3,946 research outputs found

    Vortex motion around a circular cylinder above a plane

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    The study of vortex flows around solid obstacles is of considerable interest from both a theoretical and practical perspective. One geometry that has attracted renewed attention recently is that of vortex flows past a circular cylinder placed above a plane wall, where a stationary recirculating eddy can form in front of the cylinder, in contradistinction to the usual case (without the plane boundary) for which a vortex pair appears behind the cylinder. Here we analyze the problem of vortex flows past a cylinder near a wall through the lenses of the point-vortex model. By conformally mapping the fluid domain onto an annular region in an auxiliary complex plane, we compute the vortex Hamiltonian analytically in terms of certain special functions related to elliptic theta functions. A detailed analysis of the equilibria of the model is then presented. The location of the equilibrium in front of the cylinder is shown to be in qualitative agreement with the experimental findings. We also show that a topological transition occurs in phase space as the parameters of the systems are variedComment: 17 pages, 8 figure

    Four-vortex motion around a circular cylinder

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    The motion of two pairs of counter-rotating point vortices placed in a uniform flow past a circular cylinder is studied analytically and numerically. When the dynamics is restricted to the symmetric subspace---a case that can be realized experimentally by placing a splitter plate in the center plane---, it is found that there is a family of linearly stable equilibria for same-signed vortex pairs. The nonlinear dynamics in the symmetric subspace is investigated and several types of orbits are presented. The analysis reported here provides new insights and reveals novel features of this four-vortex system, such as the fact that there is no equilibrium for two pairs of vortices of opposite signs on the opposite sides of the cylinder. (It is argued that such equilibria might exist for vortex flows past a cylinder confined in a channel.) In addition, a new family of opposite-signed equilibria on the normal line is reported. The stability analysis for antisymmetric perturbations is also carried out and it shows that all equilibria are unstable in this case.Comment: 27 pages, 13 figures, to be published in Physics of Fluid

    Distribution and toxicity of Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii (Cyanobacteria) in Portuguese freshwaters

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    The cyanobacterium Cylindrospermopsis racborskii has become increasingly prevalent in freshwaters worldwide. This species is of concern from a water quality perspective due to its known ability to produce a potent hepatotoxic alkaloid cylindrospermopsin, which has been implicated in outbreaks of human sickness and cattle mortality. C. raciborskii isolates from Brazil have also been found to produce the highly toxic paralytic shellfish poisons (PSP's). In this paper we report the toxicity of four isolates of C. raciborskii taken from three reservoirs and one river in Portugal as well as the occurrence of this species in other water bodies used for potable and recreational purposes. All four isolates grown in pure culture in the laboratory were found to be toxic in the mouse bioassay at 8 - 24 hours after intraperitoneal administration of single doses ranging from 1337 to 1572 mg kg-1. Histological examination showed liver damage as the primary lesion, in addition to some inflammation in the intestine. HPLC/MS tests for the presence of cylindrospermopsin, microcystins and PSP toxins were negative. The available evidence suggests that another toxin may be present. This report constitutes the first report of toxic C. raciborskii in Europe and draws attention to our need for increased monitoring of this cyanobacterium in water bodies used for potable and recreational purposes.La cianobacteria Cylindrospermopsis racborskii ha incrementado su presencia en agua dulce por todo el mundo. Esta especie es de gran importancia debido a su conocida capacidad para producir un alcaloide hepatotóxico, cilindrospermopsina. Esta toxina es responsable de enfermedades en humanos y mortalidad en ganado. Cepas de C. raciborskii aisladas de Brasil se ha demostrado que tienen capacidad para producir la toxina paralytic shellfish poisons (PSP's). En este trabajo hemos estudiado la presencia de esta especie en agua dulce con usos recreacionales y de abastecimiento en Portugal. De las cuatro cepas C. raciborskii aisladas de tres embalses y de un río estudiamos la toxicidad con bioensayos en ratones. Todas presentaron toxicidad al cabo de las 8 - 24 horas tras inyección intraperitoneal, la dosis presenta un rango de concentración de 1337 a 1572 mg kg-1. La examinación histológica reveló daños en el hígado y señales inflamatorias en el intestino. Los análisis con HPLC/MS revelaron la ausencia de cilindrospermopsina, microcistinas y PSP, sugiriendo que otra toxina podría estar presente para las cepas aisladas y cultivadas en laboratorio. Este artículo es el primero acerca de la toxicidad de C. raciborskii en Europa y refleja la necesidad de aumentar el monitoreo de esta cyanobacteria en el agua potable y con fines recreativos

    Implantação e evolução dos trabalhos de pesquisa participativa em melhoramento de mandioca no Nordeste Brasileiro.

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    Este trabalho faz um breve histórico sobre a implantação e os avanços da pesquisa participativa em melhoramento de mandioca (PPMM) no Nordeste do Brasil, desenvolvida pela Embrapa Mandioca e Fruticultura. A metodologia de pesquisa participativa em melhoramento de mandioca foi desenvolvida inicialmente no Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), na Colômbia e introduzida e adaptada as condições das regiões semi-árida do Nordeste brasileiro a partir de 1993. Os primeiros resultados demostraram que a metodologia de PPMM como um complemento ao método convencional de melhoramento genético da cultura.bitstream/item/81562/1/Implantacao-evolucao-Wania-Fukuda-Docuemntos-92-2000.pdfMemória

    Seismic behaviour of traditional timber frame walls: experimental results on unreinforced walls

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    Timber frame buildings are well known as an efficient seismic resistant structure and they are used worldwide. Moreover, they have been specifically adopted in codes and regulations during the XVIII and XIX centuries in the Mediterranean area. These structures generally consist of exterior masonry walls with timber elements embedded which tie the walls together and internal walls which have a timber frame with masonry infill and act as shearwalls. In order to preserve these structureswhich characterizemany cities in theworld it is important to better understand their behaviour under seismic actions. Furthermore, historic technologies could be used even in modern constructions to build seismic resistant buildings using more natural materials with lesser costs. Generally, different types of infill could be applied to timber frame walls depending on the country, among which brick masonry, rubble masonry, hay and mud. The focus of this paper is to study the seismic behaviour of the walls considering different types of infill, specifically: masonry infill, lath and plaster and timber frame with no infill. Static cyclic tests have been performed on unreinforced timber frame walls in order to study their seismic capacity in terms of strength, stiffness, ductility and energy dissipation. The tests showed how in the unreinforced condition, the infill is able to guarantee a greater stiffness, ductility and ultimate capacity of the wall.The authors would like to acknowledge Eng. Filipe Ferreira and A.O.F. (Augusto Oliveira Ferreira & C Lda.) for their expertise and collaboration in the construction of the wall specimens. The first author would also like to acknowledge the Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation (FCT) for its financial support through grant SFRH / BD / 61908 / 2009