163 research outputs found

    Concentration-dependent effects of effusol and juncusol from Juncus compressus on seedling development of Arabidopsis thaliana

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    Juncus species are valuable sources of phenanthrene compounds that have been used in traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years. Effusol and juncusol are the most investigated compounds reported to have antimicrobial and anticancer effects; however, to date, their effects on higher plants have not been investigated. In this study, we examined the effects of effusol and juncusol on the growth and other biochemical parameters of the dicot model plant Arabidopsis thaliana in a concentration-dependent manner with a focus on polyamine metabolism. Phenanthrene induced toxic effects on plant growth and development, while effusol and juncusol induced higher biomass and maintained antioxidant defence mechanisms associated with reduced polyamine degradation. Taken together, our results suggest that these compounds could be good candidates for new biopesticide or biostimulant plant growth regulators in the future

    Dual Excitatory and Smooth Muscle-relaxing Effect of Sideritis montana L. Extract on Guinea-pig Ileum

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    The neuronal and smooth muscle effects of methanol extract prepared from the air-dried flowering aerial parts of Sideritis montana L. (SEM) was tested in vitro on guinea-pig ileum. The chemical composition of the investigated extract was analysed by HPLC-MS, and chrysoeriol, chlorogenic acid and caffeic acid were detected as main constituents. The isolated organ assay showed that S. montana extract caused an immediate contraction and a more slowly developing inhibitory response in the ileum. The SME-induced contractions were strongly inhibited by the acetylcholine muscarinic receptor antagonist atropine (0.5 µM), but not by the Na+ channel blocker tetrodotoxin (TTX; 0.5 µM) or the histamine H1 receptor antagonist chloropyramine (0.5 µM). Selective desensitization of capsaicin-sensitive neurons by the sensory neuron stimulant and blocker capsaicin did not influence the contractile effect of SME. As to the spasmolytic effect, SME inhibited the effects of electrical field stimulation, exogenous acetylcholine, or histamine. These smooth muscle-relaxing effects were reversible by repeated renewals of the bathing solution in 40 min