16 research outputs found

    Isolamento e seleção de actinobactérias promotoras do crescimento de plantas de solo rizosférico de Araucaria angustifolia

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    Actinobacteria are capable of playing several different roles in soil ecosystems. These microorganisms affect other organisms by producing secondary metabolites and are responsible for the degradation of different complex and relatively recalcitrant organic compounds. In our survey of actinobacteria isolated from the rhizosphere of Araucaria angustifolia, five culture media (AI, WYE, YCED, MSSC and LNMS) were compared for their effectiveness in isolating these microorganisms. When summing up all the isolates randomly obtained, we got 103 isolates. After isolation, the phosphate-solubilizing ability and the in vitro production of indole-acetic acid and chitinases were evaluated. The AI medium was ineffective for actinobacteria isolation, when it was compared with the other four culture media. Indole-acetic acid and chitinase were produced by respectively 36% and 24% of the strains tested. However, only 2% of the 103 strains presented some phosphate-solubilizing ability. These results demonstrate the biotechnological potential of these microorganisms.Actinobactérias são capazes de desenvolver diferentes funções no ecossistema edáfico. Esses microrganismos, além de interagir com outros grupos de microrganismos e plantas, ao produzir metabólitos secundários, são responsáveis pela degradação de diferentes compostos orgânicos. Com intuito de facilitar os estudos envolvendo actinobactérias encontradas em sistemas florestais, cinco meios de cultura (AI, WYE, YCED, MSSC e LNMS) foram avaliados quanto à eficiência em isolar estes microrganismos. Além disso, foi analisada a capacidade dos diferentes isolados em solubilizar fosfato de cálcio, produzir ácido indol-acético e quitinases. Dos cinco meios de cultura testados, somente o AI foi ineficiente em isolar actinobactérias. A produção de ácido indol-acético e quitinases foi observada em 36% e 24% dos isolados analisados, respectivamente. Contudo, apenas 2% dos 103 isolados foram capazes de solubilizar fosfato de cálcio. Estes resultados comprovam o potencial biotecnológico desses microrganismos

    Soil health: looking for suitable indicators. What should be considered to assess the effects of use and management on soil health?

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    Soil quality bioindicators of an environmental restoration gradient

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    Impactos ambientais podem interferir nas características da biomassa microbiana, no processo de ciclagem de nutrientes, nas características físicoquímicas e também na diversidade da microbiota e da macrofauna. O objetivo desse trabalho foi conhecer as diferentes interações entre estes atributos e identificar os indicadores da qualidade do solo envolvidos com o tempo de recuperação. Três áreas com estágios diferentes de recuperação (5, 10 e 20 anos) foram comparadas com uma floresta Estacional Semidecídua nativa (NT) com intuito de estudar o comportamento da microbiota, da macrofauna e de suas interações com os atributos físico-químicos. Foram coletadas amostras em 15 pontos por áreas, escolhidos aleatoriamente. Dentre os atributos microbiológicos, a maior atividade das enzimas urease, fosfatase ácida e desidrogeanse foi encontrada na área nativa. O mesmo foi constatado para a respiração basal e para o carbono e nitrogênio da biomassa microbiana. A análise da estrutura da comunidade de Bacteria, feita a partir de TRFLP, separou as áreas, nativa e de 20 anos de recuperação, das demais, somente no verão. A densidade do solo, a umidade e a microporosidade afetaram negativamente os indicadores microbiológicos do solo, sendo em conjunto com o carbono total do solo os principais fatores discriminantes das áreas. Ocorreu maior presença das espécies de FMA A. spinosa, A. colossica, A. lacunosa, G. decipiens e Gigaspora sp. na área NT e das espécies G. viscosum, A. mellea, A. scrobiculata e S. heterogama na área R05 e G. rosea nas áreas R10 e R20. As principais variáveis ambientais que explicam a relação com as espécies de FMA foram microporosidade, macroporosidade, atividade da fosfatase ácida e densidade, umidade, CBM, NBM e N-NO3. Efeito sazonal sobre as espécies de FMA também foi observado. Maiores valores de proteína do solo relacionada com glomalina (GRSP) foram encontrados no inverno e somente a proteína do solo relacionada com glomalina facilmente extraível (EE-GRSP) separou a área NT das demais. Observou-se, também, alta correlação dessa glicoproteina com os atributos físico-químicos e microbiológicos. Em relação à fauna edáfica ocorreu efeito da sazonalidade e do método de coleta utilizado (armadilhas e monolito). Houve diferença entre os índices de Shanon, Simpson e Pielou somente na época seca, sendo as maiores diferenças nas áreas mais antigas (NT e R20). Maior riqueza foi encontrada ao se utilizar o método de monolito. De acordo com a análise discriminante, Diplopoda foi o principal grupo para as duas épocas e os dois métodos de coleta. Porosidade, densidade basal, umidade, nitrogênio total do solo e atividade das enzimas desidrogenase e urease foram fatores importantes para a separação dos grupos da fauna no gradiente de recuperação ambiental. Esse trabalho mostrou que os atributos biológicos e físicoquímicos de qualidade do solo interagem e se modificam de acordo com a idade das áreas e com a sazonalidade.Environmental impactation can affect microbial biomass, nutrient cycling, processes, physical-chemical characteristics and also the diversity of microbes and edaphic fauna. The aim of this study was to understand the different interactions between these attributes and to identify the indicators of soil quality involved in the recovery process. Three areas with different stages of recovery [5 (R05), 10 (R10) and 20 (R20) years] were compared with a native semideciduous forest (NT) in order to study the behavior of microbes, macrofauna and their interactions with the physical and chemical attributes. Samples were collected at 15 points in each area. Greater activity of urease, acid phosphatase and dehydrogenase were found in the native area. The same result was found for basal respiration, microbial biomass carbon (MBC) and nitrogen (MBN). The structure of Bacteria analyzed by T-RFLP discriminated the native and R20 from R05 and R10, only in the summer. Soil bulk density, humidity and microporosity negatively affected soil microbiological indicators and together with total soil carbon they were the main discriminant factors. A. colossica, A. lacunosa, G. decipiens and Gigaspora sp. were more abundant in NT and the species G. viscosum, A. mellea, A. scrobiculata and S. heterogama in R05 and G. rosea in R10 and R20. Porosity, soil bulk density, humidity, acid phosphatase activity, MBC, MBN and N-NO3 - were the principal environmental variables related to AMF species distribution. Seasonal influences on AMF species were also observed. Higher glomalin related soil protein (GRSP) content was found only in the winter and NT had only EE-GRSP (easly extracted glomalin related soil protein) different from the recovery areas. Correlations among glomalin and physical-chemical and microbiological attributes were observed. Edaphic fauna groups were influenced by seasonality and by sampling methodology (pitfall traps and monoliths). Shannons, Simpsons and the evenness index were significant only in the dry season and in the oldest areas. Richness was higher when the monolith method was used. Diplopoda was the principal group that discriminated the recovery gradient for both seasons and methodologies. Porosity, soil bulk density, humidity, total nitrogen, urease and dehydrogenase were important factors to separate faunal groups. This work showed that biological and physico-chemical soil quality attributes interact and changed according to gradient recovery and seasonality

    Rhizosphere Actinobacteria from Araucaria angustifolia with biotechnological potential

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    A espécie Araucaria angustifolia, pertencente ao fragilizado Bioma Mata Atlântica, foi, durante décadas, uma das maiores fontes de madeira no Brasil. Essa espécie é de grande importância sendo fonte de alimento e matéria prima para a produção de móveis, polpa de celulose e vernizes. Devido à grande importância econômica e ambiental da araucária, estudos voltados à preservação e manejo da espécie se tornaram necessários. Este trabalho teve como finalidade isolar actinobactérias, presentes na rizosfera de araucária, antagônicos aos fungos Fusarium sp .e Armillaria sp. Estes patógenos são responsáveis por danos às raízes e sementes causando podridão e perda de mudas. Além disso, verificou-se também o efeito das actinobactérias sobre a germinação de esporos de Gigaspora rosea. Após a seleção dos melhores inibidores, identificação morfológica e seqüenciamento do gene 16S rRNA, verificou-se o efeito destes sobre o crescimento de Pinus taeda, na presença e na ausência do fungo ectomicorrízico (Suillus brevipes). Os isolados ainda foram avaliados quanto à produção de enzimas como quitinase, lipase, fosfatase, celulase, amilase e protease. Para o isolamento foram coletadas raízes de 15 árvores adultas presentes na mata nativa. Dez gramas de raízes frescas com resíduos de solo aderidos firmemente foram agitados por 30 minutos em solução salina 0,85 % padronizando como solo rizosférico aquele que soltou das raízes. Neste isolamento foram utilizadas duas metodologias: por plaqueamento e por separação física pela utilização de membrana de 0,45 micrômetros. Foram obtidos 33 possíveis actinobactérias. Os isolados foram testados quanto à capacidade antagônica pelo método de contato direto, inoculando-os a 30 mm de distância do fungo fitopatogênico Fusarium sp., em placas de petri contendo meio ISP2. Os halos de inibição foram medidos após 3, 5, 7 e 10 dias. De todos os isolados testados 6 mantiveram a inibição por 10 dias com manutenção de halos de inibição de até 4 mm contra um Fusarium sp. isolado de sementes de milho e 2 foram eficientes na inibição de Fusarium sp, patógeno de Pinus sp. A análise de inibição do fungo Armillaria sp, foi feito em meio líquido medindo o crescimento em mg/dia após 30 dias na presença de extratos de actinobactérias e também pela contagem de rizomorfas em placa de petri após 20 dias de incubação em contato direto com as actinobactérias. Verificou-se que de 28 isolados testados 24 foram capazes de inibir a produção de rizomorfas, destacando-se o isolado A43 que foi capaz de inibir ambos os fungos, Fusarium e Armillaria. Os esporos de Gigaspora rosea tiveram a taxa de germinação avaliada na presença de actinobactérias a partir da técnica de dupla camada. Todos os seis isolados testados foram capazes de estimular a germinação dos esporos desse fungo micorrizico. Nenhum dos seis isolados (A43, A43b, PNA, A64, A75 e A93) foi capaz de produzir fosfatases e lipases. Porém os isolados A93, A75, A64 e PNA produziram protease, quitinase e amilase. Em casa de vegetação, foi testado o efeito de seis isolados, na presença e não ausência de ectomicorriza (Suillus brevipes), sobre plântulas de Pinus taeda. Analisou-se o diâmetro, a altura, a massa seca da raiz e da parte aérea e também o fósforo da parte aérea. Destaca-se o isolado A43 que, quando na ausência de ectomicorriza, estimulou o desenvolvimento da planta em relação ao controletambém sem ectomicorriza, provocando aumento de 100 % para massa seca da parte aérea e da raiz. Os resultados encontrados neste trabalho poderão levar ao desenvolvimento de novas tecnologias, visando à identificação de novos metabólitos e novas técnicas de manejo, voltados ao controle de doenças de plantas, especialmente as espécies arbóreas.The tree Araucaria angustifolia, belonging to the endangered Atlantic Forest biome, for many decades was the source of Brazilian wood. This species is also very important in providing food and feed, as well as raw material for joinery, cellulose pulp and varnish. Due to the economic and environmental importance of A. angustifolia, research projects involving the preservation and management of this species are becoming more urgent and necessary. The aim of this work was to isolate Araucaria rhizosphere actinobacteria with antagonic effects against the plant pathogens Fusarium sp. and Armillaria sp. These fungi cause root rot and seed damage, with the consequent loss of seedlings. Moreover, the effect of these actinobacteria on Gigaspora rosea spore germination was studied. After the selection of the best pathogen inhibitors, we also tested the effect of these microorganisms on Pinus taeda growth, in the presence or absence of the ectomycorrhizal fungus Suillus brevipes. The production of protease, chitinase, lipase, phosphatase, cellulase and amylase of these bacteria in culture media was also investigated. For the isolation of rhizosphere bacteria, we collected roots of 15 adult trees in a native forest. Ten grams of fresh roots with soil residues adhered to the surface were shaken in 0,85 % salt solution for 30 minutes. Two techniques were used, the dilution plate method and the coverage of the medium, utilizing a 0,45 µm membrane to separate these filamentous bacteria. About 33 actinobacteria were isolated. After isolation the actinobacteria were tested against the plant pathogenic fungi Fusarium spp., utilizing dual culture techniques and ISP2 medium. The inhibition halo was measured after 3, 5, 7 and 10 days. Six of our isolates maintained an inhibition zone measuring at least 4 mm against Fusarium sp. isolated from corn seed and 2 mm against the Fusarium, which causes root root of Pine trees. For the inhibition test of Armillaria, in liquid medium with the addition of culture extracts of actinobacteria, the growth in mg/day was measured after thirty days growth, and the number of rizomorphs produced in culture dishes after twenty days in dual culture with the actinobacteria was counted. Six bacteria proved to be antagonistic (A43, A43b, A64, PNA, A93 e A75), and only one had no effect. Possibly the elevation of the pH value played also a role in this situation. About 24 of 28 isolates inhibited the rizomorph production, especially the isolate A43 that showed a double antagonism against Fusarium and Armillaria. The dual layer test was used to investigate the reaction of the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Gigaspora rosea spore germination to the presence of actinobacteria. All the six actinobacteria stimulated the germination, but the germ tube did not grow straight forward as in the control. This result may indicate a negative effect against this arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus. None of the six isolates tested (A43, A43b, PNA, A64, A75 and A93) produced phosphatases and lipases, but A93, A75, A64 and PNA produced protease, amylase and chitinase. Isolates A43 and A43b did not produce any of the enzymes tested. This fact suggests that there is production of an antibiotic acting against the pathogenic fungi. Pinus taeda seedlings were grown under green-house conditions. After three months the stem diameter, shoot height, root and shoot dry weight and shoot phosphorus content were evaluated. Plants with ectomycorrhiza presented a significant growth promotion in comparison with the nonmycorrhizal ones. Among the actinobacteria in the absence of mycorrhiza only the isolate A43 produced a 100% growth enhancement in comparison with the control plant without ectomycorrhiza. The results presented in this dissertation could lead to the development of new technologies and new management techniques, with regard to the control of plant diseases, especially in tree species

    Rhizospheric streptomycetes as potential biocontrol agents of Fusarium and Armillaria pine rot and as PGPR for Pinus taeda

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    Pinus taeda is one of the main timber trees in Brazil, occupying 1.8 million ha with an annual productivity of 25-30 m(3) ha(-1). Another important species is Araucaria angustifolia, belonging to the fragile Rainforest biome, which for decades has been a major source of timber in Brazil. Some diseases that affect the roots and/or the stem of these trees and cause "damping-off" of the seedlings, with economic and environmental losses for the forest sector, are caused by the plant pathogenic fungi Fusarium sp. or Armillaria sp. This research project intended to isolate actinobacteria from the Araucaria rhizosphere, which present an antagonistic effect against these fungi. After the selection of the best pathogen inhibitors, morphologic characteristics, enzyme production, and their effect on the growth of Pinus taeda were studied. The actinobacteria were tested for their antagonistic capacity against Fusarium sp. in Petri plates with PDA as substrate. The inhibition zone was measured after 3, 5, 7, and 10 days. Of all the isolates tested, only two of them maintained inhibition zones up to 4 mm for 10 days. The inhibition of Armillaria sp. was tested in liquid medium and also in Petri dishes through the evaluation of the number of the fungal rhizomorphs in dual culture with the actinobacteria. It was found that all five isolates were able to inhibit the rhizomorph production, with the best performance of the isolate A43, which was capable of inhibiting both fungi, Fusarium and Armillaria. In a greenhouse experiment, the effect of five isolates on the growth of Pinus taeda seedlings was tested. Plant height, stem diameter, root and shoot dry matter were determined. The Streptomyces isolate A43 doubled plant growth. These results may lead to the development of new technologies in the identification of still unknown bacterial metabolites and new management techniques to control forest plant diseases

    Microbial biomass and activity in litter during the initial development of pure and mixed plantations of Eucalyptus grandis and Acacia mangium

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    Studies on microbial activity and biomass in forestry plantations often overlook the role of litter, typically focusing instead on soil nutrient contents to explain plant and microorganism development. However, since the litter is a significant source of recycled nutrients that affect nutrient dynamics in the soil, litter composition may be more strongly correlated with forest growth and development than soil nutrient contents. This study aimed to test this hypothesis by examining correlations between soil C, N, and P; litter C, N, P, lignin content, and polyphenol content; and microbial biomass and activity in pure and mixed second-rotation plantations of Eucalyptus grandis and Acacia mangium before and after senescent leaf drop. The numbers of cultivable fungi and bacteria were also estimated. All properties were correlated with litter C, N, P, lignin and polyphenols, and with soil C and N. We found higher microbial activity (CO2 evolution) in litter than in soil. In the E. grandis monoculture before senescent leaf drop, microbial biomass C was 46 % higher in litter than in soil. After leaf drop, this difference decreased to 16 %. In A. mangium plantations, however, microbial biomass C was lower in litter than in soil both before and after leaf drop. Microbial biomass N of litter was approximately 94 % greater than that of the soil in summer and winter in all plantations. The number of cultivable fungi and bacteria increased after leaf drop, especially so in the litter. Fungi were also more abundant in the E. grandis litter. In general, the A. mangium monoculture was associated with higher levels of litter lignin and N, especially after leaf drop. In contrast, the polyphenol and C levels in E. grandis monoculture litter were higher after leaf drop. These properties were negatively correlated with total soil C and N. Litter in the mixed stands had lower C:N and C:P ratios and higher N, P, and C levels in the microbial biomass. This suggests more effective nutrient cycling in mixed plantations in the long term, greater stimulation of microbial activity in litter and soil, and a more sustainable system in general

    Microbial biomass and activity in litter during the initial development of pure and mixed plantations of Eucalyptus grandis and Acacia mangium Biomassa e atividade microbiana da serapilheira durante o desenvolvimento inicial de plantios puros e mistos de Eucalyptus grandis e Acacia mangium

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    Studies on microbial activity and biomass in forestry plantations often overlook the role of litter, typically focusing instead on soil nutrient contents to explain plant and microorganism development. However, since the litter is a significant source of recycled nutrients that affect nutrient dynamics in the soil, litter composition may be more strongly correlated with forest growth and development than soil nutrient contents. This study aimed to test this hypothesis by examining correlations between soil C, N, and P; litter C, N, P, lignin content, and polyphenol content; and microbial biomass and activity in pure and mixed second-rotation plantations of Eucalyptus grandis and Acacia mangium before and after senescent leaf drop. The numbers of cultivable fungi and bacteria were also estimated. All properties were correlated with litter C, N, P, lignin and polyphenols, and with soil C and N. We found higher microbial activity (CO2 evolution) in litter than in soil. In the E. grandis monoculture before senescent leaf drop, microbial biomass C was 46 % higher in litter than in soil. After leaf drop, this difference decreased to 16 %. In A. mangium plantations, however, microbial biomass C was lower in litter than in soil both before and after leaf drop. Microbial biomass N of litter was approximately 94 % greater than that of the soil in summer and winter in all plantations. The number of cultivable fungi and bacteria increased after leaf drop, especially so in the litter. Fungi were also more abundant in the E. grandis litter. In general, the A. mangium monoculture was associated with higher levels of litter lignin and N, especially after leaf drop. In contrast, the polyphenol and C levels in E. grandis monoculture litter were higher after leaf drop. These properties were negatively correlated with total soil C and N. Litter in the mixed stands had lower C:N and C:P ratios and higher N, P, and C levels in the microbial biomass. This suggests more effective nutrient cycling in mixed plantations in the long term, greater stimulation of microbial activity in litter and soil, and a more sustainable system in general.A serapilheira é, muitas vezes, um compartimento negligenciado para avaliação e melhor entendimento do comportamento da atividade e biomassa microbiana em plantios florestais. Quase sempre, em estudos dessa natureza, os autores tentam encontrar explicações para o padrão de desenvolvimento de plantas e microrganismos, por meio da avaliação dos nutrientes minerais no solo. Entretanto, considerando-se a dinâmica de disponibilização desses nutrientes, a hipótese é que provavelmente ocorra maior relação entre o crescimento de plantas florestais e da atividade microbiana com os nutrientes presentes na serapilheira. Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a atividade e biomassa microbiana e o número mais provável de fungos e bactérias totais cultiváveis do solo e da serapilheira, numa segunda rotação de plantios puros e mistos de Eucalyptus grandis e Acacia mangium, manejados em cultivo mínimo, antes e após a deposição de folhas senescentes. Esses atributos foram relacionados com os teores totais de C, N, P e teor de lignina e polifenóis da serapilheira e C, N e P do solo. Antes da deposição de folhas senescentes, o C da biomassa microbiana da serapilheira foi 46 % maior que a biomassa microbiana do solo nos plantios de E. grandis. Após a deposição foliar, essa diferença diminuiu para 16 %. No entanto, o C da biomassa microbiana da serapilheira no plantio puro de A. mangium foi menor que qualquer um desses valores. Já o N da biomassa microbiana da serapilheira apresentou-se com grande potencial para estocar esse nutriente, sendo, em média, 94 % maior que o N da biomassa microbiana do solo nas duas épocas e em todos os plantios. Houve maior atividade microbiana na serapilheira que no solo. Além disso, o plantio misto e a monocultura de E. grandis com N apresentaram maior atividade microbiana, após a deposição foliar. O número mais provável de fungos e bactérias totais cultiváveis foi maior após a deposição, com maior representação na serapilheira; os fungos foram mais relacionados com os resíduos de E. grandis. De maneira geral, o plantio puro de A. mangium foi mais relacionado com altos teores de lignina e N na serapilheira, principalmente após a deposição foliar. Diferentemente, as monoculturas de E. grandis sempre tiveram relação com os maiores teores de C da serapilheira e de fenóis totais, após a deposição foliar, sendo negativamente relacionadas com os teores de C e N totais do solo. O plantio consorciado promoveu na serapilheira menores relações C:N e C:P e maiores teores de N, P e C da biomassa microbiana, sobretudo após a deposição foliar, o que demonstra a dinâmica desse compartimento. Esse fato pode favorecer melhor ciclagem de nutrientes em longo prazo, com estímulo à atividade microbiana do solo e da serapilheira e à sustentabilidade desse sistema de plantio