–December 2022). The IDP uptake level by leaves was relatively low probably because of the relatively low temperature and humidity. More applications of IDP did not result in its higher uptake by citrus leaves in the Entisol. Given the persistence of IDP, there is a possibility of leaching, which could potentially contaminate the groundwater, surface water, and non-target organisms. Therefore, it is crucial to carefully manage the use of IDP in citrus production systems to mitigate the unintended environmental impacts

    Conocimiento pedagógico en evaluación educativa de los docentes y la construcción de exámenes del idioma ingles

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    The purpose of this study is to find the existing relationship between knowledge in educational assessment and achievement test production. The first phase went through literature review of both variables, and then two instruments to collect data were designed. A survey aiming at measuring teachers ́ knowledge of evaluation and assessment, and a rubric which aimed at verifying the quality of tests already collected. After that, the data obtained in both instruments were analyzed and contrasted finding that teachers have a high knowledge of assessment and evaluation, but that knowledge differs from test quality. Finally, a Guide is proposed as a tool that helps future test quality.El propósito de este estudio es verificar la relación existente entre el conocimiento en evaluación educativa y la producción de exámenes de logro, llamados en inglés achievement tests. La primera etapa del trabajo constituyó en la revisión literaria del tema y luego se procedió a diseñar dos instrumentos de recolección de datos, una encuesta encaminada a medir el conocimiento en evaluación aplicada a docentes, y una rúbrica para verificar la calidad de las pruebas construidas en ese entonces. Después, los datos obtenidos en ambos instrumentos fueron analizados y contrastados encontrando que, mientras la encuesta aplicada muestra un alto conocimiento en evaluación, la calidad de exámenes difiere de aquel conocimiento. Se concluyó en la inexistencia de la relación entre conocimiento y calidad de pruebas en este grupo de docentes. Finalmente, se propone una Guía como una herramienta que ayude a mejorar la calidad de pruebas.

    El sexismo en la elección de carreras técnicas y propuesta de sensibilización sobre equidad de género

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    The present investigation addressed the sexism in the choice of technical careers of the students of Center of Continuing Education of the National Polytechnical School. The main causes that originated the negative practices of the gender roles were discussed, based on descriptive and explanatory research. In these cases, the students of the Center for Continuing Education of the National Polytechnic School have been under a process of discriminatory gender socialization with a stereotyped identity and a professional orientation without a gender focus, evidencing strong inequities in the choice of technical careers . In the theoretical framework the contents were developed through a matrix of research variables, the same that according to nature, was of qualitative type whose results were the basis for the elaboration of the proposal. The process to obtain information on the problem was rooted in the surveys that favored the knowledge and analysis of sexism in the selection of technical careers, whose results justified the elaboration of the gender sensitization proposal whose objective is to break the stereotypes that have disadvantaged both men and women in the performance of their public and private life.La presente investigación abordó el sexismo en la elección de carreras técnicas de las y los estudiantes de Centro de Educación Continua de la Escuela Politécnica Nacional. Se trató las causas principales que originan las prácticas negativas de los roles de género sustentándose en la investigación de carácter descriptivo y explicativo.  En estos casos, las y los estudiantes del Centro de Educación Continua de la Escuela Politécnica Nacional han estado bajo un proceso de socialización de género discriminatorio con una identidad estereotipada y con una orientación profesional sin enfoque de género evidenciándose fuertes inequidades en la elección de carreras técnicas. En el marco teórico se desarrollaron los contenidos a través de una matriz de variables de la investigación, la misma que de acuerdo a la naturaleza, fue de tipo cualitativo cuyos resultados fueron la base para la elaboración de la propuesta. El proceso para obtener información sobre la problemática radicó especialmente en las encuestas que favorecieron el conocimiento y análisis del sexismo en la elección de carreras técnicas, de cuyos resultados se justificó la elaboración de la propuesta de sensibilización en género cuyo objetivo es romper los estereotipos que han perjudicado tanto a hombres como a mujeres en el desempeño de su vida pública y privada